

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-12

李彦卿1, 别社安1, 李大鸣1, 王鑫2
1.天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室, 天津 300072;2.国家海洋技术中心, 天津 300112


Application research in channel waves with SPH and GEM coupling model
LI Yan-qing1, BIE She-an1, LI Da-ming1, WANG Xin2
1.State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;2.National Ocean Technology Center, Tianjin 300112, China
To study the large deformation of the biphasic medium, whose fluid particles are used to describe the movement of the waves and Gravel is described by a solid element, a mathematical model of SPH-GEM coupling was established. SPH (Hydrodynamic Smooth Particles Method) is applied to establish a numerical wave flume, and the Gravel Element Method (GEM) is used to simulate the roll deformation and collapse of the Gravel under the action of waves. The GEM proposed in this article has the function of simulating the movement of single-phase gravel piling and coupling the movement of gravel and fluid particles in multiphase media. It is a complement of the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The article presents the basic principle of SPH and GEM, the similarities and differences between GEM and DEM. The SPH coupling wave flume with the GEM coupling method was explained and the mathematical model was established to simulate the water flume under the action of the waves. The wave generation process and the gravel fall, the result of the collapse deformation are compared with the results of the physical experiment. The results are basically consistent. The principle, method and application of the mathematical model coupled to SPH-GEM provide a new idea for researching a similar mathematical model.
Key words:SPH methodGEMDEMwave numerical flume


相关话题/运动 天津 过程 天津大学 物理