

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-24

1995.09-1999.09华南师范大学生物系 本科
2003.08-2006.12香港理工大学土木工程学系 博士
2007.5- 2007.12中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,助理研究员
2008.1- 2017.10中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,副研究员
2017.11- 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,研究员
2011.2-2012.2 英国Lancaster University环境研究中心 访问****
2011.4 挪威水研究所(NIVA),短期访问
2010.6, 2012.3, 2013.9,2015.6,2016.9 德国Helmholtz中心的海岸带研究所 短期访问
2017.5 澳大利亚James Cook大学和Curtin大学 短期访问
2.中国科学院知识创新工程重点项目(青年人才类),莱州湾溴系阻燃剂类持久性毒害物的环境过程(KZCX2- EW -QN210),2011.01-2013.12,经费60万,主持。
1.Apel C.*, Tang J.H.*, Ebinghaus R., (2018). Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers and UV filters in sediments of the Chinese Bohai and Yellow Seas. Environmental Pollution, in press (IF=5.099, TOP期刊).
2.Li J., Tang J.H.*, Mi W.Y., Tian C.G., Emeis K.C., Ebinghaus R., and Xie Z.Y.*, (2018). Spatial distribution and seasonal variation of organophosphate esters in the air above the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China. Environmental Science & Technology, in press. (*标示为通讯作者, IF=6.198, TOP期刊)
3.Zhen X.M., Tang J.H.*, Liu L., Wang X.M., Li Y.N., and Xie Z.Y., (2018). From headwaters to estuary: Distribution and fate of halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) in a river basin near the largest HFR manufacturing base in China. Science of the total Environment, in press. (IF=4.900, TOP期刊)
4.Liu L., Tang J.H.*, Zhong G.C., Zhen X.M., Pan X.H., and Tian C.G., (2018). Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variation of Four Current-Use Pesticides (CUPs) in the air and surface water of the Bohai Sea, China. Science of the total Environment, 621:516-523. (IF=4.900, TOP期刊)
5.Zhong M.Y., Wu H.F., Mi W.Y., Li F., Ji C.L., Ebinghaus R., Tang J.H.*, Xie Z.Y., (2018). Occurrences and distribution characteristics of organophosphate esters flame retardants and plasticizers in the sediment of the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China. Science of the total Environment, 615, 1305-1311 (IF=4.900, TOP期刊).
6.Yao Y.Y., Chang S., Zhao Y.Y., Tang J.H.*, Sun H.W.*, and Xie Z.Y., (2017). Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the urban, industrial, and background atmosphere of Northeastern China coast around the Bohai Sea: Occurrence, partitioning, and seasonal variation, Atmospheric Environment,167, 150-158. ( IF=3.629,TOP期刊).
7.Zhong M.Y., Tang J.H.*, Mi L.J., Li F., Wang R.M., Huang G.P., and Wu H.F.*, (2017). Occurrence and spatial distribution of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 121, 331-338 (IF=3.146, TOP期刊).
8.Zhao Z., Tang J.H.*, Mi L.J., Tian C.G., Zhong G.C., Zhang G., Wang S. R., Li Q.L., Ebinghaus R., Xie Z. Y., and Sun H.H., (2017). Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the lower atmosphere and surface waters of the Chinese Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and Yangtze River estuary. Science of the total Environment, 599-600:114-123 (IF=4.900, TOP期刊).
9.Jiang T., Skyllberg U., Bj?rn E., Green N. W., Tang J.H.*, Wang D.Y.*, Gao J., Li C.X. (2017). Characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its relationship with dissolved mercury in Xiaoqing River-Laizhou Bay estuary, Bohai Sea, China. Environmental Pollution, 223:19-30. (IF=5.099, TOP期刊).
