Annual pattern of zooplankton communities and their environmental response in a subtropical maritime channel system in the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh
其他题名Annual pattern of zooplankton communities and their environmental response in a subtropical maritime channel system in the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh
Abdullah Al Mamun1; Alam Md Didarul2; Akhtar Aysha2; Xu Henglong1; Islam Md Shafiqul2; Mustafa Kamal Abu Hena3; Uddin M Muslem2; Alam Md Wahidul2
关键词EAST-COASTWATER-QUALITYINDIAABUNDANCEESTUARYCREEKMESOZOOPLANKTONCOPEPODSBIOMASSSEAzooplanktontrophic levelssubtropical channelcommunity structuremultivariate approach
英文摘要Zooplankton plays an important role in aquatic food webs by fluxing of energy from primary producer to subsequent trophic levels in the food chain. The annual pattern of zooplankton communities and potential environmental drivers were studied in the Kohelia channel, Bangladesh from summer 2014 to spring 2015. Samples were collected using net at a depth of 1 m. A total of 32 species belonged to 18 orders, 27 families and 15 taxonomic groups were identified. Of these species, 22 distributed in all four seasons of which 8 were dominant and highly contributing to the total communities. Species number peaked in summer next to winter and fall in spring while maximum abundance was in summer and minimum in spring. Multivariate analyses showed that there was a clear annual pattern in the zooplankton communities. Species diversity and evenness peaked in spring but fall in autumn while the high value of species richness was found in winter. Biological-environmental best matching (BIO-ENV) analyses conformed that community pattern of zooplankton was mainly driven by transparency salinity, and temperature individually or combined with water nutrients. These results demonstrate that annual pattern of the zooplankton community shaped by channel environmental factors in subtropical channel ecosystems, thus might be used for community-based subtropical coastal water bioassessment.
中文摘要Zooplankton plays an important role in aquatic food webs by fluxing of energy from primary producer to subsequent trophic levels in the food chain. The annual pattern of zooplankton communities and potential environmental drivers were studied in the Kohelia channel, Bangladesh from summer 2014 to spring 2015.Samples were collected using net at a depth of 1 m. A total of 32 species belonged to 18 orders, 27 families and 15 taxonomic groups were identified. Of these species, 22 distributed in all four seasons of which 8 were dominant and highly contributing to the total communities. Species number peaked in summer next to winter and fall in spring while maximum abundance was in summer and minimum in spring. Multivariate analyses showed that there was a clear annual pattern in the zooplankton communities. Species diversity and evenness peaked in spring but fall in autumn while the high value of species richness was found in winter. Biological-environmental best matching(BIO-ENV) analyses conformed that community pattern of zooplankton was mainly driven by transparency salinity, and temperature individually or combined with water nutrients. These results demonstrate that annual pattern of the zooplankton community shaped by channel environmental factors in subtropical channel ecosystems, thus might be used for community-based subtropical coastal water bioassessment.
2.University Chittagong, Fac Marine Sci & Fisheries, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh
3.University Putra Malaysia, Dept Anim Sci & Fishery, Fac Agr & Food Sci, Campus Bintulu, Bintulu 97008, Sarawak, Malaysia
GB/T 7714Abdullah Al Mamun,Alam Md Didarul,Akhtar Aysha,et al. Annual pattern of zooplankton communities and their environmental response in a subtropical maritime channel system in the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh[J]. ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA,2018,37(8):65-73.
APAAbdullah Al Mamun.,Alam Md Didarul.,Akhtar Aysha.,Xu Henglong.,Islam Md Shafiqul.,...&Alam Md Wahidul.(2018).Annual pattern of zooplankton communities and their environmental response in a subtropical maritime channel system in the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh.ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA,37(8),65-73.
MLAAbdullah Al Mamun,et al."Annual pattern of zooplankton communities and their environmental response in a subtropical maritime channel system in the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh".ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA 37.8(2018):65-73.
Annual pattern of zooplankton communities and their environmental response in a subtropical maritime
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