

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


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综合介绍 General Introduction

ORCID: 0000-0001-5527-199X

ResearcherID: J-2814-2014
Email:wangch at nwpu.edu.cn

工作经历 Work Experience
2018.9 – 今西北工业大学 材料学院 副教授
2017.9 – 2018.8南方科技大学 前沿与交叉科学研究院 研究副教授
2015.7 – 2017.9悉尼大学 (澳大利亚排名前三) 化学学院 博士后副研究员,合作导师:Chris D Ling (副院长,副教授), Brendan J Kennedy(教授)
University of Sydney, School of Chemistry, Postdoctoral Research Associate
2013.5 – 2015.5杜伦大学 (英国排名前五) 化学学院 博士后副研究员,合作导师:John SO Evans (院长,教授)
Durham University, Department of Chemistry, Postdoctoral Research Associate
2011.7 – 2013.4九院流体物理研究所 助理研究员
2009.7 – 2011.6北京大学物理学院 凝聚态物理研究所 博士后 合作导师:田光善(教授)

教育经历 Education Experience
2004.9 – 2009.6北京大学 化学与分子工程学院 理学博士 专业:无机(固体)化学/材料化学
2000.9 – 2004.7山东大学 环境科学与工程学院 工学学士 专业:环境工程

教育教学 Education And Teaching
主讲 《晶体结构解析》西北工业大学 研究生课程;《自然科学概论》西北工业大学 本科生课程

招生信息 Admission Information

科学研究 Scientific Research

学术成果 Academic Achievements
型变法精细晶体结构解析方法研究。利用群论分析方法,基于高精度衍射数据,聚焦"弱"衍射信号,分析对称模式与型变模式,研究型变晶体结构解析方法,开发Python控制、以TOPAS为内核的高效结构解析代码,用于精细晶体结构与对称性破缺的研究。近年主要开发了基于TOPAS Academic内核的非公度结构解析与精修、型变模式法结构精修、层错概率结构精修、粉末衍射型变矢量分析等代码。可大幅度减少结构解析中的有效变量数量,提高解析效率与模型可靠性;型变模式与晶体结构的化学键及微观物理作用直接相关,有利于系统的分析结构型变与对称性破缺机理。方法具有一定的普适性,可为功能材料的研究与理论模拟提供关键的精细晶体结构信息。我们是国内外少数全面掌握相关方法与开发的团队,也在持续进行相关方法学研究与代码开发。
精细晶体结构与磁有序结构解析。基于高亮单晶衍射仪、国际大型国家中子与同步辐射实验装置所获得的高精度衍射数据,利用型变解析方法,获得了诸多精细晶体结构模型,如:层状复合阴离子体系Ln2O2MSe2 (Ln = La, Ce; M = Mn, Fe,Cd, Zn)非共度调制晶体结构的精细结构模型,给出了新的Ce2O2MnSe2非共度调制结构模型与低温磁有序结构模型;得到了β-Ce2O2FeSe2的低温双调制磁有序结构模型,并在低温m+Sr与Mossbauer谱学测试中得到验证;基于上述方法研究了磁阻挫材料YCa3(CrO)3(BO3)4与氮氧复合阴离子钙钛矿ATaO2N (A = Ba, Sr)载体的型变结构与相关功能性质、SrUO4-x中氧缺陷的有序化调制精细晶体结构等。我们能够精确解析低至0.1%相对强度的未知弱衍射信号。



