本方向主要采用理论与实验结合的方式研究染料敏化太阳能电池,利用量子化学计算、分子动力学等分子模拟技术进行微观机理研究同宏观染料敏化太阳能电池实验结合,设计与表征一系列基于全新非贵金属中心敏化剂和纯有机染料敏化剂。主要研究敏化剂光电转换机理,表征敏化剂的紫外/可见光吸收光谱范围及吸收强度;研究敏化剂电子注入半导体机理,阐明受光激发电子注入半导体方式及注入时间,遴选利于表面吸附、结合力强、电子传输便利的敏化剂吸附基团;研究敏化剂还原再生机理,设计与改进新型敏化剂在电解液中的还原性能。本方向的研究可为开发低成本、高效率、无污染的染料敏化太阳能电池提供理论与实验指导。该研究方向已完成的理论工作包括多吡啶钌敏化剂、非贵金属铜、铁敏化剂分子的理论设计与表征等工作,已有多篇成果已经发表在国际期刊J.Mater. Chem. C、Org.Lett.、J.Phys. Chem. C、Org.Electron.、等。
本方向主要研究直接醇类电池、离子电池、析氢析氧催化剂表面反应机理、表面结构、活性位、抗中毒性等微观机理和性质。采用理论与实验相结合的方法对反应过程进行完整的动力学描述,找出反应活性和选择性的控制步骤,认清表面结构敏感性对反应机理的影响,丰富了表面催化机理的研究手段,为表面催化理论增加了新内容。目前该方向在ACSCataly.、ACSAppl. Mater. Inter.、Catal.Sci. Technol.、ChemCatChem、Langmuir等国际期刊上发表多篇论文。
本方向主要采用密度泛函理论、分子动力学及蒙特卡洛模拟的理论方法,采用Gaussian09、VASP、Materialsstudio、Music及Lammps等软件程序探究H2、CH4、CO、CO2等小分子气体以及它们的混合气体在多孔材料中的吸附行为。具体包括各种多孔材料的孔隙拓扑结构、气体分子与吸附材料稳定性分析、吸附材料的电子结构分析、小分子气体与骨架材料之间的相互作用方式、骨架材料的储存能力评估、吸附/解吸过程中的能源消耗和竞争吸附能力等。目前该方向在J.Mater. Chem. A、Nanoscale、Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys.、J.CO2Util.、Appl.Surf. Sci.等期刊上发表论文。
2017.01-至今, 中国石油大学(华东),教授
担任EnergyEnviorn. Sci.、ACSCatal.、Nanoscale、ACSAppl. Mater. Interfaces、J.Mater. Chem. A、J.Mater. Chem. C、J.Phys. Chem. L、Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys.、DaltonTrans.、Langmuir、Catal.Today等20余国际期刊审稿人。
110. C.Guo, T. Zhang, M. Niu, S. F. Cao, S. X. Wei, Z. J. Wang, W. Y.Guo,X.Q. Lu*,C.-M. L. Wu. Impact of Diverse Active Sites on MoS2Catalyst: Competition on Active Site Formation and Selectivity ofThiophene Hydrodesulfurization Reaction,J.Mol. Catal. A Chem.,2018,In press.
109. Z. H.Wu, S. X. Wei, M. H. Wang, S. N. Zhou, J. H. Wang, Z. J. Wang?,W.Y. Guo,X.Q. Lu*.CO2Capture and Separation over N2and CH4in Nanoporous MFM-300(In, Al, Ga, and In-3n): Insight from GCMCSimulations.J.CO2Util.,2018,28,145–151.
108. Y. L.Chen, J. T. Zhang, P. Guo, H. J. Liu, Z. J. Wang, M. Liu, T.Zhang, S. T. Wang, Y. Zhou,X.Q. Lu,J. Zhang. Coupled heterostructure of Mo-Fe selenide nanosheetssupported on carbon paper as an integrated electrocatalyst forefficient hydrogen evolution,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2018,27787–27794. (一区top)
107. Y. J.Xiao,X.Q. Lu,S. P. Ng; C.-M. L. Wu. Trivacancy and Stone-Wales DefectedSilicene for Adsorption of Small Gas Molecules.Comput.Mater. Sci.,2018,154,276–283.
106. H. J.Liu, S. Zhang, Y. L. Chen, J. T. Zhang, P. Guo, M. Liu,X.Q. Lu,J. Zhang, Z. J. Wang. Rational design of TiO2@Nitrogen-dopedcarbon coaxial nanotubes as anode for advanced lithium ionbatteries.Appl.Surf. Sci.,2018,458,1018–1025.
