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尤再进教授 信息类型:教授名录 信息来源: 时间:2017-11-08 点击数:



姓名: 尤再进/You Zai-Jin
现任单位: 鲁东大学,****
职称/职务: 港口与海岸防灾减灾研究院,院长
主要荣誉: 国家****基金获得者
电话:[办公室] | 156 6681 0220 [手机]
电子邮件: b.you@ldu.edu.cn | b.you@uq.edu.au
通信地址: 山东省烟台市芝罘区红旗中路186号 邮编:264025
1993-1994 博士后, 魁北克大学, 物理海洋研究所, 加拿大(Canada)
1988-1992 博士, 新南威尔士大学(UNSW), 土木工程, 澳大利亚(Australia)
1986-1988 国家教委公派出国预备研究生, 天津大学水利系, 海岸动力学专业
1982-1986 学士, 天津大学水利系, 港口海岸及近海工程专业
2014-至今 海外****/中心主任,港口与海岸防灾减灾研究中心,鲁东大学
1999-2014 高级研究员,新南威尔士州环境部,澳大利亚(Australia)
1994-1999 高级研究员及学科带头人,维洲海洋和淡水研究所,澳大利亚
1993-1994 博士后, 魁北克大学物理海洋研究所,加拿大(Canada)
1992-1993 高级助理研究员,新南威尔士大学工程力学,澳大利亚
科研领域 港口与海岸工程、物理海洋、海洋能资源评估、海岸规划和管理
2016.08 山东省《智库高端人才库》专家
2015.07 烟台《双百计划》特聘专家
2015.01 山东《泰山****》海外特聘专家
2014.03 鲁东大学海外高层次引进人才,海外****
2005-2007 国家****基金获得者(B类)
资助学科: 物理海洋
研究课题: 波浪边界层和海岸泥沙起动
依托单位: 中科院海洋所,青岛
2004-2007 河海大学****(短期类)、博士生导师
依托学科: 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室、港口海岸及近海工程
主要成果: 指导博士和硕士生、国家基金申请、科研人员培养、
研究课题: 不规则波浪和水流作用下泥沙起动
2003 中科院王宽诚教育基金高级访问****
2003-2013 特殊津贴享受新南威尔士洲政府津贴(显著科研成绩),澳大利亚
2015-至今 同行评审专家
2017-至今 博士生导师,中国海洋大学港口海岸及近海工程
2004-至今 客座研究员,中科院海洋所,青岛
2004-2007 ****、博士生导师,河海大学
2014.04 中科院《****》终期评审专家
2015.09 客座编辑:Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science, Elsevier
2012-至今 期刊编委:Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering, USA
2013-至今 期刊编委:China Ocean Engineering, Springer(中国海洋工程,中英文版)
2015-至今 期刊编委:Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, USA
1999-2014 提供澳大利亚联邦、州政府、地方政府技术方面的咨询:海岸治理和恢复、风暴潮、海平面上涨、海岸泥沙输运、海岸防灾和减灾、海岸规划和管理。

尤再进(¥80万,2015.07),烟台海岸线治理和保护创新技术研究. 烟台《双百计划》特聘专家人才工程.
You, Z J (RMB¥40万元,2005-07). 国家****科研基金(B),波浪边界层和海岸泥沙起动(**),已结题.
You, Z J and Hanslow, D (RMB¥154万/$266,000; 2013-15). Combined impacts of storm tide and wave runup on NSW coastal erosion and inundation. Natural Disaster Resilience Program (NDRP) Research Grant funded by the Commonwealth government。该联邦政府重点科研基金课题是:风暴潮和波浪爬高共同作用下的海岸侵蚀和淹没.
Hanslow, D and You, Z J (RMB¥185万/$318,352; 2012-13). Coastal erosion risk assessment: Best Practice and Tools and Data. NDRP Research Grant。该联邦政府重点科研基金课题是:鉴定海岸侵蚀危害—最佳途径、工具和数据.
You, Z J (RMB¥212万/$366,000; 2010-13). Tidal limits and flooding tailwater levels at NSW coastal entrances (Stages-I and -II), NDRP Research Grant。该联邦政府科研基金课题是:海岸河口潮位和洪水情况下河口水位的确定.
