本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-24
王传远,男,中国致公党党员,博士,副研究员,硕士研究生导师;烟台大学和鲁东大学兼职硕导。2007年7月博士毕业于中国科学院兰州地质研究所;2013年在加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学作高级研究****。主要从事环境地球化学和环境法医学研究(海洋溢油的指纹鉴定、风险评估及其生态修复)。近年来主持国家自然科学基金、中国科学院科技服务网络计划项目、山东省重点研发计划项目等多项科研项目。目前已发表学术论文110篇,SCI收录42篇,参编中英文专著5部。 2006年殊获中国科学院院长优秀奖;2013年被致公党中央授予“参政议政工作先进个人”;2018年“中国海洋科学技术奖”(一等奖)。黄河三角洲石油烃污染的研究成果连续五年获得被国际能源界誉为能源领域的诺贝尔奖的“国际埃尼奖”(Eni Award)提名。
[1] Chuanyuan Wang, Shijie He, Yanmei Zou, et al. Quantitative evaluation of in-situ bioremediation of compound pollution of oil and heavy metal in sediments from Bohai Sea, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110787.
[2] Chuanyuan Wang, Liangju Yu, Yanmei Zou, et al. Sources and historical sedimentary record: temporal variability of n-alkane and PAHs from the Yellow River Estuary, China. Applied Geochemistry, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104475.
[3] Zhengquan Zhou, Xiaojing Li, Linlin Chen, Baoquan Li, Chuanyuan Wanga*, Jie Guo, Pu Shi, Lufei Yang, Bo Liu, Bo Song. Effects of diesel oil spill on macrobenthic assemblages at the intertidal zone: A mesocosm experiment in situ. Marine Environmental Research, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.104823.
[4] Chuanyuan Wang*, Xing Liu, Jie Guo, Yingchun Lv, Yuanwei Li. Biodegradation of marine oil spill residues using aboriginal bacterial consortium based on Penglai 19-3 oil spill accident, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 159: 20~27.
[5] Chuanyuan Wang*, Yingchun Lv, Yuanwei Li. Riverine input of organic carbon and nitrogen in water-sediment system from Yellow River estuary reach to the coastal zone of Bohai Sea, China. Continental Shelf Reseach, 2018, 157: 1~9.
[6] Min Wang, Chuanyuan Wang*, Yuanwei Li. Petroleum hydrocarbons in a water-sediment system from Yellow River estuary and adjacent coastal area, China: Distribution pattern, risk assessment and sources. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 122(1-2): 139~148.
[7] Shijie He, Chuanyuan Wang*, Li Yantai, et al. Evaluation of diagnostic ratios of medium and serious weathered oils from five different oil sources. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2016, 35(4): 1~8.
[8] Shizhen Tao, Chuanyuan Wang*, Jianguo Du, et al. Geochemical application of tricyclic and tetracyclic terpanes biomarkers in crude oils of NW China. Marine and petroleum Geology, 2015, 67: 460~467.
[9] Shijie Ho, Chuanyuan Wang*, Min Wang, et al. Effect of petroleum on carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of long-chain n-alkanes in plants from the Yellow River Delta, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74(2): 1603~1610.
[10]Shijie Ho, Chuanyuan Wang*, Yongming Luo. GC-MS analysis of two types of mixed oils, a comparison of composition and weathering patterns. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 96(1-2): 271~278.
[11]Min Wang, Chuanyuan Wang*, Xiaoke Hu, Haijiang Zhang, Shijie Ho, Shuangyan Lv. Distributions and sources of petroleum, aliphatic hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments from Bohai Bay and its adjacent river, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 90(1-2): 88~94.
[12]Zhigao Sun, Xiaojie Mou, Chuan Tong, Chuanyuan Wang*, Zhenglei Xie, Hongli Song , Wenguang Sun, Yingchun Lv. Spatial variations and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in intertidal zone of the Yellow River estuary, China. Catena, 2015, 126: 43-52.
[13]Chuanyuan Wang, Bing Chen, Baiyu Zhang, Ping Guo, Mingming Zhao. Study of weathering effects on the distribution of aromatic steroid hydrocarbons in crude oils and oil residues. Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, 2014, 16: 2408~2414.
