基本信息 The basic information
综合介绍 General Introduction
文丹,女,教授,博士生导师,洪堡****。2006年本科毕业于武汉大学,2012年初博士毕业于中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,并荣获中国科学院院长优秀奖。随后赴德国德累斯顿工业大学从事博士后研究工作。2017年加入西北工业大学材料学院纳米能源材料研究中心,主要从事纳米材料电化学及其应用于生物能源和生物传感器件的研究工作。迄今已在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS Nano, Energy Environ. Sci., Small, Biosens. Bioelectron., Anal. Chem.等国际学术期刊发表研究论文40余篇,他引3400余次,H-指数为34。并受邀撰写英文专著2章。
工作经历 Work Experience
2017 – 至今 教授,西北工业大学材料学院,纳米能源材料研究中心
2014 – 2016 博士后,德累斯顿工业大学,德国
2012 – 2014 洪堡****,德累斯顿工业大学,德国
教育经历 Education Experience
2006.09 – 2012.01 分析化学 博士学位 (导师: 董绍俊,第三世界科学院院士)
2002.09 – 2006.06 应用化学 学士学位
荣誉获奖 Awards Information
2017年 西北工业大学“翱翔青年****”
2012年 洪堡****
2012年 中国科学院院长优秀奖
科学研究 Scientific Research
3. 电化学生物传感的开发
4. 典型的能源相关电催化反应的纳米电化学研究
学术成果 Academic Achievements
1. Li, G.,Wen, D.*Wearable Biochemical Sensors for Human Health Monitoring: Sensing Materials and Manufacturing Technologies. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2020, 8, 3423.
2.Gao, W., Ma, F., Wang, C.,Wen, D.*Ce Dopant Significantly Promotes the Catalytic Activity of Ni Foam-Supported Ni3S2 Electrocatalyst for Alkaline Oxygen Evolution Reaction.Journal of Power Sources 2020, 450, 227654.
3.Gao, W., Wang, C., Ma, F., Wen, D.*Highly Active Electrocatalysts of CeO2 Modified NiMoO4 Nanosheet
Arrays towards Water and Urea Oxidation Reactions.Electrochimica Acta2019, 320, 134608.
4. Wen, D.*, Eychmüller, A.3D Assembly of Preformed Colloidal Nanoparticles into Gels and Aerogels: Function-Led Design. Chemical Communnications 2017, 53, 12608-12621.
5. Wen, D., Liu, W., Haubold, D., Zhu,C. Z., Oschatz, M., Holzschuh, M., Wolf, A., Simon, F., Kaskel, S., Eychmüller,A. Gold Aerogels: Three-Dimensional Assembly of Nanoparticles and Their Use asElectrocatalytic Interfaces. ACS Nano 2016, 10, 2559-2567.
6.. Wen, D., Eychmüller, A. EnzymaticBiofuel Cells on Porous Nanostructures. Small 2016, 12, 4649–4661.
7. Wen, D., Liu, W., Herrmann, A.-K.,Haubold, D., Holzschuh, M., Simon, F., Eychmüller, A. Simple and SensitiveColorimetric Detection of Dopamine Based on Assembly of Cyclodextrin-ModifiedAu Nanoparticles. Small 2016, 12, 2439–2442.
8. Wen, D., Herrmann, A.-K., Borchardt,L., Simon, F., Liu, W., Kaskel, S. Eychmüller, A., Controlling the Growth ofPalladium Aerogels with High-Performance toward Bioelectrocatalytic Oxidationof Glucose.Journal of the American Chemical Society2014, 136, 2727-2730.
9. Wen, D., Liu, W., Herrmann, A.-K.,Eychmüller, A., A Membraneless Glucose/O2 Biofuel CellBased on Pd Aerogels.Chemistry - A European Journal2014, 20,4380-4385.
10. Wen, D., Xu, X. L., Dong, S. J., ASingle-walled Carbon Nanohorns-based Miniature Glucose/air Biofuel CellHarvesting Energy from Soft Drinks.Energy & Environmental Science 2011,4, 1358-1363. (as a feature in the RSC supplement news stories reported byChemistry World and highlighted by National Natural Science Foundation ofChina)
11. Wen, D., Deng, L., Guo, S. J., Dong,S. J., Self-powered Sensor for Trace Hg2+ Detection. Analytical Chemistry 2011, 83,3968-3972.
12. Guo, S. J.,# Wen, D.,# (co-first author)Zhai, Y. M., Dong, S. J., Wang, E. K., Ionic Liquid–Graphene Hybrid Nanosheetsas an Enhanced Material for Electrochemical Determination of Trinitrotoluene.Biosensors & Bioelectronics2011, 26, 3475-3481.
13. Wen, D.,# (co-first author) Guo, S.J.,# Dong, S. J., Wang, E. K., Ultrathin Pd Nanowire as a Highly ActiveElectrode Material for High-sensitivity and High-selectivity Detection ofAscorbic Acid.Biosensors & Bioelectronics2011, 26,1056-1061.
14. Guo, S. J.,# Wen, D.,# (co-first author) Zhai,Y. M., Dong, S. J., Wang, E. K., Platinum Nanoparticle Ensemble-on-GrapheneHybrid Nanosheet: One-pot, Rapid Synthesis and Used as New Electrode Materialfor Electrochemical Sensing. ACS Nano2010, 4, 3959-3968. (ESI highlyCited Paper)
15. Wen, D., Guo, S. J., Wang, Y. Z.,Dong, S. J., Bifunctional Nanocatalyst of Bimetallic Nanoparticle/TiO2 withEnhanced Performance in Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Applications.Langmuir2010, 26, 11401-11406.
16. Wen, D., Deng, L., Zhou, M., Guo, S.J., Shang, L., Xu, G. B., Dong, S. J., A Biofuel Cell with a Single-walledCarbon Nanohorns-based Bioanode Operating at Physiological Condition. Biosensors& Bioelectronics2010, 25, 1544-1547.
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Chinese Chemical Letters 青年编委
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