You, Z J and Gibbs, J (RMB¥110万/$189,000; 2012-13). Mapping NSW coastal hazards and indexing related risks. NDRP Research Grant (Stages-II). NDRP Research Grant。该联邦政府科研基金课题是:新南威尔士州海岸灾害数据库的建立(第二期).
You, Z J (RMB¥110万/$190,000; 2010-11). Mapping NSW coastal hazards and indexing related risks. NDRP Research Grant (Stages-I). NDRP Research Grant。该联邦政府科研基金课题是:新南威尔士州海岸灾害数据库的建立(第一期).
OEH, UQ and DHI (RMB¥153万/$263,000; 2010-2012). Development of an adaptive statistical model for oceanic flooding hazards along the East Australian Coast. ARC Linkage Research Grant。该联邦政府自然科研基金课题是:澳大利亚东海岸海岸淹没灾害概率模式的建立。
You, Z J (RMB¥111万/$191,000; 2008-10). Coastal extreme storms and elevated water levels. NDMP Research Grant。该联邦政府科研基金课题是:海岸风暴和引起的增水.
[1] You, Z.J (2019). Tropical cyclone-induced hazards caused by storm surges and large waves on the coast of China. Geosciences, 9:131 (SCI).
[2] You, Z.J and Chen, C (2018). Chapter 7: Coastal Dynamics and Sediment Resuspension in Laizhou Bay, Book on Sediment Dynamics of Chinese Muddy Coasts and Estuaries: Physics, Biology and their Interactions, edited by Wang, X.H, Elsevier Publisher.
[3] You Z.J, Shi H.Y and Bai Y.C (2018). Impacts of storm wave-induced coastal hazards on the coast of China. Journal of Coastal Research85:826-830 (SCI).
[4] Shi, H.Y, You, Z.J*(通讯作者), Yin, B.S and Bao, Y.C (2018). Critical depths derived for three distinct modes of coastal sediment transport. Journal of Coastal Research, 85:271-275 (SCI).
[5] Ji, Z.Z, You, Z.J*(通讯作者) and Yun, W (2018). Development of a generalized formulation for estimating sediment siltation in waterways on the silty coast of China, Journal of Coastal Research, 85:1221-1225 (SCI).
[6] Hu C, Zai-Jin You, Mao H.Y and Hu X.M (2018). Assessing impacts of large-scale Coastal land reclamation on marine environment on the coast of China. Journal of Coastal Research, 85:1486-1490 (SCI).
[7] You, Z. J (2018). Impacts of Human-Activity Related National-scale Projects on Coasts and Estuaries of China in Last Few Decades. The 1st International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir. 24-25 January, Wollongong, UOW, Australia.
[8] You, Z.J, Shi, H.Y, Li, B and Li, Y.Q (2018). Field Measurements of Dynamic Beach Profiles to Assess Erosion Hazard on the Coast of Yantai, China. Int. Ocean and Polar Engineering Conf., Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, June 10-15 (EI).
[9] Liu Y, You, Z,J, Gao,S C (2017).A continuous 1-D model for the coiling of a weakly viscoelastic jet. Acta Mechanica. DOI 10.1007/s00707-017-2083-1。
[10] You, Z J (2017). Assessment of coastal inundation and erosion hazards along the coast of China. Int. Ocean and Polar Engineering Conf., San Francisco, California , June 25-30 (EI) .
[11] 尤再进,尹宝树,石洪源(2017)。应用“跨零-能量”法估算海洋波能流和波浪再生能资源。海洋湖沼,48(5):926-931.
[12] 石洪源,尤再进*(2017).基于ERA-Interim再分析数据的中国东海海域波浪能时空分布特征研究[J], 海洋湖沼通报.(6):30-37.
[13] 石洪源,尤再进*(2017).不同台风合成风场在南海的适用性研究,海洋湖沼通报 (已接收).
[14] 胡聪,尤再进*(2017),毛海英等.集约用海对海洋资源影响评价方法研究.海洋环境科学,2017,(02):173-178.
