

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-01

姓名 孙书荣 性别 女
民族 汉族 出生年月 1964-1
学历|学位 研究生|博士 专业技术职务 教授
联系电话 移动电话 **6
邮箱 sshrong@163.com
通讯地址|邮编 山东省济南市南辛庄西路336号济南大学数学科学学院|250022
招生方向(领域) 学科教学(数学)
研究领域、学习工作经历、学术兼职等情况 孙书荣教授是济南大学《应用数学》硕士点首批研究生导师,济南大学第四、五届教学督导员,济南大学第五届优秀教学奖获得者。指导研究生获山东省优秀硕士学位论文1篇,山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果三等奖1项,两人获硕士研究生国家奖学金,有5篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,山东省优秀毕业生称号1人。由于在研究生及本科生培养教育方面成绩突出,两次荣获济南大学优秀研究生导师称号和济南大学优秀教师称号,山东省第四届优秀研究生指导教师。指导本科生荣获济南大学优秀毕业论文17篇,山东省优秀学士学位论文6篇。

(包括项目、鉴定、论文、专著、专利等) 研究领域:
1. 微分方程和差分方程定性理论; 2. 离散 Hamilton 系统的 GKN 理论; 3. Hamilton 系统的谱理论; 4. Banach 空间积分微分方程周期边值问题; 5. Sturm-Liouville 理论; 6. 时间尺度上的动力系统; 7. 分数阶微分方程; 8. 混杂系统;
9. 数学教学改革与教材研究

1. Wenquan Feng, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han,Yige Zhao. Existence of solutions for a singular system of nonlinear fractional differential equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2011, 62(3): 1370-1378. (SCI收录:809UZ;UT WOS:053) IF:1.472
2. Yige Zhao,Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Qiuping Li. Theory of fractional hybrid differential equations. Comput. Math. Appl., 2011, 62(3): 1312-1324. (SCI收录:809UZ;UT WOS:047) IF:1.747 Yige Zhao,Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Qiuping Li. Theory of fractional hybrid differential equations. Comput. Math. Appl., 2011, 62(3): 1312-1324. (SCI收录:809UZ;UT WOS:047) IF:1.747
3. Yige Zhao, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Meng Zhang. Positive solutions for boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 217:6950-6958. (SCI收录:730VW;UT ISI:017) IF:1.534
4. Yige Zhao, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Qiuping Li, Positive solutions to boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2011, Article ID 390543, 16 pages. (SCI收录:706PV;UT ISI:001) IF:1.318
5. Tongxing Li, Zhenlai Han, Shurong Sun, Yige Zhao. Oscillation results for third order nonlinear delay dynamic equations on time scales, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society,2011, 34(3):639-648 (SCI收录:818JO;UT WOS:020) IF: 0.779
2007年,韩振来、孙丽瑛、孙书荣、杨殿武、孙莹“几类动力方程的动力学性质及应用” 获山东高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖。
2010年,孙书荣、张超、李同兴、刘坚、赵以阁的研究成果“几类动态方程解的定性性质研究” 获山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖二等奖。(证书编号:2010BZ20295)
2011年,韩振来、孙书荣、李同兴、赵以阁、孙一冰的研究成果“几类动态方程动力学性质研究” 获山东高校优秀科研成果二等奖,证书编号:2011BZ20030。
2015年,韩振来 祁晓光 孙书荣 李西成 李新慧研究成果《几类分数阶微分方程定性理论研究与应用》 获山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖一等奖。
韩振来,孙书荣. 时间尺度上动态方程振动理论,山东大学出版社出版,书号:ISBN 978-7-5607-4999-0. 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2014)第045534号,规格:787毫米x1092毫米 1/6, 15印张,344千字,版次:2014年3月第一版,第一次印刷,定价:28元
1. 孙书荣,韩振来.高阶非线性变系数非自治中立型时滞差分方程正解的存在性. 华东理工大学学报,2007,33(1):145-148(EI收录
2. Shurong Sun, Yuming Shi, Shaozhu Chen, The Glazman–Krein–Naimark theory for a class of discrete Hamiltonian systems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 327 (2007) 1360--1380.(SCI收录)
3. Shurong Sun,Zhenlai Han,Shaozhu Chen. Complex symplectic geometry characterization for self-adjoint extensions of Hamiltonian differential operator. Indian J. pure appl. Math., 2007,38(4):331-340 (SCI收录)
4. 孙书荣,韩振来 ,张承慧. 时间尺度上二阶Emden-Fowler中立型时滞动力方程的振动准则, 上海交通大学学报, 2008,42(12):2070-2075. (EI收录)
5. Meng Zhang, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han. Existence of positive solutions for multipoint boundary value problem with p-Laplacian on time scales, Advances in Difference Equations, vol. 2009, Article ID 312058, 18 pages, 2009. doi:10.1155/2009/312058. (SCI收录)
6. Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Chenghui Zhang. Oscillation of second-order delay dynamic equations on time scales. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2009, 30(1-2):459-468. (EI收录)
7. Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Ping Zhao and Chao Zhang, Oscillation for a Class of Second Order Emden-Fowler Delay Dynamic Equations on Time Scales, Advances in Difference Equations, vol. 2010, Article ID 642356, 15 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/642356. (SCI收录)
8. Shurong Sun, Martin Bohner and Shaozhu Chen. Weyl--Titchmarsh Theory for Hamiltonian Dynamic Systems, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2010, Article ID 514760, 18 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/514760. (SCI收录)
9. Martin Bohner, Shurong Sun. Weyl-Titchmarsh Theory for Symplectic Difference Systems, Appl. Math. Comput. 216 (2010) 2855–2864, doi:10.1016/j.amc. (SCI收录)