105. M. H.Wang, S. X. Wei,Z.H. Wu, S. N. Zhou, Z. J. Wang,* J. H. Wang,X.Q. Lu*.Alkyl amine functionalized triphenylamine-based covalent organicframeworks for high-efficiency CO2capture and separation over N2.Mater.Lett.,2018,230,28–31.
104. N.Wang, J. Wang, J. H. Hu,X.Q. Lu,*J. Sun, F. Shi, Z. H. Liu, Z. B. Lei, R. B. Jiang. Design ofpalladium-doped g-C3N4for enhanced photocatalytic activity towards hydrogen evolutionreaction,ACSAppl. Energy Mater.,2018,1,2866–2873.
103. X. F.Liu, S. X. Wei, S. N. Zhou, Z. H. Wu, M. H. Wang, Z. J. Wang,* J.H. Wang,X.Q. Lu*.Li-modified nanoporous carbons for high-performance adsorption andseparation of CO2over N2:a combined DFT and GCMC computational study.J.CO2Util.,2018,26, 588–594.
102. F.Zhang, R. Zhang, X. Z. Liang, K. P. Guo, Z. X. Han,X. Q. Lu,J. J. Xie, J. Li, D. Li, X. Tian. 1,3-Indanedione functionalized fluorene luminophores: Negativesolvatochromism, nanostructure-morphology determined AIE andmechanoresponsive luminescence turn-on,DyesPigments,2018,155,225–232.
101. S. X.Wei, S. N. Zhou, Z. H. Wu, M. H. Wang, Z. J. Wang,* W. Y. Guo,X.Q. Lu.*Porous graphenemembranes for high-efficiency helium separation and hydrogenpurification.Appl.Surf. Sci.,2018,441,631–638.
100. Z. J.Wang, M. Liu, J. Du, G. J. Wei, Y. Lin, S. X. Wei,X.Q. Lu,*J. Zhang.Afacile co-precipitation synthesis of robust FeCo phosphateelectrocatalysts for efficient oxygen evolution,Electrochimica Acta,2018,264,244–250.(一区top)
99. M. Wu,J. Li, R. Q. Zhang, X. Tian, Z. X. Han,X.Q. Lu,K. P. Guo, Z. K. Liu, Z. Q. Wang. Synthesis and Properties ofDithiafulvenyl Functionalized Spiro[fluorene-9,9′-xanthene]Molecules,Org.Lett.2018,20,780–783. (一区top)
98. S. X.Wei, Z. H. Wu,X.Q. Lu.*Theoretical study on the edge-functionalization effect onnanoporous carbons for adsorption capacity and selectivity of CO2over N2.IOPConference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2018,284,012015.
97. T.Zhang, C. Guo, S. X. Wei, Z. H. Wu, Z. X. Han,X.Q. Lu,*Investigation on CH3SHDesulfurization Mechanism at the Edge site of Co-doped MoS2Cluster,ActaChim. Sinica,2018,76,62–67.
96. C. Guo,S. X. Wei, S. N. Zhou, T. Zhang, Z. J. Wang, S. P. Ng,X.Q. Lu,*C.-M. L. Wu, W. Y. Guo. Initial Reduction of CO2onPd-, Ru-, and Cu-Doped CeO2(111)Surfaces: Effects of Surface Modification on Catalytic Activityand Selectivity.ACSAppl. Mater. Interfaces,2017,9,26107–26117. (一区top)
95. S. N.Zhou, C. Guo, Z. H. Wu, M. H. Wang, Z. J. Wang, S. X. Wei, S. R.Li,X.Q. Lu,*Edge-functionalizednanoporous carbons for high adsorption capacity and selectivity ofCO2over N2,Appl.Surf.Sci.,2017,410,259–266.
94. Y. Q. Lei,X.Q. Lu*. Thedecisive effect of interface states on the photocatalytic activityof the silver(I) oxide/titanium dioxide heterojunction,J.Colloid Interf. Sci.,2017,492,167–175.
93.X.Z. Liang, C. Wang, M. Wu, Y. Z Wu, F. Zhang,Z.X Han,X.Q. Lu,K. P Guo, Y. M. Zhao,Effects of core moiety and substitutedpositions in phenothiazine-based hole transporting materialstowards high thermal stability and good hole mobility.Tetrahedron,2017,73,7115–7121.
