

山西师范大学 免费考研网/2016-03-28



张东海,1964年12月19日出生于山西省五寨县。1985年大学本科毕业于山西师范大学物理系;1988年和1999年分别于中国原子能科学研究院获工学硕士学位和物理学博士学位。现为山西师范大学现代物理研究所所长、物理与信息工程学院副院长、教授、博士生导师;国际原子核径迹学会执行委员,中国固体核径迹专业委员会副主任,全国近代物理教学研究会理事,山西省物理学会理事兼科普部副主任,“Chinese Physics Letter”,“Radiation Measurements”特约审稿人。1997年11月-1998年11月在瑞典皇家工学院物理系进行访问研究;2002年9月-2003年3月赴加拿大Triumf国家实验室进行合作研究;2005年11月-2006年4月、2010年8月-2010年11月在日本放射线医学综合研究所进行合作研究。1996年入选全国“百千万人才工程”第一、二层次人选,1998年享受国务院政府特殊津贴。入选新世纪百千万人才人选。

2000年以前作为山西师范大学高能核乳胶实验室负责人带领实验室人员参加国际EMU-01合作组,在山西省自然科学基金和山西省归国留学人员基金资助下在国内开展了CERN SPS、BNL AGS、JINR Dubna能区相对论性重离子诱发乳胶核反应研究,对相对论性重离子诱发乳胶核反应末态粒子的产生进行了大量的实验研究,在国内外主要学术刊物上发表50余篇集体成果。此外单独或与他人在国内外核心期刊合作发表论文7篇,SCI收录1篇。

2000年以来分别承担山西省自然科学基金项目、山西省归国留学人员项目、国家教育部科学技术研究重点项目和国家自然科学基金项目,独立开展相对论重离子诱发乳胶核反应的实验研究工作,对相对论性重离子诱发乳胶核反应的电磁离解、射弹碎裂特征、射弹碎片的分布、靶核碎片的分布、簇射粒子和靶核碎片的间歇行为等进行了大量的实验研究,在国内外核心期刊上发表SCI,EI收录论文50余篇, 获山西省科学技术奖自然科学类三等奖二次。2006年开始通过和日本放射线医学综合研究所合作,利用HIMAC加速器产生的重离子束流,开展中高能重离子诱发乳胶核反应的实验研究和理论分析;并在五台山建立宇宙射线观测站,利用原子核乳胶进行宇宙线诱发乳胶核反应新粒子和新现象的探寻。





3、1995年论文“相对论性多电荷粒子在核乳胶中的多重散射” 获1991-1991年度山西省优秀论文二等奖;

4、1996年论文“12 A GeV α粒子与乳胶相互作用多重数研究”获山西省首届青年科学大会优秀论文一等奖;




8、2001年论文“60 A GeV 16O原子核在核乳胶中的电磁离解”获山西省第十一届优秀论文一等奖;




12、2009年项目“高能重离子诱发乳胶核反应多重产生和多重碎裂研究” 获山西省科学技术奖自然科学类三等奖;证书号:2009-Z-3-010





(1)、Zhang Donghai, Zheng Puying, Measurement of a binary fragmentation event of relativistic oxygen nucleus and explanation of the mechanism, Chin. J. Nucl. Phys. 12(1990), 103

(2)、张东海,孙君芬,郑蒲英,60 A GeV氧原子在核乳胶中的四分裂事例的遍举测量,原子能科学技术,24(1990),49。

(3)、张东海,罗世彬,12 A GeV α粒子与乳胶相互作用多重数研究,高能物理与核物理,16(1992),340。

(4)、Tan Haoliang, Zhang Donghai, Luo Shibin, Multiplicity distribution of charged particles in comic-ray proton induced nuclear reaction, Chin. J. Nucl. Phys. 15(1993),185.

(5)、Zhang Donghai, The mean free path of alpha projectile fragment from 16O-Em at 60 A GeV, Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 22(1993), 629.


(7)、张东海,3.7 A GeV 16O与乳胶作用的间歇行为研究,核技术,19(1996),601。


(1)、张东海, 孙汉城, 60 A GeV 16O原子核在核乳胶中的电磁离解, 物理学报, 49(2000),1938.

(2)、Zhang Dong-Hai, Sun Han-Cheng, G. Gharibi, Interaction mean free path of He projectile fragments from 16O-Em collision at 60 A GeV, Chinese Physics, 10(2001),21.