10. Yige Zhao, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Qiuping Li, The existence of multiple positive solutions for boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equations, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2011, 16(4): 2086-2097. (SCI收录:690DOUT ISI040) IF2.697
11.Yige Zhao, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Qiuping Li, Positive solutions to boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2011, Article ID 390543, 16 pages. (SCI收录:706PVUT ISI001) IF1.442
12. Shurong Sun,Tongxing Li, Zhenlai Han, and Yibing Sun. Oscillation of second-order neutral functional differential equations with mixed nonlinearities, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2011, Article ID 927690,15 pages, 2011. (SCI收录:728JXUT ISI001) IF1.442
13. Elvan Akin-Bohner, Shurong Sun. Existence of solutions for second-order dynamic inclusions, International Journal of Dynamic Systems and Differential Equations, 2011,3(1-2):24-37. (EI收录:702)
14. Yige Zhao, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Meng Zhang. Positive solutions for boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 217(16): 6950-6958. (SCI收录:730VWUT ISI017) IF1.534
15. Yige Zhao, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Wenquan Feng, Positive solutions for a couple system of nonlinear differential equations of mixed fractional orders, Advances in Difference Equations 2011, 2011:10, 13pages.
16. Yige Zhao,Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Qiuping Li. Theory of fractional hybrid differential equations. Comput. Math. Appl., 2011, 62(3): 1312-1324. (SCI收录:809UZUT WOS047) IF1.472
17. Wenquan Feng, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han,Yige Zhao. Existence of solutions for a singular system of nonlinear fractional differential equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2011,.62(3):1370-1378. (SCI收录:809UZUT WOS053) IF1.472
18. Shurong Sun, Meng Zhang, Zhenlai Han, Hua Li.Existence of positive solutions for Sturm-Liouville-like boundary value problem with p-Laplacian on time scales.J Appl Math Comput,2011,37(1-2):443-458. (EI收录:201**)
18. Shurong Sun, Yige Zhao, Zhenlai Han, Meirong Xu. Uniqueness of positive solutions for boundary value problems of singular fractional differential equations. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 20(3) (2012) 299—309. (SCI收录:931KAUT WOS002) IF:0.622
18. Meng Zhang, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Positive solutions for discrete Sturm-Liouville-like four-point p-Laplacian boundary value problems, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society, 2012, 35(2): 303-314. (SCI收录:926ODUT WOS007) IF0.779
19. Shurong Sun, Qiuping Li,Yanan Li. Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a coupled system of multi term nonlinear fractional differential equations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 64(10) (2012) 3310–3320. (SCI收录:042GVUT WOS:036) IF1.747
20. Chao Zhang, Shurong Sun, Eigenvalue Comparisons for Second-OrderLinear Equations with Boundary Value Conditions on Time Scales, Journal of Applied Mathematics,Volume 2012, Article ID 486230, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2012/486230. (SCI收录:954IQUT WOS001) IF:0.656
21. Shurong Sun,Tongxing Li, Zhenlai Han, Hua Li, Oscillation theorems for second-order quasi-linear neutral functional differential equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis,Volume 2012, Article ID 819342, 17 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/819342. (SCI收录:989ONUT WOS001) IF1.318
22. Qiuping Li, Shurong Sun, Ping Zhao, Zhenlai Han, Existence and uniqueness of solutions for initial value problem of nonlinear fractional differential equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2012, 2012, Article ID 615230, 14 page. (SCI收录:989MUUT WOS001) IF1.318
23. Shurong Sun, Yige Zhao, Zhenlai Han, Yanan Li, The existence of solutions for boundary value problem of fractional hybrid differential equations, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,17(2012)4961-4967. (SCI收录:983FJUTWOS047) IF2.806
24. Qiuping Li, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Yige Zhao. Existence of positive solutions to the singular initial value problems of fractional differential equations. Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 403-408 (2012): 563-569. (EI收录:201**)
25. Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Tongxing Li, Erratum to Oscillation of second-order delay dynamic equations on time scales, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, (2012) 39:551-554. (EI收录:229)