[1] C.-H. Wang, W. Shu, Y. Qing, F. Luo, D. Zhu, and W. Zhou, "Lattice dynamics of yttria: A combined investigation from spectrum measurements and first-principle calculations", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 104[4], 1797-1805 (2021).
[2] C.-H. Wang, D.-Y. Gui, Q. Xia, M. Avdeev, C. D. Ling, and B. J. Kennedy, "Structure Evolution of Na2O2 from Room Temperature to 500 °C", Inorg. Chem., 59[19], 14439-14446 (2020).
[3] Q. Xia#, C.-H. Wang#, S. A. Schmid, M. Avdeev, and C. D. Ling, "Multiple Competing Magnetic Interactions in Na4Ni7(PO4)6", J. Phys. Chem. C, 123[32], 19828-19834 (2019).
[4] C.-H. Wang, P. Kayser, B. J. Kennedy, H. E. Maynard-Casely, Q. Gu, and C. D. Ling, "Squeezing electrons out of 6s2 lone-pairs in perovskite-type oxides", Chem. Commun., 55[27], 3887-3890 (2019).
[5] G. Feng, W. Zhou, H. Deng, M. Yang, Y. Qing, F. Luo, D. Zhu, Z. Huang, Y. Zhou, and C. Wang*, "Magnetic and microwave absorption properties in 2.6-18GHz of A-site or B-site substituted BaFe12O19 ceramics", J. Mater. Sci-mater. El, 30[13], 12382-12388 (2019).
[6] D.-Y. Gui, Z.-K. Cao, W. Han, J.-Q. Qi, T.-C. Lu, Y. Zou, and C.-H. Wang*, "Effects of cation ordering and microstructure on LaGdZr2O7 transparent ceramics processing by vacuum sintering", Ceram. Int., 44[6], 7006-7012 (2018).
[7] C.-H. Wang, B. J. Kennedy, A. L. M. de Oliveira, J. Polt, and K. S. Knight, "The impact of anion ordering on octahedra distortion and phase transitions in SrTaO2N and BaTaO2N", Acta Crystallogr. B, 73, 389-398 (2017).
[8] C.-H. Wang, C. M. Ainsworth, S. D. Champion, G. A. Stewart, M. C. Worsdale, T. Lancaster, S. J. Blundell, H. E. A. Brand, and J. S. O. Evans, "Crystal structure and magnetic modulation in β-Ce2O2FeSe2", Phys. Rev. Mater., 1[3], 034403 (2017).
[9] C.-H. Wang, M. Avdeev, B. J. Kennedy, M. Küpers, and C. D. Ling, "YCa3(CrO)3(BO3)4: A Cr3+ Kagomé Lattice Compound Showing No Magnetic Order down to 2 K", Inorg. Chem., 55[15], 7535-7541 (2016).
[10] C.-H. Wang, C. M. Ainsworth, D.-Y. Gui, E. E. McCabe, M. G. Tucker, I. R. Evans, and J. S. O. Evans, "Infinitely Adaptive Transition Metal Oxychalcogenides: The Modulated Structures of Ce2O2MnSe2 and (Ce0.78La0.22)2O2MnSe2", Chem. Mater., 27[8], 3121-3134 (2015).
[11] C.-H. Wang, D.-Y. Gui, R. Qin, F.-L. Yang, X.-P. Jing, G.-S. Tian, and W. Zhu, "Site and local structure of activator Eu2+ in phosphor Ca10-x(PO4)(6)Cl2:xEu2+", J. Solid State Chem., 206, 69-74 (2013).
[12] C.-L. Diao#, C.-H. Wang#, N.-N. Luo, Z.-M. Qi, T. Shao, Y.-Y. Wang, J. Lu, F. Shi, and X.-P. Jing, "First-Principle Calculation and Assignment for Vibrational Spectra of Ba(Mg1/2W1/2)O3 Microwave Dielectric Ceramic", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 96, 2898-2905 (2013).
[13] C.-H. Wang, D.-F. Guo, Z.-F. Li, X.-M. Wang, J.-H. Lin, Z.-Z. Zeng, and X.-P. Jing, "Crystal structure of Sr6Y2Al4O15: XRD refinements and first-principle calculations", J. Solid State Chem., 192, 195-200 (2012).
[14] C.-H. Wang, G.-H. Liu, X.-P. Jing, G.-S. Tian, X. Lu, and J. Shao, "First-Principle Calculation and Far Infrared Measurement for Infrared-Active Modes of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93[11], 3782-3787 (2010).
[15] C.-H. Wang, X.-P. Jing, L. Wang, and J. Lu, "XRD and Raman Studies on the Ordering/Disordering of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 92[7], 1547-1551 (2009).
[16] C.-H. Wang, X.-J. Kuang, X.-P. Jing, J. Lu, X. Lu, and J. Shao, "Far infrared reflection spectrum and IR-active modes of MgTiO3", J. Appl. Phys., 103[7], 074105 (2008).
