

青岛生物能源与过程研究所 免费考研网/2017-12-07



报告时间:2013年1月10日(星期四)下午 2:00





孙承君, 博士,国家海洋局第一海洋研究所(青岛)研究员。1991-1997年于青岛海洋大学(现中国海洋大学)分别获化学学士、化学硕士学位; 1997-2001年于加州大学圣巴巴拉分校分别获分子的、细胞的和发展的生物学硕士及分子的、细胞的和发展的生物学博士(生物化学方向)。2002.1至2003.12于佐治亚大学从事博士后研究(生物化学及分子生物学),项目:使用基因芯片和生物化学技术研究Pyrococcus furiosus的抗氧化解毒途径。


2005.7至2007.1于 Sirigen公司任高级生物化学家(兼职),从事荧光偶合聚合物的固相核酸检测基因芯片研发;2004.1至2008.3于 加利福尼亚州大学圣巴巴拉分校,先后任助理项目研究员、博士后研究员,主要从事提取和研究贻贝和沙虫的水下胶粘蛋白质的生物化学,生物物理和生物机械性质;2008.4— 2011.5于美国伯乐实验室,先后担任高级研究员、研究员,主要从事蛋白生物学产品的研发;2011.9-至今被聘为国家海洋局第一海洋研究所(青岛)研究员,研究方向:海洋生物化学和仿生材料。主要从事贻贝界面粘结机理,生物与无机底物界面粘结机理和仿生防污材料的研发工作。



用于生物示踪信号直接放大的荧光技术和材料Brent S. Gaylord, Janice W. Hong, Tsu-Ju Fu, and Chengjun Sun. Patent No. 20080293164. USA


1.  Kari R. Strand, Sun, ChengJun., Ting Li., Frank E. Jr. Jenney, Gerti Schut,and Michael W. W. Adams, 2010. “Oxidative stress response induced by hydrogen peroxide in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus and in related species” Arch. Microbiol. 192, 447-459.

2.  Elisa Fasoli, Alessia Farinazzo, Cheng Jun Sun, Alexander V. Kravchuck, Luc Guerrier, Frederic Fortis, Egisto Boschetti, and Pier Giorgio Righetti, 2010. Interaction among proteins and peptide libraries in proteome analysis: pH involvement for a larger capture of species. J. Proteomics. 73:733-742.

3.  Lei Li, ChengJun Sun, Steve Freeby, Dennis Yee, Sylvie Kieffer-Jaquinod, Luc Guerrier, Egisto Boschetti, and Lee Lomas. 2009. Protein Sample Treatment with Peptide Ligand Library: Coverage and Consistency. J. Proteomics and Bioinformatics. 2:485-494.

4.  ChengJun Sun, Aasheesh Srivastava, Jack R. Reifert, and J. Herbert Waite. 2009. Halogenated DOPA in a Marine Adhesive Protein.J.Adhesion, 85:1–13, 2009.

5.  Ali Miserez, Todd Schneberk, ChengJun Sun, Frank W. Zok, and J. Herbert Waite JH. 2008. The transition from stiff to compliant materials in squid beaks. Science, 319: 1816-1819.

6.  ChengJun Sun, Brent Gaylord, Janice Hong Bin Liu, and Guillermo C. Bazan. 2007.Application of cationic conjugated polymers in microarrays using label-free dna targets. Nature Protocols, 2: 2148-2151.

7.  ChengJun Sun, Georg E. Fantner, Jonathan Adams, Paul K. Hansma, and J. Herbert Waite. 2007. The role of calcium and magnesium in the concrete tubes of the sandcastle worm. J. Exp. Biol., 210: 1481-1488.

8.  Qi Lin, Delphine Gourdon, ChengJun Sun, Niels Holten-Andersen, Travers Anderson, J. Herbert Waite, and Jacob N. Israelachvili.2007. Adhesion mechanisms of the mussel foot proteins Mefp-1 and Mefp-3. PNAS, 104: 3782-3786.

9.  Jason Sagert, ChengJun Sun, and J. Herbert Waite. 2006. Chemical subtleties of mussel and polychaete holdfasts. In Biological Adhesive, A. M. Smith, and J. A. Callow (eds.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 125-143. 书章节

10.Hua Zhao*, ChengJun Sun*, Russell J. Stewart, and J. Herbert Waite. 2005. Cement proteins of the tube-building polychaete Phragmatopoma californica. J. Biol. Chem., 280: 42938-42944. (* contributed equally).

11.ChengJun Sun and J. Herbert Waite. 2005. Mapping chemical gradients within and along a fibrous structural tissue: mussel byssal threads. J. Biol. Chem., 280: 39332-39336.

12.J. Herbert Waite, Niels Holten Andersen, Scott Jewhurst, ChengJun Sun. 2005. Mussel adhesion: identifying tricks worth mimicking. J. Adhesion, 81: 297-317.

13.J. Herbert Waite, Eleonora Vaccaro, ChengJun Sun and Jared Lucas. 2003. Collagens with elastin- and silk-like domains. In Elastomeric Proteins, P. R. Shewry, A. S. Tatham, and A. J. Bailey (eds.). Cambridge University Press, The Royal Society, pp. 189-212. 书章节

14.Chengjun Sun, Jared, M. Lucas; and J. Herbert Waite. 2002. Collagen-binding matrix proteins from elastomeric extra-organismic byssal fibers. Biomacromolecules, 3: 1240-1248.

15.J. Herbert Waite, Eleonora Vaccaro and ChengJun Sun. 2002. Elastomeric gradients: a hedge against stress concentration in marine holdfasts? Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. BBiol. Sci., 357: 143-53.

16.ChengJun Sun, Eleonora Vaccaro, and J. Herbert Waite. 2001.Oxidative stress and the mechanical properties of naturally occurring chimeric collagen-containing fibers. Biophys J., 81: 3590-3595.

17.张曼平, 崔贞, 孙承君, 秦延文. 1999. Determination of DMSP in marine alga by extracting concentration GC, 海洋科学, 35-37.

18.  孙承君; 张曼平, Zhongsong Sun, and Gang Liu. 1997. Determination of Dimethylsulfonium in marine macroalga using gas chromatography.青岛海洋大学学报, 28: 99-102.
相关话题/生物 生物化学 生物学 材料 博士