(3)、张东海, 孙汉城, 60 A GeV 16O诱发乳胶核反应慢粒子产生研究, 高能物理与核物理, 25(2001), 651.

(4)、张东海,60 A GeV 16O诱发乳胶核反应α射弹碎片发射研究,高能物理与核物理, 26(2002), 40.

(5)、张东海,刘明海,4.5A GeV /c 16O-Em作用末态产生粒子前后关联研究, 原子能科学技术, 36(2002),548.

(6)、Zhang Dong-Hai, Fragmentation of 16O nuclei in nuclear emulsion, Chinese Physics, 11(2002),1254.

(7)、Fu-hu Liu, Dong-Hai Zhang and Mai-Ying Duan, Formulation of charged particle pseudo- rapidity distribution in Au-Au collisions at the maximum RHIC energy, Europ. Lett. 61(2003), 736.

(8)、Fu-Hu Liu, N.N.A.Allah, Dong-Hai Zhang and Mai-Ying Duan, Particle multiplicity distributions in silicon-emulsion collisions at 4.5A GeV /c, Phys. Rev. C67(2003), 047603.

(9)、Fu-hu Liu, N.N.A.Allah, Dong-Hai Zhang and Mai-Ying Duan, Angular distributions of target black fragments in nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energy, Intern. J. Mod. Phys. E12(2003), 713.

(10)、Fu-hu Liu, Dong-Hai Zhang, Mai-Ying Duan and N.N.A.Allah, Multiplicity and transverse energy distributions in Au-Au and Pb-Pb collisions at high energy, Chinese Journal of Physics, 41(2003), 618.

(11)、Fu-hu Liu, Dong-Hai Zhang, Mai-Ying Duan and N.N.A.Allah, Kaon pseudorapidity distribution in Pa and AA collisions at AGS and SPS energies, Intern. J. Mod. Phys. E12(2003), 771。

(12)、Fu-Hu Liu, Nabil N. Abd Allah, Dong-Hai Zhang and Mai-Ying Duan, Angular distributions of target fragments in Magnerium-emulsion collisions at high energy, Chinese Journal of Physics, 42(2004), 152。

(13)、Wu Feng-Juan, Zhang Dong-Hai, Li Jun-Sheng and Li Zhen-Yu, The production of slow particles in 16O-Em interactions at 4.5A GeV /c, Chinese Physics, 13 (2004) 646。

(14)、Li Jun-Sheng, Zhang Dong-Hai, Li Zhen-Yu and Wu Feng-Juan, Electromagnetic dissociation of 3.7 A GeV 16O in nuclear emulsion, Chinese Physics, 13 (2004) 836。

(15)、Zhang Dong-Hai, Gong Jin-Sheng, Investigation of the mean free path of projectile fragments produced in 16O-Em collision at 60 A GeV, Chinese Physics, 13 (2004) 1000,

(16)、Zhang Dong-Hai. Li Zhen-Yu, Li Jun-Sheng and Wu Feng-Juan, Production of helium projectile fragments in 16O-Em interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c, Chinese Physics, 13 (2004), 1239.

(17)、Song Fu, Zhang Dong-Hai, Li Jun-Sheng, Two-source emission of relativistic alpha particles in 16O-Em interactions at 3.7 A GeV, Chinese Physics, 14 (2005), 942。

(18)、Zhang Dong-Hai, Li Zhen-Yu, Li Hui-Ling, and Li Jun-Sheng, Fragmentation in 16O-emulsion interactions at 3.7 A GeV, Chinese Physics, 14(2005), 2451。

(19)、S. L. Guo, T. Doke, L. Li, B. L. Chen, D. H. Zhang, et al., Comparison between theoretical model and experimental calibrations and its inference for track formation in bubble detectors, Radiat. Meas., 40(2005), 229。

(20)、Cai-Rong Meng and Dong-Hai Zhang, Nuclear fragmentation of 3.7 A GeV 16O-Em interactions, Chin. J. Phys., 44(2006), 1。

(21)、李俊生,张东海,3.7 A GeV 16O-Em作用中的间歇行为,高能物理与核物理,30(2006)398。

(22)、郭士伦、Doke T., 李丽、陈宝流、张东海 等,固体气泡探测器-固体核径迹探测器的新类别,核技术,28(2005)659。

(23)、Zhang Dong-Hai, Zhao Hui-Hua, Liu Fang, He Chun-Le, Jia Hui-Ming, Li Xue-Qin, Li Zhen-Yu, Li Jun-Sheng, Forward-backward multiplicity correlations in 4.5 A GeV/c 16O-emulsion interactions, Chin. Phys., 15(2006),1987.