[17] C.-H. Wang, X.-P. Jing, W. Feng, and J. Lu, "Assignment of Raman-active vibrational modes of MgTiO3", J. Appl. Phys., 104[3], 034112 (2008).
[18] H. Jia, W. Zhou, H. Nan, C. Wang, Y. Qing, F. Luo, and D. Zhu, "Enhanced high temperature microwave absorption of La0.9Sr0.1MnO3/MgAl2O4 composite ceramics based on controllable electrical conductivity", J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 40[54], 1931-1937 (2020).
[19] S. Injac, A. K. L. Yuen, M. Avdeev, C.-H. Wang, P. Turner, H. E. A. Brand, and B. J. Kennedy, "Structural and Magnetic Studies of ABO4-Type Ruthenium and Osmium Oxides", Inorg. Chem., 59[5], 2791-2802 (2020).
[20] G. L. Murphy, C.-H. Wang, Z. Zhang, P. M. Kowalski, G. Beridze, M. Avdeev, O. Muransky, H. E. A. Brand, Q.-F. Gu, and B. J. Kennedy, "Controlling Oxygen Defect Formation and Its Effect on Reversible Symmetry Lowering and Disorder-to-Order Phase Transformations in Nonstoichiometric Ternary Uranium Oxides", Inorg. Chem., 58[9], 6143-6154 (2019).
[21] H. Gao, F. Luo, H. Nan, Q. Wen, Y. Qing, C. Wang, W. Zhou, and D. Zhu, "Improved mechanical and microwave absorption properties of SiC fiber/mullite matrix composite using hybrid SiC/Ti3SiC2 fillers", J. Alloy. Compd., 791, 51-59 (2019).
[22] G. Feng, W. Zhou, C.-H. Wang, Y. Qing, D. Chen, L. Gao, F. Luo, and D. Zhu, "Microwave absorption of M-type hexaferrite Ba1-xCaxFe12O19 (x <= 0.4) ceramics in 2.6-18 GHz", Ceram. Int., 45[6], 7102-7107 (2019).
[23] G. Feng, W. Zhou, H. Deng, D. Chen, Y. Qing, C. Wang, F. Luo, D. Zhu, Z. Huang, and Y. Zhou, "Co substituted BaFe12O19 ceramics with enhanced magnetic resonance behavior and microwave absorption properties in 2.6-18 GHz", Ceram. Int., 45[11], 13859-13864 (2019).
[24] J. Dong, W. Zhou, C. Wang, L. Lu, F. Luo, and D. Zhu, "Anisotropic particle geometry effect on magnetism and microwave absorption of carbonyl iron/polyimide composites", J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 491, (2019).
[25] Y. Zou, W. Zhang, X. Li, M. Ma, X. a. Li, C.-H. Wang, B. He, S. Wang, Z. Chen, Y. Zhao, and B. Li, "Pressure-induced anomalies and structural instability in compressed beta-Sb2O3", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20[16], 11430-11436 (2018).
[26] Y. Zou, W. Zhang, T. Chen, X.-a. Li, C.-H. Wang, X. Qi, S. Wang, T. Yu, B. Liu, Y. Wang, R. C. Liebermann, Y. Zhao, and B. Li, "Thermally Induced Anomaly in the Shear Behavior of Magnetite at High Pressure", Physical Review Applied, 10[2], (2018).
[27] G. L. Murphy, C.-H. Wang, G. Beridze, Z. Zhang, J. A. Kimpton, M. Avdeev, P. M. Kowalski, and B. J. Kennedy, "Unexpected Crystallographic Phase Transformation in Nonstoichiometric SrUO4-x: Reversible Oxygen Defect Ordering and Symmetry Lowering with Increasing Temperature", Inorg. Chem., 57[10], 5948-5958 (2018).
[28] C. W. Loy, A. E. Whitten, L. de Campo, D. Appadoo, N. Zainuddin, K. A. Matori, C. Rehm, A. Sokolova, C. Wang, Q. Xia, T. A. Whittle, and S. Schmid, "Investigation of the siliceous hydrogel phase formation in glass-ionomer cement paste", Physica B-Condensed Matter, 551, 287-290 (2018).
[29] C. F. Leong, C.-H. Wang, C. D. Ling, and D. M. D'Alessandro, "A spectroscopic and electrochemical investigation of a tetrathiafulvalene series of metal-organic frameworks", Polyhedron, 154, 334-342 (2018).
[30] D.-Y. Gui, C.-H. Wang, W. Zhu, and C. Meng, "Phase controlled Raman modes and dielectric properties in (1-x)MgTiO3-x(Mg4Ta2O9)1/3", J. Alloy. Compd., 730, 434-440 (2018).