10.Heydebreck F., Tang J.H.*, Xie Z. and Ebinghaus R. (2016). Emissions of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in a textile manufacturing plant in China and their relevance for workers’ exposure, Environmental Science & Technology, 50, 10386?10396. (IF=6.198, TOP期刊)
11.Zhen X. M., Tang J.H.*, Xie Z., Wang R.M., Huang G. P., Zheng Q., Zhang K., Sun Y.G., Tian C. G., Pan X.H., Li J., and Zhang G., (2016). Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and alternative brominated flame retardants (aBFRs) in sediments from four bays of the Yellow Sea, Environmental Pollution, 213: 386-394. (IF=5.099, TOP期刊)
12.Heydebreck F., Tang J.H.*, Xie Z. and Ebinghaus R. (2015). Alternative and Legacy Perfluoroalkyl Substances: Differences between European and Chinese River/Estuary Systems, Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 8386?8395. (IF=6.198, TOP期刊)
13.Zhao Z., Xie Z., Tang J.H.*, et al., (2015). Spatial distribution of perfluoroalkyl acids in surface sediments of the German Bight, North Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 511:145-152. (IF=4.900, TOP期刊)
14.Zhao Z., Xie Z.Y.*, Tang J.H.*, Sturm R., Y.J. Chen, Zhang G., Ebinghaus R., 2015. Seasonal variations and spatial distributions of perfluoroalkyl substances in the rivers Elbe and lower Weser and the North Sea. Chemosphere, 129: 118-125 (IF=4.208, TOP期刊).
15.Wang R.M., Tang J.H.*, Xie Z., et al., (2015). Occurrence and spatial distribution of organophosphate ester flame retardants and plasticizers in 40 rivers draining into the Bohai Sea, north China. Environmental Pollution, 198:172-178 (IF=5.099, TOP期刊).
16.Zhong G.C., Tang. J.H.*, Xie Z.Y., et al., (2015). Selected current-use pesticides (CUPs) in coastal and offshore sediments of Bohai and Yellow seas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22:1653–1661 (IF=2.741).
17.Zhong G.C., Tang. J.H.*, Xie Z.Y., et al., (2014). Selected current-use and historic-use pesticides in air and seawater of the Bohai and Yellow Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119(2): 1073-1086, doi: 10.1002/2013JD020951 (IF=3.454, TOP期刊,Nature Index期刊).
18.Tang J.H.*, Chu K.W., Chan L.Y., Chen Y.J., (2014), Non–methane hydrocarbon emission profiles from printing and electronic industrial processes and its implications on the ambient atmosphere in the Pearl River Delta, South China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 5(1):151-160 (IF=1.637).
19.Zhao, Z., Tang J.H. *, Xie Z.Y., Chen Y.J., Pan X.H., Zhong G.C., Sturm R., Zhang G., and Ebinghaus R., (2013). Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in riverine and coastal sediments of Laizhou Bay, North China. Science of the total Environment, 447: 415-23. (IF=4.900, TOP期刊)
20.Zhong G.C., Tang J.H.*, Zhao Z., Pan X.H., Chen Y.J., Li J. and Zhang G., (2011). Organochlorine pesticides in marine and adjacent riverine sediments of Laizhou Bay, North China. Marine Pollution Bulletin,62: 2543-2547 (IF=3.146, TOP期刊).
21.Pan, X.H., Tang J.H.*, Chen Y.J., Li J., Zhang G., (2011). Polychlorinated naphthalences (PCNs) in riverine and marine sediments of the Laizhou Bay area, North China. Environmental Pollution, 159: 3515-3521 (IF=5.099, TOP期刊).
22.Pan X.H., Tang J.H. *, Li J., Zhong G.C., Chen Y.J., and Zhang G*., (2011). Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the riverine and marine sediments of the Laizhou Bay area, North China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 886-893 (IF=2.401).
23.Pan X. H., Tang J. H. *, Li J., Guo Z.G., and Zhang G. *, (2010). Levels and distributions of PBDEs and PCBs in sediments of Bohai Sea, North China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12, 1234-1241 (IF=2.592).
24.Tang, J.H.*, Chan L. Y., Chang C. C., Liu S., and Li Y.S., (2009). Characteristics and sources of non-methane hydrocarbons at background sites of southeast, eastern, and southern China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D03304, doi: 10.1029/2008JD010333. (IF=3.454, TOP期刊,Nature Index期刊)
25.Tang, J. H.*, Chan L.Y., Chan C.Y., Li Y. S., Chang C. C., Wang X. M., Zou S. C., Barletta B., Blake D. R. and Wu D., (2008). Implications of changing urban and rural emissions on non-methane hydrocarbons in the Pearl River Delta region of China. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 3780-3794(IF=3.629, TOP期刊).
