

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information







工作经历 Work Experience
1992.9-1996.7: 就读西北工业大学航海学院应用电子技术专业攻读学士学位;
1996.9-1999.4: 就读西北工业大学航海学院水声工程专业攻读硕士学位;
1999.4-2002.12: 西北工业大学航海学院信号与信息处理专业攻读博士学位;
2000年留校任教,2004、2005和2011年三次受邀到日本秋田县立大学(Akita Prefectural University)从事学术交流和访问,2007年赴美国罗德岛大学(Rhode Island University)电子与计算机工程系做访问****(Visiting Scholar),2013年到加拿大维多利亚大学开展短期学术交流,2016年到美国俄亥俄州立大学、密歇根大学从事高级访问****,与多个国家的****有国际合作交流。


教育教学 Education And Teaching

1、 研究生课程《水下信号和数据处理》;2、研究生课程《高级数字滤波器设计与Matlab实现》
3、 研究生实验课《Labview数字信号处理实验》,为全校研究生实验课;


招生信息 Admission Information
联系方式: wanghg74@nwpu.edu.cn


科学研究 Scientific Research


a) 《基于高斯混合模型的分布源参数估计》,国家自然科学基金(**),主持;
b) 《鲁棒的高分辨水声成像机理研究》,国家自然基金面上项目(**),参与;
c) 《鲁棒的主动声呐相位编码波形设计》,国家自然基金面上项目(**),主持;
e) 《基于分布源参数估计XXXXX识别技术》,预研基金项目,主持;
f) 主持陕西省科技厅重点项目“水下打捞与救援机器人”,横向项目 “水下智能安防机器人”,横向项目“浸油式检测机器人样机试制”。

实验室 (见相册照片)

1. 负责研究生创新基地“海洋智能航行器”,其中担任水声定位技术、水下声光图像处理技术方面的技术指导,已获新加坡AUV挑战赛冠军,美国Robosub水下航行器竞赛“最佳新人奖”。
2. 西北工业大学“中俄海洋工程联合实验室”负责人,与俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立海洋技术大学、俄罗斯科学院祖耶夫大气海洋光学研究所、俄罗斯科学院伊尔库斯克科学中心,建立了国际学术交流、科研项目申报和互访。
3. 西北工业大学“智能控制与信息技术研究中心”副主任,开展水面和水下智能航行和海洋智能感知方面的研究。