[15] 王同顺,尤再进*(2017).黄河径流及风场作用下渤海盐度的数值研究,海洋湖沼通报(接收)
[16] 尤再进,中国海岸带重大灾害的空间分布及防护措施,第四屆海峽兩岸海岸科學與可持續發展學術研討會,高雄,台湾,6月2-6,2017.
[17] 尤再进,海洋与沉积动力的观测系统,国家海底科学观测网东海立体综合观测塔科学功能研讨会。上海,5月16-17,2017.
[18] 尤再进,海岸带淹没和侵蚀灾害及减灾措施,2016年海岸工程中青年学术研讨会,大连,10月30-31,2016.
[19] You, Z. J. Wave friction factor and sediment transport. Turbulent mixing and sediment transport in the ocean. Guangzhou, September 12-14, 2016.
[20] You, Z. J. Laizhou Bay, Qingdao and Transformation of Urban Ports and Harbour Workshop, Qingdao, Oct 17-19, 2016.
[21] 胡聪,尤再进,毛海英(2016).基于德尔菲法的围填海对海洋资源影响指标体系研究.海洋科学,,(08):150-156.
[22] You, Z J and Yin, B S (2016). Standardized procedure for estimation of extreme ocean waves. The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 26-July (EI).
[23] Yang, Z T and You, Z J (通讯作者) (2016). Quantitative Study of Beach-Face Slope Based on Field Measurement. International Ocean and Polar Eng Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 26-July (EI).
[24] 尤再进(2016).中国海岸带淹没和侵蚀灾害及减灾策略。中国科学院院刊,31(10): 1190-1196
[25] You, Z J. Coastal storm erosion dynamics and new conceptual model of shoreline changes. Proceedings of LOICZ 2015. Intl Workshop on Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone and Sustainable Development, Yantai, China, September 15-17, 2015.
[26] You, Z J. Calculation of critical bottom shear stresses for initial movement of cohesive and non-cohesive sediment in combined wave-current flows. 2nd Intl Workshop on Sediment Dynamics of Muddy Coasts and Estuaries: Physics, Biology and Their Interaction. Zhoushan, China, Oct 23-26, 2015
[27] You, Z J, Yin, B S, Ji, Z Z and Hu, C (2016). Minimization of the uncertainty in estimation of extreme waves. Journal of Coastal Research75:1277-1281 (SCI).
[28] 尤再进、季则舟(2015).澳大利亚新州海岸侵蚀灾害数据采集与模拟。海洋工程会议,广西南宁,13-15,2015.
[29] 李宏杰,尹宝树,尤再进(通讯作者)(2015).海洋极值波高计算的主要影响因素。海洋工程会议,广西南宁,13-15,2015.
[30] You, Z J (2015). Coastal storm erosion dynamics and new conceptual model of shoreline changes. Proceedings of LOICZ 2015. Intl Workshop on Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone and Sustainable Development, September 15-17, Yantai, China.
[31] You, Z J (2015). Calculation of critical bottom shear stresses for initial movement of cohesive and non-cohesive sediment in combined wave-current flows. 2nd Intl Workshop on Sediment Dynamics of Muddy Coasts and Estuaries: Physics, Biology and Their Interaction. Oct 23-26, Zhoushan, China.
[32] You, Z J, Laine R, Wiecek D, Hanslow D and Baldock T (2014).Field Measurements of Beach-dune Dynamic Profiles and Grain-Size Distributions to Assess Coastal Erosion along NSW Coast of Australia. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE June 15-20.
[33] Yin, B S and YOU, Z J (2014). Identification and Minimization of the Uncertainty in Estimation ofCoastal Extreme Waves. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE June 15-20 (abstract accepted).
[34] David P. Callaghan, Thuy T. T.Vu, David J. Hanslow, Peter Nielsen, You, Z J and Ian Teakle (2014). Ocean driven flooding of a coastal lake. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE June 15-20.
[35] You, Z.J, Lord, D and Watson, P (2014), Estimation of relative mean sea level rise from Fort Denison tide gauge data. Australian Journal of Civil Engineering.
[36] You, Z J and Callaghan, D (2013). Modeling significant wave height distribution with quantile functions for estimation of extreme waves: Discussion. Ocean Engineering, 70: 208-210.