[31] H. Zheng, L. Wang, K. Li, Y. Yang, Y. Wang, J. Wu, X. Dong, C.-H. Wang, C. A. Tulk, J. J. Molaison, I. N. Ivanov, M. Feygenson, W. Yang, M. Guthrie, Y. Zhao, H.-K. Mao, and C. Jin, "Pressure induced polymerization of acetylide anions in CaC2 and 107 fold enhancement of electrical conductivity", Chemical Science, 8[1], 298-304 (2017).
[32] H.-W. Wei, X.-M. Wang, X.-J. Kuang, C.-H. Wang, H. Jiao, and X.-P. Jing, "The structure, anion order, and Ce3+ luminescence of Y4Al2O9-Y4Si2O7N2 solid solutions", J Mater Chem C, 5[19], 4654-4660 (2017).
[33] G. L. Murphy, Z. Zhang, M. Avdeev, C.-H. Wang, G. Beridze, P. Kowalski, Q. Gu, J. Kimpton, B. Johannessen, and B. Kennedy, "Ion-transport phenomena and anomalous transformations in strontium uranium oxides", Acta Crystallographica A-Foundation and Advances, 73, C1428-C1428 (2017).
[34] C. M. Ainsworth, J. W. Lewis, C.-H. Wang, A. A. Coelho, H. E. Johnston, H. E. A. Brand, and J. S. O. Evans, "3D Transition Metal Ordering and Rietveld Stacking Fault Quantification in the New Oxychalcogenides La2O2Cu2–4xCd2xSe2", Chem. Mater., 28[9], 3184-3195 (2016).
[35] X. Zhang, X.-M. Wang, H.-W. Wei, X.-H. Lin, C.-H. Wang, Y. Zhang, C. Chen, and X.-P. Jing, "Effect of oxygen content on transport and magnetic properties of PrBaCo2O5.50+δ", Mater. Res. Bull., 65, 80-88 (2015).
[36] A. J. Tuxworth, C.-H. Wang, and J. S. O. Evans, "Synthesis, characterisation and properties of rare earth oxyselenides A4O4Se3 (A = Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb and Y)", Dalton Transactions, 44, 3009-3019 (2015).
[37] S. E. Nunes, C.-H. Wang, K. So, J. S. O. Evans, and I. R. Evans, "Bismuth zinc vanadate, BiZn2VO6: New crystal structure type and electronic structure", J. Solid State Chem., 222, 12-17 (2015).
[38] W. An, T.-H. Liu, C.-H. Wang, C.-L. Diao, N.-N. Luo, Y. Liu, Z.-M. Qi, T. Shao, Y.-Y. Wang, H. Jiao, G.-S. Tian, and X.-P. Jing, "Assignment for Vibrational Spectra of BaTiO3 Ferroelectric Ceramic Based on the First-Principles Calculation", Acta Phys-chim. Sin., 31[6], 1059-1068 (2015).
[39] C. M. Ainsworth, C.-H. Wang, M. G. Tucker, and J. S. O. Evans, "Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Physical Properties of the New Transition Metal Oxyselenide Ce2O2ZnSe2", Inorg. Chem., 54, 1563-1571 (2015).
[40] C. M. Ainsworth, C.-H. Wang, H. E. Johnston, E. E. McCabe, M. G. Tucker, H. E. A. Brand, and J. S. O. Evans, "Infinitely Adaptive Transition-Metal Ordering in Ln2O2MSe2-Type Oxychalcogenides", Inorg. Chem., 54[15], 7230-7238 (2015).
[41] Y.-J. Li, S. Ye, C.-H. Wang, X.-M. Wang, and Q.-Y. Zhang, "Temperature-dependent near-infrared emission of highly concentrated Cu2+ in CaCuSi4O10 phosphor", J Mater Chem C, 2, 10395-10402 (2014).
[42] C.-L. Diao, C.-H. Wang, N.-N. Luo, Z.-M. Qi, T. Shao, Y.-Y. Wang, J. Lu, Q.-C. Wang, X.-J. Kuang, L. Fang, F. Shi, and X.-P. Jing, "First-principle calculation and assignment for vibrational spectra of Ba(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 microwave dielectric ceramic", J. Appl. Phys., 115, 114103 (2014).
[43] X. Zhang, X.-J. Kuang, Y.-G. Wang, X.-M. Wang, C.-H. Wang, Y. Zhang, C. Chen, and X.-P. Jing, "Transport and Magnetic Properties of MgFeVO4", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 52, (2013).
[44] R. Wang, C. Yang, M. Fan, M. Wu, C. Wang, X. Yu, J. Zhu, J. Zhang, G. Li, Q. Huang, D. Chen, T. Jin, T. Kamiyama, F. Liao, and J. Lin, "Phase relationship of the TbO1.81-Mn3O4-Fe2O3 system synthesized at 1200 degrees C", J. Alloy. Compd., 554, 385-394 (2013).
