

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-22

Guangzhou Liu was mainly engaged in the researches of marine environmental protection and corrosion protection technologies, including ship ballast water treatment technology, marine sewage treatment technology, vessel exhaust gas treatment technology and electrochemical protection technology for marine equipments, etc.
He won first prize of “Scientific and Technological Progress Award of the Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers”, second prize of “Scientific and Technological Progress Award of Shandong Province” for two times, second prize of “National Defense Science and Technology Award” for two times, first prize of “Technological Invention Award of Qingdao” and second prize of “Marine Science and Technology Award”, etc. He has published over 20 papers and holds 19 authorized invention patents.
Guangzhou Liu carried out the research and development of ship ballast water electrolytic treatment technology and system. The system has been granted final approval by International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the first time in China. The system has been approved by 8 classification societies or administrations (CCS, DNV, LR, BV, NK, ABS, LMA and USCG) and installed in oil tankers, bulk carriers, containers, LNG carriers and VLOCs. The system was recognized as National Strategic Innovation Product in 2013.
The high performance aluminum alloy sacrificial anode materials developed by Guangzhou Liu have been widely used in various types of naval and civil ships and offshore platforms. Compound sacrificial anode technology for reinforced concrete structures in marine environment developed by Guangzhou Liu and his team has been applied in the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge of Qingdao. The marine sewage treatment system developed by his team has been certificated by China Classification Society (CCS), and used in offshore platforms.
He was named as Outstanding Talents of Qingdao in 2008 and 2012, Outstanding Youth Science and Technology Experts of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) in 2010. He was recognized as Taishan Scholar Distinguished Professor of Shandong Province in 2013.
1988.9-1992.7 哈尔滨工业大学 大学本科/学士
1992.9-1995.3 哈尔滨工业大学 研究生/硕士
2004.9-2011.12 浙江大学 研究生/博士
1995.4-2016.9 中国船舶重工集团公司第七二五研究所
2013.9 山东省泰山****特聘专家
2016.10-至今 山东大学 教授
2016.10 to now Professor of Shandong University
1995.4-2016.9 Luoyang ship material research institute, CSIC
2013 Taishan Scholar Distinguished Professor of Shandong Province
2011 Ph.D. Zhejiang University
1995 M.Sc. Harbin Institute of Technology
1992 B.Sc. Harbin Institute of Technology
Research Interests:
Marine corrosion and protection and environmental protection technologies.
代表性著作/Selected Publications:
1.Dongxia Duan, Ping Yao, Guangzhou Liu, etc. The effects of environment parameter on the decay of Total residual oxidant in neutral electrolyzed sea water. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 2016, 7(4): 302-305
2.Dongxia Duan, Cunguo Lin, Guangzhou Liu, etc. Effects of nutrition on mild steel corrosion by sulfate reducing bacteria under aerobic environment. Materials Science Forum. 2015, 814: 625-630
3.Jian Gao, Guangzhou Liu, etc. Summary of the Desulfurization solutions of marine exhaust gas. Advanced Materials Research. 2014, 1010-1012: 588-594.
4.Haitao Wang, Guangzhou Liu and E Chang. Corrosion monitoring/detecting technology of reinforce concrete structure. Corrosion science and protection technology (CHI). 2012, 24(5): 357-364
5.Guangzhou Liu, Jianming Wang, Jianqing Zhang, Chunan Cao. Effect of electrolytic treatment of ballast water on the corrosion behavior of 316L stainless steel. Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 2011, 47(12): 1600-1604
6.Guangzhou Liu, Jianming Wang, Jianqing Zhang, Chunan Cao. Effect of electrolytic treatment of ballast water on corrosion behavior of tank steel. Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 2010, 46(9): 1093-1097
7.Fushao Li, Maozhong An, Guangzhou Liu, Dongxia Duan. Effects of sulfidation of passive film in the presence of SRB on the pitting corrosion behaviors of stainless steel. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2009, 113: 971-976
8.Fushao Li, Maozhong An, Guangzhou Liu, Dongxia Duan. Roles of sulfur-containing metabolites by SRB in accelerating corrosion of carbon steel. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2009, 25(1): 13-18
9.Fushao Li, Maozhong An, Guangzhou Liu, Dongxia Duan. Effect of sulfate-reducing bacteria on the pitting corrosion behavior of 18-8 stainless steel. Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 2009, 45(5): 536-540
10.Zhiquan Yang, Shaoqi Zhou, Guangzhou Liu, etc. Corrosion behavior of Q235 steel in seawater containing sulfate-reducing bacteria, Journal of South China University of Technology. 2009, 37(10): 270-276

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