

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-13


简  历:   教育(访问)经历:
  2007.4—2010.3:日本 国立鸟取大学,农学部,博士
  2004.10—2007.3:日本 国立鸟取大学,干燥地研究中心,硕士
  2011 – 至今,中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所,副研究员
  2011 – 2013,日本鸟取大学,植物逆境生理与分子生物学实验室,日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员(JSPS博士后)
  2010 – 2011,日本鸟取大学,逆境生理与分子生物学实验室,博士后
研究方向:   植物逆境生理与分子生物学
承担科研项目情况:   国家自然科学基金:2-烯醛还原酶基因(AER)在提高植物抗旱抗盐中的作用和机理
  西北农林科技大学基本科研业务费:醛还原酶基因(AER, ALDH)在提高植物抗旱抗盐中的作用机理
代表论著:   1. Lina Yin, Jun’ichi Mano, Shiwen Wang, Wataru Tsuji, Kiyoshi Tanaka (2010) The involvement of lipid peroxide-derived aldehydes in aluminum toxicity of tobacco roots. Plant Physiology, 152, 1406-1417 (SCI, 影响因子7.4)
  2. Lina Yin, Shiwen Wang, Amin ElsadigEltayeb, Md. ImtiazUddin, Yoko Yamamoto, Wataru Tsuji, Yuichi Takeuchi, Kiyoshi Tanaka (2010) Overexpression of dehydroascorbatereductase, but not monodehydroascorbatereductase, confers tolerance to aluminum stress in transgenic tobacco. Planta, 231 (3), 609-621 (SCI, 影响因子3.4)
  3. Lina Yin, Shiwen Wang (2012) Modulated increased UV-B radiation affects crop growth and grain yield and quality of maize in the field. Photosynthetica 50 (4): 595-601 (SCI, 影响因子1.0)
  4. Lina Yin, Mingcai Zhang, Zhaohu Li, Liusheng Duan, Shiwen Wang (2012) Enhanced UV-B radiation increases glyphosate resistance in velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti). Photochemistry and Photobiology 88:1428-1432 (SCI, 影响因子2.7)
  5. Lina Yin, Shiwen Wang, Jianye Li, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Mariko Oka (2013) Application of silicon improves salt tolerance through ameliorating osmotic and ionic stresses in the seedling of Sorghum bicolor. Acta Physiological Plantarum 35: 3099-3107 (SCI, 影响因子1.5)
  6. Shiwen Wang, Md. Imtiaz Uddin, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Lina Yin*, Zhonghui Shi, Yanhua Qi, Jun’ichi Mano, Kenji Matsui, Norihiro Shimomura, Takeshi Sakaki, Xiping Deng, Suiqi Zhang (2014) Maintenance of chloroplast structure and function by overexpression of the OsMGD gene leads to enhanced salt tolerance in tobacco. Plant Physiology 165: 1144-1155. (SCI, 影响因子7.4)
  7. Peng Liu*, Lina Yin*, Xingping Deng, Shiwen Wang, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Suiqi Zhang (2014) Aquaporin-mediated increase in root hydraulic conductance is involved in silicon-induced improved root water uptake under osmotic stress in Sorghum bicolor L. Journal of Experimental Botany 65(17): 4747-4756 (SCI, 影响因子5.8)
  8. Lina Yin, Shiwen Wang, Peng Liu, Wenhua Wang, Dan Cao, Xiping Deng, Suiqi Zhang (2014) Silicon-mediated changes in polyamine and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid are involved in silicon-induced drought resistance in Sorghum bicolor L. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 80: 268-277 (SCI, 影响因子2.4)
  9. Daoqian Chen, Lina Yin, Xiping Deng, Shiwen Wang (2014) Silicon increases salt tolerance by influencing the two-phase growth response to salinity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Acta Physiological Plantarum 36: 2531-2535 (SCI, 影响因子1.5)
  10. Peng Liu, Lina Yin, Shiwen Wang, Meijuan Zhang, Xiping Deng, Suiqi Zhang, Kiyoshi Tanaka (2015) Enhanced root hydraulic conductance by aquaporin regulation accounts for silicon alleviated salt-induced osmotic stress in Sorghum bicolor L. Environmental and Experimental Botany 111: 42-51 (SCI, 影响因子3.0)
获奖及荣誉:   2004-2010,日本政府(文部科学省)奖学金

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