[45] X. Li, L. Xu, X. Cao, C. Meng, C. Wang, and W. Zhu, "Synthesis of CsCl-type single-phase RuSi under shock compression", High Pressure Res., 33, 8-14 (2013).
[46] X.-M. Wang, C.-H. Wang, M. M. Wu, Y. X. Wang, and X.-P. Jing, "O/N ordering in the structure of Ca3Si2O4N2 and the luminescence properties of the Ce3+ doped material", J. Mater. Chem., 22[8], 3388-3394 (2012).
[47] X.-M. Wang, C.-H. Wang, X.-J. Kuang, R.-Q. Zou, Y.-X. Wang, and X.-P. Jing, "Promising Oxonitridosilicate Phosphor Host Sr3Si2O4N2: Synthesis, Structure, and Luminescence Properties Activated by Eu2+ and Ce3+/Li+ for pc-LEDs", Inorg. Chem., 51[6], 3540-3547 (2012).
[48] R. Qin, C.-H. Wang, W. Zhu, and Y. Zhang, "First-principles calculations of mechanical and electronic properties of silicene under strain", AIP Advances, 2, 022159 (2012).
[49] H. Zhu, X.-J. Kuang, C.-H. Wang, H.-T. Xia, L. Li, P. Hu, X.-P. Jing, Z.-X. Tang, F. Zhao, and Z.-X. Yue, "Annealing Effects on Conductivity and Microwave Dielectric Loss of MgTiO3 Ceramics", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 50, (2011).
[50] H.-T. Xia, X.-J. Kuang, C.-H. Wang, W.-X. Li, X.-P. Jing, F. Zhao, and Z.-X. Yue, "Conductivity and Dielectric Loss of Tungsten-Bronze-Type BaNd2Ti4O12 Microwave Ceramics", Acta Phys-chim. Sin., 27, 2009-2014 (2011).
[51] G.-H. Liu, C.-H. Wang, and X.-Y. Deng, "Quantum entanglement and quantum phase transitions in frustrated Majumdar–Ghosh model", Physica. B, 406, 100-103 (2011).
[52] G.-H. Liu and C.-H. Wang, "Existence of Bond-Order-Wave Phase in One-Dimensional Extended Hubbard Model", Commun. Theor. Phys., 55 [4], 702-708 (2011).
[53] G.-H. Liu, X.-Y. Deng, and C.-H. Wang, "Electronic and Optical Properties of Monoclinic and Rhombohedral Vanadium Sesquioxide", Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 30, 638-643 (2011).
[54] G.-H. Liu, X.-Y. Deng, and C.-H. Wang, "Theoretical study of metal-insulator transitionin rhombohedral vanadium sesquioxide", J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 72[9], 1085-1089 (2011).
[55] P. Hu, H. Jiao, C.-H. Wang, X.-M. Wang, S. Ye, X.-P. Jing, F. Zhao, and Z.-X. Yue, "Influence of thermal treatments on the low frequency conductivity and microwave dielectric loss of CaTiO3 ceramics", Mater. Sci. Eng. B-Adv., 176, 401-405 (2011).
[56] H. Wang, C.-H. Wang, G. Li, T. Jin, F. Liao, and J. Lin, "Synthesis, Structure, and Characterization of the Series BaBi1-xTaxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5)", Inorg. Chem., 49[11], 5262-5270 (2010).
[57] S. Ye, C.-H. Wang, and X.-P. Jing, "Long Wavelength Extension of the Excitation Band of LiEuMo2O8 Phosphor with Bi3+ Doping", J. Electrochem. Soc., 156[6], J121-J124 (2009).
[58] S. Ye, C.-H. Wang, Z.-S. Liu, J. Lu, and X.-P. Jing, "Photoluminescence and energy transfer of phosphor series Ba2-zSrzCaMo1-yWyO6:Eu,Li for white light UVLED applications", Appl. Phys. B-lasers. O, 91[3-4], 551-557 (2008).
[59] S. Ye, C.-H. Wang, and X.-P. Jing, "Photoluminescence and raman spectra of double-perovskite Sr2Ca(Mo/W)O6 with A- and B-site substitutions of Eu3+", J. Electrochem. Soc., 155[6], J148-J151 (2008).
[60] X.-J. Kuang, H.-T. Xia, F.-H. Liao, C.-H. Wang, L. Li, X.-P. Jing, and Z.-X. Tang, "Doping effects of Ta on conductivity and microwave dielectric loss of MgTiO3 ceramics", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90[10], 3142-3147 (2007).

English Version

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