26.Tang, J. H., Chan L. Y., Chan C. Y., Li Y. S., Chang C. C., Liu S. C., and Li Y. D., (2007). NMHCs in the transported and local air masses at a clean remote site on Hainan Island, South China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D14316, doi: 10.1029/2006JD007796. (IF=3.454, TOP期刊,Nature Index期刊)
27.Tang, J. H., Chan L. Y., Chan C. Y., Li Y. S., Chang C. C., Liu S. C., Wu D., and Li Y. D., (2007). Characteristics and diurnal variations of NMHCs in urban, suburban, and rural sites of the Pearl River Delta and a remote site in South China. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 8620-8632 (IF=3.629, TOP期刊).
28.Tang, J. H., Chan C. Y., Wang X. M., Chan L. Y., Sheng G. Y. and Fu J. M., (2005). Volatile organic compounds in a multi-storey shopping mall in Guangzhou, South China. Atmospheric Environment, 39, 7374-7383 (IF=3.629, TOP期刊).
29.Sun Y., Yuan G. L., Li J., Tang J. H., Wang G. H., (2018). High-resolution sedimentary records of some organochlorine pesticides in Yamzho Yumco Lake of the Tibetan Plateau: Concentration and composition. Science of the total Environment, 615, 469-475.
30.Wang X. P., Zong Z., Tian C. G., Chen Y. J., Luo C. L., Tang J. H., Li J., and Zhang G., (2018). Assessing on toxic potency of PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at a national atmospheric background site in North China. Science of the total Environment, 612, 330-338.
31.Huang G. P., Chen Y. J., Tian C. G., Tang J. H., Zhang H., Luo Y. M., Li J., Zhang G., (2016). Spatial Distributions and Seasonal Variations of Dissolved Black Carbon in the Bohai Sea, China. Journal of Coast Research, 74: 214-227.
32.Chen Y. J., Lin T., Tang J. H., Xie Z. Y., Tian C. G., Li J., Zhang G., (2016). Exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons across the air-water interface in the Bohai and Yellow Seas. Atmospheric Environment, 141: 153-160.
33.Liu X. H., Zhang H. B., Li L. Z., Fu C. C., Tu C., Huang Y. J., Wu L. H., Tang J. H., Luo Y. M., Christie P., (2016). Levels, distributions and sources of veterinary antibiotics in the sediments of the Bohai Sea in China and surrounding estuaries. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 109: 597-602.
34.Lai S. C., Song J. W., Song T. L., Huang Z. J., Zhang Y. Y., Zhao Y., Liu G. C., Zheng J. Y., Mi W. Y., Tang J. H., Zou S. C., Ebinghaus R., Xie Z. Y., (2016). Neutral polyfluoroalkyl substances in the atmosphere over the northern South China Sea. Environmental Pollution, 214: 449-455.
35.Lai S. C., Xie Z. Y. , Song T. L., Tang J. H., Zhang Y. Y., Mi W. Y., Peng J. H., Zhao Y., Zou S. C., Ebinghaus R., (2015). Occurrence and dry deposition of organophosphate esters in atmospheric particles over the northern South China Sea. Chemosphere, 127: 195-200.
36.Gao B., Du X. Q., Wang X. M., Tang J. H., Ding X., Zhang Y. L., Bi X. H., Zhang G., (2015). Parent, Alkylated, and Sulfur/Oxygen-Containing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mainstream Smoke from 13 Brands of Chinese Cigarettes. Environmental science & technology, 49 (15): 9012-9019.
37.Fang Y., Chen Y. J., Tian C. G., Lin T., Hu L. M., Huang G. P., Tang J. H., Li J., Zhang G., (2015). Flux and budget of BC in the continental shelf seas adjacent to Chinese high BC emission source regions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29(7): 957-972.
38.Li W., Wang C., Wang H., Chen J., Yuan C., Li T., Wang W., Shen H., Huang Y., Wang R., Wang B., Zhang Y., Chen H., Chen Y., Tang J.H., Wang X., Liu J., Coveney Jr R. M., and Tao S., (2014). Distribution of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) in rural field, rural village and urban areas of northern China. Environmental Pollution, 185:134-140.
