

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-27

职称/职务:副教授/高级工程师 教师
通讯地址:青岛松岭路238号 中国海洋大学工程学院
2.2002年9月—2006年6月,中国海洋大学工程学院 港口海岸及近海工程专业 就读硕士研究生
3.2003年8月—2005年6月,俄罗斯国家水文气象大学 海洋学专业 就读硕士研究生
4.1992年8月—1996年7月,青岛海洋大学 港口航道及治河工程专业 就读本科
1.1996年7月—2000年6月 山东省筑港总公司 主办技术员、工程科长、工区主任
2.2000年6月—2002年9月 青岛市商业建设监理公司 监理人员
3.2006年4月至今 中国海洋大学
1. 海岸/海洋工程设计标准研究
2. 海洋工程水动力研究
1.本科生课程: 水力学水运工程项目管理



1. Liu Guilin,Liu Defu*,Huajun Li,Fengqing Wang,Tao Zou,Discussion on IAEA and China SafetyRegulation for NPP Coastal Defense Infrastructures against Typhoon/Hurricane Attacks. World Journal ofNuclear Science and Technology,2012,2(3):114-123。 (期刊论文)
2. Liu Guilin,Liu Defu*,Li Tianfu,Wang Fengqing,Zou Tao,Joint Probability Prediction Model ofRainfall Triggered Landslides and Debris Flows,Open Journal of Geology,2012,2(2):103-110.(期刊论文)
3. GuilinLiu,DefuLiu*,HuajunLi,FengqingWang,TaoZou,Joint probability safety assessmentfor NPP defense infrastructure against extreme external natural hazards,International Congress onAdvances in Nuclear Power Plants 2012, ICAPP 2012,1288-1294,Chicago, IL, Unitedstates,2012.6.24-2012.6.28。(会议论文,EI收录)
4. Defu Liu,Huajun Li,Guilin Liu*,Fengqing Wang,Tao Zou,Design Code Calibration of Offshore. Coastal and Hydraulic Energy Development Infrastructures,International Journal of Energy andEnvironment,2011,5(6):733-747(期刊论文)
5. Liu Defu,Li Huajun,Liu Guilin,Shi Hongda,Wang Fengqing,Typhoon/ Hurricane/ Tropical CycloneDisasters:Prediction, Prevention and Mitigation,Natural Disasters: Prevention ,Risk Factors andManagement, Biljana Raskovic and Svetomir Mrdja, Nova Science Publishers, pp 1-72, USA, 2013/10/12(书籍章节)
6. LiuDefu,LiuGuilin*,LiHuajun,WangFengqing. Prediction of the flood disasters in Yangtzeriver: Examples for three gorges dam project and estuarine City Shanghai,6th IASME / WSEASInternational Conference on Continuum Mechanics, CM'11, 6th IASME / WSEAS International Conference onWater Resources, Hydraulics and Hydrology, WHH'11, 5th IASME / WSEAS International Conference on Geologyand Seismology, GES'11,89-94,Cambridge, United kingdom,2011.2.23-2011.2.25. (会议论文,EI)
7. Liu Defu,Liu Guilin*,Li Huajun,WangFengqing,Risk Assessment of Coastal Defense Against TyphoonAttacks for Nuclear Power Plant in China,Proceedings of ICAPP2011,2011.5.2-2011.5.5.(会议论文)
8. Liu DeFu,Liu GuiLin*,Wang FengQing,Chen ZiYu,Risk Assessment of the Design Flood for ThreeGorges Dam,The 6th International Symposium on Larger Asian River,Xian,2014.5.9-2014.5.13.(会议论文)
9. LiuDefu,LiuGuilin,ShiHongda,WangFengqing,ChenZiyu. Extreme sea hazards statistics andengineering applications,OCEANS 2014 - Taipei,Taipei, Taiwan,2014.4.7-2014.4.10。(会议论文,EI )
10. Liu Defu,Liu Guilin*,Yu Yifa,Wang Fengqing,Chen Ziyu,Probability Prediction ofTyphoon/Hurricane induced Sea Hazards: Theory and Applications,2nd International Ocean ResearchConference Barcelona 2014,2014.11.17-2014.11.21(会议论文)
11. Defu Liu,Guilin Liu*,Fengqing Wang,Ziyu Chen. Potential Perils of Disaster Prevention andMitigation in China: Discuss on Different Design Codes for Coastal Defense against Typhoon Attacks,HongKong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science,2013.12.19-2013.12.21.(会议论文,EI)
12. Defu Liu, Guilin Liu*, Fengqing Wang ,Four Natural Disasters in US and China: A Evidence for Validity of Probability Prediction by Compound Extreme Value Distribution ,5th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, 2015.6 (会议论文,EI)
13. Liu Defu, Shi Hongda, Liu Guilin, Wang Fengqing, Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants against Natural Disasters:--Probability Prediction and Disaster Prevention Infrastructures ,NOVA Science Publishers,2015/6/10(专著)
14. Defu Liu, Guilin Liu, Fengqing Wang, Ziyu Chen , Emerging Economies, Risk Intelligent Technology :Natural hazards crisis: Disaster prediction, mitigation. 2015 Taylor &Francis Group,P:129-136,2015,London UK.(会议论文)
16. 王莉萍,刘桂林,陈柏宇,王莉,一种考虑台风影响的海洋极值联合重现期推算方法,中国,ZL7.6。(发明专利)
17. 刘桂林,曹文亮,王莉萍等,水中潜、浮体舱内液面固化装置,中国, 专利号:9.9。(实用新型专利)
18.刘桂林,郑振钧,王莉萍等 ,一种动力消波装置,中国,专利号:5.1。(实用新型专利)
Resume in English
Senior Engineer/Associate prof.
Department:Ocean Engineering
Engineering College, Ocean University of China,
238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100
Office Phone86-
1.Since 2010.10 Ocean University of China, Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Ph.D. Candidate.
2.2002.09-2006.06 Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Oceanography, Master of Science Ocean University of China, Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Master of Engineering.
3.1992.08-1996.07 Ocean University of Qingdao, Harbor and river regulation engineering, Eng.B.
Research Interest
1.Study on design criteria of coastal and ocean engineering;
2.Study on hydrodynamics of ocean engineering

