教授,博士生导师;山东大学齐鲁青年****;IEEE Member
2019-2020 博士后研究员新加坡南洋理工大学能源研究院
2017-2019 博士后研究员新加坡南洋理工大学劳斯莱斯实验室
2013-2017 博士电气工程山东大学
2010-2013 硕士电气工程吉林大学
2006-2010 学士电气工程吉林大学
[1]Jinyu Wang*, Jun Liang, Feng Gao, Li Zhang, and Zhuodi Wang. “A method to improve the dynamic performance of moving average filter-based PLL.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 10 (2015): 5978-5990. Top 期刊,IF:7.224
[2]Jinyu Wang*, Jun Liang, Feng Gao, Xiaoming Dong, Chengfu Wang, and Bing Zhao. “A closed-loop time-domain analysis method for modular multilevel converter.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 10 (2017): 7494-7508.Top 期刊,IF:7.224
[3]Jinyu Wang*, and Peng Wang. “Power decoupling control for modular multilevel converter.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 11 (2018): 9296-9309.Top 期刊,IF:7.224
[4]Jinyu Wang*, and Peng Wang. “Decoupled power control for direct-modulation-based modular multilevel converter with improved stability.” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 7 (2019): 5264-5274.Top 期刊,IF:7.515
[5]Jinyu Wang*, and Yi Tang. “A fault-tolerant operation method for medium voltage modular multilevel converters with phase-shifted carrier modulation.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 10 (2019): 9459-9470.Top 期刊,IF:7.224
[6]Jinyu Wang*, Peng Wang, Michael Zagrodnik, Suvajit Mukherjee, and Dhanashree Vaidya. “A modulation reference compensation method to realize fully decoupled power control for modular multilevel converters.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 8 (2019): 7230-7241.Top 期刊,IF:7.224
[7]Jinyu Wang, Yi Tang and Xiong Liu. “Arm current balancing control for modular multilevel converters under unbalanced grid conditions.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 3 (2020): 2467-2479.Top 期刊,IF:7.224
[8]Jinyu Wang, Yi Tang, Pengfeng Lin, Xiong Liu and JosepPou. “Deadbeat predictive current control for modular multilevel converters with enhanced steady-state performance and stability.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,vol. 35, no. 7 (2020): 6878-6894.Top 期刊,IF:7.224
[9]Jinyu Wang,Xiong Liu, Qian Xiao, Dehong Zhou, Huan Qiu and Yi Tang. “Modulated model predictive control for modular multilevel converters with easy realization and enhanced steady-state performance.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,vol. 35, no. 9 (2020): 9107-9118.Top 期刊,IF:7.224
[10]Jinyu Wang*, Yi Tang, Yang Qi, Pengfeng Lin and Zhenbin Zhang. “A unified startup strategy for modularmultilevel converters with deadbeat predictivecurrent control.” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,(2020 early access).Top 期刊,IF:7.515
[11]Jinyu Wang*, Jun Liang, Chengfu Wang, and Xiaoming Dong. “Circulating current suppression for MMC-HVDC under unbalanced grid conditions.” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 53, no. 4 (2017): 3250-3259.
[12]Huan Qiu,Jinyu Wang*, and Yi Tang. “Device-level loss balancing control for modular multilevel converters.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,(2020 early access).Top 期刊,IF:7.224
[13]Qian Xiao, Jinyu Wang*, Yu Jin, Linglin Chen, Hongjie Jia, Tomislav Dragi?evi?, Remus Teodorescu. “A novel operation scheme for modular multilevel converter with enhanced ride-through capability of submodule faults.”IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (2020 early access).
[14]Zhijie Liu, Kejun Li, Jinyu Wang, Zahid Javid, Meiyan Wang, and Kaiqi Sun. “Research on capacitance selection for modular multilevel converter.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 9 (2019): 8417-8434.Top 期刊,IF:7.224
[15]Pengfeng Lin, Wentao Jiang, Jinyu Wang,Donghan Shi, Chuanlin Zhang, and Peng Wang. “Toward large signal stabilization of floating dual boost converter powered dc microgrids feeding constant power loads.” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (2019 early access).
[16]Pengfeng Lin, Chuanlin Zhang, Jinyu Wang, Chi Jin, and Peng Wang. “On autonomous large signal stabilization for islanded multi-bus DC microgrids: a uniform nonsmooth control scheme.”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,vol. 67, no. 6 (2020): 4600-4612.Top 期刊,IF:7.515
[17]Zhijie Liu, Kejun Li, Jinyu Wang, Wentao Liu, Zahid Javid, Zhuodi Wang. “A general model of modular multilevel converter for analyzing the steady-state performance optimization.”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2020 early access)Top 期刊,IF:7.515
[18]Jinyu Wang*, Yi Tang, Pengfeng Lin, Qian Xiao, and Huan Qiu. “Arm current balancing control strategy for modular multilevel converters under grid fault conditions.” 2019 IET 8th International Conference on Renewable Power Generation (RPG2019) (最佳会议论文奖).
[19]Jinyu Wang*, and Zhenbin Zhang. “Optimal Control Parameter Design for Dual-Loop Controlled Grid-Forming VSCs.” 2020 IEEE IAS Industrial and Commercial Power System Asia Technical Conference (I&CPS Asia) (最佳会议论文奖).
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