39.Zhou H. D., Hu J. F., Spiro B., Peng P. A., Tang J. H., (2014). Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in surficial coastal and open marine sediments around China: Indicators of sea surface temperature and effects of their sources. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 395: 114-121.
40.Lin, T., Wang, L.F., Chen, Y.J., Tian, C.G., Pan, X.H., Tang, J.H. and Li, J. (2014) Sources and preservation of sedimentary organic matter in the Southern Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea: Evidence from lipid biomarkers. Marine Pollution Bulletin 86(1-2), 210-218.
41.Li, W., Wang, C., Wang, H.Q.J., Chen, J.W., Yuan, C.Y., Li, T.C., Wang, W.T., Shen, H.Z., Huang, Y., Wang, R., Wang, B., Zhang, Y.Y., Chen, H., Chen, Y.C., Tang, J.H., Wang, X.L., Liu, J.F., Coveney, R.M. and Tao, S. (2014a) Distribution of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) in rural field, rural village and urban areas of northern China. Environmental Pollution 185, 134-140.
42.Li, W., Wang, C., Wang, H.Q.J., Chen, J.W., Shen, H.Z., Shen, G.F., Huang, Y., Wang, R., Wang, B., Zhang, Y.Y., Chen, H., Chen, Y.C., Su, S., Lin, N., Tang, J.H., Li, Q.B., Wang, X.L., Liu, J.F. and Tao, S. (2014b) Atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rural and urban areas of northern China. Environmental Pollution 192, 83-90.
43.Zhang, Y.L., Li, J., Zhang, G., Zotter, P., Huang, R.J., Tang, J.H., Wacker, L., Prevot, A.S.H. and Szidat, S. (2014) Radiocarbon-Based Source Apportionment of Carbonaceous Aerosols at a Regional Background Site on Hainan Island, South China. Environmental Science & Technology 48(5), 2651-2659.
44.Gao M.S., Liu S., Zhao G.M., Yuan H.M., Wei, C.B., Wu Y.H., Tang J.H., (2014). Vulnerability of Eco-hydrological Environment in the Yellow River Delta Wetland. Journal of Coastal Research, 30(2): 348-356.
45.Zhang R.J., Tang J.H., Li J. Cheng Z.N., Chakra C., Liu D.Y., Zheng Q., Song M.K., Chen X.X., Luo C.L., Zhang G., 2013. Occurrence and risks of antibiotics in coastal aquatic environment of the Yellow Sea, North China. Science of the Total Environment, 450-451:197–204 (IF=3.286).
46.Zhang R.J., Tang J.H., Li J., Zheng Q., Liu D., Chen Y.J., Zou Y.D., Chen X.X., Luo C.L., and Zhang G., 2013. Antibiotics in the offshore waters of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in China: occurrence, distribution and ecological risks. Environmental Pollution, 174: 71-77 (IF=3.746).
47.Xu Y., Tian C.G., Zhang G., Ming L.L., Wang Y., Chen Y.J., Tang J.H., Li J., and Luo, C. L. (2013). Influence of monsoon system on alpha-HCH fate in Asia: A model study from 1948 to 2008. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 118(12): 6764-6770 (IF=5.228).
48.Zhang R.J., Zhang G., Zheng Q., Tang J.H., Chen Y.J., Xu W.H., Zou Y.D., and Chen X.X., 2012. Occurrence and risks of antibiotics in the Laizhou Bay, China: Impacts of River discharge. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 80:208-215 (IF=2.294).
49.Zheng Q., Zhang R. J., Wang Y. H., Pan X. H., Tang J. H., Zhang G., 2012. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities. Marine Environmental Research, 78:26-33.
50.Xu Y., Tian C.G., Ma J.M., Zhang G., Li Y.F., Ming L.L., Li J., Chen Y.J., and Tang J.H., 2012. Assessing environmental fate of ?-HCH in Asian Soil and association with environmental factors. Environmental Sciences & Technology, 46: 9525-9532 (IF=5.228).
51.Wang C., Li W., Chen J. W., Wang H. Q., Li T. C., Shen G. F., Shen H. Z., Huang Y., Wang R., Wang B., Zhang Y. Y. Tang J. H., Liu W. X., Wang X. L., and Tao S. (2012). Summer atmospheric polybrominated diphenyl ethers in urban and rural areas of northern China. Environmental Pollution, 117: 234-240.
