本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29
基本信息 The basic information
教育经历 Education Experience
B.S. 2003-2007西安交通大学 热能与动力工程
M.S. 2007-2010 西安交通大学 工程热物理
Ph.D 2010-2014 西安交通大学 工程热物理
科学研究 Scientific Research
1. 发动机再生冷却技术
2. 高效强化换热技术及在发动机高温部件热防护中的应用
3. 飞行器电子器件热防护和高效能量管理
学术成果 Academic Achievements
在Journal of Power Sources, Energy, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering等顶级国际期刊共发表SCI论文16篇,含ESI高被引论文1篇,论文引用近300次。
[1] W.Q. Li, M.H. Wang, G.Q. He, F. Qin. Thermal analysis of ahigh-efficiency internally-cooled strut injector for scramjet engine. InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer, under review.
[2] Wenqiang Li, Duo Zhang, Tingting Jing, Mingyu Gao, Fei Qin.Nano-encapsulated phase change material slurry (Nano-PCMS) saturated in metalfoam: A new stable and efficient strategy for passive thermal management.Energy, 165, 2018: 743-751. (中科院1区,IF: 4.92)
[3] W. Q. Li, H. Wan, T. T. Jing, Y. B. Li, F. Qin. Microencapsulatedphase change material (MEPCM) saturated in metal foam as an efficient hybridPCM for passive thermal management: A numerical and experimental study. AppliedThermal Engineering, 146, 2019: 413-421. (中科院1区,IF: 3.77)
[4] W.Q. Li, D. Zhang, X.B. Feng, S.S. Feng. A new PCM composite with microencapsulatedphase change material slurry saturated in metal foam for passive thermalmanagement. Proceedings of the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August10-15, 2018, Beijing, China.
[5] Wenqiang Li, Hao Wan, Pengkun Zhang, Peijin Liu, Fei Qin. A methodto evaluate natural convection heat transfer in microencapsulated phase changematerial (MPCM) slurry: An experimental study. International Communications inHeat and Mass Transfer, 96, 2018: 1-6.(中科院2区,IF: 4.46)
[6] Dekun Yan, Guoqiang He, Wenqiang Li, Duo Zhang, Fei Qin. Thermalanalysis of regenerative-cooled pylon in multi-mode rocket based combined cycleengine, Acta Astronautica, 148, 2018: 121-131.(中科院2区,IF: 2.26)
[7] Wenqiang Li, Ruifeng Hou, Hao Wan, PeijinLiu, Guoqiang He, FeiQin. A new strategy for enhanced latent heat energy storage with microencapsulatedphase change material saturated in metal foam. Solar energy Materials and SolarCells, 171, 2017:197-204. (中科院1区,IF: 5.01)
[8] Wenqiang Li, Hao Wan, Haijian Lou, Yuliang Fu, Fei Qin, GuoqiangHe. Enhanced thermal management with microencapsulated phase change materialparticles infiltrated in cellular metal foam. Energy,2017, 127: 671-679. (中科院1区,IF: 4.92)
[9] Jing Tingting, He Guoqiang, Li Wenqiang*, Qin Fei, Wei Xianggeng.Flow and thermal analyses of regenerative cooling in non-uniform channels forcombustion chamber. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 119: 89-97. (中科院1区,通讯作者,IF: 3.77)
[10] Z.Y. Hou, G.Q. He, W.Q. Li*, F. Qin, X.G. Wei, Numericalinvestigation on thermal behaviors of active-cooled strut in RBCC engine.Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 113: 822-830. (中科院1区,通讯作者,IF: 3.77)
[11] W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu*, Y.L. He. Experimental study of a passive thermalmanagement system for high- powered lithium ion batteries using porous metalfoam saturated with phase change material. J Power Sources, 255, 2014, 9-15. (中科院1区,IF: 5.211)
[12] W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu*, B.L. Zhang, K. Zhao, W.Q. Tao. Thermal behaviorof porous stainless-steelfiber felt saturated with phase change material.Energy, 55, 2013, 846-852. (中科院1区,IF:4.159)
[13] W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu*, Y.L. He, W.Q. Tao. Experimental and numericalstudies on melting phase change heat transfer in open-cell metallic foamsfilled with paraffin. Applied Thermal Engineering, 37, 2012, 1-9. (中科院1区,IF: 2.624,ESI高被引论文)
[14] W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu. Experimental study of effective thermalconductivity of stainless steel fiber felt. Applied Thermal Engineering, 86,2015: 119-126.( 中科院1区,IF:2.624)
[15] Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Li, W.Q. Tao. Numerical model of the passive thermalmanagement system for high-power lithium ion battery by using porous metal foamsaturated with phase change material. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 39, 8, 2014, 3904–3913. (中科院2区,IF: 2.93)
[16] Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Li, J.L. Wang, W.Q. Tao. Passive thermal managementusing metal foam saturated with phase change material in a heat sink. IntCommunications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 39, 2012, 1546-1549. (中科院2区,IF: 2.124)
[17] Zhong-wei LIU§, Wen-qiang LI§, Jun-kui WANG, et al. Zirconium oxideceramic foam: a promising supporting biomaterial for massive production ofglial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B, 15(2),2014,1013-1022.(“§” 为共同一作,IF:1.29)
[18] Z. G. Qu*, W.Q. Li, Y. H. Bai, W. Q. Tao. Tao. Numerical study ofheat conduction with chemical reaction at moving frontal surface for a graphiteplate. Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, 67(2), 2015:189-209.( 中科院2区,IF:1.85)
[19] Wenqiang Li, Zhiguo Qu*, WenQuan Tao. A Modification of 1-D Model ofStefan Problem with Chemical Reaction at the Leading Edge. The Asian Symposiumon Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow. Kyoto, Japan.
[20] Wenqiang Li, Zhiguo Qu*, Jieli Wang, Wenquan Tao. Experimental studyon the enhanced heat transfer of phase change material in open cell metal foam.ICCHT2012-The 6th International Conference on Cooling & HeatingTechnologies. Xi’an, China.
English Version
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