

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information







工作经历 Work Experience
2019年7月-至今 西北工业大学 教授
2014年3月-2019年6月 西北工业大学 副教授

教育经历 Education Experience
美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University-New Brunswick)(2014) 机械与航天工程 博士 (导师 Jingang Yi 教授

西安交通大学 信息与通信工程 硕士

西安交通大学 信息工程 学士

综合介绍 General Introduction
紧密围绕移动机器人传感器融合技术,长期从事移动机器人及无人系统的导航、控制、与通信等理论与工程应用研究。结合国家/国防重大需求,提出了一系列感知、估计、导航与通信新方法与新技术。联合航天、航海、交通等多个领域著名行业总体院所,共同攻克了水下航行器、空间系统、桥梁检测机器人等领域一系列核心传感器融合技术难题,并成功研制多型工程系统,创造了重大的军事与社会效益,得到了多个总体单位的高度肯定。在IJRR、IEEE TIE、IEEE TMECH、IEEE TCST、JCD、IEEETBME、IEEE TVT、IEEE Sensors J、IEEE AESM、控制与决策、机器人、宇航学报等行业内主流期刊以及ICRA、IROS、ACC、CDC等著名国际会议发表文章六十余篇,专著2章节,各类总他引千余次。授权发明专利(含国防专利)40余项。第一作者获得2012 IEEE AIM2012 ASME DSCC 最优论文,第二作者获得2015美国机械工程师协会动力学与控制分会年度最优机电论文2014 ASME DSCC最优学生论文等荣誉。学术成果得到了美、欧、日、澳等多个国家知名****的积极评价。 在中国自动化学会、陕西省自动化学会各级组织担任重要学术兼职。

招生信息 Admission Information
控制工程 (专硕)

航天工程 (专硕)


荣誉获奖 Awards Information
1. 陕西省科技创新团队

2. 国家优秀青年科学基金获得者
3. 西北工业大学翱翔学术新星

4. 国防863优秀攻关团队

5. 华为杯第十届中国研究生电子设计竞赛西北赛区优秀指导教师

6. 美国机械工程师协会 动力学与控制分会 年度最优机电论文

7. 最优论文 2015 ICIUS
8. 最优学生论文奖 2014 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference

9. 国家优秀留学生奖(自费类,美方全奖)
10. 大会报告论文(半全体出席) 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
11. 最优学生论文奖 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference

12. 最优学生论文奖 2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics

13. 美国NSF Grassroot 奖助金

科学研究 Scientific Research

1. 军委机关纵向科研项目 75万

2. 国家优秀青年科学基金 120万

3. 国家重点研发计划课题 384万

4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目 核心成员 300万
5. 国家自然科学基金(面上) 65万
6. 军委机关纵向科研项目 100万
7. 国家自然科学基金(青年) 24万
8. 国防863项目 30万

