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Elliott ShawElliott Shaw, 英国人, 男, 博士,博士生导师

Educational background:
1981-1985: Bachelor of Art in French University College, London, UK

1985-1987: Bachelor of Art in Theology St. Peter's College, Oxford University, UK

1988-1993: PhD in the Departments of Religious Studies and History, Lancaster University, UK

Teaching Courses:
Previously taught:
BA English Literature
BA Creative Writing
BA Media Arts
BA Performing Arts
BA Education Studies
BA Religious Studies
MA Creative Practice
MA Community Leadership
MA Theology

Supervision of MPhil and PhD theses

British and American studies
English poetry
English literature
Chinese and Western philosophy
Comparative Chinese and Western Culture

Research Interests:
Comparative philosophy
Comparative culture

Elliott Shaw (General Editor), Overview of World Religions (Electronic interactive encyclopedia of religions of the world accessible on the internet site: http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/encyclopedia)

Published Conference Paper:
"The Contexts of Courage," in Papers from the Annual Meetings of the North American Paul Tillich Society (November 1991): 27-29

"All You Need is Love: Ethics in the Thought of Paul Tillich," in Modern Believing 37 (January 1996): 24-30

“The Politics of The Courage to Be,” in The Marburg Journal of Religion (December 1999): 1-6.

Book reviews:
Review of Paul Tillich: Sein Leben by Renate Albrecht and Werner Schuessler, in Theologische Literaturzeitung 119, Jahrgung 1994 Nr 12: 1113-1114.

Review of Who Do You Say I Am? by Jacques Dupuis, S.J., in Modern Believing

Review of Mysterium Liberationis: Fundamental Concepts of Liberation Theology, ed. by Ignacio Ellacuria, S.J. and Jon Sobrino, S.J., in Modern Believing.

Review of Encountering the West, Christianity and the Global Cultural Process: The African Dimension by Lamin Sanneh, in Modern Believing

Review of Confucianism and Christianity: A Comparative Study of Jen and Agape by Xinzhong Yao, in Bulletin for the British Association for the Study of Religion (March 1997): 41-45.

Review of The Religions of Oceania by Tony Swain and Garry Trompf, in Bulletin for the British Association for the Study of Religion (June 1997): 36-38.

Review of The Challenge of Fundamentalism: Political Islam and the New World Disorder by Bassam Tibi, in Religion (January 2000): 93-96.

Review of Fundamentalism by Steve Bruce, in Religion (October 2003): 387-9.

Review of Islam and Science by Muzaffar Iqbal, in the journal of the Shap Working Party on Religions and Education (2003/2004): 108-109.

Review of Contemporary Chinese Philosophy by Chung-Ying Cheng and Nicholas Brunnin, in Practical Philosophy (Autumn, 2003): 90-91.

Review of SCM Core Text Religious Syncretism by Eric Maroney, in Shap World Religions in Education (2007/2008): 69-70

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1985-1987:牛津大学,圣彼得学院神学,学士 ;
研究方向: 中西文化比较
Elliott Shaw (总编辑) 世界宗教概览 (电子交互式世界宗教百科全书)

"The Contexts of Courage," in Papers from the Annual Meetings of the North American Paul Tillich Society (November 1991): 27-29.

“The Politics of The Courage to Be,” in The Marburg Journal of Religion (December 1999): 1-6.

"All You Need is Love: Ethics in the Thought of Paul Tillich," in Modern Believing 37 (January 1996): 24-30.

Paul Tillich: Sein Leben》 作者:Renate Albrecht and Werner Schuessler,
阅评报告出版于杂志:《Theologische Literaturzeitung
出版时间与页码:1994, 119 (12): 1113-1114.

Who Do You Say I Am? 》 作者:Jacques Dupuis, S.J. ,
阅评报告出版于杂志:《Modern Believing》.

Mysterium Liberationis: Fundamental Concepts of Liberation Theology》, 作者:Ignacio Ellacuria, S.J. and Jon Sobrino, S.J.,
阅评报告出版于杂志:《Modern Believing》.

Encountering the West, Christianity and the Global Cultural Process: The African Dimension》 作者:Lamin Sanneh,
阅评报告出版于杂志:《Modern Believing》.

Confucianism and Christianity: A Comparative Study of Jen and Agape 作者:Xinzhong Yao,
阅评报告出版于杂志:《Bulletin for the British Association for the Study of Religion

The Religions of Oceania》 作者:Tony Swain and Garry Trompf,
阅评报告出版于杂志:《Bulletin for the British Association for the Study of Religion

The Challenge of Fundamentalism: Political Islam and the New World Disorder》 作者:Bassam Tibi,

Fundamentalism》 作者:Steve Bruce,
出版时间与页码: 2003.10:387-389.

Islam and Science》 作者:Muzaffar Iqbal,
阅评报告出版于杂志:《the Shap Working Party on Religions and Education

Contemporary Chinese Philosophy》 作者:Chung-Ying Cheng and Nicholas Brunnin,
阅评报告出版于杂志:《Practical Philosophy
出版时间与页码:2003秋: 90-91.

SCM Core Text Religious Syncretism》 作者:Eric Maroney,
阅评报告出版于杂志:《Shap World Religions in Education
出版时间与页码:2007/2008: 69-70.

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