[37] You, Z J (2013). Critical depths derived from different modes of sediment transport. The 2013 Australasian Coasts and Ports Conference, September, Sydney.
[38] You, Z. J and Nielsen, P (2013). Chapter 22: Extreme coastal waves, ocean surges and wave runup. Coastal Hazard Book edited by Charles W Finkl, Coastal Research Library 6, Springer Publisher.
[39] Watterson, E You, Z J, T Baldock, D Callaghan and P Nielsen (2013). Flooding tailwater levels for NSW coastal entrances. The 2013 Australasian Coasts and Ports Conference, September, Sydney.
[40] Moura, T., Olfateh, M, Callaghan, D, Nielsen, P, You, Z J and Baldock, T (2013). Tidal amplitude and wave setup in trained and untrained river entrances. The 2013 Australasian Coasts and Ports Conference, September, Sydney.
[41] McPherson, B, Young, S, Courier, E, YOU, Z J, Hanslow, D, Callaghan, D, Baldock, T and Nielsen, P (2013). Storm surge penetration in NSW estuaries. The 2013 Australasian Coasts and Ports Conference, September, Sydney.
[42] Modra, B, Fitzhenry, M, You, Z J, Hanslow, D, Jacobs R and McPherson, B (2013). Rethinking tidal harmonic analysis: Improved approach for analysis of tidal anomaly in estuaries. The 2013 Australasian Coasts and Ports Conference, September, Sydney.
[43] You, Z. J., Nielsen, P., Hanslow, D and Pritchard, T (2012). Elevated water levels at trained and untrained river entrances on the east coast of Australia. International Coastal Engineering Conference, 1-6 July, Santander, Spain.
[44] You, Z. J (2012). Estimation of extreme water levels at NSW coastal entrances. The 52nd Floodplain Management Association Conference, 22-24 Feb, Eurobodalla.
[45] Goodwin, I, D., Browning, S., Shand, T., Mole, M and You, Z. J (2012). Synoptic drivers and secular shifts in extreme wave climate in South-Eastern Australia. The 2011 AMOS Conference, 31 Jan – 2 Feb, Sydney.
[46] You, Z. J (2011). A multi-distribution approach to POT methods for determining extreme wave heights: Discussion. Coastal Engineering, 61: 49-52.
[47] You, Z. J (2011). Extrapolation of historical coastal storm wave data with best-fit distribution function. Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, 9: 73-82.
[48] Coghlan, I, Mole, M, Shand, T., Carley, J., Peirson, W., Miller, B., Kulmar, M, Couriel, E., Bodra, B and You, Z. J (2011). High resolution wave modeling (HI-WAM) for Bateman Bay detailed wave study. The 2011 Australasian Coasts and Ports Conference, September, Perth.
[49] You, Z. J (2011). Uncertainty in extrapolating a historical wave record to extreme wave heights. The 2011 Australasian Coasts and Ports Conference, 28-30 September, Perth.
[50] Shand, T.D, Carley, J.T, You, Z.J and Cox, R J (2011). Long-term trends in NSW coastal wave climate and derivation of extreme design storms. The 20th NSW Coastal Conference, 8-11 Nov, Tweed Heads.
[51] You, Z. J (2010). The statistical distributions of nearbed wave parameters in finite coastal water depth, pp.83-104. Sea Level Rise, Coastal Engineering, Shorelines and Tides Book edited by Linda L. Wright, Nova Science Publishers, USA.
[52] You, Z J (2010). A unified method for calculation of wave spectrum and wave height distribution. AMSA Conference, Wollongong.
[53] You, Z J (2009). Statistical distribution of nearbed wave orbital velocity in intermediate coastal water depth. Coastal Engineering, 56: 844-852.
[54] You, Z J (2009). A close approximation of wave dispersion relation for direct calculation of wavelength in any coastal water depth. Applied Ocean Research, 30:133-139.
[55] You, Z. J (2009). Statistical distribution of wave orbital velocity in finite water depth. Advances in Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, 4: 1324-1329.
[56] You, Z.J, Huang, G and Yin, B.S (2009). Direct measurement of wave-induced bottom shear stress under irregular waves. Advances in Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, 4: 1213-1218.
