

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-27




胚胎发育过程中细胞间相互协调的分子生物学与生物物理学机制。利用果蝇囊胚、果蝇羊浆膜细胞、海鞘脊索等为实验模型,通过分子遗传学、生物化学、显微成像和定量分析等手段,研究细胞周期、细胞骨架、细胞连接在胚胎发育过程中的动态变化及其调控过程。研究结果相继发表在Current Biology、Journal of cell science、Development、Biophysical Journal、Angewandte Chemie、EMBO Rep等国际主流期刊。


Zhiyi Lv*, Jan Rosenbaum, Stephan Mohr, Xiaozhu Zhang, Deqing Kong, Helen Prei?;, Sebastian Kruss, Karen Alim; Timo Aspelmeier, J?rg Gro?hans*. The emergent Yo-yo movement of nuclei driven by cytoskeletal remodeling in pseudo-synchronous mitotic cycles, Current Biology. (05/2020)doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.04.078.
Zhiyi Lv,Jorge de-Carvalho, Ivo A. Telley, J?rg Gro?hans* Drosophila syncytial embryo: a simple tissue model for studying cytoskeletal mechanics and dynamics.Journal of Cell Science (in press)
Gabriele Selvaggio, Alexey Chizhik, Robert Ni?ler, llyas Kuhlemann, Daniel Meyer, Loan Vuong,Helen Prei?, Niklas Herrmann, Florian A. Mann, Zhiyi Lv, Tabea A. Oswald, Alexander Spreinat, Luise Erpenbeck, J?rg Gro?hans, Volker Karius, Andreas Janshoff, Juan Pablo Giraldo, Sebastian Kruss*.Exfoliated near infrared fluorescent silicate nanosheets for (bio)photonics. Nature communications. (2020) 11:1495.
Zhiyi Lv,Qiongxuan Lu, Bo Dong*.Morphogenesis: a focus on marine invertebrates. Marine Life Science and Technology. (2019) 1:28-40.
Deqing Kong*,Zhiyi Lv, Mattias Haering, Benjamin Lin, Fred Wolf, J?rg Gro?hans:In vivo optochemical control of cell contractility at signle cell resolution. EMBO Reports.2019, 20:e47755.
Florian Mann,Zhiyi Lv, J?rg Grosshans, Felipe Opazo, Sebastian Kruss*:Nanobody Conjugated Nanotubes for Targeted NearInfrared in vivo Imaging and Sensing. Angewandte Chemie 05/2019; 131(33)., DOI:10.1002/ange.
Franz Kaiser,Zhiyi Lv, Daniel Marques Rodrigues, Jan Rosenbaum, Timo Aspelmeier, J?rg Gro?hans, Karen Alim*:Mechanical Model of Nuclei Ordering in Drosophila Embryos Reveals Dilution of Stochastic Forces. Biophysical Journal 04/2018; 114(7):1730-1740., DOI:10.1016/j.bpj.2018.02.018
Zhiyi Lv, Jan Rosenbaum, Timo Aspelmeier, J?rg Gro?hans*:A molecular guillotine reveals an interphase function of Kinesin-5. Journal of Cell Science 01/2018; 131(3)., DOI:10.1242/jcs.210583
Anja Schmidt#,Zhiyi Lv#, J?rg Gro?hans:ELMO and Sponge specify subapical restriction of Canoe and formation of the subapical domain in early Drosophila embryos. Development 12/2017; 145(2):dev.157909., DOI:10.1242/dev.157909
Zhiyi Lv, J?rg Gro?hans*:A Radial Actin Network in Apical Constriction. Developmental Cell 11/2016; 39(3):280-282., DOI:10.1016/j.devcel.2016.10.017
Franziska Winkler#, Maheshwar Gummalla#, Lutz Künneke#,Zhiyi Lv, Annette Zippelius, Timo Aspelmeier, J?rg Grosshans:Fluctuation Analysis of Centrosomes Reveals a Cortical Function of Kinesin-1. Biophysical Journal 09/2015; 109(5):856-68., DOI:10.1016/j.bpj.2015.07.044
Shuling Yan#,Zhiyi Lv#, Moritz Winterhoff#, Christian Wenzl, Thomas Zobel, Jan Faix, Sven Bogdan*, J?rg Gro?hans*:The F-BAR protein Cip4/Toca-1 antagonizes the formin Diaphanous in membrane stabilization and compartmentalization. Journal of Cell Science 02/2013; 126(8)., DOI:10.1242/jcs.118422

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