(24)、Zhang Dong-Hai, Liu Fang, He Chun-Le, Zhao Hui-Hua, Jia Hui-Ming, Li Xue-Qin, Li Zhen-Yu, Li Jun-Sheng, Features of the total disintegration events of heavy emulsion targets caused by 4.5 A GeV/c 16O, Chin. Phys., 15(2006), 2564.

(25)、Dong-Hai Zhang,Chun-Le He,Yin Yuan,Fang Liu,Hui-Hua Zhao,Hui-Ming Jia,Xue-Qin Li,Zhen-Yu Li,and Jun-Sheng Li, Features of compound multiplicity in 16O-Em interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c, Chin. J. Phys.,44(2006), 405.

(26)、Zhang Dong-Hai, Li Xue-Qin, Jia Hui-Ming, He Chun-Le, Liu Fang, Zhao Hui-Hua, Li Zhen-Yu, and Li Jun-Sheng, Evidence of intermittent fluctuation of target fragments in 84Kr-AgBr interaction at 1.7 A GeV. Chinese Physics, 16(2007), 2683.

(27)、Zhang Dong-Hai, Zhao Hui-Hua, Liu Fang, He Chun-Le, Jia Hui-Ming, Li Xue-Qin, Li Zhen-Yu, and Li Jun-Sheng, Intermittency in 3.7 A GeV 16O-emulsion interactions. Chinese Physics, 16(2007), 2689.

(28)、Li Jun-Sheng, Liu Fu-Hu, Zhang Dong-Hai, Intermittency of target fragments in 16O-AgBr collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c. Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 (2007), 2789.

(29)、Sun Hancheng,Zhang Donghai,Nuclear Emulsion and High Energy Physics,Radiat. Meas., 43 (2008), S139.

(30)、LI Jun-Sheng, ZHANG Dong-Hai, LIU Fu-Hu,Intermittent behavior of fast and slow target fragmentsfrom 16O-AgBr interactions at 3.7 A GeV,Radiat. Meas. 43 (2008), S243.

(31)、LI Jun-Sheng, ZHANG Dong-Hai, LIU Fu-Hu,Evidence of self-similar target fragmentation process in 16O-AgBr interactions at 3.7 A GeV,Radiat. Meas., 43 (2008), S247.

(32)、D.H. Zhang, X.Q. Li, H.M. Jia, C.L. He, F. Liu, H.H. Zhao, Z.Y. Li, J.S. Li,Evidence of intermittent fluctuation of target residue in 84Kr-AgBr interactions at 1.7 A GeV,Radiat. Meas., 43 (2008), S258.

(33)、D.H. Zhang, C.L. He, H.M. Jia, X.Q. Li, F. Liu, H.H. Zhao, Z.Y. Li, J.S. Li, Interactions mean free path of He fragments from 3.7 A GeV 16O-emulsion interactions, Radiat. Meas., 43 (2008), S254.

(34)、D.H. Zhang, H.H. Zhao, F. Liu, C.L. He, H.M. Jia, X.Q. Li, Z.Y. Li, J.S. Li,Multifractal analysis of multiplicity fluctuations in 16O-emulsion interactions at 3.7 A GeV,Radiat. Meas., 43 (2008), S229.

(35)、Nakahiro Yasuda, Dong-Hai Zhang, Satoshi Kodaira, Yasuhiro Koguchi, Ikuo Kobayashi, Mieko Kurano, Dalu Shu, Verification of angular dependence for track sensitivity on several types of CR-39, Radiat. Meas., 43 (2008), S269.

(36)、张东海, 程锦霞, 王芳, 王琦, 成宾, 张海青, 许蓉,10.7 A GeV 197Au诱发乳胶核反应a射弹碎片分布研究,原子能科学技术,42(2008), 485.

(37)、李惠玲, 张东海, 李雪琴, 贾会明,1.7 A GeV 84Kr诱发乳胶核反应慢粒子产生研究,原子能科学技术,42(2008), 488.

(38)、李俊生,张东海,李惠玲,刘福虎,4.5 A GeV/c 16O-AgBr作用慢粒子间歇行为,原子能科学技术,42(2008), 590.