[57] You, Z. J (2008). Modified Newton-Raphson Solution for Dispersion Equation of Transition Water Waves: Comments. Journal of Coastal Research, 24:1349-1350.
[58] You, Z.J and Lord, D (2008). Influence of the El Nino Southern Oscillation on the NSW coastal storm severity. Journal of Coastal Research, 24: 203-207.
[59] You, Z.J and Yin, B.S (2007). Direct measurement of bed shear stress under waves. Special Issue, Journal of Coastal Research, 50: 1132-1136.
[60] You, Z.J (2007). Extrapolation of extreme wave height with a proper probability distribution function. Australasian Coasts and Ports Conference, 17-20 July, Melbourne.
[61] Guang, H., Wang, Y.G, Yin, B.S and You, Z.J [Corresponding author] (2007). The study of the bed shear stress under irregular waves. The 17th international Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 1-6, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.
[62] Cao B., Wang, Y.G and You, Z.J [Corresponding author] (2007). Comparison of Five different distribution functions for calculation of design wave height. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology, 4: 1-9.
[63] Guang, H., Wang, Y.G, Yin, B.S and You, Z.J [Corresponding author] (2007). A new method for direct measurement of the bed shear stress of wave boundary layer in wave flume. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 19:517-524.
[64] Cao B., Wang, Y.G and You, Z.J [Corresponding author] (2006). Comparison of three design wave height calculations. China Ocean Engineering, 24: 6-11.
[65] You, Z.J and Yin, B.S (2006). Estimation of extreme coastal waves from time series of wave data. China Ocean Engineering, 20: 225-241.
[66] You, Z.J and Yin, B.S (2006). A unified criterion for initiation of sediment motion and inception of sheet flow under waves. Sedimentology, 53: 1181-1190.
[67] You, Z.J (2006). Estimation of bed roughness in a tidal channel with an extended long-fit method. Continental Shelf Research, 26: 283-294.
[68] You, Z.J (2005). Discussion of “Initiation of movement of quartz particles”. Journal of Hydraulics Engineering, ASCE.
[69] You, Z.J (2005). Estimation of bed roughness from mean velocities measured at two levels near the seabed. Continental Shelf Research, 25: 1043-1051.
[70] You, Z.J (2005). Discussion of “Effects of bed perturbation and wave asymmetry on ripple initiation”. Coastal Engineering. 52: 303-307.
[71] You, Z.J (2005). A field study of fine sediment resuspension dynamics in a large semi-enclosed bay. Ocean Engineering, 32: 1982-1993.
[72] You, Z.J (2004). The effect of suspended sediment concentration on the settling velocity of cohesive sediment in quiescent water. Ocean Engineering, 31:1955-1965.
[73] You, Z.J and Yin, Y.B (2003). Discussion of “A simple method of predicting the threshold of particle transport under oscillatory waves”. Sedimentary Geology, 163: 323-325.
[74] You, Z.J and Yin, Y.B (2003). Discussion of “Apparent roughness in wave-current flow: Implication for coastal studies”. Journal of Hydraulics Engineering, ASCE, 140: 270-271.
[75] You, Z.J (2003). Discussion of “simple and explicit solution to the wave dispersion equation”. Coastal Engineering, 48: 133-135.
[76] Yin, B.Y and You, Z.J (2003). The impact of wave-dependent surface wind stress in a coupled wave-tide surge model. Australasian Coastal Engineering and Ports Conference, Auckland.
[77] You, Z.J and Jayewardene I. (2003). The occurrence of extreme coastal storms along the NSW coast. Australian National Environment Conference, Brisbane.
[78] You, Z. J and Hanslow, D. (2001). Statistical distribution of nearbed wave orbital velocity under irregular waves. In: Proc, Combined Australasian Coastal Engineering and Ports Conf., Gold Coast, Australia, pp.412-416.
[79] You, Z. J and Yin, B. S. (2001). Determination of coastal wave direction in shallow water. In: Proc, Combined Australasian Coastal Engineering and Ports Conf., Gold Coast, Australia, pp523-527.
[80] Evans, P., Hanslow, D Coutts-Smith, A and You, Z. J (2000). Nearshore-Inner Shelf sediment exchange on the NSW Central Coast. 27th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE, Sydney, pp.3151-3164.
