·所在系(中心):海洋技术系 王运华
·学历:博士 Wang Yunhua
· 办公室:山东省青岛市松岭路 238 号中国海洋大学(崂山校区)信息科学与工程学院南楼A409
2003/09-2006/12,西安电子科技大学 博士研究生
2002/09-2005/03,西安电子科技大学 硕士研究生
2014/12 - 至今,中国海洋大学,信息科学与工程学院,教授/博士生导师。
海洋电磁环境仿真与计算; 海洋环境电磁散射特性分析; 微波海洋遥感探测技术研究;
微波海洋遥感大数据及AI 应用技术。
主持国家自然科学基金 3 项;
主持国防预研基金项目 1 项;
主持博士点基金项目 1 项;
参加国家重点研发专项 2 项;
参加山东省-国家自然科学基金委联合基金项目 1 项;
参加“观澜号”卫星成像高度计相关项目 1 项。
[1] Wang Yunhua, Zhang Yanmin, Chen Haihua, and Guo Lixin,Effects of atmosphericstability and wind fetch on Microwave sea echoes, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing,Vol.52, No.2, pp.929-535, 2014. (SCI2 区 , EI)
[2]Wang Yunhua, ZhangYanmin, Zhao Chaofang, Dopplerspectra of microwave scattering fields from nonlinear oceanic surface atmoderate- and low-grazing angles IEEE Trans.Geosci. Remote Sens.,Vol.50, No.4,pp.1104-1116, 2012. (SCI 2 区 , EI)
[3]Wang Yunhua, ZhangYanmin, Investigation on Dopplershift and bandwidth of backscattered echoes from a composite sea surface, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, Vol.49, No.3,pp.1071-1081, 2011. (SCI 2 区 , EI)
[4]Wang Yunhua, ZhangYanmin, Guo Lixin, Microwave Dopplerspectra of sea echoes at high incidence angles: influences of large-scalewaves, Progress in electromagnetics research B, Vol.48, pp.99-113, 2013. (EI)
[5]王运华, 张彦敏,郭立新,两相邻有限长圆柱的复合电磁散射研究,物理学报,Vol.60, No.2,021102 , 2011 (SCI, EI)
[6]Wang Yunhua, LiHuimin, Targets detection on theocean using the cross-polarized channels of fully polarized channels of fullypolarimetric SAR data, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, Vol.34, No.1, 2015, (SCI 源 )
[7]姜文正, 袁业立, 王运华,海面微波散射场多普勒谱特性研究,物理学报, Vol.61, No.12, 124213, 2012.(SCI)
[8]Wang Yunhua, ZhangYanmin, Guo Lixin, Study on the Doppler shifts of back- scattering fields from one dimensional linearand nonlinear oceanic surface by SSA-II, Chin. Phys.Lett., Vol.27, No.10, 104101, 2010(SCI)
[9]Wang Yunhua, ZhangYanmin,Guo Lixin Investigation on the Dopplershifts induced by ocean surface wave displacements by SSA-I: Comparison ofhydrodynamic models, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19, No.7,074103, 2010. (SCI, EI) [10]Zhang Yanmin, Wang Yunhua, Zhao Chaofang, Investigation on microwave Doppler spectra of sea return at small incidence angles:Specular point scattering contribution, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19, No.8, 084103,2010. (SCI,
EI 通讯作者)
[11] ZhangYanmin, Wang Yunhua, GuoLixin, Study of scattering fromtime-varying Gerstner’s sea surfaceusing SSA-II, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19, No.5,054103, 2010. (SCI, EI 通讯作者)
[12] Wang Yunhua, LiHuimin, Targets detection at sea withthe relative phase of SAR cross-polarized channels, International Geoscienceand Remote Sensing Symposium,Quebec, Canada, 2014, (EI 源 )
[13] Wang Yunhua, LiHuimin, Effects of atmospheric stability and wind fetch on Microwave seaechoes, 2013 Dragon Symposium, May 3-7, 2013.