[14]Chuanyuan Wang, Bing Chen, Baiyu Zhang, et al. Fingerprint and weathering characteristics of crude oils after Dalian oil spill, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013, 71: 64~68.
[15]Chuanyuan Wang, Xuelu Gao, Zhigao Sun, et al. Evaluation on the diagnostic ratios for the identification of spilled oils after biodegradation. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 68: 917~926.
[16]Chuanyuan Wang, Xiaoke Hu, Shijie He, et al. Source diagnostic and weathering indicators of oil spills utilizing bicyclic sesquiterpanes. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2013, 32(8): 79~84.
[17]Wang, H., Wang, C., Lin, M., Sun, X., Wang, C., & Hu, X. Phylogenetic diversity of bacterial communities associated with bioremediation of crude oil in microcosms. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2013, 85: 400~406.
[18]Chuanyuan Wang, Jianguo Du, Wanchun Wang. Distribution and isomerization of terpanes in pyrolyzates of lignite at high pressures and temperatures. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 2012, 35(4): 377~387.
[19]Xuelu Gao, Yuwei Yang, Chuanyuan Wang*. Geochemistry of organic carbon and nitrogen in surface sediments of coastal Bohai Bay inferred from their ratios and stable isotopic signatures. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2012, 64: 1148~1155.
[20]Jianguo Du, Chuanyuan Wang*, Wanchun Wang, et al. Effects of high pressure and temperature on carbon isotope compositions of some acyclic alkanes and preservation of organic matter. High Pressure Research, 2012, 32(2): 220~232.
[21]Mingming Zhao, Chuanyuan Wang*, Zhigao Sun, et al. Preliminary discussion on the source identification of oil spills based on the nitrogen isotopic characteristics. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, (524-527): 1289~1292.
[22]Chuanyuan Wang, Jianguo Du, Xuelu Gao, et al. Chemical characterization of naturally weathered oil residues in the sediment from Yellow River Delta, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2011, 62(1): 2469~2475.
[23]Wang, C., Wang, W., He, S., et al. Sources and distribution of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve, China. Applied Geochemistry, 2011, 26: 1330~1336.
[24]Chuanyuan Wang, Jincheng Zuo, Linde Liu, et al. Petroleum pollution and its ecological impact on Salsola glauca Bunge in the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2011, 20(8): 1904~1908.
[25]Zou Xiaocheng, Du Jianguo, Wang Chuanyuan, et al. Source apportionment and distribution of atmospheric mercury in urban Beijing, China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2010, 29: 182~190.
[26]邹艳梅,李源蔚,孙志高,王传远*.黄河三角洲石油烃污染下芦苇营养器官中5 种重金属的富集和迁移.湿地科学,2019,17(4):485~491.
[1] Chuanyuan Wang, Shijie He, Haijiang Zhang, Yuanwei Li. Chapter 23: Fingerprint and weathering characteristics of petroleum hydrocarbon in coastal zone after the "7-16" Dalian oil spill accident, China. Oil Spill Environmental Forensics Case Studies [M]. Elsevier Inc., 2018. 483-497.
[2] 韩广轩,王光美,毕晓丽,王传远 等.黄河三角洲滨海湿地演变机制与生态修复.北京:科学出版社,2018.
[3] 杜建国,李营,王传远,刘雷.高压地球科学[M]. 北京:地震出版社,2010.
[4] 段毅,吴保祥,王传远,郑朝阳.中国西部盆地油藏地球化学[M] .北京:科学出版社,2010.
联系方式: E-mail:cywang@yic.ac.cn
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姓名:陈小兵学历:博士职称:副研究员联系电话: Email:xbchen@yic.ac.cn个人简介曾先后参加后参加包括中科院重要方向性项目、国家自然科学基金和“863”等多个课题的研究工作,发表相关论文近40篇,其中SCI/EI10篇。近期主要从事滨海盐碱土水肥盐运移过程与调控的理论及技术研究,以 ...烟台海岸带研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-24中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-董志军
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