(39)、LI Jun-Sheng, ZHANG Dong-Hai, LIU Fu-Hu,Intermittent type fluctuation of target fragments produced in 16O-AgBr interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c, Chin. Phys. C, 32 (2008) ,352。

(40), Ying Yuan, Dong-Hai Zhang and Fu-Hu Liu, Helium projectile fragment emission in interactions of 197Au with emulsion at 10.7 A GeV, Intern. J. Mod. Phys. E, 17(2008), 1319.

(41), Fu-Hu Liu, Ying Yuan, Dong-Hai Zhang, Hui-Ling Li, Multiplicity distribution of projectile fragments in Au-Em collisions at 10.7 A GeV, Acta Phys. Pol. B, 39(2008), 1969.

(42), Li Jun-Sheng, Zhang Dong-Hai, Li Hui-Ling, Liu Fu-Hu, Self-affine multiplicity fluctuation of slow particles in 16O-AgBr collisions at 3.7 A GeV, Chin. Phys. Lett., 26(2009), 012401.

(43), Zhang Dong-Hai, Cheng Jin-Xia, Cheng Bin, Wang Fang, Wang Qi, Zhang Hai-Qing, Xu Rong, Jia Hui-Ming, Li Xue-Qin, Helium production from 84Kr- and 197Au-emulsion interactions at high energies, Chin. Phys. B, 18 (2009) ,531。

(44), Zhang Dong-Hai, Li Hui-Ling, Evidence of self-affine multiplicity fluctuation of particle production in 84Kr-emulsion interactions at 1.7 A GeV, Chin. Phys. B, 18 (2009) ,522。

(45), Zhang Dong-Hai, Li Hui-Ling, Investigation of self-affine multiplicity fluctuation of proton emission in 84Kr-emulsion interactions at 1.7 A GeV, Chin. Phys. C, 33 (2009) ,345。

(46), Hui-Ling Li, Dong-Hai Zhang, Evidence of a non-thermal phase transition in the emission of shower particles in 84Kr-emulsion interactions at 1.7 A GeV, Chin. J. Phys.47 (2009) ,27。(SCI收录)

(47), S. L. Guo, T. Doke, D.H. Zhang, et al.,Study of bubble distributions by high-energy protons in bubble detectors and its hints in neutron detection at higher altitude and in space, Radiation Measurements, 44 (2009) 885-888

(48), D.H. Zhang, Q. Wang, F. Wang, et al., Interaction mean free paths of projectile fragments with charges 2£Z£14 from 197Au-emulsion collisions at 10.7 A GeV,Radiation Measurements, 44 (2009), 922-925

(49), Zhang Dong-Hai、Li Hui-Ling,Evidence of self-affine multiplicity fluctuation of target residues in 84Kr-AgBr interactions at 1.7A GeV,Chinese Physics C,33(6) (2009), 407-410

(50), Li Hui-Ling, Zhang Dong-Hai, Li Jun-Sheng, Multiplicities of forward- backward particles in 16O-emulsion interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c, Chinese Physics C, 33(7) (2009), 521-527

(52), Jun-Sheng Li, Fu-Hu Liu, N.N. Abd Allah, Dong-Hai Zhang, and B.K. Singh, Intermittency of target fragments in 24Mg-AgBr interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c, Chin. J. Phys. 47 (2009) 446-453

(53), Dong-Hai Zhang, Yao-Jie Niu, Li-Chun Wang, Wen-Jun Yan, Li-Juan Gao, Ming-Xing Li, Li-Ping Wu, Hui-Ling Li and Jun-Sheng Li, Two-dimensional multiplicity fluctuation analysis of target-associated protons in nuclear collisions, VIII Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, Santiago, Chile, 15-19 Decmeber, 2009. AIP Conference Proceedings 1265, 92-97.

(54), Zhang Dong-Hai, Niu Yao-Jie, Wang Li-Chun, Yan Wen-Jun, Gao Li-Juan, Li Ming-Xing, Wu Li-Ping, Li Hui-Ling, Li Jun-Sheng, Two-dimensional multiplicity fluctuation analysis of target residues in nuclear collisions, Chinese Physics B, 19 (2010) 072501

(55), Bai Cai-Yan, Zhang Dong-Hai, Projectile spectator proton production in 84Kr-emulsion interactions at 1.7 A GeV, Chinese Physics C, 35(5) (2011), 436-440.

(56), Bai Cai-Yan, Zhang Dong-Hai, Study of compound particle production in 84Kr-emulsion interactions at 1.7 A GeV, Chinese Physics C, 35(4) (2011), 349-354.

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