

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


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工作经历 Work Experience
2020.9-至今, 西北工业大学,自动化学院,副教授

教育经历 Education Experience
2016.09-2020.08 德国亚琛工业大学,电气与电子信息学院,博士研究生,电气工程 (师从德国工程院院士、IEEE Fellow Rik.W. De doncker教授)
2013.09-2016.04 西北工业大学,自动化学院,硕士研究生,电气工程
2009.09-2013.07 西北工业大学,自动化学院,学士/本科, 测控技术与仪器

招生信息 Admission Information

荣誉获奖 Awards Information
2018年 陕西省航空学会科学技术一等奖(第四),陕西省科学技术二等奖(第三),陕西省高等学校科技二等奖
2016年 硕士研究生国家奖学金,西北工业大学学术之星,优秀毕业生,全国研究生数学建模竞赛三等奖
2015年 硕士研究生国家奖学金,吴亚军奖学金,全国大学生智能设计竞赛三等奖

科学研究 Scientific Research

学术成果 Academic Achievements
[1]Lefei Ge, Performance Enhancement of Switched Reluctance Machines for High-speed Backup Generators. Aachener Beitraege des ISEA出版社, 亚琛, 德国. ISBN: 1437-675X, Band 151, 152页, 2020年.

SCI 索引论文
[1] Lefei Ge, HuiHui Xu, Zhenchao Guo, Shoujun Song and R. W. De Doncker, "An Optimization-based Initial Position Estimation Method for Switched Reluctance Machines,"IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, Early Access, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2021.**. (SCI 一区, Top期刊)
[2] Lefei Ge, Bernhard Burkhart, Rik W. De Doncker, “ Fast Iron Loss and Thermal Prediction Method for Power Density and Efficiency Improvement in Switched Reluctance Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 4463-4473, June 2020, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2019.**.(SCI 一区, Top期刊)
[3] Lefei Ge, Iliya Ralev, Annegret Klein-Hesling, Shoujun Song, Rik W. De Doncker, “ A Simple Reluctance Calibration Strategy to Obtain the Flux-linkage Characteristics of Switched Reluctance Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 2787-2798, March 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.**.(SCI 一区, Top期刊)
[4] Shoujun Song,Lefei Ge, Zhihui Zhang,“Accurate position estimation of SRM based on optimal interval selection and linear regression analysis,”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63(6): 3467-3478, 2016.(一区, Top期刊)
[5] Song Shoujun,Lefei Ge, Man Zhang,“Data-reconstruction-based modeling of SRM with few flux linkage samples from torque-balanced measurement,”IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 31(2): 424-435, 2016.(二区)
[6] Shoujun Song, Man Zhang,Lefei Ge,“A new fast method for obtaining flux-linkage characteristics of SRM,”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62(7): 4105-4117, 2015.(一区, Top期刊)
[7] Shoujun Song,Lefei Ge, Shaojie Ma,“Accurate measurement and detailed evaluation of static electromagnetic characteristics of switched reluctance machines,”IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 64(3): 704-714, 2015.(二区)
[8] Shoujun Song, Lefei Ge, Shaojie Ma, Man Zhang,“Accurate modeling of switched reluctance machine based on hybrid trained WNN,”AIP Advances, 4(4): 1-9, 2014.
[9] Shoujun Song, Man Zhang,Lefei Ge,“A new decoupled analytical modeling method for switched reluctance machine,”IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(3): 1-4, 2015.
[10] Shoujun Song, Man Zhang,Lefei Ge, Lusheng Wang,“Multiobjective optimal design of switched reluctance linear launcher,”IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 43(5): 1339-1345, 2015.
[1] Lefei Ge, B. Burkhart and R. W. De Doncker, "Fast iron loss prediction method in the pre-design stage of SRMs," The Journal of Engineering, vol. 2019, no. 17, pp. 3677-3681, 6 2019. (EI索引)
[2] Lefei Ge, B. Burkhart, A. Klein-Hessling, H. Xu and R. W. De Doncker, "Comprehensive Performance Comparison and Optimization of Single-Pulse Controlled SRGs for Renewable Electrical Grids," 2019 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Anaheim, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 2632-2637. (EI索引)
[3] Song, Shoujun, andLefei Ge. "Modeling of switched reluctance machine with few samples based on chaotic fuzzy neural network." 2015 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). IEEE, 2015. (EI索引)
[4] Shoujun Song, Man Zhang,Lefei Ge.Multi-Objective Optimal Design of Switched Reluctance Linear Launcher. In Proceedings of 17th Electromagnetic Launch Technology Symposium. (EI索引)
[5] Shoujun Song, Man Zhang,Lefei Ge.A New Analytical Model for Switched Reluctance Machine. In Proceedings of 16th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation. (EI索引)
[6] 宋受俊,葛乐飞,刘虎成,刘卫国,“开关磁阻电机设计及多目标优化方法,”电工技术学报, 29(5): 197-204, 2014. EI收录.
[7] 宋受俊,葛乐飞,张蔓,“开关磁阻电机多目标协同优化设计,”电机与控制学报, 19(1): 68-75, 2015. EI收录.
[8] 宋受俊,葛乐飞,蒋艳玲,“基于文化粒子群算法的开关磁阻电机多目标优化设计,”西北工业大学学报, 32(1): 111-117, 2014. EI收录.

[1]葛乐飞,钟继析,宋受俊;一种基于有限元方法的开关磁阻电机初始位置检测方法,2021.1.11, 8.6,专利.
[2]葛乐飞,钟继析,鲍崇,宋受俊,蒙海鹰;一种基于线性电感转化法的开关磁阻电机无位置传感器控制方法,2021.04.20, 4.6,专利.
[3]宋受俊, 张蔓, 葛乐飞, 夏泽坤, 一种考虑互感耦合的快速获取三相12/8极SRM磁链特性的方法, 2017.03.22, ZL9.2, 专利.

[4] 宋受俊, 葛乐飞, 杨阳, 一种基于线性磁链模型和线性回归分析的SRM位置预估方法, 2019.02.26, CN1.9A, 专利. (已转化,12万元)

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IEEE Member

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
IET Power Electronics

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