

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-30

陈传松 副教授 院部/部门:物理与电子科学学院 电子邮箱: chencs@sdnu.edu.cn 办公地点: 山东师范大学长清湖校区F432





1. 飞秒激光等离子体的原子能级演化及自吸收特性研究,国家自然科学基
a) 金,2013.1- 2016.12,第二位。
2. 激光等离子体中原子能级结构瞬态演化过程研究,国家自然科学基金,
a) 2009.01-2011.12,第二位。
3. 脉冲激光沉积HgCdTe薄膜材料研究,山东省自然科学基金,2007.12-2010.11,
a) 第三位。

1. C S Chen, A H Liu, B Y Man(通讯作者),“Analysis of laser damage threshold and morphological changes at the surface of HgCdTe crystal”, J. Opt. A.: Pure Appl.Opt,8(1),88(2006).
2. C.S. Chen, X.L. Zhou, B.Y. Man, Y.Q. Zhang, J. Guo,Investigation of the mechanism of spectral emission and redshifts of atomic line in laser-induced plasmas, Optik, 120, 473 (2009) .
3. X. M. Zhou, C. S. Chen, B. Y. Man, J. Guo, and J. Wang, Energy Level Offset Analysis of Lead Atom in Laser Plasma, Laser Physics,2009. 19( 8) :1838–1843.
4. J.Guo, C.S.Chen, B.Y.Man, S.Y.Yang, X.M.Zhou, C.Wang and C.Y.Diao, Time-resolved spectroscopy analysis of Ga atom in laser induced plasma,Laser Physics, 2009, 19(8), 1832-1837.
5. H. B. Fu, C. S. Chen, B. Y. Man, X. Song, D. Liu, Comparison Research On The Laser Plasma Spectra With And Without Obvious Self-absorption, Eur. Phys. J. D, 65, 509–513 (2011).
6. C.Y. Diao, C.S. Chen, B.Y. Man, C. Wang, and H.B. Fu, Influence of distances between the lens and target on the characteristic of laser induced lead plasma, Eur. Phys. J. D, 63. 123–128 (2011).
7. Hong Bo Fu, Chuan Song Chen, Bao Yuan Man, Xiao Song, and Dong Liu, Optical diagnosis and theoretical simulation of laser induced lead plasma spectrum, Phys. Plasmas, 19, 013302 (2012).
8. Chuansong Chen, Baoyuan Man, Xiao Song, Dong Liu, and Hongbo Fu, Spatial characterization of the laser induced Hg0.8Cd0.2Te plasma: One dimensional distribution and the angular distribution, Phys. Plasmas, 2012, 19, 043501.
9. C.S Chen, B.Y. Man, D. Liu, X. Song, and X. J. Chen, Investigation of Ti III line broadening in a laser-induced plasma, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 2013, 46 , 015701.
10. Dong Liu, Chuansong Chen, Baoyuan Man, Xue Meng, Yanna Sun, Feifei Li, Experimental investigation and 3D-simulation of the ablated morphology of titanium surface using femtosecond laser pulses, The European Physical Journal Applied Physics. 2015, 72: 31301.
11. Dong Liu, Chuansong Chen, Baoyuan Man, Xue Meng, Yanna Sun, Feifei LiEvolution and mechanism of the periodical structures formed on Ti plate under femtosecond laser irradiation,Applied Surface Science,378 (2016) 120–129
12. 孙艳娜,满宝元,高勋,林景全,杨诚,刘栋,李菲菲,陈传松*,飞秒激光诱导Zn等离子体发射光谱时间演化特性的研究,中国激光,2016, 43(1).

相关话题/物理 山东师范大学
