

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-13


简  历: 教育背景:
2003.09-2007.07 河南科技大学,林学院,农学学士学位
2007.09-2010.07 华中农业大学,园艺林学学院,农学硕士学位
2010.09-2014.07 中国科学院,地理科学与资源研究所,理学博士学位

研究方向: 植物水分来源,养分循环,碳水通量

承担科研项目情况: 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:黄土丘陵区混交林中固氮和非固氮植物水分利用与氮分享的协调机制研究(**),2020.01-2023.12,主持。
2. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题:黄土丘陵区暖温性草原生态系统碳水通量变化与资源利用过程机制(2017YFA**),2017.07-2022.6,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:黄土丘陵区油松和沙棘人工林的水分来源变化及其生理响应研究(**),2016.01-2018.12,主持。
4. 生态系统碳水通量观测与数据整编子课题:安塞站温带灌丛和草原,2017.10-2018.10,主持
5. 西北农林科技大学基本科研业务费专项资金:黄土丘陵区油松和沙棘人工林的水分来源变化及其生物功能调控机制研究(),2016.01-2018.12,主持。

代表论著: 1. Tang, Yakun; Wu, Xu; Chen, Chen; Jia, Chang; Chen, Yunming, Water source partitioning and nitrogen facilitation promote coexistence of nitrogen-fixing and neighbor species in mixed plantations in the semiarid Loess Plateau. Plant and Soil. 2019, 445(1): 289-305.
2. Tang, Yakun; Wu, Xu; Chen, Yunming; Wen, Jie; Xie, Yuli; Lu, Senbao, Water use strategies for two dominant tree species in pure and mixed plantations of the semiarid Chinese Loess Plateau. Ecohydrology, 2018, 11(4). doi: 10.1002/Eco.1943.
3. Tang, Yakun; Jiang, Jun; Chen, Chen; Chen, Yunming; Wu, Xu, Rainfall pulse response of carbon fluxes in a temperate grass ecosystem in the semiarid Loess Plateau. Ecology and Evolution, 2018, 12: 1-11. doi: 10.1002/ece3.4587.
4. Tang, Yakun, Wu, Xu; Chen, Yunming, Sap flow characteristics and physiological
adjustments of two dominant tree species in pure and mixed plantations in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Arid Land. 2018, 6. doi: 10.1007/s40333-018-0027-9.
5. Tang, Yakun; Chen, Yunming; Wen, Xuefa; Sun, Xiaomin; Wu, Xu; Wang, Huimin, Variation of carbon use efficiency over ten years in a subtropical coniferous plantation in southeast China. Ecological Engineering, 2016,97: 196-206;
6. Tang, Yakun; Wen, Xuefa; Sun, Xiaomin; Chen, Yunming; Wang, Huimin, Contribution of environmental variability and ecosystem functional changes to interannual variability of carbon and water fluxes in a subtropical coniferous plantation. Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 2016, 9: 452-460;
7. Tang, Yakun; Wen, Xuefa; Sun, Xiaomin; Zhang, Xinyu; Wang, Huimin, The Limiting Effect of Deep Soil Water on Evapotranspiration of a Subtropical Coniferous Plantation Subjected to Seasonal Drought. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2014, 31:385-395;
8. Tang, Yakun; Wen, Xuefa; Sun, Xiaomin; Wang, Huimin, Interannual Variation of the Bowen Ratio in a Subtropical Coniferous Plantation in Southeast China, 2003-2012. Plos One, 2014, 9: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.008826;
9. Wu, Xu; Tang, Yakun; Chen, Yunming; Wen, Jie; Xie, Yuli; Lu Senbao, Sap flow characteristics and responses to summer rainfall for Pinus tabulaeformis and Hippophae rhamnoides in the Loess hilly region of China. Ecology and Evolution, 2018, 8:617-630.


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