学术成果 Academic Achievements

Xiangyu Deng, Yongqing Zhang, Huigang Wang,and Hao Hu, “The robust Underwater Image Enhancement method based on Natural Light and Reflectivity”,Journal of the Optical Society of America A,2021,38(2), 181-191;
Weitao Sun, Huigang Wang, Qingyue Gu, Shaowei Rong, “Exact Frequency Estimation in alpha-Stable Noise via Cross Entropy of Accumulative Energy”, IEEE Communication Letters ;
Qingyue Gu, Huigang Wang*, Weitao Sun, Tao Wu, Yifeng Xu,“A Sequential ESPRIT Algorithm Based on a Novel UCSA Configuration for Parametric Estimation of Two-dimensional Incoherently Distributed Source",IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,Jan.2021,Vol.70(1),PP:356-370;
Liming Fan, Chong Kang, Huigang Wang, Hao Hu, Xiaojun Zhang, and Xing Liu,Adaptive Magnetic Anomaly Detection Method Using Support Vector Machine,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters;
赵维娜,张训华,王惠刚等.“海底地震仪浅海广角探测的数据特征与噪声组合压制——以南黄海OBS2016测线为例”.地球物理学报,2020, 63(6):2415-2433;
Yifeng Xu, Huigang Wang, Xing Liu, Henry Ren He, Qingyue Gu and Weitao Sun, “Learning to See the Hidden Part of the Vehicle in the Autopilot Scene”Electronics, vol.8 (3), pp.331-346, 2019.
Yifeng Xu, Huigang Wang, Xing Liu, Weitao Sun, “An improved multi-branch residual network based on random multiplier and adaptive cosine learning rate method”, J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 59 (2019) 363–370.
高国兴,范磊,王惠刚,“复杂海底结构诱导的非线性内波生成与演进分析”,西北工业大学学报,2018 vol.36(2), pp.264-269.
李黎,王惠刚,刘星,“基于改进暗原色先验和颜色校正的水下图像增强”,光学学报,2017,vol.37 (12), pp.34-38. (本期最佳论文)
Yifeng Xu, Huigang Wang, Xing Liu. Underwater Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Data. Signal Processing, Communication and Computing (ICSPCC), 2017 IEEE International Conference on.2017.11
Xiangyu Deng, Huigang Wang, Xing Liu. Qinyue Gu, State of the Art of the underwater image processing methods, Signal Processing, Communication and Computing (ICSPCC), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. 2017.11
Weitao Sun, Yi Yan, Huigang Wang, Xing Liu, Fourier Transform with the Adaptive Kernel Function to Analyze Frequency Modulation Signal, Signal Processing, Communication and Computing (ICSPCC), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. 2017.11
张瑞,王惠刚,“基于FPGA的多波束频率不变波束形成”,声学技术,2015,vol.34 (6).
张贵闵,王惠刚,张春雷,“基于L型线阵的二维分布源参数估计方法”,声学技术,2014,vol.33 (3), pp.204-208.
雷娟,王惠刚,“多种振动条件下的方位估计及补偿技术”,系统仿真学报,2014.no.1, pp.137-145.
Min Zhu, Huigang Wang, Guoyue Chen, Kenji Muto, “A Two-stage adaptive algorithm in the frequency domain for a multichannel feedforward active noise control system”, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration,2013, vol.18 (4),pp. 148-154.
Huigang Wang, Min Zhu, Guoyue Chen, Kenji Muto, “A Fast Adaptive Algorithm in Frequency Domain for Multichannel Feedforward Active Noise Control”, The 20th International Congress on Sound & Vibration (ICSV20), Bangkok, Thailand, 7-11 July ,2013.
Huigang Wang, Shanlong Li, Huxiong Li, Yang Shi, “Gaussian mixture model approximation of total spatial power spectral density for multiple incoherently distributed sources”, IET Signal Process., 2013, Vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 306–311.
Deng Zheng-hong, Wang Hui-gang, Chen Guoyue, “Blind adaptive preprocessing to multichannel feedforward active noise control system”, IET Signal Process., 2013, Vol. 7(6), pp. 461–470.
Lei Juan, Wang Huigang, “DOA Estimation and Compensation Techniques of Vibrating Antenna Array”, Computer Measurement and Control, 2013,vol. 21(1), pp.204-245. (in Chinese)
LIN Jing,WANG Huigang,“GLRT Detection of Rang-spread Targets in Reverberation”,Computer Simulation,2013. vol.30(7), pp.179-182;(in Chinese)
Min Zhu, Huigang Wang, Guoyue Chen, Kenji Muto, “Blind Preprocessing of Multichannel Feedforward ANC in Frequency Domain”, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E95-A (9), 2012, pp.1615-1618. (in Chinese)
Gu Fan, Wang Huigang, Li Huxiong ,“A blind speech separation algorithm with strong reverberation”,SIGNAL PROCESSING,vol.27(4), 2011,pp.534-540; (in Chinese)
Huigang Wang,Steven, Kay, “A Maximum Likelihood Angle-Doppler Estimator using Importance Sampling”, IEEE Trans. On Aerospace & Electrical System, vol.46(2), 2010
Huigang Wang and Qi Chen,“The Iterative Algorithm for Multiple Incoherently Distributed Sources”,International Conference on Signal Processing 2010, pp.311-314.
Jie Ding, Yang Shi, Huigang Wang, Feng Ding, “A modified stochastic gradient based parameter estimation algorithm for dual-rate sampled-data systems,” Digital Signal Processing,vol.40(7), 2010, pp. 1238-1247.
Wang, Hui-Gang ; Liu, Qiang, A Monte Carlo method for joint estimation of Dopplers and DOAs, Acta Electronica Sinica, vol.37 (9),2009,pp. 1965-1970 (in Chinese)
Huigang Wang,Steven, Kay,“An Importance Sampling Maximum Likelihood Direction of Arrival Estimator,” IEEE Trans. On Signal Processing, 56(10), 2008.
Guoyue Chen, Huigang Wang, Kean Chen,“The influences of path characteristics on multichannel feedforword active noise control system” Journal of Sound and Vibration 311, 2008;
Huigang Wang, Guoyue Chen, “Blind preprocessing method for multichannel feedforward active noise control”, Acoustical Science and Technology, 27(5), 2006.
Guoyue Chen, Huigang Wang, Kean Chen, “A preprocessing method for multichannel feedforward active noise control”, Acoustical Science and Technology, 26(3), 2005.
ZHU JianJian, WANG Huigang, LI Huxiong,“An algorithm for solving permutation problem based on the magnitude inform ation received by microphones in the frequency-domain BSS”, Technical Acoustics, Vo1.27,No.4, 2008 (in Chinese)
ZHU JianJian, WANG Huigang, LI Huxiong,“Joint algorithm for permutation problem in frequency-domain blind speech source separation”,Computer Applications, Vo1.28, No.6, 2008 (in Chinese)
Wang, Hui-Gang; Li, Zhi-Shun; Sun, Jin-Cai, A robust criterion for direction of arriving estimation based on phase matched theory, Journal of Electronics and Information Technology, vol. 27 (2) 2005, pp. 189-191. (in Chinese)
Yan Shenggang,W ang Huigang,Li Zhishun,Sun Jincai “Comparison of Energy Criterion with Matrix Norm Criterion in Performance Analysis of DOA Estimation Based on SPMP”,Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University ,23(5),2005. (in Chinese)
Wang Huigang, Liang Hong, and Li Zhishun,“A Better Algorithm for Blind Separation of Temporally Correlated Sources”, Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University,vol.21 (6), 2003 (in Chinese)
WANG Huigang and LI Zhishun,” Blind Estimation of Parameters in Gaussian Noise”,ACTA Electronica SlNlCA, vol.31 (7),2003 (in Chinese)
Wang Huigang, Liang Hong, and Li Zhishun,“Blind Separation for Arbitrary Signals”,SIGNAL PR0CESSING,vol.18 (2),2002. (in Chinese)


社会兼职 Social Appointments
IEEE 会员, 美国声学学会会员,中国声学学会会员;《电子学报》、 《电子信息学报》和IEEE Trans. On Signal Processing的审稿人。

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