
山东大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-徐海 (教授)

山东大学 免费考研网/2016-03-09

徐海 86-** haixu@sdu.edu.cn


博士 2000-2004 山东大学 微生物学

硕士 1996-1999 山东大学 微生物学

本科 1987-1982 复旦大学 微生物学


1982-1992 江苏省微生物研究所 助理研究员

1992-至今 山东大学生命科学学院 教授(2007.9聘任)

2004-2007 哥伦比亚大学 博士后






1. 2011.09-2012.12 从环境污水中分离鉴定细菌质粒上与整合子相关的耐药基因,山东省医药卫生科技发展计划项目

2. 2012.01-2015.12 质粒介导的喹诺酮类耐药性基因在环境污水中传播及相关耐药肠道细菌的遗传结构分析, 国家自然基金面上项目

3. 2013.01-2017.12 微生物发酵法高效生产L-精氨酸技术的开发与应用,企业项目

4.2010/2011/2013 环境整合子细菌的鉴定 耐药基因功能及其转移机制,微生物技术国家重点实验室项目

5.2013.01-2015.12 肉鸡产业链超耐药菌的耐药基因及转移性分析,国家科技重大专项


1. Xia, R., Y. Ren and H. Xu*. 2013. Identification of Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance qnr Genes in Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria from Hospital Wastewaters and Receiving Waters in the Jinan Area, China. Microb Drug Resist. 19: 446-456. 5y IF: 2.09

2. Xia, R., Y. Ren, X. H. Guo and H. Xu*. 2013. Molecular diversity of class 2 integrons in antibiotic-resistant gram-negative bacteria found in wastewater environments in China. Ecotoxicology. 22: 402-414. 5y IF: 3.294

3. Ning, H., D. H. Sheng and H. Xu*. 2012. Role of Escherichia coli strain subgroups, integrons,and integron-associated gene cassettes in dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in aquatic environments of Jinan, China. Water Sci Technol. 66: 2385-2392. 5y 1.146

4. Guo 1, X. H., R. Xia 1, N. Han and H. Xu*. 2011. Genetic diversity analyses of class 1 integrons and their associated antimicrobial resistance genes in Enterobacteriaceae strains recovered from aquatic habitats in China. Lett Appl Microbiol. 52: 667–675. 5y IF:1.898

5. Xu*, H., V. Miao, W. Kwong, R. Xia and J. Davies. 2011. Identification of a Novel Fosfomycin Resistance Gene (fosA2) in Enterobacter cloacae from the Salmon River, Canada. Lett Appl Microbiol. 52: 427–429. 5y IF: 1.898

6. Xu*, H., K. Broersma, V. Miao and J. Davies. 2011. Class 1 and Class 2 integrons in multidrug resistant gram-negative bacteria isolated from the Salmon River, British Columbia. Can J Microbiol. 57: 460-467. 5y IF: 1.368

7. Xia, R., X. H. Guo, Y. Z. Zhang and H. Xu*. 2010. qnrVC-Like Gene Located in a Novel Complex Class 1 Integron Harboring the ISCR1 Element in an Aeromonas punctata Strain from an Aquatic Environment in Shandong Province, China. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 54: 3471-3474. 5y IF: 4.606


1. 发明人:徐海,国宪虎,夏蕊蕊. 2013. 专利名称:利用EcoRII酶切图谱库检测细菌整合子中基因盒阵列的方法. 专利号:**.6 发文日:2013.09.18