92.M. Liu,X.Q. Lu,C.Guo,Z. J. Wang,Y. P. Li,YanLin,Y. Zhou,S. T. Wang,J. Zhang,Architecting mesoporous N-doped graphitic carbon frameworkencapsulating CoTe2as efficient oxygen evolution electrocatalyst,ACSAppl. Mater. Interfaces,2017,9,36146–36153. (一区top)
91.W. T. Wu, Q. G. Zhang, X. K.Wang, C. C. Han, X. D. Shao, Y. X.Wang, J. L. Liu, Z. T. Li,X.Q. Lu,M. B. Wu. Enhancing selective photooxidation through Co-Nx dopedcarbon materials as singlet oxygen photosensitizer.ACSCatal.2017,7267–7273. (一区top)
90.Y. Dang, L. M. Zhao,X.Q. Lu,J. Xu, P. P. Sang, S. Guo, H. Y. Zhu,W.Y. Guo.Molecularsimulation of CO2/CH4adsorption in brown coal: Effect of oxygen-, nitrogen-, andsulfur-containing functional groups.Appl.Surf. Sci.,2017,423,33–42.
89. S.-P.Ng, G. Y. Qiu, N. Ding,X.Q. Lu,C.-M. L. Wu. Label-free detection of 3-nitro-l-tyrosine withnickel-doped graphene localized surface plasmon resonancebiosensor.Biosens.Bioelectron.,2017,89,468–476.(一区top)
88. Y. H.Guo,X.Q. Lu,G. X. Li, L. M. Zhao, S. X. Wei, W. Y. Guo.Theoreticaldesign of push-pull porphyrin dyes with π-bridge modification fordye-sensitized solar cells,J.Photoch. and Photobio. A: Chem.,2017,332,232–240.
87. J. Cheng, F. Zhang, K. Li,J. Li,X.Q. Lu,J. X. Zheng, K. P. Guo, S. H. Yang, Q. C. Dong. A planardithiafulvene based sensitizer forming J-aggregates on TiO2photoanode to enhance the performance of dye-sensitized solarcells.DyesPigments,2017,136,97–103.
86. K. P.Guo, F. Zhang, S. Guo, K. Li,X.Q. Lu,J. Li, H. Wang, J. Cheng, Q. Zhao. Achieving red/near-infraredmechanoresponsive luminescence turn-on: mechanically disturbedmetastable nanostructures in organic solid.Chem.Commun.,2017,53,1309–1312.(一区top)
85. X. Z.Liang, K. X. Wang, R. Q. Zhang, K. Li,X.Q. Lu,K. P. Guo, H. Wang, Y. Q. Miao, H. X. Xu, Z. Q. Wang.Tetra-carbazole substituted spiro[fluorene-9,9‘-xanthene]-basedhole-transporting materials with high thermal stability andmobility for efficient OLEDs.DyesPigments,2017,139,764–771.
84. J.Cheng, Y. X. Cao, X. Z. Liang, J. X. Zheng, F. Zhang, S. X.Wei,X.Q. Lu,S. H. Yang, Dithiafulvene-based organic sensitizers using pyridineas the acceptor for dye-sensitized solar cells.Mater.Chem. Phys.,2017,192,349–355.
83. G. X.Li, H. Y. Zhu, L. M. Zhao, W. Y. Guo,X.Q. Lu,H. F. Ma, Y. C. Yu, Mechanistic Insight into H2S Adsorption andDissociation on MoP(010): A Density Functional Investigation,Adv.Mater. Res.,2017,1142,300–305.
82.X.Q. Lu,*Z. G. Deng, C. Guo, W. L. Wang, S. X. Wei, S.-P. Ng, X. F. Chen,N. Ding, W. Y. Guo,C.-M.L.Wu.Methanol oxidation on Pt3Sn(111)for direct methanol fuel cells: methanol decomposition.ACSAppl. Mater. Interfaces,2016,8,12194–12204. (一区top)
81.X.Q. Lu,*Z. G. Zhao, K. Li, Z. X. Han, S. X. Wei, C. Guo, S. N. Zhou, Z. H.Wu, W. Y. Guo,C.-M.L.Wu.First-principles insight into photoelectronic properties ofGe-based perovskites,RSCAdv.,2016,6,86976-86981.
