
山东大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-张亮然 (教授)

山东大学 免费考研网/2016-03-09

张亮然 ** zhangliangran@sdu.edu.cn

博士 2000.9-2006.7 中国科学院植物研究所 植物学
本科 1996.9-2000.7 山东师范大学 生物学
2015.4- 至今 山东大学生命学院 教授
2011.6-2015.4 哈佛大学 研究助理
2006.6-2011.6 哈佛大学 博士后
1. 减数分裂同源重组的分子机制
2. 染色体不稳定性的分子机制
3. 同源重组技术的应用
1. 2015-2019 “齐鲁青年学者”建设经费 教育部
2. 2015-2019 “青年千人”计划 中组部
1)Shunxin Wang, Denise Zickler, Nancy Kleckner*, Liangran Zhang* (2015) Meiotic crossover patterns: obligatory crossover, interference and homeostasis in a single process. Cell Cycle 14:305-314.
2)Liangran Zhang, Eric Espagne, Arnaud De Muyt, Denise Zickler, Nancy Kleckner (2014) Interference-mediated synaptonemal complex formation with embedded crossover-designation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111(47):E5059-68.
3)Liangran Zhang, Shunxin Wang, Shen Yin, Soogil Hong, Keun P. Kim, Nancy Kleckner (2014) Topoisomerase II mediates meiotic crossover interference. Nature 511: 551–556.
4)Arnaud De Muyt*, Liangran Zhang*, Tristan Piolot, Nancy Kleckner, Eric Espagne and Denise Zickler (2014) E3 ligase Hei10: a multi-faceted structure-based signaling molecule with roles within and beyond meiosis. Genes Dev, 28: 1111-1123. (*contributed equally)
5)Liangran Zhang, Zhangyi Liang, John Hutchinson and Nancy Kleckner (2014) Crossover patterning by the Beam-Film model: analysis and implications. PLoS Genetics, 10: e**.
6)Liangran Zhang, Keun P Kim, Nancy E. Kleckner and Aurora Storlazzi (2011) Meiotic double-strand breaks occur once per pair of (sister) chromatids and, via Mec1/ATR and Tel1/ATM, once per quartet of chromatids. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108(50): 20036-20041.
7)Nancy Kleckner, Liangran Zhang, Beth Weiner, Denise Zickler (2011) Meiotic chromosome dynamics. In Genome Organization And Function In The Cell Nucleus, First Edition. Edited by Karsten Rippe. Pages: 487-533.
8)Keun P Kim, Beth M Weiner, Liangran Zhang, Amy Jordan, Job Dekker, Nancy Kleckner (2010). Sister cohesion and structural axis components mediate homolog bias of meiotic recombination. Cell, 143(6): 924-937
9)Jia-yi Tao, Liang-ran Zhang, Tai Wang (2007) OsRAD21-3, an orthologue of yeast RAD21, is required for pollen development in Oryza sativa. Plant J. 51(5):919-30.
10)Liang-Ran Zhang, Jia-Yi Tao, Shunxin Wang, Kang Chong, Tai Wang (2006). The rice OsRad21-4, an orthologue of yeast Rec8 protein, is essential for meiosis. Plant Mol Biol, 60 (4): 533-554.
11)Liang-Ran Zhang, Jia-Yi Tao, Tai Wang (2004). Molecular characterization of OsRAD21-1, a rice homologue of yeast RAD21 essential for mitotic chromosome cohesion. J Exp Bot, 55 (399): 1149-1152.
12)Zhaojun Ding, Zhuyun Deng, Jiayi Tao, Liangran Zhang and Tai Wang (2003) The molecular mechanism of chromosome segregation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(4)2014-2021.
