本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-20
1995-1999山东师范大学化学系 化学教育学士
2003-2008 中国科学院上海药物研究所药物化学博士
2008-2009 上海睿智化学有限公司从事国际合作的创新药物研究开发工作
3、山东省自然科学基金,面上项目,批准号ZR2019MH046, 2019.07-2022.06。
(1)Yongli Du*, Yanhui Zhang , Hao Ling , Qunyi Li, Jingkang Shen, Discovery of novel high potent and cellular active ADC type PTP1B inhibitors with selectivity over TCPTP via modification interacting with C site,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2018,144,692-700, SCI.
(2)Yanhui zhang, Yongli Du*, The development of protein tyrosine phosphate- ase1B inhibitors defined by binding sites in crystalline complexes. Future Medicinal Chemistry 2018,10 (19 ), 2345-2367, SCI.
(3)Rui li, Yongli Du*, Zhipei Gao, Jingkang Shen, Molecular Modeling Studies on Carbazole Carboxamide Based BTK Inhibitors Using Docking and Structure-Based 3D-QSAR. International journal of molecular sciences 2018,19 (4). 1244, SCI.
(4)Rui li, Yongli Du*, Jingkang Shen, Molecular modelling studies on cinnoline -based BTK inhibitors using docking and structure-based 3D-QSAR. SAR and QSAR in environmental research 2018, 29 (11), 847-873, SCI.
(5)Yongli Du*, Lianhua Song, etc. The discovery of novel, potent ERR-alpha inverse agonists for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2017,136: 457-467,SCI.
(6)Yang Ning, Haifei Chen, Yongli Du*, etc. A novel compound LingH2-10 inhibits the growth of triple negative breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo as a selective inverse agonist of estrogen-related receptor α.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 93, 2017, 913–922,SCI.
(7)Haixing Guan, Yongli Du*, etc. A brief perspective of drug resistance toward EGFR inhibitors: the crystal structures of EGFRs and their variants. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, 693-704, SCI.
(8)Haixing Guan, Yongli Du*, etc. Development of Selective Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 4 Inhibitors for Antineoplastic Therapies.Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2017, 17(5): 646-657,SCI.
(9)Weiwei Han, Yongli Du*, Recent Development of the Second and Third Generation Irreversible Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2017, 14(7), SCI.
(10)Peihong Liu, Yongli Du*, Lianhua Song, Jingkang Shen, Qunyi Li,Discovery of novel, high potent, ABC type PTP1B inhibitors with TCPTP selectivity and cellular activity, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 118:27-33,SCI.
(11)Liudi Zhang, Peihong Liu, Haifei Chen, Qunyi Li, Lu Chen, Huijie Qi, Xiaojin Shi, Yongli Du*. Characterization of a selective inverse agonist for estrogen related receptor α as apotential agent for breast cancer. European Journal of Pharmacology. 789, 2016, 439-448,SCI.
(12)Yongli Du*,Hao Ling,Meng Zhang,Jingkang Shen,Qunyi Li,Discovery of novel, potent, selective and cellular active ADC type PTP1B inhibitors via fragment–docking-oriented de novel design,Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2015,23: 4891 -4898, SCI.
(13)Peihong Liu, Yongli Du*,Lianhua Song,Jingkang Shen,Qunyi Li,Novel, potent, selective and cellular active ABC type PTP1B inhibitors containing (methane -sulfonyl-phenyl-amino)-acetic acid methyl ester phosphotyrosine mimetic,Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry,2015,23:7079 -7088, SCI.
(14)Yongli Du, Qunli Li, Bing Xiong, Xin Hui, Xin Wang, Yang Feng, Tao Meng, Dingyu Hu, Datong Zhang, Mingwei Wang, Jingkang Shen, Aromatic β-amino-ketone derivatives as novel selective non-steroidal progesterone receptor antagonists. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2010, 18 (12), 4255- 4268,SCI.
(15)Yongli Du, Qunyi Li, Bing Xiong, Xin Wang, Tao Meng, Dingyu Hu, Mingwei Wang, Jingkang Shen, The Discovery of Novel Non-steroidal Progesterone Receptor Antagonists.Abstract and poster on The 6th International Symposium for Chinese MedicinalChemists.07.2008.
(16)2008年07月于第六届世界华人药物化学会议上获奖:The presentation ofYongli Du, Qunyi Li et al entitled The Discovery of NovelNon-steroidal Progesterone Receptor Antagonists has achievedPoster Presentation AwardofThe 6th International Symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists.
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