

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-25

高理平,男,1969年生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2006年毕业于英国考文垂(Coventry University)大学,获博士学位。目前主要从事电磁波动方程的有限差分方法等方面的研究工作。先后主持和参与了山东省自然科学基金、山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金和国家自然科学基金等多项省部级课题。在中国科学数学《Sci. China Math.》, 《IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.》, 《J. Comput. Appl. Math.》,《 Commun. Comput. Phys.》,《 Math. Methods Appl. Sci.》,《Acta Math. Sci.》等国内外期刊发表科研论文30余篇,其中SCI收录9篇,EI收录4篇。
主要研究偏微分方程的数值方法和计算。 目前正在研究电磁波动方程的分裂时域有限差分方法和有限元方法。电磁波动方程也称麦克斯韦方程,研究这类方程的数值方法和计算(计算电磁学)在电子工业、电力和国防科技中具有重要的应用和价值。

1. Liping Gao and Bo Zhang, Optimal error estimates and energy
conservationsof the ADI-FDTD scheme on staggered grids for 3D
Maxwell's equations. Science China Mathematics(Sci China Math), Vol. 56, No. 8,pp.1705-1726, August 2013 ( SCI)
2. Liping Gao, Stability and super convergence analysis of the ADI-FDTD scheme for the 2D Maxwell equations with non-zero conductivity.
Acta Mathematica Scientia(Acta Math Sci),Vol.32,No.6,pp.2341-2368,November 2012 (SCI)
3.Liping Gao, Xingjie Li and Wenbin Chen, New energy identities and super convergence analysis of the energy conserved splitting FDTD methods for 3D Maxwell's Equations.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences(Math Method Appl Sci),Vol. 36, No. 4, Page 440-45, 15 March, 2013 (SCI)
4. Liping Gao, New energy analysis of ADI-FDTD for the two dimensional
Maxwell equations
IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation(IEEE Trans Antennas Propag), Vol. 60, No. 11,pp.5468-5471, November 2012( SCI)
5. Liping Gao and Bo Zhang, Stability and Super Convergence Analysis of the FDTD Scheme for the 2D Maxwell's Equations in a Lossy Medium. Science China Mathematics(Sci China Math, IF:0.701),Vol.54, No.12, pp.2693-2712, December 2011(SCI)
6. Liping Gao, Dong Liang, New Energy-Conserved Identities and Super-Convergence of the Symmetric EC-S-FDTD Scheme for Maxwell's Equations in 2D. Communications in Computational Physics(Commun Comput Phys, IF:1.397), Vol. 11,No. 5, pp.1673-1696, May 2012(SCI)

7. L. Gao, B. Zhang and D. Liang, Splitting staggered-grid finite difference methods for three-dimensional time-dependent Maxwell equations. Communications in Computational Physics(Commun.Comput.Phys.IF:1.397) Vol. 4, No.2, pp.405-432, August 2008(SCI
8. L. Gao, B. Zhang and D. Liang, The Splitting Finite-Difference Time-Domain Methods for Maxwell Equations in Two Dimensions.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(J. Comput. Appl. Math.,IF:1.112),Vol. 205, No. 1, pp.207-230, August 2007(SCI
9. Liping Gao, D. Liang and B. Zhang, Error estimates for mixed finite element approximation of visco-elasticity wave equation.
Mathematical methods in the applied Sciences( Math. Methods Appl. Sci), Vol. 27, No. 17, pp.1997-2016, November 2004.(SCI
10. Liping Gao, Splitting finite element methods for time dependent Maxwell’s equations in 2D, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Microwave Technology & Computational Electromagnetics(ICMTCE 2011), IEEE Press, Beijing, 2011, pp.395-397(EI)
1. 1998年,获山东大学光华奖学金
2. 2007年,获第二届“春晖杯”中国留学人员创新创业大赛优秀奖

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