9. 研究所重要委托技术攻关项目 170万
10. 研究所重要委托技术攻关项目 40万


[1].Y. Zhang,P. Huang, K. Song; Z. Meng, An angles-only navigation and control scheme for non-cooperative rendezvous operation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics DOI: 0.1109/TIE.2018.**, PP(1):1~9, 2019
[2].Y. Zhang, W. Wang, P. Huang, Z. Jiang,Monocular vision-based sense and avoid of UAV using nonlinear model predictive control, Robotica,vol.37, no. 9, pp.1582 - 1594,2019
[3] Y. Zhang, W. Wang, P. Zhang, P. Huang. Reinforcement Learning-Based Task Planning for Self-Reconfiguration of Cellular Satellite,IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, PP(1): 1~11, 2020
[4]. Y. Zhang, K. Song, J. Yi, P. Huang, et al. Absolute attitude estimation ofrigid body on moving platform using only two gyroscopes and relativemeasurements, IEEE/ASME Trans. onMechatronics, vol. 23, no.3, pp.1350 – 1361, 2018
[5]. Y. Zhang,P.Huang,Z. Meng,Z. Liu,Precise angles-only navigation for noncooperative proximityoperation with application to tethered space robot, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, , vol.27, no.3, pp.1139 - 1150, 2019
[6]. K. Chen, Y. Zhang, J.Yi, T. Liu, An integrated physical-learning model of physical human-robotinteractions with application to pose estimation in bikebot riding, International Journal of Robotics Research,vol.35, no.12, pp:1459-1476, 2016
[7]. Y. Zhang, K. Chen, J. Yi, T. Liu, et.al., Whole-body pose estimation inhuman bicycle riding using a small set of wearable sensors, IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, vol.21, no.1, pp.163 – 174, 2016
[8]. Y. Zhang, J. Yi, Static tire-roadstick-slip interactions: Analysis and experiments, IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, vol. 19, no.6, pp.1940 – 1950,2014
[9]. Y. Zhang, K. Chen, J. Yi., Ridertrunk and bicycle pose estimation with fusion of force/inertial sensors, IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering,vol. 60, no.9, pp 2541-2551, 2013
[10]. Y. Zhang, J. Yi, T. Liu, Embeddedflexible force sensor for tire-road interactions Measurements, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 13, no.5, pp1756-1765, 2013

[1]. Y. Zhang, P. Huang, F. Zhang, Angles-only-based noncooperative proximityoperation for tethered space robot,in Proc. of 2017 International AstronauticalCongress (IAC), Adelaide,Australia, Sept 25–29, 2017
[2]. Y. Zhang K. Song, J. Yi, Z. Duan, P. Quan and P. Huang, Pose estimation ofa rigid body and its supporting moving platform using two gyroscopes andrelative complementary measurements, in Proc. of 2016 IEEE/RSJ InternationalConference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Daejeon, Korea, pp. 90-95,2016
[3]. Y. Zhang, K. Chen, J. Yi, and L. Liu. Pose estimation in physicalhuman-machine interactions with application to bicycle riding. in Proc. of 2014IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),Chicago, IL, pp 3333-3338, 2014
[4]. Y. Zhang, P. Wang, J. Yi, D. Song, T. Liu, Stationary balance control of abikebot. in Proc. of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics andAutomation (ICRA), Hongkong, China, pp 6706 – 6711, 2014
[5]. Y. Zhang, K. Chen, J. Yi,, Dynamic rider/bicycle pose estimation withforce/IMU measurements, in Proc. of 2013 American Control Conference (ACC),Washington, DC, USA, pp 2840 – 2845,2013。
[6]. Y. Zhang and J. Yi (2012). Tire/road stick-slip interactions: Analysis andexperiments. In Proc.of 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference(DSCC), Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 2012
[7]. Y. Zhang, F. Liu, M. Trkov and J. Yi, "Rider/bicycle pose estimationwith IMU/seat force measurements," In Proc.of 2012 IEEE/ASME InternationalConference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Kachsiung, pp. 604-609,2012.
[8]. Y. Zhang, A. W. Allen, J. Yi and T. Liu, "Understanding tire/roadstick-slip interactions with embedded rubber force sensors," In Proc.of2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics(AIM), Kachsiung, pp. 550-555, 2012.
[9]. Y. Zhang, Li J, Yi J, et al. Balance control and analysis of stationaryriderless motorcycles, in Proc. of 2013 IEEE International Conference onRobotics and Automation (ICRA), Shanghai, China, pp:3018-3023, 2011.
[10].Y. Zhang and J. Yi, "Dynamicmodeling and balance control of human/bicycle systems," in Proc. of 2010IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)Montreal, ON, pp. 1385-1390, 2010.

[1] Y. Zhang, J. Yi and D. Song, (2013). Dynamic Modeling of Riderless Motorcycles, Modelling, Simulation and Control of Two-Wheeled Vehicles, M. Tanelli (Ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, London, UK.
[2] Y. Zhang, J. Yi and D. Song, (2013). Autonomous Control of Riderless Motorcycles, Modelling, Simulation and Control of Two-Wheeled Vehicles, M. Tanelli (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, London, UK.

English Version

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