52.Zhao Z., Xie Z.Y., Moller A., Sturm R., Tang J.H., Zhang G., and Ebinghaus R.,(2012). Distribution and long-range transport of polyfluoroalkyl substances in the Arctic, Atlantic Ocean and Antarctic coast. Environmental Pollution, 170, 71-77 (IF=3.746).
53.Zhong G.C., Xie Z.Y., Cai M.H., Moller A., Sturm R., Tang J.H., Zhang G., He J.F., and Ebinghaus R., (2012). Distribution and Air-Sea Exchange of Current-Use Pesticides (CUPs) from East Asia to the High Arctic Ocean. Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (1), 259-267(IF=5.228).
54.Zhong G.C., Xie Z.Y., Moller A., Halsall C, Caba A., Sturm R., Tang J.H., Zhang G., and Ebinghaus R., (2012). Currently used pesticides, hexachlorobenzene and hexachlorocyclohexanes in the air and seawater of the German Bight (North Sea). Environmental Chemistry, 9 (4), 405-414.
55.Zhang, R.J., Zhang G., Tang J.H., Xu W.H., Li J., Liu X., Zou Y.D., Chen X.X., and Li X.D., (2012). Levels, spatial distribution and sources of selected antibiotics in the East River (Dongjiang), South China. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 15(2), 210-218 (IF=0.653).
56.Zou S.C., Xu W.H., Zhang R.J., Tang J.H., Chen Y.J., Zhang G., (2011). Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in coastal water of the Bohai Bay, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities. Environmental Pollution, 159(10), 2913-2920 (IF=3.746).
57.Tian C.G., Liu L.Y., Ma J.M., Tang J.H., Li Y.F., (2011). Modeling redistribution of alpha-HCH in Chinese soil induced by environment factors. Environmental Pollution, 159 (10), 2961-2967 (IF=3.746).
58.Zhao Z., Zhong G.C., Moller A., Xie Z.Y., Sturm R., Ebinghaus R., Tang J.H., Zhang G., (2011). Levels and distribution of Dechlorane Plus in coastal sediments of the Yellow Sea, North China. Chemosphere, 83 (7), 984-990 (IF=3.206).
59.Zhang G., Li J., Li X.D., Xu Y., Guo L.L., Tang J.H., Lee C.S.L., Liu X.A., and Chen Y.J., (2010). Impact of anthropogenic emissions and open biomass burning on regional carbonaceous aerosols in South China. Environmental Pollution, 158 (11), 3392-3400 (IF=3.746).
60.Lin T., Hu Z.H., Zhang G., Li X.D., Xu W.H., Tang J.H., and Li J., (2009). Levels and Mass Burden of DDTs in Sediments from Fishing Harbors: The Importance of DDT-Containing Antifouling Paint to the Coastal Environment of China. Environmental Science & Technology, 43(21), 8033-8038 (IF=5.228).
61.Chan C. Y., Li Y. S., Tang J. H., Leung Y. K., Wu M. C., Chan L. Y., Chang C. C. and Liu S. C., (2007). An analysis on abnormally low ozone in the upper troposphere over subtropical East Asia in spring 2004. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 3566-3564 (IF=3.465).
62.Chan, C. Y.,Tang J. H., Li Y. S., and Chan L. Y., (2006). Mixing ratios and sources of halocarbons in urban, semi-urban and rural sites of the Pearl River Delta, South China. Atmospheric Environment, 40, 7331-7345 (IF=3.465).
63.Feng Y., Wen S., Wang X. M., Sheng G. Y., He Q. S., Tang J. H. and Fu J. M., (2004). Indoor and outdoor carbonyl compounds in the hotel ballrooms in Guangzhou, China. Atmospheric Environment, 38, 103-112 (IF=3.465).
64.Chan, L. Y., Lau W. L., Wang X. M. and Tang J. H., (2003). Preliminary measurements of aromatic VOCs in public transportation modes in Guangzhou, China. Environment International, 29, 429-435 (IF=5.297).
