

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-30

姚圣坤 讲师 院部/部门:物理与电子科学学院 电子邮箱: yaoshk@sdnu.edu.cn 办公地点: 山东师范大学长清湖校区文渊楼D区209

个人简历 姚圣坤,博士,男,1988年01月出生,山东德州夏津人。2016年06月毕业于山东大学晶体材料国家重点实验室,获博士学位;2016年10月至2019年04月于上海科技大学和中科院上海微系统与信息技术研究所开展博士后工作。主要从事同步辐射X射线生物成像研究,在上海光源和日本Spring-8同步辐射光源有多年实验经验,开展了多模式X射线成像方法研究,采用扫描/全场透射成像、相干衍射成像、相位衬度成像等成像技术实现了细胞、昆虫等多种生物样品的三维结构分析,相关成果发表在IUCrJ、Applied Physics Letters、Biomedical Optics Express等国际期刊。主持国家自然科学基金理论物理专项1项,中国博士后科学基金2项,并作为骨干参与国家自然科学基金联合基金项目、重点项目、国家重大科研仪器研制项目等多项。



1.国家自然科学基金理论物理专项(**),2020.01 - 2020.12,主持
2.中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2019M660164),2019.11 - 2021.05,主持
3.中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2018M630483),2018.05 - 2019.04,主持
4.国家重大科研仪器研制项目(**),2018.01 - 2022.12,参与
5.国家自然科学基金重点项目(**),2015.01 - 2019.12,参与
6.国家自然科学基金联合基金项目(U**),2014.01 - 2016.12,参与

1.Yao S, Fan J, Chen Z, et al (2018). Three-dimensional ultrastructural imaging reveals the nanoscale architecture of mammalian cells. IUCrJ 5(2):141-149.
2.Yao S, Fan J, Zong Y, et al (2016). Equally sloped X-ray microtomography of living insects with low radiation dose and improved resolution capability. Applied Physics Letters 108(12): 123702.
3.Yao S#, Zong Y#, Xu H, et al (2017). Periodic microstructures of blood capillaries revealed by synchrotron X-ray multi-resolution microscopic analysis. Biomedical Optics Express 8(12): 5825-5833.
4.Yao S, Zong Y, Fan J, et al (2017). Synchrotron X-ray microtomography with improved image quality by ring artifacts correction for structural analysis of insects. Microscopy and Microanalysis 23(5): 938-944.
5.Yao S, Zong Y, Fan J, et al (2015). Noninvasive 3D structural analysis of arthropod by synchrotron X-ray phase contrast tomography. Journal of Nanomaterials 16(1): 431.
6.Zong Y, Yao S, Crawford G, et al (2017). Selection for oil content during soybean domestication revealed by X-ray tomography of ancient beans. Scientific Reports 7: 43595.
7.Zong Y, Yao S, Lang J, et al. (2017). Structural and compositional analysis of a casting mold sherd from ancient China. PLoS One 12(3): e**.
8.Fan J, Sun Z, Zhang J, Huang Q, Yao S, et al (2015). Quantitative imaging of single unstained magnetotactic bacteria by coherent X-ray diffraction microscopy. Analytical Chemistry 87(12): 5849-5853.
9.Zhang J, Fan J, Sun Z, Yao S, et al (2018). Enhancement of phase retrieval capability in ptychography by using strongly scattering property of the probe-generating device. Optics Express 26(23):30128-30145.
10.Fan J, Sun Z, Wang Y, Park J, Kim S, Jones M, Kim Y, Song C, Yao S, et al (2016). Single-pulse enhanced coherent diffraction imaging of bacteria with an X-ray free-electron laser. Scientific Reports 6: 34008.
11.Sun Z, Fan J, Li H, Liu H, Nam D, Kim C, Kim Y, Han Y, Zhang J, Yao S, et al (2018). Necessary experimental conditions for single-shot diffraction imaging of DNA-based structures with X-ray free-electron lasers. ACS Nano 12(8): 7509-7518.
12.Gong N, Ma X, Ye X, Zhou Q, Chen X, Tan X, Yao S, et al (2019). Carbon-dot-supported atomically dispersed gold as a mitochondrial oxidative stress amplifier for cancer treatment. Nature nanotechnology 14(4): 379

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