本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-21
高泽亮,1983年9月生于山东省沂南县,博士生导师。2001年起,山东大学信息科学与工程学院本科学习;2005年起,山东大学晶体材料研究所硕博连读研究生;2010年起,山东大学物理学院博士后;2012年起,山东大学晶体所工作。主要从事晶体物理(压电、电光、非线性和光电功能器件研究)和助熔剂晶体生长研究。主持多项国家和省部级课题。获得教育部自然科学二等奖1项。以第一作者和通讯作者在Journal of American Chemistry, Applied Physics Letters, Crystal Growth & Design,Optics Express等期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,授权发明专利5项。
电话: **
1: 新型光电功能晶体生长
1:山东省重点研发计划:新型大双折射晶体BaTeMo209晶体生长及高效光电器件研究 ,200万元,在研,主持
6: 2011.9-2013.9,新型晶体BaTeMo2O9高温压电性能研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,结题
1:Weiqun Lu, Zeliang Gao,* Xiaoli Du, Xiangxin Tian, Qian, Wu, Conggang Li, Youxuan Sun, Yang Liu, and Xutang Tao, Shedding Light on the Intrinsic Characteristics of 3D Distorted Fluorite-Type Zirconium Tellurite Single Crystals; Inorganic Chemistry, 58, 7794-7802, 2019. (封面文章)
2:Conggang Li, Zeliang Gao,* Peng Zhao, Xiangxin Tian, Haoyuan Wang, Qian Wu, Weiqun Lu, Youxuan Sun, Deliang Cui, and Xutang Tao, Crystallographic Investigations into the Polar Polymorphism of BaTeW2O9: Phase Transformation, Controlled Crystallization, and Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties; Cryst. Growth Des., 19. 1767-1777, 2019.
3: Conggang Li, Peng Zhao, Zeliang Gao, Qian Wu, Xiangxin Tian, Dianxing Ju, Weiqun Lu, Youxuan Sun, Deliang Cui, and Xutang Tao; Investigation into the optimized growth, anisotropic properties and theoretical calculations of the polar material Cs2TeW3O12, CrystEngComm, 21,2345-2354, 2019.
4:Weiqun Lu, Zeliang Gao,* Xitao Liu, Xiangxin Tian, Qian Wu, Conggang Li,Youxuan Sun, Yang Liu, and Xutang Tao*, Rational Design of a LiNbO3 like Nonlinear Optical Crystal, Li2ZrTeO6, with High Laser-Damage Threshold and Wide Mid-IR Transparency Window, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 13089?13096, 2018.
5: Weiqun Lu, Zeliang Gao,* Qian Wu, Xiangxin Tian, Youxuan Sun, Yang Liu and Xutang Tao*, Tailored fabrication of a prospective acousto–optic crystal TiTe3O8 endowed with high performance, J. Mater. Chem. C, 6, 2443, 2018. (封面文章)
6: Conggang Li, Xiangxin Tian, Zeliang Gao,* Qian Wu, Peng Zhao, Youxuan Sun, Chengqian Zhang, Shaojun Zhang, Deliang Cui, and Xutang Tao*, Controlled Growth of Layered Acentric CdTeMoO6 Single Crystals with Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties, Cryst. Growth Des. 18, 3376?3384, 2018.
7: Ning Jia, Shanpeng Wang,* Zeliang Gao,*, Qian Wu, Chunlong Li, Xixia Zhang, TongTong Yu, Qingming Lu, and Xutang Tao*, Optimized Growth of Large-Sized LiInSe2 Crystals and the Electric?Elastic Properties Cryst. Growth Des. 17, 5875?5880 2017..
8: Conggang Li, Zeliang Gao,* Xiangxin Tian, Qian Wu, Weiqun Lu, Youxuan Sun and Xutang Tao*, Electric–elastic properties of a novel high-quality CdTeMoO6 piezoelectric crystal, CrystEngComm, 20, 5602-5608, 2018.
9: Conggang Li, Zeliang Gao*, Xiangxin Tian, Qian Wu, Fuan Liu, Xiaoli Du, Dongyang Huang, Youxuan Sun, Deliang Cui, Xutang Tao*, Investigations into anisotropic properties of the nonlinear optical material CdTeMoO6 with quasi-two-dimensional structure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 777, 59-66, 2019.
10: Xiangxin Tian, Zeliang Gao,* Feifei Chen, Qian Wu, Conggang Li, Weiqun Lu, Youxuan Sun and Xutang Tao*, Insights into the polymorphism of Bi2W2O9: single crystal growth and a complete survey of the variable-temperature thermal and dielectric properties, CrystEngComm, 20, 2669-2680, 2018.
11: Qian Wu, Zeliang Gao, Xiangxin Tian, Xiancui Su, Guoru Li, Youxuan Sun, Shengqing Xia, Jingliang He, Xutang Tao, Biaxial crystal β-BaTeMo2O9: theoretical analysis and the feasibility as high-efficiency acousto-optic Q-switch, Optics Express, 25(21), 24893-24900, 2017.