26. Guang-Rong Zhang, Shu-Rong Sun, Zhenlai Han, The gloally exponentially stability of switched impulsive systems with mixed delays, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Industrial Control and Electronics Engineering, ICICEE 2012, p 2050-2053, 2012, DOI 10.1109/ICICEE.2012.545. (EI收录:942)
27. Yanan LI, Shu-Rong Sun, Zhen-lai Han, Existence Of Solutions For Fractional Differential Equations Boundary Value Problem With Delay, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Industrial Control and Electronics Engineering, ICICEE 2012, p 1815-1818, 2012 (EI收录:876)
28. Elvan Ak?n-Bohner, Shurong Sun, Oscillation criteria for second order strongly superlinear and strongly sublinear dynamic inclusions,Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis 18 (2012)285-294.
29. Shurong Sun, Yige Zhao,Zhenlai Han, Jian Liu. Eigenvalue problem for a class of nonlinear fractional differential equations. Annals of Functional Analysis, 2013, 4(1):25-39.
30. Hongling Lu, Shurong Sun, Dianwu Yang, Houshan Teng. Theory of fractional hybrid differential equations with linear perturbations of second type. Boundary Value Problems,2013, 2013:23, 1-16, doi:10.1186/1687-2770-2013-23(SCI收录:234PEUT WOS002)
31. Yanan Li, Shurong Sun, Dianwu Yang, Zhenlai Han. Three point boundary value problems of fractional functional differential equations with delay. Boundary Value Problems, 2013, 2013: 38,1-15, doi:10.1186/1687-2770-2013-38.
32. Tongxing Li, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Bangxian Han, Yibing Sun. Oscillation results for second-order quasi-linear neutral delay differential equations.Hacettepe Journal of mathematics statistics,2013,42(2): 131-138. (SCI收录:173NWUT WOS004)
33. Rian Yan, Shurong Sun, Ying Sun, Zhenlai Han. Boundary value problems for fractional differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions. Advances in Difference Equation,2013,2013(176):1-12. (SCI收录:196QL;UT WOS:001)
34. Shurong Sun, Tongxing Li, Zhenlai Han, Chao Zhang. On oscillation of second-order nonlinear neutral functional differential equations. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society,2013,36(3):541-554. (SCI收录:185SK;UT WOS:001)
35. Yanan Li, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Hongling Lu. The existence of positive solutions for boundary value problem of fractional Sturm-Liouville functional differential equation.Abstract and Applied Analysis,2013,Volume 2013, Article ID 301560, 20 pages.http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/301560(SCI收录:229PN;UT WOS:001)
36. Shurong Sun,Thabet Abdeljawad,Jehad Alzabut. Recent Developments and Applications on Discrete Fractional Equations and Related Topics. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,2013, Article ID 609861, (2013):1-2. (SCI收录:256RE;UT WOS:001)
37. Rian Yan, Shurong Sun, Hongling Lu,Yan Zhao. Existence of solutions for fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions. Advances in Difference Equations,2014. 2014(25):1-13. (SCI收录:AP4VP UT WOS001)
38. Bingxian Li, Shurong Sun, Yanan Li, Ping Zhao, Multi-point boundary value problems for a class of Riemann-Liouville fractional differential equations, Advances in Difference Equations, 2014, 2014 (151): 1-11. (SCI收录:AP6NXUT WOS001)
39. Wenquan Feng, Shurong Sun, Xinhui Li and Meirong Xu, Positive solutions to fractional boundary value problems with nonlinear boundary conditions, Boundary Value Problems,2014,2014(225):1-15. (SCI收录:AQ0SK UT WOS001)
40. Xiju Zong, Shurong Sun. On the global attractor of the two-component π-Camassa–Holm equation with viscous terms, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications,20(2014)82-98. (SCI收录:AO3GH UT WOS009)
41. Said R. Grace, Shurong Sun, Yizhuo Wang, On the oscillation of fourth order strongly superlinear and strongly sublinear dynamic equations, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2014, 44(1-2): 119-132. (EI收录:20**4 )
42. Shurong Sun,Guangrong Zhang, Ping Zhao, Uniform stability of discrete-time switched nonlinear systems, Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,643:83-89. (EI收录:20**4)
43. Shurong Sun,Weisong Chen, Yan Zhao, Zhenlai Han, Strict practical stability for discrete hybrid systems in terms of two measures, Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,643:90-95. (EI收录:20**6)
44. Said R. Grace, Zhenlai Han, Yunlong Shi. Oscillation criteria for strongly superlinear and strongly sublinear higher order dynamic equations on time-scales, Annals of Differential Equations, 30:3 (2014), 326-332.