80.X.Q. Lu,*Y.Shao, K. Li, Z. G. Zhao, S. X. Wei, W. Y. Guo. Role offunctionalized acceptors in heteroleptic bipyridyl Cu(I) complexesfor dye-sensitized solar cells.Electron.Mater. Lett.,2016,12,589–595.
79.X.Q. Lu,*Z. G. Zhao, K. Li,S.X. Wei,Y. Y. Qu, Y. Q. Niu, X. F. Liu. First-principles investigation onstructural and photoelectronic properties of mixed perovskitesCH3NH3PbxSn1-xI3.ActaPhys. -Chim. Sin.,2016,32,1439–1445.
78.X.Q. Lu,*W. L. Wang, Z. G. Deng, H. Y. Zhu,S.X. Wei,S.-P.Ng, W. Y. Guo,C.-M.L.Wu.Methanol oxidation on Ru(0001) for direct methanol fuel cell:Analysis of competitive reaction mechanism.RSCAdv.,2016,6,1729–1737.
77. Y. Q. Lei,X.Q. Lu*.Reversingthe photocatalytic activity orders of anatase TiO2facets by surface treatment,ChemistrySelect,2016,1,5838-5841.
76. Z. G.Zhao,X.Q. Lu*,K. Li, S. X. Wei, X. F. Liu, K. Niu, W. Y. Guo. First-PrinciplesTheory Investigation on Structural and Photoelectronic Propertiesof Perovskites: Trigonal versus Hexagonal HC(NH2)2PbI3.ActaChim. Sinica,2016,74, 1003-1008.
75. S. N.Zhou,X. Q. Lu,*Z. H. Wu, D. L Jin, C. Guo, M. H. Wang; S. X.Wei. Diffusion andseparation of CH4/N2in pillared graphene nanomaterials: a molecular dynamicsinvestigation,Chem.Phys. Lett.,2016,660,272–276.
74. Z. G.Zhao, Y. Q. Niu, Y. Zhao, Q. H. Song, L. Xin,X.Q. Lu.*First-principles theory investigation on structural andphotoelectronic properties of formamidinium lead halideperovskites.ActaChim. Sinica,2016,74,689–693.
73. S. X.Wei, Y. Shao, X. F. Shi,X.Q. Lu,*K. Li, Z. G. Zhao, C. Guo, H. Y. Zhu, W. Y. Guo. HeterolepticCu(I) complexes integrating functionalized chromophores fordye-sensitized solar cells: an in-depth analysis of electronicstructure, spectrum, excitation, and intramolecular electrontransfer.Org. Electron.,2016,29,142–150.
72. S. X.Wei, K. Li,X.Q. Lu,*Z. G. Zhao, Y. Shao, Y. Dang, S. R. Li, W. Y. Guo.Theoreticalinsight into electronic structure and optoelectronic properties ofheteroleptic Cu(I)-based complexes for dye-sensitized solar cells.Mater.Chem. Phys.,2016,173,139–145.
71. S. R. Li,X. Q. Lu,*H. Y. Zhu, W. Y. Guo. Mechanism of C-N Bond Cleavage in Aniline onMoP(001) Surface.ActaPhys. -Chim. Sin.,2016,32,465–473.
70. G. X.Li, H. Y. Zhu, L. M. Zhao, W. Y. Guo, H. F. Ma, Y. C. Yu,X.Q. Lu,Y. J. Liu, Thiophene hydrodesulfurization on clean and sulfurcovered MoP(001): Theoretical survey of the positive effect ofsulfur deposition on the catalytic performance.J.Phys. Chem. C.,2016,120,23009–23023.
69. J. H.Hu, W. Y. Guo,X.Q. Lu,H. Y. Zhu, F. Shi, J. Q. Yan, R. B. Jiang. Unraveling themechanism of the Zn-improved catalytic activity of Pd-basedcatalysts for water-gas shift reaction.J.Phys. Chem. C.,2016,120,20181–20191.
68. G. W.Yang, F. Z. Zhao, B. He, W. Y. Guo, X. Q. Lu, Q. Z. Xue, Aprototype of three-dimensional transparent current collector withenhanced charge collection.OptoelectronicsAdv. Mater. – Rapid Commun.,2016,10,405–409.
67. Y. J.Liu,W. Y. Guo,X.Q. Lu,W.Gao,G. X. Li,Y. H. Guo,J.Zhu,L. Z. Hao.Densityfunctional theory study of hydrogenation of S to H2Son Pt–Pd alloy surfaces.RSCAdv.,2016,6,6289–6299.
