报告摘要:Fractional calculus (FC) is about differentiation and integration of non-integer orders. This tutorial talk is trying to promote the view point that, using fractional calculus based tools, we are able to understand complexities better. We start with basics on power law manifest of complexities and explain how power law is linked to fractional order dynamics in various contexts such as relaxation, autocorrelation, power spectrum, and probability density. We highlight heavy-tailedness and long range dependence in connection to extreme events. Our personal experience tells an unpleasant fact that “extreme events” are happening more and more often. What’s the governing law behind it? How we better understand the fact that extreme events are happening more and more often? Why this is linked to fractional order dynamics? These can be explained (fractionally) in this talk. Finally, the speaker will share an interesting interpretation of Taoism and the fact that, fractional calculus way of thinking was perhaps already embedded in the text of Lao Tzu’s “Tao Te Ching.” We shall end the talk by sharing how your research excellence could be enhanced or even enabled by using fractional order thinking suggested in this talk.
报告人简介:陈阳泉,男,博士生导师。1998年在新加坡南洋理工大学获得博士学位,目前就职于美国加州大学默赛德分校。陈阳泉教授在分数阶微积分的理论与应用、机电一体化理论与控制等方面做出了突出成绩,共申请美国专利14项。 出版英文论著14部,中文论著4部。发表论文数百篇,其中SCI收录200余篇。主持或参与美国国家自然科学基金项目5项,美国国防部、农业部项目多项,获得科研资助额累计达到近五百万美元。陈教授曾多次担任国际会议大会总主席和组织委员会、程序委员会、奖励委员会等会议的委员、主席等职务。目前担任《Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis》、《IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology》、《ISA Transactions》等著名期刊副主编职务。