1.王润梅,唐建辉*,黄国培 等 (2015)。环渤海地区河流河口及海洋表层沉积物有机质特征和来源。《海洋与湖沼》,46(3):497-507。
2.刘艺凯,王景芝,唐建辉*,于志强,张干,(2014)。莱州湾河流表层沉积物中六溴环十二烷的含量水平、分布及组成特征。 地球化学,43(1):55-63。
5.黄卫国, 唐建辉*,陈颖军,潘晓辉,刘东艳,张干,2011。山东半岛典型海湾中烷基酚及双酚A的分布特征。海洋环境科学,31(3),358-363(通讯作者)。
12.杜雪晴,王新明,唐建辉,丁翔,林海涛,李忠,盛国英,傅家谟, (2006).我国主要市售香烟主流烟气中多环芳烃的分析,环境化学, 25(6) ,785-788。
13.唐建辉,王新明,盛国英,傅家谟,(2005). 大气中甲醛及羰基化合物的分析研究进展。分析化学,33(1), 134-140 (SCI收录)。
14.唐建辉,王新明,冯艳丽,盛国英,傅家谟,(2003). 大气中 C1~C10 羰基化合物的测定。分析化学,31(12), 1468-1472 (SCI收录)。
15.唐建辉,王新明,盛国英,傅家谟,(2003). 广州新建住房中甲醛的分析,分析测试学报, Vo l . 2 2 , No.1, 71~73。
16.唐建辉,王新明,盛国英,傅家谟,(2003). 广州大型购物中心室内空气中 PM10、CO和 CO2的分布和来源特征. 中国环境监测,19(2), 13-17。

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  • 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-王传远
    王传远,男,中国致公党党员,博士,副研究员,硕士研究生导师;烟台大学和鲁东大学兼职硕导。2007年7月博士毕业于中国科学院兰州地质研究所;2013年在加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学作高级研究****。主要从事环境地球化学和环境法医学研究(海洋溢油的指纹鉴定、风险评估及其生态修复)。近年来主持国家自然科学基金、 ...
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  • 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-高猛
    高猛,男,1981年10月生,博士,副研究员。2008年毕业于兰州大学数学与统计学院,获应用数学理学博士学位。目前主要的研究兴趣为统计数据同化方法及应用,生物数学与数值模拟。承担科研项目包括国家自然科学基金(青年基金),中国科学院知识创新工程项目(青年人才类),以及生物多样性教育部重点实验室开放基金 ...
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  • 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-吴晓青
    吴晓青,女,副研究员,硕士生导师。2007年6月毕业于中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,获生态学专业博士学位。主持国家自然科学基金项目等国家和省部级科研项目3项,参与山东省科技发展计划项目、中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目多项,已发表文章12篇,参编专著2部。目前主要从事海岸带城市化及其生态环境效应研究。 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-24
  • 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-陈小兵
    姓名:陈小兵学历:博士职称:副研究员联系电话: Email:xbchen@yic.ac.cn个人简介曾先后参加后参加包括中科院重要方向性项目、国家自然科学基金和“863”等多个课题的研究工作,发表相关论文近40篇,其中SCI/EI10篇。近期主要从事滨海盐碱土水肥盐运移过程与调控的理论及技术研究,以 ...
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  • 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-董志军
    董志军,男,1981年生,博士、研究员,浙江海洋大学、烟台大学硕士生导师。农工党员,现任中科院牟平海岸带环境综合试验站副站长。主要研究方向为海洋水母生物和生态学,构建了“水母种质资源库”,在海洋水母多样性和水母灾害暴发机制研究方面具有较好的工作积累。先后主持国家自然科学基金(3项)、国家重点研发计划 ...
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  • 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-田崇国
    田崇国,男,博士,研究员。2009年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学市政环境学院,获环境科学与工程专业博士学位。主要从事污染物的区域环境行为、环境归趋和生态风险研究。先后主持了国家自然科学基金2项、中国科学院创新知识工程课题1项、中国科学院B类先导专项子课题1项、省市级项目各1项。目前共计发表SCI论文70多篇 ...
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  • 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-过杰
    过杰,女,理学博士,研究员,2002年获中国海洋大学应用数学学士学位,2006获中国海洋大学海洋环境学院物理海洋硕士学位,研究方向,海洋遥感;主要从事高度计有效波高的反演及应用;2009年获中国科学院研究生院物理海洋学博士学位,研究方向:海洋遥感及数字模拟;主要从事散射计波浪参数反演工作。2009年 ...
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