66. Y. H. Chi, L. M. Zhao,X.Q. Lu, C. H. An, W.Y. Guo, C.-M. L. Wu.Effectof Alloying on the Stabilities and Catalytic properties of Ag-AuBimetallic Subnanoclusters: A Theoretical Investigation.J.Mater.Sci.,2016,51,5046–5060.
65. Y. H. Chi, L. M. Zhao,X.Q. Lu, C. H. An, W.Y. Guo, C.-M. L. Wu. Effect of Alloying on the Stabilities andCatalytic properties of Pt-Au Bimetallic Subnanoclusters: ATheoretical Investigation.J. Nanopart. Res.,2016,18, 1–12.
64.X.Q. Lu,D. L. Jin, S. X. Wei, Z. J. Wang, C. H. An, W. Y. Guo. Strategiesto enhance CO2capture and separation based on the engineering adsorbentmaterials.J.Mater. Chem. A,2015,3,12118–12132. (一区top)
63.X.Q. Lu,*D. L. Jin, S. X. Wei, M. M. Zhang, Q. Zhu, X. F. Shi, Z. G. Deng,W. Y. Guo, W. Z. Shen. Competitive adsorption of binary CO2-CH4mixture in nanoporous carbons: effect of edge-functionalization.Nanoscale,2015,7,1002–1012. (一区top)
62.X.Q. Lu,*Y.Shao, S. X. Wei, Z. G. Zhao, K. Li,C.Guo, W. L. Wang,M. M. Zhang, W. Y. Guo.Effect offunctionalized π-bridge on porphyrin sensitizers fordye-sensitized solar cells: an in-depth analysis of electronicstructure, spectrum, excitation, and intramolecular electrontransfer.J.Mater. Chem. C,2015,3,10129–10139.(一区top)
61.X.Q. Lu,*Z. G. Deng, S. X. Wei, Q. Zhu, W. L. Wang, W. Y. Guo,C.-M.L.Wu.CO tolerance ofPt3Sn(111)catalyst in ethanol decomposition.Catal.Sci. Technol.,2015,5,3246–3258.
60.X.Q. Lu,*M. M. Zhang, D. L. Jin, Y. Dang, S. N. Zhou, S. X. Wei, H. Y. Zhu,L. M. Zhao. Competitive adsorption of CO2/CH4in porous boron nitride nanometerials.Mater.Lett.,2015,161,545–548.
59.X.Q. Lu,*W. L. Wang,S.X. Wei,C.Guo, Y. Shao, M. M. Zhang, Z. G. Deng, H. Y. Zhu, W. Y. Guo.Initial reduction of CO2on perfect and O-defective CeO2(111)surfaces: towards CO or COOH?RSCAdv.,2015,5,97528–97535.
58.Z.G. Deng, Y. Q. Lei,X.Q. Lu,*W. L. Wang, H. Y. Zhu, S.-P. Ng, W. Y. Guo,C.-M.L.Wu.Hydrodenitrogenation of pyridine on MoP(010): Competition betweenhydrogenation and denitrification.Inorg.Chim. Acta,2015,435,30–37.
57.Y.Shao,X.Q. Lu,*K. Li, Z. G. Zhao,X.F. Shi, D. L. Jin,H. Y. Zhu, G. W. Yang, W. Y. Guo. Theoretical insight intophoto-induced intramolecular electron transfer in heterodinuclearRu(II)?Co(III) complexes.Mater.Chem. Phys.,2015,162,6–10.
56.K.P. Guo, Z. X. Gao, J. Cheng, Y. Shao,X.Q. Lu,*H. Wang. Linear thiophene-containing π-conjugated aldehydes withaggregation-induced emissioin for building solid red luminophors.Dyespigments,2015,115,166–171.
55.S.X. Wei,X.F. Shi,X.Q. Lu,*Y. Shao, D. L. Jin, Z. G. Deng, Z. G. Zhao, K. Li, W. Y. Guo.Cu(I)-based sensitizers featuring6,6′-dimethyl-4,4′-dicarboxylate-2,2′-bipyridine withfunctionalized 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline ligands: Astructural, electronic and spectral investigation.Sci.Adv. Mater.,2015,7,1361–1367.
54.L.M. Zhao, S. P. Wang, Q. Y. Ding, W. B. Xu, P. P. Sang, Y. H. Chi,X.Q. Lu,W. Y. Guo.Theoxidation of methanol on PtRu(111): A periodic density functionaltheory investigation.J.Phys. Chem. C,2015,119,20389–20400.