[14]Wang Yunhua, The damping model for sea wavescovered by oil films of finite thickness, PIERS, 2014, Aug., Guangzhou. , (EI 已经检索)
[15] LiHuimin,Wang Yunhua, Currentmeasurements using Doppler range velocity over the Estuary of Yangtze River,Dranon 3 Mid-Term Symposium,2014, Chengdu, (EI 源 )
[16] SunCongcong,Wang Yunhua, Crosscorrelation of different spatial scales between sea surface temperature andwind speed, Dranon 3 Mid-Term Symposium,2014, Chengdu, (EI 源 )
[17] Wang Yunhua, LiHuimin, Marine Target Detection inQuad-PolSAR Imagery Based on the Relative Phase of Cross-Polarized Channels,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing.2015
[18] Wang Yunhua, LiHuimin,Measurement of Sea Surface Profile withX-band Coherent Marine Radar, ActaOceanologica Sinica. Vol.6,2015
[19] LiHuimin, Wang Yunhua, Relatingstatistical characteristics of cross-polarized phase dif ference to specklenoise, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,Vol.9, 2015
[20] ZhangYanmin, Zhang Jie, Wang Yunhua,The damping model for sea waves covered by oil films of finitethickness, Acta Oceanologica Sinica. Accepted
[21] Wang Yunhua, ZhangYanmin , Guo Lixin, Calculation of EMscattering from a 2D targetin the vicinity of a plane surfaceby a new hybrid method,J.Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol. 25 Issue 6, pp.1232-1239 ,2008 (SCI)
[22] Wang Yunhua, GuoLixin, Wu Zhensen, Electromagnetic scattering of Gaussian beam by 2-D targets,Radio Sci., Vol.42, No.2, RS4012,2007 (SCI)
[23] Wang Yunhua, ZhangYanmin, Solution of scattering froma rough surface with a 2D target above it by a hybrid RT/FBM method, Chin.Phys., Vol.17, No.10, pp.3696- 3703,2008 (SCI, EI)
[24] Wang Yunhua, GuoLixin, Wu Zhensen, Modified two-scale model for electromagnetic scattering fromthe non-Gaussian oceanic surface, Chin.Phys. Lett., Vol.22, No.11,pp.2808-2811, 2005. (SCI)
[25] Wang Yunhua, GuoLixin, Wu Qiong, Electromagnetic scattering from two parallel 2-D targetsarbitrarily located in a Gaussian beam, Chin. Phys. Vol.15, No.8, pp.1755- 1765, 2006 (SCI, EI)
[26] 王运华,张彦敏, 郭立新,平面上方二维介质目标对高斯波束的电磁散射研究,物理学报 , Vol. 57, No.9,pp.5529-5536, 2008 (SCI, EI)
[27] 王运华,郭立新,吴振森,改进的二维分形模型在海面电磁散射中的应用, 物理学报, Vol.55, No.10, pp.5191-5199, 2006. (SCI,EI)
[28] 王运华,郭立新,一维随机导体微粗糙面与其上方金属平板复合电磁散射研究, 电波科学学报,Vol. 20, No.5,pp.580-585, 2005(EI)
[29] 王运华,郭立新,吴振森,改进的一维分形海面模型在电磁散射中的应用, 电子学报, Vol.35, No.3, pp:478-483, 2007 (EI)
[30] 王运华,郭立新,吴振森,平行柱体对平面波/高斯波束电磁散射,物理学报,Vol.56, No.1,pp.186- 194, 2007.(SCI, EI)
[31] 王运华,郭立新,吴振森,两个相邻目标对平面波、高斯波束的光散射, 光学学报,Vol.27, No.9, pp.1711-1718. (EI)
[32] GuoLixin, Wang Yunhua, Wang Rui,Investigation on the electromagnetic scattering of plane wave/gaussian beam byadjacent multi-particles, Progress in electromagnetics research B, Vol.14, pp.219-245,2009
[33] GuoLixin, Wang Yunhua and Wu Zhensen, Studyon electromagnetic backscattering and Doppler spectrum of a movingspherical target above time-varying sea surface, Science in China (G), Vol.51,No.3, pp: 269-281, 2008 (SCI)
[34] GuoLixin, Wang Yunhua, Wu Zhensen, Study onthe shadowing effect for optical scattering from randomly rough surface, Chin.Opt. Lett., Vol.2, No.7, pp.431-434, 2004.(EI)
[35] GuoLixin, Wang Rui, Wang Yunhua,Wu Zhensen, Study on theelectromagnetic scattering from a conducting plate above the time-dependant seasurface, Chinese J. Geophys., Vol.51, No.6, pp., 1695-1703, 2008 (SCI)
[36] 郭立新, 王运华, 吴振森,动态海面与其上方运动球形目标复合电磁散射研究,中国科学, Vol.38 No.1, pp.34-45,2008
[37] 郭立新, 王运华, 吴振森,双尺度动态分形粗糙面的电磁散射及 Doppler 谱研究,物理学报, Vol.54, No.1, pp.96-101, 2005.(SCI, EI)
[38]郭立新,王运华,吴振森,修正双尺度模型在非高斯海面电磁散射中的应用,电波科学学报, Vol.22, No.2, pp.212-218, 2007. (EI)
[39] 郭立新, 王运华, 吴振森,二维导体微粗糙面与其上方金属平板的复合电磁散射研究,物理学报, Vol.54, No.11, pp.5130-5139, 2005.(SCI, EI)
[40] 郭立新, 王运华, 吴振森, 等效原理和互易性定理在两个相邻球形目标电磁散射中的应用,物理学报, Vol.55, No.11, pp.5815-5823, 2006. (SCI, EI)
[41] 郭立新, 王蕊, 王运华, 二维粗糙海面散射回波 Doppler 谱频移及谱宽特征研究,物理学报, Vol.57, No.6.pp.3464-3473, 2008(SCI, EI)
[42]Wang Yunhua, Li Huimin, Chen Ge, et al. DOPPLERSPECTRUM OF MICROWAVE SCATTERING FROM TWO-DIMENSIONAL SEA SURFACE, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.6,2016.
