

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-04

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杨兴洪,男,1966年8月生,山东省临朐人。博士,教授,博士生导师。现任生命科学学院植物生理系主任,山东植物生理学会常务理事、副理事长,中国植物生理与分子生物学学会理事,山东省本科教育教学指导委员会委员,《植物生理学报》编委。1994年毕业于山东农业大学留校任教至今,先后获山东农业大学农学硕士和博士学位。2001年8月至2004年10月中国科学院植物研究所博士后,2005-2007年中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所李振声院士实验室客座研究员,2011.8-2012.2美国Oregon State University高级访问****。近年来主持参加国家自然科学基金、973课题、863课题、教育部博士点基金、中斯(洛伐克)国际合作项目等多项课题。主要研究方向为光合作用适应环境胁迫的生理和分子机理、植物抗逆性分子基础、小麦光合作用与高光效育种。获山东省科技进步二等奖一项、教育部科技进步三等奖两项。在《Plant Physiology》、《Plant, Cell and Environment》、《Plant Molecular Biology》、《中国农业科学》等国内外学术刊物上发表论文30余篇。






1.国家自然科学基金:高温胁迫下甜菜碱促进光系统II修复循环机理研究(**), 2015-2018.
6.国际合作项目:提高作物对高温干旱胁迫抗性机制及抗性评价新方法:国际表型平台的建立(7-7), 2016-2017
7.国际合作项目:利用多学科整合技术研究提高中国和斯洛伐克主要作物对干旱高温的抗性(5-7), 2010-2011.
8.国际合作项目:光合机构适应环境胁迫的分子及生态机制(3-7), 2005-2006.
9.山东省中青年科学家奖励基金:转BADH基因烟草提高光合作用对高温抗性机制(2006BS02019), 2006-2008.
10.参加973项目:“光合作用分子机制与作物高光效品种选育”(2015CB150100), 2015-2019.
11.参加973项目:“光合作用分子机理及其在农业生产中应用的基础研究”(2009CB118500), 2009-2013.