53. Y. H. Chi, L. M. Zhao,X.Q. Lu, C. H. An, W.Y. Guo, Y. Q Liu, C.-M. L. Wu. Effects of subnanometer silverclusters on the AgBr(110) photocatalyst surface: a theoreticalinvestigation.Catal.Sci. Technol.2015,5,4821–4829.
52.L.M. Zhao, Q. Y. Ding, W. B. Xu, P. P. Sang, X. L. He, Z. M. Shi, Y.H. Chi,X.Q. Lu,W. Y. Guo. The ligand effect on the selective C–H versus C–Cbond activationof propane by NiBr+:a theoretical study.Theor.Chem. Acc.2015,134,1–13.
51.H.F. Wang, L. M. Zhao, W. B. Xu, S. P. Wang, Q. Y. Ding,X.Q. Lu,W. Y. Guo. The properties of the bonding between CO and ZIF8structures: a density functional theory study.Theor.Chem. Acc.2015,134,1–9.
50. D. L. Jin,X.Q. Lu,*M. M. Zhang,S. X. Wei, Q.Zhu, X. F. Shi, Y. Shao, W. L. Wang,W.Y. Guo.Adsorption behaviour of CH4on microporous carbons: Effect of surface heterogeneity.Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys.,2014,16,11037–11046.
49. Z. G.Deng,X.Q. Lu,*Z. Q. Wen,S.X. Wei,Q.Zhu, D. L. Jin, X. F. Shi, W. Y. Guo. Decomposition mechanism ofmethylamine to hydrogen cyanide on Pt(111): Selectivity of theC–H, N–H and C–N bond scissions.RSCAdv.,2014,4,12266–12274.
48. S. X.Wei,X.Q. Lu,*X. F. Shi, Z. G. Deng, Y. Shao, L. M. Zhao, W. Y. Guo,C.-M. L. Wu,Theoreticalinsight into organic dyes incorporating triphenylamine-baseddonors and binaryπ-conjugatedbridges for dye-sensitized solar cells.Int.J. Photoenergy,2014,art. no. 280196.
47. X. F.Shi,X.Q. Lu,*Y. Shao, S. X. Wei, Q. Zhu, D. L. Jin, Z. G. Deng, W. Y. Guo.Theoretical investigation on novel porphyrin dyes withfunctionalized bridge and donor groups for dye-sensitized solarcells.Sci.Adv. Mater.,2014,6,2595–2602.
46. S.-P.Ng,X.Q. Lu,N. Ding, C.-M. L. Wu, C.-S. Lee.Plasmonicenhanced dye-sensitized solar cells with self-assemblygold-TiO2@core–shellnanoislands.SolarEnergy,2014,99,115–125.
45. K. P.Guo, J. L. Yang, X. F. Shi,X.Q. Lu,J. Cheng, Y. L. Wu, Y. Guo, H. Wang, A π-extendedtetrathiafulvene derivative: Synthesis and photoluminescenceproperties.Mater.Chem. Phys.,2014,146,193–197.
44. Y. H.Chi, L. M. Zhao,X.Q. Lu,W. Y. Guo, Y. Q. Liu,C.-M.L.Wu.Effects of atomic Ag on photocatalyst AgBr surfaces: A theoreticalsurvey.RSCAdv.,2014,4,33134–33143.
43. H.Jiang, W. Wang, C. Zhang, X. N. Hu, G. H. Zhong,X. Q. Lu,Y. H. Su. Phase transitions of actinium dihydride:Pressure-induced charge transfer driving effect.Int.J. Hydrogen Energy,2014,15827–15835.
42. C. C.Miao, G. W. Yang, Z. H. Bu,X.Q. Lu,L. M. Zhao, W. Y. Guo, Q. Z. Xue. Preparation of large diameterand low density ZnS microtube arrays via a sacri?cial templatemethod.Mater.Lett.,2014,115,140–143.
41.X.Q. Lu,*Z. G. Deng, K.-S. Chau, L. F. Li, Z. Q. Wen, W. Y. Guo,C.-M.L.Wu.Mechanistic insight into catalytic oxidation of ammonia on clean,O- and OH-assisted Ir(1?1?1) surfaces.ChemCatChem,2013,5,1832–1841.