45.Wenquan Feng, Shurong Sun, Ying Sun, Existence of positive solutions for a generalized and fractional ordered Thomas-Fermi theory of neutral atoms, Advances in Difference Equations, 2015, 2015 (350): 1-16. (SCI收录)
46.Bingxian Li, Shurong Sun, Ping Zhao, Zhenlai Han, Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for a class of fractional differential equations with three-point boundary value conditions, Advances in Difference Equations, 2015,2015(383):1-19. (SCI收录)
47.Hongling Lu, Zhenlai Han, Shurong Sun, Chao Zhang, Positive solutions for eigenvalue problems of frac
教学及研究生培养情况 孙书荣教授从事高校数学教学与研究工作30年,主讲研究生课程《泛函分析》、《泛函微分方程》、《动力系统》和《数学专业英语》及本科生课程《数学分析》、《常微分方程》和《概率论与数理统计》等。主持济南大学首批双语示范课程《常微分方程课程》建设项目、济南大学百门课程改革试点项目《常微分方程》等,担任校级精品课程《常微分方程》和校级精品课程群《数学学科专业基础课》负责人。2011年,作为负责人的《常微分方程》教学团队获得济南大学优秀教学团队称号。2014年,所主持的济南大学百门课程改革结题《常微分方程》被评为A。2017年,所负责的常微分方程团队获山东省黄大年式教师团队。
2008年,《常微分方程课程》获济南大学首批双语示范课程建设项目,负责人,编号(校SY0806) .
2012年,《Ordinary Differential Equations》获得济南大学2012年教材建设项目立项,负责人 编号:JC1202.

2007级:张萌, 毕业论文题目:具p-Laplace算子边值问题正解的存在性. 毕业分配:济南大学泉城学院
2008级:赵以阁, 山东大学控制学院博士研究生。毕业论文题目:分数阶微分方程边值问题解的存在性. 山东省优秀毕业生(证书编号:),科研成果“分数阶微分方程边值及初值问题解的存在性研究”获2011年度山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果三等奖。证书编号:2011YJS078;硕士论文《分数阶微分方程边值问题解的存在性》荣获2012年度山东省研究生优秀硕士论文, 证书编号:S**;济南大学2011届优秀毕业生(证书编号:).获校级优秀毕业论文(证书编号:S**)
2009级:李秋萍, 毕业论文题目:几类分数阶微分方程初值问题解的研究. 工作单位:德州学院数学院。
2009级:张光荣,毕业论文题目:切换系统的若干稳定性分析. 工作单位:济南市文化东路小学
2010级:丰文泉, 毕业论文题目:几类分数阶微分方程奇异边值问题及其应用. 工作单位:四川天一学院。
2011级:李亚楠, 毕业论文题目:分数阶泛函微分方程边值问题解的存在性.工作单位:济南高联教育集团. 2013.12,李亚楠获2013年硕士研究生国家奖学金,证书编号:2013年第16378号。
2012级:晏日安, 毕业论文题目:时间尺度上分数阶动力方程边值问题,2014.12获得研究生国家奖学金,证书编号:2014年第25796号。2015.6毕业,考取哈尔滨工业大学博士研究生 推荐审核制..
