

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-30

刘显龙 讲师 院部/部门:物理与电子科学学院 电子邮箱: xlliu1988@163.com 办公地点: 山东师范大学长清湖校区D区

个人简历 刘显龙,男,1988年08月生,湖南岳阳人,讲师。2010年06月于延边大学物理系获学士学位;2013年06月、2017年12月于苏州大学物理科学与技术学院分别获理学硕士、理学博士学位;2016年10月至2017年10月,于荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学物理与天文学系学习。曾荣获“第三届江苏青年光学科技奖”。主要从事涡旋光学、相干光学、大气光学等领域科学研究,着重研究涡旋光场在通讯、加密和成像领域的应用。目前参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项。在Appl. Phys. Lett.Opt. Lett. 等国际知名杂志上发表SCI论文26篇,合著英文专著1部。

1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,特殊关联涡旋光束产生及其传输特性,30万元,2019.01月—2021.12月;
1.X. Liu, J. Yu, Y. Cai*, S. A. Ponomarenko, “Complex degree of coherence measurement for classical statistical fields”,Optics Letters 42(1), 77-80 (2017)
2.X. Liu, F. Wang, L. Liu, Y. Chen, Y. Cai*, S. A. Ponomarenko, “Propagation of optical coherence lattices in the turbulent atmosphere”,Optics Letters 41(18), 4182-4185 (2016).
3.X. Liu, F. Wang, C. Wei, Y. Cai*, “Experimental study of turbulence-induced beam wander and deformation of a partially coherent beam”,Optics Letters 39(11), 3336-3339 (2014).
4.X. Liu, Y. Shen, L. Liu, F. Wang, Y. Cai*, “Experimental demonstration of vortex phase-induced reduction in scintillation of a partially coherent beam”,Optics Letters 38(24), 5323-5326 (2013).
5.X. Liu, X. Peng, L. Liu, G. Wu, C. Zhao, F. Wang, Y.Cai*, “Self-reconstruction of the degree of coherence of a partially coherent vortex beam obstructed by an opaque obstacle”,Applied Physics Letters 110(18), 181104 (2017).
6.X. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Chen, and Y. Cai*, “Partially Coherent Vortex Beam: From Theory to Experiment”,Vortex Dynamics and Optical Vortices, Chapter11, (2017).
7.X. Liu, L. Liu, F. Wang, Y. Cai*, “Generation of a flexible far-field anomalous hollow beam spot through superposition of two partially coherent sources with different degrees of coherence”,Optics Communications 428, 69-76 (2018).
8. X. Liu, G. Wu, X. Pang, D. Kuebel and Taco. D. Visser, “Polarization and coherence in the Hanbury Brown–Twiss effect,”Journal of Modern Optics 65(12): 1437-1441 (2018).
9. X. Liu, F. Wang, M. Zhang, Y. Cai*, “Effects of Atmospheric Turbulence on Lensless Ghost Imaging with Partially Coherent Light”,Applied Sciences 8(9): 1479 (2018).
10.X. Liu, T. Wu, L. Liu, C. Zhao, Y. Cai*, “Experimental determination of the azimuthal and radial mode orders of a partially coherent LGpl beam”,Chinese Optics Letters 15(3), 030002 (2017).
11.X. Liu, F. Wang, L. Liu, C. Zhao, and Y. Cai*, “Generation and propagation of an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model vortex beam”,Journal of the Optical Society of America A 32(11) 2058-2065 (2015).
12.X. Liu, F. Wang, M. Zhang, Y. Cai*, “Experimental demonstration of ghost imaging with an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam”,Journal of the Optical Society of America A 32(5) 910-919 (2015).
13. X. Liu, C. Liang, Y. Yuan, Y. Cai*, H. T .Eyyubo?lu, “Scintillation properties of a truncated flat-topped beam in a weakly turbulent atmosphere”,Optics & Laser Technology 45, 587-592 (2013).
14.F. Wang,X. Liu, Y. Yuan, Y. Cai, “Experimental generation of partially coherent beams with different complex degrees of coherence,”Optics letters 38(11), 1814-1816 (2013).
15.F. Wang,X. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Yuan, Y. Cai*, “Experimental study of the scintillation index of a radially polarized beam with controllable spatial coherence,”Applied Physics Letters 103(9), 091102 (2013).
16.F. Wang,X. Liu, Y. Cai*, “Propagation of partially coherent beam in turbulent atmosphere: a review (Invited review),”Progress In Electromagnetics Research 150, 123-143 (2015).
17.J. Zeng,X. Liu, F. Wang, C. Zhao, and Y. Cai*, “Partially coherent fractional vortex beam”,Optics Express, (2018) To be published.
18.C. Liang, F. Wang,X. Liu, Y. Cai, O. Korotkova, “Experimental generation of cosine-Gaussian-correlated Schell-model beams with rectangular symmetry,”Optics letters 39(4), 769-772 (2014).
19.L. Guo, Y. Chen,X. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Cai, “Vortex phase-induced changes of the statistical properties of a partially coherent radially polarized beam,”Optics Express24(13), 13714-13728 (2016)
20.S. Zhu, J. Wang,X. Liu, Y. Cai, Z. Li, “Generation of arbitrary radially polarized array beams by manipulating correlation structure,”Applied Physics Letters 109(16), 161904 (2016).
21.F. Wang, Y. Chen,X. Liu, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko, “Self-reconstruction of partially coherent light beams scattered by opaque obstacles,”Optics Express 24(21), 23735-23746 (2016).


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