40.X.Q. Lu,K-S. Chau, S. X. Wei,Z.G. Deng, N. Ding, L. M. Zhao,C.-M.L.Wu,W. Y. Guo. Theoretical insight into the spectral characteristicsof Fe(II)-based complexes for dye-sensitized solar cells:Functionalized bipyridyl chromophores.J.Organomet. Chem.,2013,741-742,168–175.
39. Z. G.Deng,X.Q. Lu,*Z. Q. Wen, S. X. Wei, Y. J. Liu, D. L. Fu, L. M. Zhao, W. Y. Guo.Mechanisticinsight into the hydrazine decomposition on Rh(111): Effect ofreaction intermediate on catalytic activity.Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys.,2013,15,16172–16182.
38. W. Y.Guo,M. Li,X.Q. Lu,*H. Y. Zhu, Y. Li, S. R. Li,L.M. Zhao.Ethanoldecomposition on a Pd(110) surface: a density functional theoryinvestigation.DaltonTrans.,2013,42,2309–2318.
37. F. Y.Zhang, L. M. Zhao, H. G. Sui,X.Q. Lu,G. W. Yang, Y. H. Guo, W. Y. Guo, Q. T. Fu. Reactivity of ethanolwith ground state Ni+(2D)in the gas phase: A density functional study.Comput.Theor. Chem.,2013,1023,29–37.
36. L. M.Zhao,M. Tan, J.Chen, Q. Y. Ding,X.Q. Lu,Y.H. Chi,G. W.Yang, W. Y. Guo, Q. T. Fu. The Competitive O?H versus C?H bondactivation of ethanol and methanol by VO2+in gas-phase: A DFT study.J.Phys. Chem. A,2013,117,5161–5170.
35. J.Chen, L. Y. Jia, L. M. Zhao,X. Q. Lu,W. Y. Guo, J. J. Weng, F. Qi. Analysis of petroleum aromatics bylaser-induced acoustic desorption/tunable synchrotron vacuumultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometry.EnergyFuels,2013,27,2010–2017.
34.X.Q. Lu,*L. Liu, Y. Li, W. Y. Guo, L. M. Zhao, H. H. Shan. Theoreticalanalysis of conversion mechanism of acetylene to ethylidyne onPt(111).Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys.,2012,14,5642–5650.
33. H. Y.Zhu,X.Q. Lu,*W. Y. Guo, L. F. Li, L. M. Zhao, H. H. Shan. Theoretical insightinto the desulfurization of thiophene on Pt(110): A densityfunctional investigation.J.Mol. Catal. A Chem.,2012,363–364,18–25.
32. S. R.Li,X.Q. Lu,*W. Y. Guo, H. Y. Zhu, M. Li, L. M. Zhao, Y. Li, H. H. Shan.Formaldehydeoxidation on the Pt/TiO2(101)surface: A DFT investigation.J.Organomet. Chem.,2012,704,38–48.
31. K. P. Guo, K. Y. Yan,X.Q. Lu, Y. C. Qiu,Z. K. Liu, J. W. Sun, F. Yan, W. Y. Guo, S. H. Yang.Dithiafulvenyl unit as a new donor for high-efficiencydye-sensitized solar cells: Synthesis and demonstration of afamily of metal-free organic sensitizers.Org.Lett.,2012,14,2214–2217.(一区top)
30. L. M. Zhao,X. Q. Lu,Y. Y. Li, J. Chen, W. Y. Guo. On the gas-phase Co+-mediatedoxidation of ethane by N2O:A mechanistic study.J.Phys. Chem. A,2012,116,3282–3289.
29. N. Ding,X. F. Chen,C.-M.L. Wu.,X. Q. Lu.Computational investigation on the effect of graphene oxide sheetsas nanofillers in poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene oxide composites.J.Phys. Chem. C,2012,116,22532–22538.
28. N. Ding,X.Q. Lu, C.-M. L. Wu.Nitrated tyrosine adsorption on metal-doped graphene: A DFT study.Comp. Mater. Sci.,2012,51,141–145.
27. X. F.Chen,H. Zang,X. Wang, J.-G. Cheng, R.-S. Zhao, C.-G. Cheng,X.Q. Lu.Metal-organic framework MIL-53(Al) as a solid-phasemicroextraction adsorbent for the determination of 16 polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons in water samples by gaschromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.Analyst,2012,137,5411–5419.
26. X. F.Chen,H. Zang,H.-S. Yeung,X. Q.Lu, T.-W. D.Chan.Reaction pathways of Sc+(3D,1D)and Fe+(6D,4F)with acetone in the gas phase: metal ion oxidation and acetonedeethanization.J.Mass Spectrom.,2012,47,1518–1525.