2013级:李炳宪, 毕业论文题目: 高阶分数阶微分方程多点边值问题解的存在性. g工作单位; 太平人寿保险有限公司山东分公司财务部。2016.6. 获济南大学优秀硕士学位论文(证书编号:S**)
2014级:王玉品, 考取山东大学博士研究生,毕业论文题目:几类分数阶模糊微分方程初边值问题及其应用
金娜娜, 考取山东大学博士研究生,推荐审核制。2015.10,审请到济南大学研究生创新基金项目,题目:分数阶微分包含边值问题解的存在性,编号YCXS15005,毕业论文题目:分数阶微分包含边值问题解的存在性
2015级 赵永顺,考取山东大学博士研究生,推荐审核制。毕业论文题目:含参数的分数阶差分方程特征值问题。
2016级 徐梦瑞, 唐镆涵(专硕)
2017级 张禄禄, 华秀娟(专硕),张友玲(专硕),刘曼琳(专硕)
2018级 尤金,刘洪娟(专硕),吴静贤(专硕),马冠群(专硕),沈融雪(专硕)



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  • 济南大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-温凤桐
    045104|学科教学(数学)专业硕士研究生指导教师姓名温凤桐性别男民族汉族出生年月1970-3学历|学位研究生|博士专业技术职务教授行政职务联系电话**移动电话**邮箱ss_wenft@ujn.edu.cn通讯地址|邮编山东省济南市南辛庄西路336号济南大学数学科学学院|250022招生方向(领域 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-01
  • 济南大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-陈观伟
    070100|数学专业硕士研究生指导教师姓名陈观伟性别男民族汉族出生年月1983-12学历|学位研究生|博士专业技术职务副教授,校聘A1岗教授行政职务联系电话移动电话邮箱guanweic@163.com通讯地址|邮编济南市南辛庄西路336号济南大学数学院|250022招生方向(领域)01微分方程理论 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-01
  • 济南大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-张颖
    045104|学科教学(数学)专业硕士研究生指导教师姓名张颖性别女民族汉族出生年月1979-6学历|学位|专业技术职务副教授行政职务联系电话**移动电话邮箱ss_zhangy@ujn.edu.cn通讯地址|邮编山东省济南市南辛庄西路336号济南大学数学科学学院|250022招生方向(领域)研究领域、 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-01
  • 济南大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-葛亮
    070100|数学专业硕士研究生指导教师姓名葛亮性别男民族汉出生年月?1982-12-21学历|学位博士研究生|博士专业技术职务副研究员行政职务联系电话**移动电话**邮箱ss_gel@ujn.edu.cn通讯地址|邮编山东省济南市南辛庄西路336号济南大学数学科学学院|250022招生方向(领域) ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-01
  • 济南大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-陈文娟
    070100|数学专业硕士研究生指导教师姓名陈文娟性别女民族汉族出生年月1981-2学历|学位研究生|博士专业技术职务副教授行政职务联系电话**移动电话邮箱ss_chenwj@ujn.edu.cn通讯地址|邮编济南市南辛庄西路336路济南大学数学科学学院|250022招生方向(领域)数学研究领域、学 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-01
  • 济南大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-李凡军
    070100|数学专业硕士研究生指导教师姓名李凡军性别男民族汉出生年月?1977-08-04学历|学位研究生|博士专业技术职务副教授行政职务联系电话**移动电话**邮箱ss_lifj@ujn.edu.cn通讯地址|邮编山东省济南市南辛庄西路336号济南大学数学科学学院|招生方向(领域)数学研究领域、 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-01
  • 济南大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-靳绍礼
    070100|数学专业硕士研究生指导教师姓名靳绍礼性别男民族汉出生年月?1975-12-24学历|学位研究生|博士专业技术职务副教授行政职务联系电话**移动电话**邮箱ss_jinsl@ujn.edu.cn通讯地址|邮编山东省济南市南辛庄西路336号济南大学数学科学学院|250022招生方向(领域) ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-01
  • 济南大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-刘坚
    070100|数学专业硕士研究生指导教师姓名刘坚性别女民族汉出生年月1970-7学历|学位|博士专业技术职务教授行政职务联系电话移动电话**邮箱ss_liuj@ujn.edu.cn通讯地址|邮编济南市市中区南辛庄西路336号|250022招生方向(领域)02复杂系统分析、控制与优化研究领域、学习工作 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-01