[43] Wang chen, Zhao Chaofang, Zeng Kan, Wang yunhua, Analysis of scattering mechanisms over sea oil slicks based on eigenvalues of simplifiedcoherence matrix,Journal of Electromagnetic Wavesand Applications, Vol.9,No.1, 2015.
[44] HongleiZheng, Yanmin Zhang, Ali Khenchaf, et al. Investigation of EM Backscattering from Slick-Free and Slick-Covered Sea Surfaces Using theSSA-2 and SAR Images[J]. Remote Sensing,2018, 10(12): 1931. (IF: 3.406)
[45] HongleiZheng, Ali Khenchaf, Yunhua Wang,et al. Sea surface monostatic and bistatic EM scattering using SSA-1 andUAVSAR data: numerical evaluation andcomparison using different sea spectra [J]. RemoteSensing, 2018, 10(7), 1084. (IF: 3.406)
[46]Honglei Zheng, Yanmin Zhang, Yunhua Wang, et al.The polarimetric features of oil spills in full polarimetric synthetic aperture radar images [J]. Acta OceanologicaSinica, 2017, 36(5): 105-114. (IF: 0.728)
[47]Yanmin Zhang,Yunhua Wang, Honglei Zheng, et al. Doppler characteristics of EMscattering from sinusoidal or weakly nonlinearchoppy waves [J]. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2018, 32(7): 826-841. (IF: 0.864)
[48]Yunhua Wang, Yanmin Zhang,Honglei Zheng. The properties of the electromagnetic scattering from asinusoidal water wave [J]. Progress InElectromagnetics Research C. 2018, 84:147-160.
[49]Honglei Zheng, Ali Khenchaf, Helmi Ghanmi, Yunhuawang. Normalized Radar CrossSections of Sea Surface Estimated using Asymptotic and Semi-Empirical MethodsInc Band[C]// IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2018.
[50] HongleiZheng, Ali Khenchaf, Yunhua Wang,et al. A modified spreading function for sea NRCS estimation at Ku band[C]// CAMA 2018 – 2018 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements andApplications. IEEE, 2018.
[51] HongleiZheng, Ali Khenchaf, Yunhua Wang,et al. Estimation of NRCS of oil-free and oil-covered marine surfaces inL-band. Assessment with UAVSAR data[C]//International Conference on Radar 2018.
[52]Honglei Zheng, Yanmin Zhang, Yunhua Wang, et al.Theoretical study on polarimetric features of microwave scattering from seasurface[C]// 2016 Progressin Electromagnetic ResearchSymposium (PIERS). IEEE, 2016.
[53]Honglei Zheng, Yanmin Zhang, Yunhua Wang, et al.Polarimetric features analysis of oil spills in C-band and L-band SARimages[C]// IGARSS 2016 - 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2016.
[54]Honglei Zheng, Yanmin Zhang, Yunhua Wang, et al.Microwave and terahertz EM wave scatterings from oil-water comlexsea surface at small
incidentangles [C]// IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and RemoteSensing Symposium. IEEE, 2019.
[55]Yanmin Zhang,Honglei Zheng, Yunhua Wang, et al. Terahertz EM Backscattering from Sea Surface Covered by Oil Filmwith Finite Thickness at Small Incident Angle[C]// ICCEM 2019 - 2019 IEEEInternational Conference On Computational Electromagnetics. IEEE, 2019.
[56]Yanmin Zhang,Honglei Zheng, Yunhua Wang, et al. Doppler Characteristics of EMScattering from Sinusoidal Water Waves[C]//ICCEM 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference On ComputationalElectromagnetics. IEEE, 2019.
[57] 张彦敏,王运华,正弦水面平面波/高斯波束散射回波谱峰特征分析,聊城大学学报,10,2019
[58]WANG Yunhua, LIQun, ZHANG Yanmin, A statisticaldistribution of quad-pol X-band sea clutter time series acquired at a grazingangle, Acta Oceanol. Sin., 2018, Vol. 37,No. 3, P. 94–102.
[59] Yanmin Zhang, Yunhua Wang, HongleiZheng, and Yue Yu, Doppler characteristics of EMscattering from sinusoidal or weakly nonlinearchoppy waves, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2018
1、一种基于相参 X 波段雷达图像的海浪破碎率提取方法, 授权国家发明专利,(专利号:ZL 2014 **.X) 第一位
2、国家发明专利:一种基于同极化SAR 数据的海浪参数反演方法,专利号:
4、国家发明专利:一种基于RD 算法的SAR 海浪成像仿真方法,专利号:
**6403.7,发明人位次:第三位,2019.10. 申请。