
Hydrothermal Processing of Biowaste and Algae into Biofuels Integrated with Nutrient Reuse, Wastewat

青岛生物能源与过程研究所 免费考研网/2017-12-07

报告题目:Hydrothermal Processing of Biowaste and Algae into Biofuels Integrated with Nutrient Reuse, Wastewater Treatment and Carbon Capture – An Environment-Enhancing Energy Paradigm

  报告人:Prof. Yuanhui Zhang(张源辉教授)

  工作单位:University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)




  Agricultural and biofuel production addictively rely on fossil fuel-derived fertilizer, which is the largest single source of reactive nitrogen in biosphere contributing to climate change. However, single-cycle nature fertilizer use would not meet the increasing food and bioenergy demand. Renewable energy can be obtained via various viable sources such as solar, wind and even geothermal. However, there is no clear sustainable pathway for renewable liquid fuels yet. A new paradigm, dubbed as “Environment-Enhancing Energy (E2-Energy)”, and a demonstration lab-scale system has been established at University of Illinois, which has a capacity of 2 gallon/day biocrude oil production from manure and algae grown in the manure water treatment system.

  In this system, biowaste is first converted into biocrude oil via hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL). Second, fast-growing algae/bacteria are cultivated in the wastewaters from original liquid waste and HTL reactor to uptake excess nutrients and capture carbon dioxide. Finally, the algae/bacteria will be fed back to the HTL process to be converted into additional biocrude. This has shown that E2-Energy process can reuse nutrients 3 (by experiment) to 10 (by modeling) times, which amplifies the original biomass by the same factor.


  1978年毕业于山东理工大学;1985、1989年分获加拿大Saskatchewan大学硕士、博士学位;1989-1992 萨大和UIUC博士后;1992-1996年担任加拿大Saskatchewan大学研究员及助理教授,1996-2002年任美国伊利诺依大学(UIUC)农业与生物工程系副教授,2002年至今任美国伊利诺依大学(UIUC)生物环境工程系学科主任,农业与生物工程系、机械科学工程系、土木与环境工程系和生物医学工程系教授 (2003-),农业与生物工程系副主任 (2007-);2011年被授予伊利诺依大学工学院讲席教授(Endowed Innoventor Professor in Engineering),成为农业与生物工程系历史上第一位讲席教授。

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