本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-22
迄今共发表SCI 收录论文32 篇,累计引用次数超过1,900 次。其中以第一作者、共同第一作者或通讯作者的身份在Nature、Nature Communications、PNAS等国际主流杂志上发表15篇论文。相关研究被New York Times、The Atlantic 等著名第三方媒体宣传报道。发表于PNAS的第一作者论文获得2017年度美国国家科学院院刊 Cozzarelli奖。
l 研究领域
1. 适应性性状的基因表达调控和进化模式;
2. 海洋冠轮动物代表种基因编辑(CRISPR/Cas9)和表观遗传调控等平台开发;
3. 上述基因资源在海水养殖关键性状中的发掘利用;
l 招生专业及方向
l 代表性论文及著作
1. Zhang, L., Mazo-Vargas, A. & Reed R. (2017). A single master regulatory gene coordinates the evolution and development of butterfly color and iridescence. Proceedings of the National Academy of the USA, 114(40):10707-12. PNAS Cover Story, Cozzarelli Prize
Media coverage: New York Times, Nature, The Atlantic, The Washington Post
2. Mazo-Vargas A., Concha C., Livraghi L., Massardo D., Wallbank R.WR., Zhang L., Papador J.D., Matinez-Najera D., Jiggins C.D., Kronforst M.R., Breuker C.J., Reed R.D., Patel N.H., McMillan W.O. & Martin A#. (2017). Macroevolutionary shifts of WntA function potentiate butterfly wing-pattern diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of the USA, 114(40):10701-6. PNAS
3. Zhang, L.#, Martin, A., Perry, M., van der Burg, K., Matsuoka, Y., Monteiro A#. & Reed R#. (2017). Genetic Basis of melanin pigmentation in butterfly wings. Genetics, 205(4):1537-1550. PubMed (Cover story)
4. Li Y., Zhang L., Qu T., Tang X., Li L., & Zhang G. (2017). Conservation and divergence of mitochondrial apoptosis pathway in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Cell Death & Disease, 8(7):e2915. PubMed
5. Huang, B., Zhang, L.*, Du, X., Xu, F., Li, L. & Zhang, G. (2017). Characterization of the Mollusc RIG-I/MAVS pathway reveals an archaic antiviral signaling framework in invertebrates. Scientific Reports, 7: 8217. (*co-first author) PubMed
6. Zhang, L. & Reed R.D. (2016). Key roles for spalt and Distal-less in butterfly eyespot development revealed by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. Nature Communications, 7, 11769. Ncomms
Media coverage: Science News, Science Daily
7. Huang, B.*, Zhang, L.*, Tang, X., Zhang, G., & Li, L. (2016). Genome-wide analysis of alternative splicing provides insights into stress adaptation of the Pacific oyster. Marine Biotechnology, 18(5):598-609. (*co-first author) Springer
8. Zhang, L., Li, L., Guo, X., Litman, G. W., Dishaw, L. J., & Zhang, G. (2015). Massive expansion and functional divergence of innate immune genes in a protostome. Scientific Reports, 5, 8693. PubMed, 100 topcited, 2015
9. Qu, T.*, Zhang, L.*, Wang, W., Huang, B., Li, Y., Zhu, Q., & Zhang, G. (2015). Characterization of an inhibitor of apoptosis protein in Crassostrea gigas clarifies its role in apoptosis and immune defense. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 51(1), 74-78. (*co-first author) PubMed
10. Zhang, L., Li, L., Zhu, Y., Zhang, G., & Guo, X. (2014). Transcriptome analysis reveals a rich gene set related to innate immunity in the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Marine Biotechnology, 16(1),17-33. PubMed
11. Zhang, L., Li, L., Xu, F., Qi, H., Wang, X. & Zhang, G (2013). Fosmid library construction and microsatellite analysis of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Molluscan Research, 33(1),65-73. MR
12. Zhang, G. *, Fang, X. *, Guo, X. *, Li, L. *, Luo, R. *, Xu, F. *, Yang, P. *, Zhang, L. *, Wang, X. *, Qi, H., Xiong, Z., et al. (2012). The oyster genome reveals stress adaptation and complexity of shell formation. Nature, 490 (7418), 49-54. (* co-first author) Nature
Media coverage: The Washington Post, Science News, BBC News, Science Daily
13. Zhang, L., Li, L. & Zhang, G. (2011). A Crassostrea gigas Toll-like receptor and comparative analysis of TLR pathway in invertebrates. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 30, 653-60. PubMed
14. Zhang, L., Li, L. & Zhang, G. (2011). Gene discovery, comparative analysis and expression profile reveal the complexity of the Crassostrea gigas apoptosis system. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 35: 603-610. PubMed
15. Zhang, L., Li, L. & Zhang, G. (2011). The first identification of molluscan Ecsit in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, and its expression against bacterial challenge. Aquaculture Research, 43 (8), 1071-1080. Wiley
1. Zhang, L.#, & Reed R#. (2017). A practical guide to CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in Lepidoptera. Diversity and Evolution of Butterfly Wing Patterns.
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l研究领域主要利用地球化学手段研究地质事件和成矿过程,重点从事板块俯冲工场、元素地球化学性质与成矿规律研究,在俯冲过程中元素地球化学行为、太平洋板块漂移历史、氧逸度与斑岩矿床成矿机理等方面有重要贡献。l招生专业及方向海洋岩石学与地球化学l联系方式深海极端环境与生命过程研究中心,weidongsun@ ...中科院海洋研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-22中国科学院海洋研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-李铁刚
李铁刚,博士生导师、研究员,1984年毕业于北京大学地质系,1996年于中国科学院海洋研究所获博士学位。1999-2000年赴英国剑桥大学Godwin第四纪研究所访问研究,主要从事海洋地质与古海洋学研究工作。近年来,先后承担40余项国家攻关、国家专项、自然科学基金以及各部委调查和研究项目。参与了国家 ...中科院海洋研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-22中国科学院海洋研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-张鑫
张鑫,男,1981年出生,博士,研究员,“国家优秀青年科学基金”获得者。2009年毕业于中国海洋大学,获理学博士学位,2008年1月至2009年8月受到国家公派留学计划支持,赴美国MBARI海洋研究所参加中美联合培养博士研究生项目。目前主要从事深海探测技术和方法研究,作为第一完成人研制了世界首台高温 ...中科院海洋研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-22中国科学院海洋研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-高翔
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唐赢中,男,1965年出生,博士。中国科学院海洋研究所研究员、美国纽约州立大学石溪分校兼职副教授。联系方式:青岛市南海路7号,海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室。电话/传真:(0532)**;Email:yingzhong.tang@qdio.ac.cn研究领域海洋浮游植物生理生态学,特别是有害藻华(Ha ...中科院海洋研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-22中国科学院海洋研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-王秀娟
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