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林路教授主要从事高维统计、金融统计和大数据等方的研究,在国际统计学、机器学习和相关应用学科顶级期刊Annals of Statistics, Journal of Machine Learning Research, PLoScomputational biology和其它重要期刊发表研究论文100余篇;主持过多项国家自然科学基金课题、博士点专项基金课题、山东省自然科学基金重点项目等;获得国家统计局颁发的统计科技进步一等和二等奖(排名第一),山东省优秀教学成果一等奖(排名第一);是国家973项目、国家创新群体和教育部创新团队的核心成员,教育部应用统计专业硕士教育指导委员会成员,山东省政府参事。
[1] Upper Expectation ParametricRegression.(accepted)Statistica Sinica. 2016
[2] Optimal variance estimation based onlagged second-order difference in nonparametric regression.(accepted) Comput Stat. 2016 (with WenwuWang, Li Yu)
[3] Inference for biased models: Aquasi-instrumental variable approach.(2016) Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 145, 22–36.2016 (with Lixing Zhu,Yujie Gai)
[4] Variable selection for varying coefficientmodels via kernel based regularized rank regression.(2016) Acta Mathematicae ApplicataeSinica –English Series. 2016 (with Kangning Wang)
[5] Robust and efficient directionidentification for a groupwise additive multiple-index models and itsapplications.(2016) 2016 (with Kangning Wang)
[6] Robust structure identification andvariable selection in partial linear varying coefficient models.(2016)Journalof Statistical Planning and Inference. 174, 153-168. 2016 (with Kangning Wang)
[7] Mean volatility regression. (2016) Journal of Systems Science andComplexity. 2016 (with Li, F., Zhu, L. and Hardle, W. K.)
[8]变量约束工具变量回归及其在期权定价和投资组合中的应用.(2016)中国科学: 数学,第46卷,第1 期: 1-16. 2016 (with 林晨,张齐,张晓灵)
[9]空间非参回归的变量选择.(2016)中国科学: 数学2016 年第46 卷第3 期: 301-320. 2016 (with 王康宁)
[10]Adaptive conditional featurescreening.(2016)Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 94, 287–301. 2016 (with Jing Sun)
[11]K-sample upper expectation linearregression.(2016)Journal of Statistical Planningand Inference, 170, 15–26. 2016 (withYufeng,Shi, Xin Wang and Shuzhen Yang)
[12]Simultaneous structure estimation andvariable selection in partial linear varying coefficient models forlongitudinal data.(2015) Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 85: 1459-1473.2015 (with Kangning Wang) ()
[13]Derivative Estimation Based onDifference Sequence via Locally Weighted Least Squares Regresson.(2015) Journal of Machine LearningResearch. 16, 2617-2641, 2015 (with Wenwu Wang)
[14]Heteroscedasticity Checks for SingleIndex Models.(2015) Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 136, 41–55, 2015 (with Xuehu Zhu,Xu Guo and Lixing Zhu)
[15]The dual and degrees of freedom oflinearly constrained generalized lasso.(2015) Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 86,13-26, 2015 (with Qinqin Hu, Peng Zeng)
[16]Variable Selection in SemiparametricQuantile Modeling for Longitudinal Data(2014) Communications in Statistics - Theory andMethods, 2015, 44, 2243-2266, 2014 (with Kangning Wang)
[17]Local linear-additive estimation formultiple nonparametric regressions.(2014) Journal of Multivariate Analysis.123, 252–269, 2014 (with YunquanSong, Zhao Liu).