[81] You, Z. J (2000). A simple model of sediment initiation under waves. Coastal Engineering, 41: 399-412.
[82] Hanslow, D., Davis, G. and You, Z. J and Zastawny, J (2000). Berm height at coastal lagoon entrances in NSW. 10th NSW Coastal Management Conference 2000, Yamba.
[83] You, Z.J (1998). The inception of sheet flow in oscillatory flow. Ocean Eng, 26: 277-285.
[84] You, Z.J (1998). Initial motion of sediment in oscillatory flow. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 124: 68-72.
[85] You, Z. J and Nielsen, P (1998). A unified model for initial motion of sediment and inception of sheet flow in oscillatory flow. 26th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE, Copenhagen.
[86] You, Z.J (1997). Initial motion of sediment under waves and currents. 13th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference, Christchurch, pp.173-178.
[87] You, Z.J and Nielsen, P (1997). Threshold of sediment motion in oscillatory flow. 13th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference, Christchurch, pp.167-172.
[88] You, Z.J (1997). Discussion of “On the vertical distribution of ”. Coastal Engineering, 30: 305-310.
[89] You, Z.J (1997). Discussion of Laboratory investigations into wave period effects on sand bed erodibility under the combined action of waves and currents”. Coastal Eng, 28: 157-160.
[90] You, Z.J (1996). Discussion of “Transport of fine sands by currents and waves”. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 122: 265-266.
[91] You, Z.J (1996). The effect of wave-induced stress on current profiles. Ocean Eng, 23: 619-628.
[92] You, Z.J (1996). Movable bed roughness and current profiles in the presence of irregular waves with an arbitrary angle to currents. Ocean Eng, 23: 225-242.
[93] You, Z.J (1995). Increase of current bottom shear due to waves. Coastal Eng, 26: 291-295 .
[94] You, Z.J. (1995). A simple model for current profiles in combined wave-current flows: a reply. Coastal Eng, 26: 99-104.
[95] You, Z.J (1995). Bottom friction effects in the combined flow field of random waves and currents. Coastal Eng, 24: 357-359.
[96] You, Z.J and Nielsen, P (1996). Movable bed roughness in the flow of irregular waves and currents over movable beds. 25th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE, Orlando, pp.3495-3506.
[97] Nielsen, P and You, Z.J (1996). Eulerian mean velocities under non breaking waves. 25th Intl Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE, Orlando, pp.4066-4078.
[98] You, Z.J (1995). Modeling of bottom shear stresses and current profiles in the coastal zone. Australian Physical Oceanography and Australian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society Conference, Lorne, p. 147.
[99] You, Z J. Nielsen P and Black K (1995). The effect of wave Reynolds shear stress on current profiles in combined wave-current flows. 12th Australasian Coastal & Ocean Engineering Conference, IEAust, Melbourne, pp.235-239.
[100] You, Z.J (1995). Movable bed roughness and current profiles in the presence of irregular waves perpendicular to currents. 12th Australasian Coastal & Ocean Engineering Conference, IEAust, Melbourne, pp.311 -315.
[101] You, Z.J and Black, K (1995). Increase of current bottom shear stress due to waves. 12th Australasian Coastal & Ocean Engineering Conference, IEAust, Melbourne, pp. 323-326.
[102] You, Z.J and B. Karakiewicz (1994). Current velocity profile and movable roughness in a combined wave-current flow. International Symposium on Waves- Physical and Numerical Modelling, IAHR, Vancouver, pp.1599-1606.
[103] You, Z.J and B. Karakiewicz (1994). Wave friction factors and velocities in turbulent oscillatory boundary layers with relative large roughness. International Conference: Coastal Zone Canada’94, Halifax, pp. 210-215.
[104] Karakiewicz, B., You, Z.J., Massel, S.R., Quach, T and Donelan, M (1994). Wind-wave generation and interaction with dam revetments in hydro-electrical reservoirs of complex geometry and bathymetry. International Symposium on Waves-Physical and Numerical Modelling, IAHR, Vancouver, pp.654-664.
[105] You, Z.J (1994). Eddy viscosities and velocities in combined wave-current flows. Ocean Eng, 21: 81-97.