12:ZeliangGao, Xiangxin Tian, Junjie Zhang, Qian Wu, Qingming Lu, Xutang Tao*, Large-SizedCrystal Growth and Electric-Elastic Properties of α?BaTeMo2O9Single Crystal,CrystalGrowth & Design, 15,759-763,2015.
13:Zeliang Gao, Qian Wu, Xitao Liu, Youxuan Sun, Xutang Tao*, Biaxialcrystal α-BaTeMo2O9: theory study of large birefringenceand wide-band polarized prisms design,Optics Express, 23(4), 3851-3860,2015.
14:Zeliang Gao, Shande Liu, Junjie Zhang, Shaojun Zhang, Weiguo Zhang,Jingliang He, Xutang Tao*, Self-frequency-doubled BaTeMo2O9Raman laser emitting at 589 nm,Optics Express, 21(6), 7821-7827, 2013.
15:Zeliang Gao, Shande Liu, Shaojun Zhang Weiguo Zhang, JingliangHe, Xutang Tao*, High efficient external resonator Raman laser based on themonoclinic single crystal BaTeMo2O9,Applied PhysicsLetters, 100, 261905, 2012.
16:Zeliang Gao, Xiangxin Tian, Shaojun Zhang, Xutang Tao*,Determination and analysis of the linear and second order nonlinear opticalproperties of Na2TeW2O9,Optical MaterialsExpress, 6(1), 106-113, 2016.
17:Zeliang Gao, Youxuan Sun, Junjie Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, Xutang Tao*, Investigationsof the electro-optic behavior of Cs2TeMo3O12single crystal,Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 043502, 2014.
18:Zeliang Gao,Shande Liu, Junjie Zhang, Shaojun Zhang, Weiguo Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, JingliangHe, Xutang Tao*, A high efficiency third order Stokes Raman laser operatingat 1500 nm based on a BaTeMo2O9crystal,Laser PhysicsLetters, 10, 125403, 2013.
19:Zeliang Gao, Xutang Tao*,Xin Yin, Weiguo Zhang, Minhua Jiang, Elastic, dielectric, and piezoelectricproperties of BaTeMo2O9single crystal,AppliedPhysics Letters, 93, 252906, 2008.
20:Zeliang Gao, Xin Yin,Weiguo Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, Minhua Jiang, Xutang Tao*, Electro-opticproperties of BaTeMo2O9single crystal,AppliedPhysics Letters, 95, 151107, 2009.
21:Zeliang Gao, YouxuanSun, Xin Yin, Shanpeng Wang, Minhua Jiang, Xutang Tao*, Growth andelectric-elastic properties of KTiOAsO4single crystal,Journalof Applied Physics,108, 024103, 2010.
22:Zelaing Gao, XinYin, Weiguo Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, Minhua Jiang, Xutang Tao*, TemperatureDependence of Elastic Properties and Piezoelectric Applications of BaTeMo2O9Single Crystal,IEEE, TUFFC, 58, 2753-2757, 2011.
23: Peng Zhao, Hengjiang Cong,Xiangxin Tian, Youxuan Sun, Chengqian Zhang, Shengqing Xia,ZeliangGao,*and Xutang Tao*, Top-Seeded Solution Growth, Structure, Morphology, andFunctional Properties of a New Polar Crystal- Cs2TeW3O12,Crystal Growth & Design, 15, 4484-4489, 2015.
24:Xiangxin Tian, Qian Wu, Peng Zhao, Zheng Wang, Xiaoxiao Feng, Conggang Li,Youxuan Sun, Shanpeng Wang,Zeliang Gao,* and Xutang Tao*, Top-seededsolution growth and characterization of a Bi2Mo2.66W0.34O12single crystal, CrystEngComm, 17, 4525, 2015.
25:Peng Zhao, Qian Wu, Chunlong Li, Shaojun Zhang, Youxuan Sun, Chengqian Zhang,Shengqing Xia,Zeliang Gao,* and Xutang Tao*, Second ordernonlinear optical properties of Cs2TeW3O12single crystal,Optical Materials Express, 6(2), 451-458, 2016.
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张国栋,男,山东省平原县人,1981年9月生,工学博士,山东大学晶体材料国家重点实验室副研究员,主要从事非氧无机功能晶体的生长和性能研究。攻读博士期间主要采用垂直Bridgman法生长了ZnGeP2、CdSiP2等中红外非线性光学晶体。在南洋理工大学从事博士后研究期间主要工作为新型硫卤化合物的探索及 ...山东大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-21山东大学晶体材料研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-彭燕
待补充...... ...山东大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-21山东大学晶体材料研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-张健
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尉吉勇,男,1975年4月生,山东泰安肥城市人。电话:(O)移动电话:**E-mail:vjyong@sdu.edu.cn学习工作简历本科就读于山东大学化学与化工学院。博士期间从事III-V族半导体激光器和发光二极管的研究,在国际国内刊物上发表论文数篇,参加多次国际和全国学术会议并宣读论文。2003 ...山东大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-21山东大学晶体材料研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-陈昆峰
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