Work Experience
2006.4-Now Work in, Engineering College, Ocean University of China

1. Undergraduate Courses: Hydraulics
2. Managementfor Maritime Engineering
3. Graduate course: Engineering hydrology
Research Projects
Be in charge of 1 item of National Natural Science Foundation project, and 1 Shandong Province Natural Science Foundation projects. Participate in three National Natural Science Foundation projects, one item of National ‘863’ project, and one item of National Science and Technology Development Plan project. Be in charge of more than 30 research projects from industry .

1. Liu Guilin,Liu Defu*,Huajun Li,Fengqing Wang,Tao Zou,Discussion on IAEA and China SafetyRegulation for NPP Coastal Defense Infrastructures against Typhoon/Hurricane Attacks. World Journal ofNuclear Science and Technology,2012,2(3):114-123。 (journal article)
2. Liu Guilin,Liu Defu*,Li Tianfu,Wang Fengqing,Zou Tao,Joint Probability Prediction Model ofRainfall Triggered Landslides and Debris Flows,Open Journal of Geology,2012,2(2):103-110.(journal article)
3. GuilinLiu,DefuLiu*,HuajunLi,FengqingWang,TaoZou,Joint probability safety assessmentfor NPP defense infrastructure against extreme external natural hazards,International Congress onAdvances in Nuclear Power Plants 2012, ICAPP 2012,1288-1294,Chicago, IL, Unitedstates,2012.6.24-2012.6.28。(Conference Paper,EI)
4. Defu Liu,Huajun Li,Guilin Liu*,Fengqing Wang,Tao Zou,Design Code Calibration of Offshore. Coastal and Hydraulic Energy Development Infrastructures,International Journal of Energy andEnvironment,2011,5(6):733-747(journal article)
5. Liu Defu,Li Huajun,Liu Guilin,Shi Hongda,Wang Fengqing,Typhoon/ Hurricane/ Tropical CycloneDisasters:Prediction, Prevention and Mitigation,Natural Disasters: Prevention ,Risk Factors andManagement, Biljana Raskovic and Svetomir Mrdja, Nova Science Publishers, pp 1-72, USA, 2013/10/12(Book Chapter)
6. LiuDefu,LiuGuilin*,LiHuajun,WangFengqing. Prediction of the flood disasters in Yangtzeriver: Examples for three gorges dam project and estuarine City Shanghai,6th IASME / WSEASInternational Conference on Continuum Mechanics, CM'11, 6th IASME / WSEAS International Conference onWater Resources, Hydraulics and Hydrology, WHH'11, 5th IASME / WSEAS International Conference on Geologyand Seismology, GES'11,89-94,Cambridge, United kingdom,2011.2.23-2011.2.25. (Conference Paper,EI)
7. Liu Defu,Liu Guilin*,Li Huajun,WangFengqing,Risk Assessment of Coastal Defense Against TyphoonAttacks for Nuclear Power Plant in China,Proceedings of ICAPP2011,2011.5.2-2011.5.5.(Conference Paper)
8. Liu DeFu,Liu GuiLin*,Wang FengQing,Chen ZiYu,Risk Assessment of the Design Flood for ThreeGorges Dam,The 6th International Symposium on Larger Asian River,Xian,2014.5.9-2014.5.13.(Conference Paper)
9. LiuDefu,LiuGuilin,ShiHongda,WangFengqing,ChenZiyu. Extreme sea hazards statistics andengineering applications,OCEANS 2014 - Taipei,Taipei, Taiwan,2014.4.7-2014.4.10。(Conference Paper,EI
10. Liu Defu,Liu Guilin*,Yu Yifa,Wang Fengqing,Chen Ziyu,Probability Prediction ofTyphoon/Hurricane induced Sea Hazards: Theory and Applications,2nd International Ocean ResearchConference Barcelona 2014,2014.11.17-2014.11.21(Conference Paper
11. Defu Liu,Guilin Liu*,Fengqing Wang,Ziyu Chen. Potential Perils of Disaster Prevention andMitigation in China: Discuss on Different Design Codes for Coastal Defense against Typhoon Attacks,HongKong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science,2013.12.19-2013.12.21.(Conference Paper,EI)
12. Defu Liu, Guilin Liu*, Fengqing Wang ,Four Natural Disasters in US and China: A Evidence for Validity of Probability Prediction by Compound Extreme Value Distribution ,5th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, 2015.6 (Conference Paper,EI)
13. Liu Defu, Shi Hongda, Liu Guilin, Wang Fengqing, Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants against Natural Disasters:--Probability Prediction and Disaster Prevention Infrastructures ,NOVA Science Publishers,2015/6/10(treatise
14. Defu Liu, Guilin Liu, Fengqing Wang, Ziyu Chen , Emerging Economies, Risk Intelligent Technology :Natural hazards crisis: Disaster prediction, mitigation. 2015 Taylor &Francis Group,P:129-136,2015,London UK.(Conference Paper)

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