余佳益 讲师 院部/部门:物理与电子科学学院 电子邮箱: jiayiyu0528@sdnu.edu.cn 办公地点: 山东师范大学长清湖校区文渊楼D-204
个人简历 余佳益,男,1992年05月出生,理学博士,浙江宁波人,山东师范大学物理与电子科学学院讲师,硕士生导师。主要从事相干光学、光场调控、大气传输等科学研究,着重研究光场相干结构调控在自由空间激光通信中的应用。目前主持国家自然科学基金1项,在OpticsLetters, Optics Express等国际知名杂志上发表SCI论文25篇(第一或通讯作者共12篇),其中受邀撰写综述3篇。
1.S. Lin, C. Wang, X. Zhu, R. Lin, F. Wang, G. Gbur*, Y. Cai*andJ. Yu*, “Propagation of radially polarized Hermite non-uniformly correlated beams in a turbulent atmosphere”, Opt. Express, 28(19), 27238-27249 (2020).
2.J. Yu, S. Lin, Y. Xu, X. Zhu, F. Wang and Y. Cai*, “Research progress of propagation of partially coherent beams with special coherence structure in turbulent atmosphere”, Chin. J. Quant. Elect. 37(4), 392 (2020).
3.D. Wei, S. Li, J. Zeng, X. Zhu, T. Chen, Y. Cai*andJ. Yu*, “Comparative Study of Spiral Spectrum of Elegant and Standard Laguerre–Gaussian Beams in Atmospheric Turbulence”, J. Russ. Laser Res. 41(4), 364-372 (2020).
4.J. Yu, X. Zhu, S. Lin, F. Wang*, G. Gbur*and Y. Cai*, “Vector partially coherent beams with prescribed non-uniform correlation structure”, Opt. Lett. 45(13), 3824-3827 (2020).
5.R. Lin, H. Yu, X. Zhu, L Lin, G. Gbur*, Y. Cai* and J. Yu*, “The evolution of spectral intensity and orbital angular momentum of twisted Hermite Gaussian Schell model beams in turbulence”, Opt. Express 28(5), 7152-7164 (2020).
6.J. Yu, Y. Huang, F. Wang*, X. Liu, G. Gbur*and Y. Cai*, “The scintillation properties of a partially coherent vector beam with vortex phase in turbulent atmosphere”, Opt. Express 27(19), 26676-26688 (2019).
7.J. Yu, X. Zhu, F. Wang, D. Wei, G. Gbur*and Y. Cai*, “Experimental study of reducing beam wander by modulating the coherence structure of structured light beams”, Opt. Lett. 44(17), 4371-4374 (2019)
8.J. Yu, Y. Huang, G. Gbur, F. Wang*and Y. Cai*, “Enhanced backscatter of vortex beams in double-pass optical links with atmospheric turbulence”, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf.228, 1-10 (2019)
9.J. Yu, Y. Cai*and G. Gbur*, “Rectangular Hermite non-uniformly correlated beams and its propagation properties”, Opt. Express 26(21), 27894-27906 (2018).
10.J. Yu, F. Wang, L. Liu, Y. Cai*and G. Gbur*, “Propagation properties of Hermite non-uniformly correlated beams in turbulence”, Opt. Express 26(13), 16333-16343 (2018).
11.J. Yu, Y. Chen and Y. Cai*, “Nonuniform Laguerre-Gaussian correlated beam and its propagation properties” Acta. Phys. Sin. 65(21), 214202 (2016).
12.J. Yu, Y. Chen, L. Liu, X. Liu and Y. Cai*, “Splitting and combining properties of an elegant Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam in Kolmogorov and non-Kolmogorov turbulence” , Opt. Express 23(10), 13467-13481 (2015).
13.J. Yu*and Y. Cai, “Nonuniform Laguerre-Gaussian Correlated PartiallyCoherent Beam”, Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science, JW4A.47(2016).
14.T.Zhou, J. Yu, F. Wang*, Y. Cai*and O. Korotkove*, “Effects of source spatial partial coherence on intensity statistics of optical beams in mono-static turbulent channels”, Opt. Express 28(14), 20135-20151, (2020).
15.X.Zhu, H. Yao, J. Yu, G. Gbur, F. Wang*, Y. Chen*and Y. Cai*, “Inverse design of a spatial filter in edge enhanced imaging”, Opt. Lett. 45(9), 2542-2545, (2020).
16.Y. Huang, Y. Yuan*, X. Liu, J. Zeng, F. Wang, J. Yu, L. Liu and Y. Cai*, “Propagation of optical coherence vortex lattices in turbulent atmosphere”, Appl. Sci. 8(12), 2476 (2019).
17.F. Wang, J. Yu, X. Liu and Y. Cai*, “Research progress of partially coherent beams propagation in turbulent atmosphere”, Acta. Phys. Sin. 67(18), 184203 (2018).
18.Y. Xu*, Y. Dan, J. Yuand Y. Cai, “Kurtosis parameter Kof arbitrary electromagnetic beams propagating through non-Kolmogorov turbulence”, J. Mod.Opt. 64(19), 1976-1987(2017).
19.Y. Cai*, Y. Chen, J. Yu, X. Liu and L. Liu, “Generation of partially coherent beams”, Prog. Opt. 62, 157-223 (2017).
20.Z. Xu, Q. Zhou, J. Yu, W. Kong, L. Liu and Y. Cai*, “The statistical properties of a Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam in a gradient-index fiber”, PIERS-FALL pp. 391-396 (2017).
21.Y. Xu*, Y. Dan, J. Yuand Y. Cai, “Propagation properties of partially coherent darkhollow beam in inhomogeneous atmosphericturbulence”,J. Mod.Opt. 63(21), 2186-2197(2016).
22.X. Peng, L. Liu*, J. Yu, X. Liu, Y. Cai, Y. Baykal and W. Li, “Propagation of a radially polarized twistedGaussian Schell-model beam in turbulentatmosphere”,J. Opt. 18(12), 125601 (2016).
23.X.Liu, J.Yu, Y.Cai*and S.Ponomarenko, “Propagation of optical coherence latticesin the turbulent atmosphere”, Opt. Lett. 41(18), 4182-4185 (2016).
24.Y.Chen, F. Wang, J.Yu, L.Liu and Y.Cai*, “Vector Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schellmodelbeam”, Opt. Express 24(14), 15232-15250 (2016).
25.J.Chen, X.Liu, J.Yuand Y.Cai*, “Simultaneous determination of the sign and the magnitude of thetopological charge of a partially coherent vortex beam”, Appl. Phys. B 122(7), 201(2016).
26.Y. Chen, J. Yu, Y. Yuan, F. Wang and Y. Cai*, “Theoretical and experimental studies of a rectangular Laguerre-Gaussian-correlated Schell-model beam” Appl. Phys. B 122(2), 31 (2016).
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-30
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