[18]New efficient estimation and variableselection in models with single-index structure.(2014) Statistics and ProbabilityLetters.89, 58-64 (with Kangning Wang)
[19]The Dantzig Discriminant Analysis withHigh Dimensional Data.(2014)Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,43, 5012-5025, 2014 (with Yanli Zhang, Lei Huo)
[20]Terminal-dependent statisticalinferences for FBSDE.( 2014) Stochastic analysis and applications. 32, 128–151, 2014 (with QiZhang)
[21]Local rank estimation and related testfor varying-coefficient partially linear models.(2013) Journal of NonparametricStatistics. 26, 187-206, 2013 (with Jing Sun)
[22]Model selection consistency of Dantzigselector.(2013)Statistica Sinica 23, 615-634, 2013 (with Yujie Gai, Lixing Zhu)
[23]Nonparametric feature screening.(2013) Computational Statistics &Data Analysis. 67, 162–174, 2013 (with Jing Sun and Lixing Zhu)
[24]Empirical likelihood inference forstimating equation with missing data.(2013) Science China, Mathematics, 56, 1233-1245, 2013(with Xiuli Wang, Fang Chen )
[25]Weighted local linear compositequantile estimation for the case of general error distributions.(2013) Journal of StatisticalPlanningand Inference, 143, 1049–1063, 2013 (with Jing Su, Yujie Gai)
[26]Variable selection and parameterestimation for partially linear models via Dantzig selctor.(2013) Metrika, 76, 225-238, 2013(with Feng Li and Yuxia Su)
[27]Empirical Likelihood Analysis ofLongitudinal Data Involving Within-subject Correlation.(2012) Acta Mathematicae ApplicataeSinica, English Series, Vol. 28, 731-744, 2012 (with Hu Shang)
[28]Empirical Likelihood for VaryingCoefficient Partially Linear Model with Diverging Number of Parameters.(2012) Journal of MultivariateAnalysis. 105, 85-111, 2012 (with Gaorong Li and Lixing Zhu)
[29]Simulation-based consistent inferencefor biased working model of non-sparse high-dimensional linearregression.(2011)Journal of Statistical Planningand Inference, 141, 3780–3792, 2011 (with FengLi, Lixing, Zhu) ()
[30]Simulation-based two-stage estimationfor multiple nonparametric regression.(2011) Computational Statistics & Data Analysis,55(3), 1367-1378, 2011 (with Qi Zhang, Feng Li, Xia Cui)
[31]Consistent inference for biasedsub-model of high-dimensional partially linear model.(2011) Journal of StatisticalPlanning and Inference. 141, 1888-1898, 2011 (with Yujie Gai and Xiuli Wang)
[32]Empirical likelihood inference forsemi-parametric varying-coefficient partially linear EV models.(2011) Metrika, 73, 171-185, 2011(with Xiuli Wang, Gaorong Li )
[33]Bias-corrected empirical likelihood ina multi-link semiparametric model. (2010) J. Multivariate Anal. 101, 850-868, 2010 (withZhu, L., Cui, X., Li,G. R. )
[34]Bias-corrected smoothed score functionfor single-index models. (2010) Metrika, 71, 45-58, 2010 (with Qiang Chen and Zhu, L. X.)
[35]An adaptive two-stage estimation methodfor additive models.(2009) Scand. J. Statist. 36, 248-269, 2009 (with Xia Cui and Lixing Zhu)
[36]Adaptive global confidence band fornonparametric regression: an empirical likelihood method.(2009) Statistica Sinica, 20,1771-1787, 2009 (with Lixing Zhu and Qiang Chen)
[37]Covariate-adjusted nonlinearregression. (2009)Annals of Statistics, 37, 1839-1870, 2009 (with Cui,X., Guo, W. S. and Zhu, L. X.)
[38]Stable and bias-corrected estimationfor nonparametric regression models.(2008) Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 20, 283-303, 2008 (with LiFeng)
[39]Proper Bayesian estimating equationbased on Hilbert Space method. (2008) Statistics and Probability Letters. 78,1119-1127, 2008 (with Tan,L.)
[40]Blockwise bootstrap wavelet estimationfor nonparametric regression with weakly dependent processes.(2008) Metrika 67, 31-48, 2008 (withFan, Y. Z and Tan, L.)
[41]Unbiased quasi-regression. (2007) China. Ann. Math. 28(B)(2),177-186, 2007 (with Yang, G. J. and Zhang, R. C.)
[42]Stahel-Donoho kernel estimation forfixed design nonparametric regression models.(2006) Science in China Series A:Mathematics, 49(12), 1879-1896, 2006 (with Cui, X.)
[43] Robust Estimating Equation Based on Statistical Depth. (2006) Statistical Papers, 47,263-278, 2006 (with Chen, M. H.)
[44]Profile empirical likelihood forparametric and semi-parametric models. (2005) Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 57(3), 485-505, 2005(with Zhu, L. X. and Yuen, K. C.)
[45]Robust depth-weighted wavelet fornonparametric regression models. (2005) Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 21, 585 - 592. 2005
[46]Iterative quasi-likelihood for seeminglyunrelated regression systems.(2005) Chin. Ann. Math. 26(B) (3),335-346, 2005.
[47]Generalized Quasi likelihood. (2004) Statistical Papers,45,529-544. 2004
[48]Maximum Information and OptimumEstimating Function. (2003) Chin. Ann. Math. 24B, 349-358.2003
[49]Profile Quasi-likelihood.(2002) Statistics and ProbabilityLetters. 56, 147-154, 2002 (with Zhang, R. C.)
[50]Blockwise empirical likelihood forweakly dependent processes. (2001) Statistics & Probability Letters. 53: 143-152, 2001 (WithZhang, R. C.)

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