25. Y. Li,W. Y. Guo, H. Y. Zhu, L. M. Zhao, S. R. Li, D. L. Fu,X.Q. Lu,H. H. Shan. Initial hydrogenations of pyridine on MoP(001): Adensity functional study.Langmuir,2012,28,3129–3137.
24.X.Q. Lu,S. X. Wei,C.-M.L.Wu,S. R. Li, W. Y. Guo.Canpolypyridyl Cu(I)-based complexes provide promising sensitizersfor dye-sensitized solar cells? A theoretical insight into Cu(I)versus Ru(II) sensitizers.J.Phys. Chem. C,2011,115,3753–3761.
23.X.Q. Lu,S. X. Wei,C.-M.L. Wu,W. Y. Guo, L. M. Zhao.Theoreticalcharacterization of ruthenium complexes containing functionalizedbithiophene ligands for dye-sensitized solar cells.J. Organomet.Chem.,2011,696,1632–1639.
22.X.Q. Lu,S. X. Wei,C.-M.L.Wu,N. Ding,S. R. Li, L. M. Zhao, W. Y. Guo.Theoretical insight into the spectral characteristics ofFe(II)-based complexes for dye-sensitized solar cells. Part I:Polypyridyl ancillary ligands.Int.J. Photoenergy,2011, art. no.316952.
21.Y.Y.Li,W.Y. Guo,L.M. Zhao,Z.C.Liu,X.Q. Lu,H. H. Shan.Theoreticalinvestigationof thereactionof Mn+withethyleneoxide.J. Phys. Chem. A,2011,116,512–519.
20.R.B. Jiang, W. Y. Guo,M. Li,H.Y.Zhu,L. M. Zhao,X. Q.Lu, H. H. Shan.Methanol dehydrogenation on Rh(111): a densityfunctional and microkinetic modeling study.J.Mol Catal. A: Chem.,2011,344,99–110.
19.H.Y. Zhu, W. Y. Guo, M. Li, L. M. Zhao, S. R. Li, Y. Li,X.Q. Lu, H. H. Shan.Adsorption and desulfurization of thiophene and its hydrogenatedderivatives on Pt(111): implication for the mechanism ofhydrodesulfurization over noble metal catalysts.ACSCatal.,2011,1,1498–1510.(一区Top)
18.L.M. Zhao, W. Y. Guo, Z.C.Liu, Y.Y.Li,X.Q. Lu.Theoretical study ofthe gas-phase Fe+-mediatedoxidation of ethane by N2O.Theor.Chem. Acc.,2011,128,349–358.
17.X.Q. Lu,S. X. Wei, W. Y. Guo,C.-M.L. Wu.Mechanisticinsight into the gas-phase reactions of methylamine with groundstate Co+(3F)and Ni+(2D).J.Phys. Chem.A,2010,114,12490–12497.
16.X.Q. Lu,C.-M.L. Wu,S. X. Wei, W. Y. Guo.DFT/TD-DFTinvestigation of electronic structures and spectra properties ofCu-baseddyesensitizers.J.Phys. Chem. A,2010,114,1178–1184.
15.X.Q. Lu, W. Y. Guo,T. F. Yang, L. M. Zhao, S. C. Du, L. Wang, H. H. Shan. Gas-phasereactions of Co+with ethylamine: A theoretical approach to the reaction mechanismsof transition metal ions with primary amines.J.Phys. Chem. A,2008,112,5312–5321.
14.X.Q. Lu,W. Y. Guo, L. M. Zhao, X. F. Chen, Q. T. Fu, Y. Ma.Hydrideabstraction of methylaminewithCu+(1S)in the gas phase: Adensity functional theory study.J.Organomet. Chem.,2007,692,3796–3803.
13.R.B. Jiang, W. Y. Guo, M. Li,X.Q. Lu, J. Y. Yuan,H. H. Shan. Dehydrogenation of methanol on Pd(100): comparisonwith the results of Pd(111).Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys.,2010,12,7794–7803.
12.M.Li, W. Y. Guo, R. B. Jiang, L. M. Zhao,X.Q. Lu, H. Y. Zhu,D. L. Fu, H. H. Shan. Mechanism of the ethylene conversion toethylidyne on Rh(111): a density functional investigation.J. Phys. Chem. C,2010,114,8440–8448.
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