[106] You, Z.J (1994). A simple model for current velocity profiles in combined wave-current flows. Coastal Eng, 23: 289-304.
[107] You, Z.J (1993). An evaluation of expressions for wave energy dissipation due to bottom friction in the presence of currents. Coastal Eng, 19: 327-328.
[108] You, Z.J and P. Nielsen (1993). Current velocity profiles in the presence of waves. 11th Australasian Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, IEAust, Townsville, pp.253-257.
[109] You, Z.J, Nielsen, P and Wilkinson, D.L (1992). Velocity distribution in turbulent oscillatory boundary layer. Coastal Eng, 18: 21-38.
[110] You, Z.J (1992). Oscillatory boundary layers without and with currents. Ph.D thesis, Dept of Water Engineering, University of New South Wales.
[111] You, Z.J (1991), Nielsen, P and Wilkinson, D.L (1991). Velocity distributions of waves and currents in combined flows. Coastal Eng, 15: 525-543.
[112] You, Z.J, Wilkinson, D.L and Nielsen, P (1991). Near bed net drift under waves. 10th Australasian Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Auckland, pp.183-186.
[113] Nielsen, P. Sena, R.N and You, Z.J (1990). The roughness height under waves. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 28: 645-647.

10. 科技报告 (1994-1998)
[114] You, Z. J and Hatton, D (1998). Werribee mixing zone compliance and monitoring: A numerical study. Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute.
[115] You, Z.J, Hatton, D and Turnbull, J (1998). Sediment Resuspension Dynamics in Moreton Bay. Phase-2 Study. Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute.
[116] You, Z.J and Greilach, P (1998). Assessment of beach refilling and construction of a new jetty in Lake Colac. Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute.
[117] Turnbull, J, Hatton, D and You, Z.J (1998). Outfall study at Boags Rocks, Victoria: Summary of oceanographic data collection. Marine & Freshwater Resources Institute.
[118] You, Z.J, Hatton, D, Turnbull, J and Greilach, P (1997). Resuspension Dynamics in Moreton Bay. Phase-1 Study. Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute.
[119] You, Z.J and Greilach, P (1996). Assessment of groyne and rock revetment works at San Remo. Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute.
[120] Greilach, P, Hatton, D, Turnbull, J, You, Z.J and Ball, D (1996). Review of data collected by the Marine Models Laboratory, Port of Melbourne Authority. Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute.
[121] You, Z.J, Greilach, P, Turnbull, J and Hatton, D (1996). Field measurements of nearbed suspended sediment concentrations and velocities at Pakiri, New Zealand. Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute.
[122] You, Z.J, Greilach, P, Hatton, D, Turnbull, J and Black, K (1996). Field measurements of sediment concentrations in Port Phillip Bay. Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study, CSIRO, Technical Report No.28.
[123] Greilach, P, You, Z.J, Black, K, and Gorman, R (1996). Sediment Characteristics in Port Phillip Bay. Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study, CSIRO, Technical Report No.23.
[124] You, Z. J, Greilach, P and Irvine, I (1995). Assessment on Channel Improvement Program Environment Effects Statement. Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences.
[125] Greilach, P, Edgar, G, Jenkins, G, O’Callaghan, P and You, Z.J (1995). An assessment of actual environmental effects of a submarine optical fibre cable crossing Bass Strait between Boat Harbour and Sandy Point. Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences.
[126] Greilach, P, Edgar, G, Hatton, D., Jenkins, G, O’Callaghan, P, Weaver, F,Wheatley, M, and You, Z.J (1995). An assessment of potential environmental effects of a submarine optical fibre cable crossing of Bass Strait between Inverloch and Stanley. Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences.
[127] Greilach, P, You Z. J, Black K, and Gorman, R (1995). Port Phillip Bay environmental study-Task 7: Sediment Sampling. Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences, Vol.1-3.
[128] You, Z. J and W, Lange (1995). Assessment of existing knowledge on cohesive sediment transport in Port Phillip Bay. Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences.
[129] Black, K, Hatton, D, Turnbull, J and You, Z.J (1994). Turbidity and light level monitoring in sea grass beds at Avalon and Clifton Spring. Technical Report No.12, Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences.

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