1.Dandan Wei, Wen Zhang, Cuicui Wang, Qingwei Meng, Gang Li,Tony H.H. Chen, Xinghong Yang*(2017)Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine leads to alleviate salt-induced potassium efflux and enhances salt tolerance intomato plants. Plant Science, 257: 74-83
2.Dongyue Yang, Mengli, Nana Ma, Xinghong Yang**, Qingwei Meng*(2017) Tomato SlGGP-LIKE gene participates in plant responses to chilling stress and pathogenic infection. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 112: 218-226
3.Dongyue Yang, Nana Ma, Kunyang Zhuang, Shaobo Zhu, Zhongming Liu, Xinghong Yang?(2017)Overexpression of tomato SlGGP-LIKE gene improves tobacco tolerance to methyl viologen mediated oxidative stress. Journal of Plant Physiology,209: 31–41
4.Yongjiang Sun, Qingwei Geng, Yuanpeng Du, Xinghong Yang, Heng Zhai (2017) Induction of cyclic electron flow around photosystem I during heatstress in grape leaves. Plant Science, 256:65-71
5.Yang Liu, Jianan Liang, Liping Sun, Xinghong Yang, Dequan Li (2016) Group 3 LEA protein, ZMLEA3, is involved in protection from low temperature stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 1-10
6.Meifang Li, Sangjing Guo, Xinghong Yang, Qingwei Meng, X.J. Wei (2016) Exogenous gamma-aminobutyric acid increases salt tolerance of wheat by improving photosynthesis and enhancing activities of antioxidant enzymes. Biologia Plantarum , 60 : 123-131. 2016.1
7.Baoshan Wang, Mingyang Ma, Haiguo Lu, Qingwei Meng, Gang Li, Xinghong Yang*(2015) Photosynthesis, sucrose metabolism, and starch accumulation in two NILs of winter wheat. Photosynthesis Research, 126:363-373
8.Haiou Dou, KunPeng Xv, Qingwei Meng, Gang Li, Xinghong Yang* (2014) Potato plants ectopically expressing Arabidopsis thaliana CBF3 exhibit enhanced tolerance to high-temperature stress. Plant Cell & Environment, 38: 61-72
9.Mei-Fang Li, Shang-Jing Guo, Ying Xu, Qingwei Meng, Gang Li,Xing-Hong Yang*(2014)Glycine betaine-mediated potentiation of HSP gene expression involved calcium signaling pathways in tobacco exposed to NaCl stress. Physiologia Plantarum, 150: 63-75
10.Meifang Li, Zhimei Li, Shufen Li , Shangjing Guo, Qingwmeng Meng , Gang Li , Xinghong Yang*(2014)Genetic engineering of glycine betaine biosynthesis reduces the heat-enhanced photoinhibition by enhancing antioxidative defense and alleviating lipid peroxidation in tomato. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 32: 42-51
11.Marek Zivcak, Marian Brestic, Zuzana Balatova, Petra D revenakova, Katariana Olsovska, Hazem M.Kalaji, Xinghong Yang, Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev (2013) Photosynthetic electron transport and specific photoprotective response in wheat leaves under drought stress. Photsynth Res, 117: 529-546
12.Liping Sun, Yang Liu, Xiangpei Kong, Dan Zhang, Jiaowen Pan, Yan Zhou, Li Wang, Dequan Li, Xinghong Yang* (2012) ZmHSP16.9, a cytosolic class I small heat shock protein in maize (Zea mays), confers heat tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Plant Cell Reports, 31: 1473–1484
13.Meifang Li, Lusha Ji, Xinghong Yang, Qingwei Meng, Shangjing Guo (2012) The protective mechanisms of CaHSP26 in transgenic tobacco to alleviate photoinhibition of PSII during chilling stress. Plant Cell Reports, 31: 1969-1979
14.Shufen Li, Feng Li, Jianwei Wang, Wen Zhang, Qingwei Meng, Tony HH Chen, Norio Murata and Xinghong Yang* (2011) Glycinebetaine enhances the tolerance of tomato plants to high temperature during germination of seeds and growth of seedlings. Plant Cell and Environment, 34: 1931-1943
15.Wei Tan, Qing wei Meng, Marian Brestic, Katarina Olsovska, Xinghong Yang* (2011) Photosynthesis is improved by exogenous calcium in heat-stressed tobacco plants. Journal of Plant Physiology, 168: 2063-2071
16.Ning Wang, Hailong Feng, Qiuyue Zhang, Xinghong Yang, Qingwei Meng (2010) Antisense-mediated suppression of tomato zeaxanthin epoxidase alleviates photoinhibition of PSII and PSI during chilling stress under low irradiance. Photosynthetica, 48: 409-416
17.Feng Li, Qingyun Wu, Yanli Sun, Liyan Wang, Xinghong Yang, Qingwei Meng(2010) Overexpression of chloroplastic monodehydroascorbate reductase enhanced tolerance to temperature and methyl viologen-mediated oxidative stresses. Physiologia Plantarum, 139: 421-434
18.Xinghong Yang, Zheng Liang, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu (2008) Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine leads to increased tolerance of photosynthesis to salt stress in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Molecular Biology, 66: 73-86
19.Jiang Zhang, Wei Tan, Xinghong Yang, Hongxia Zhang (2008) Plastid-expressed choline monooxygenase gene improves salt and drought tolerance through accumulation of glycinebetaine in tobacco. Plant Cell Reports, 27: 1113-1124
20.Xinghong Yang, Xiaogang Wen, Hongmei Gong, Qingtao Lu, Zhipan Yang, Yunlai Tang, Zheng Liang, Congming Lu (2007) Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine enhances thermotolerance of photosystem II in tobacco plant. Planta, 225: 719-733
21.Xinghong Yang, Xiaoying Chen, Qiaoying Ge, Bin Li, Yiping Tong, Aimin Zhang, Zhensheng Li, Tingyun Kuang, Congming Lu (2007) Characterization of photosynthesis of flag leaves in wheat hybrid and its parents grown under field conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology, 164: 318-326
22.Xinghong Yang, Congming Lu (2006) Effects of exogenous glycinebetaine on growth, CO2 assimilation, and photosystem II photochemistry of maize plants. Physiologia.Plantarum, 127: 593-602
23.Xinghong Yang, Xiaoying Chen, Qiaoying Ge, Bin Li, Yiping Tong, Aimin Zhang, Zhensheng Li, Tingyun Kuang, Congming Lu (2006) Tolerance of photosynthesis to photoinhibition, high temperature and drought stress in flag leaves of wheat: A comparison between a hybridization line and its parents grown under field conditions. Plant Science, 171: 389-397
24.Xinghong Yang, Zheng Liang, Congming Lu (2005) Genetic Engineering of the Biosynthesis of Glycinebetaine Enhances Photosynthesis against High Temperature Stress in Transgenic Tobacco Plants. Plant Physiology,138:2299-2309
25.Xinghong Yang, Congming Lu (2005) Photosynthesis is improved by exogenous glycinebetaine in salt-stressed maize plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 124: 343–352
26.Xingjun Li, Jihua Hou, Kezhi Bai, Xinghong Yang, Jinxing Lin, Zhensheng Li, Tingyun Kuang (2004) Activity and distribution of carbonic anhydrase in leaf and ear parts of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Science, 166: 627-632
27.Xinghong Yang, Wei Wang, Qi Zou(2001). Photoinhibition in shaded cotton leaves after exposing to high light and the time course of its restoration. Acta Botanica Sinica. 43: 1255-1259
28.张会玲, Marian Brestic, Katarina Olsovska,李刚,孟庆伟,杨兴洪*(2015)高温胁迫下不同热敏感性小麦光化学活性和能量分配差异.植物生理学报,51:1142-1150
29.李枝梅,窦海鸥,卫丹丹,孟庆伟, Tony Huihuang CHEN,杨兴洪* (2013)转codA基因提高番茄植株的耐热性.作物学报,39: 2046?2054
30.谭伟,李庆亮,罗音,王玮,杨兴洪*(2009)CaCl2预处理对高温胁迫烟草叶片光合作用的影响.中国农业科学, 42: 3871-3879

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