

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-27

杜国英(DU Guo-ying),女,1971年9月生,山东嘉祥人。海洋学博士。
一、 学习与工作简历:
二、 近年主要研究课题:
1. 十三五科技部国家重点研发项目,极地微生物资源、生命特征与环境生态效应及应用潜力评价,2018-2022年,参加。
2. 农业部现代农业产业技术体系专项,江蓠养殖体系,2017-2022年,参加。
3. 国家自然基金,底栖微藻垂直迁移特性对群落光合效率的影响,2013-2016年,主持。
4. 法国普瓦图—夏朗德区国际项目,法国拉罗谢尔大学合作课题,Biodiversity of microphytobenthos and its conservation: application in bioassessment of environmental quality status in intertidal ecosystems. 2014-2015年,主持。
5. 国家海洋局公益项目,基于群落特定物种的海洋生态监测与评价关键技术研究,2013-2016年,参加。
6. 山东自然科学基金,海洋微藻抗烟草病原菌活性物质的筛选,2011-2014年,主持。
7. 教育部留学归国人员启动项目,底栖微藻光合生产及其对温室气体CO2减少的贡献,2011-2013年,主持。
8. 教育部高校教师科研启动项目,潮间带底栖微藻对主要环境因子的生理生态学响应,2011-2012年,主持。
9. 国家海洋局公益项目,近岸大型海藻和栽培经济海藻固碳效应评估及应用技术示范2011-2014年,参加。
三、 近年发表科研论文:
1. Du GY,Zhao EZ, Liu CR, Tang XH. Estimating areal carbon fixation of intertidal macroalgal community based on composition dynamics and laboratory measurements.Journal of Oceanology and Limnology.2018(Online)
2. Du GY, Yan HM, Liu CR, Mao YX. Behavioral and physiological photoresponses to light intensity by intertidal microphytobenthos. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2018. 36: 293-304
3. Du GY, Yan H.M., Dupuy C. Microphytobenthos as an indicator of environmental quality status in intertidal flats: case study of coastal ecosystem in Pertuis Charentais, France. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science2017(196):217-226
4. Du G.Y., Chung I.K., Xu H.L. 2016. Insights into community-based bioassessment of environmental quality status using microphytobenthos in estuarine intertidal ecosystems.Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(6),112–120.
5. Du Guoying, Wu FF, Guo H,Xue HF, Mao YX.DNA barcode assessment of Ceramiales (Rhodophyta) in intertidal zoneof the northwestern Yellow Sea. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2015, 33 (3), 685-695.
6. DU Guo-ying, MAO Yun-xiang, GUO Sheng-hua, WU Fei-fei, XUE Hong-fan. DNA barcoding assessment of green macroalgae in coastal zone around Qingdao, China. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2014 13(1), 97-103.(SCI)
7. Guoying Du, Wentao li, HongBo Li, Ik Kyo Chung, 2012. Migratory response of estuarine benthic diatoms to light and temperature monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence. Journal of Plant Biology 55, 159–164. (SCI)
8. GuoYing Du, Moonho Son, Soonmo An, Ik Kyo Chung,2010. Temporal variation in vertical distribution of microphytobenthos in intertidal sand flats on Nakdong River estuary, Korea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science86, 62-70. (SCI,IF: 2.366)
9. GuoYing Du,Moonho Son, Misun Yun, Soonmo An, Ik Kyo Chung, 2009. Microphytobenthic biomass and species composition in intertidal flats of the Nakdong River estuary, Korea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 82, 663-672. (SCI, IF: 2.366)
10. GuoYing Du, Ik Kyo Chung,2009.Estimation of areal production of intertidal microphytobenthos based on spatio-temporal community dynamics and laboratory measurements. Ocean Science Journal44,189-197.
11. Guoying Du, Ik kyo Chung, 2007. Spatio-temporal Variation of Intertidal Microphytobenthos in the Nakdong Estuary. Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography12- 3, 186-190.
12. GuoYing Du, Jung Hyun Oak, Ik Kyo Chung, 2010. Effect of light and sediment grain size on vertical migration of benthic diatoms. Journal of Phycology. Algae 25(3), 133-140.
13. 杜国英,陈尚,夏涛,王敏,张涛,赵志远. 2011. 山东近海生态资本价值评估—近海生物资源现存量价值. 生态学报, 31(19):5553-5560.
14. 王敏,陈尚,夏涛,杜国英,王蔚,张涛. 2011. 山东近海生态资本价值评估— — —供给服务价值. 生态学报,31(19):5561-5570.
1. Aug.2018, 3rd Integrated Plant and Algae Phenomics Meeting, Prague,Czech.
2. Jun. 2016, 22th International Seaweeds Symposium, Copenhagen, Danmark,DNA barcoding on brown algae from the intertidal zone of Shandong Peninsula, China
3. Jan. 2015, 18th Symposium of Chinese Phycology society,Carbon fixation of intertidal macroalgal community in northwestern coast of Yellow Sea
4. Aug.2013, 10th Annual Phycological Congress, Orlando, USA, “Species diversity of intertidal macroalgae in northwest coast of Yellow Sea: By Morphology combining DNAbarcoding”.
5. Apr.2013, 21st International Seaweeds Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, “Survey of intertidal macroalgae in northwest coast of Yellow Sea: Primary exploring assisted by DNAbarcoding”.
6. 2012.05, the Second International Symposium: Effect ofClimate Change on the World’s Oceans and its associated workshops, Yeosu, Korea.“Responses of intertidal microphytobenthos community to environmental factors
7. 2011.09, LOICZ-OSC Yantai, China,”Migratory response of estuarine benthic diatoms to light and temperature”.
8. 2010.10, PICEs 19thPortland, USA “Valuation of ecological capital in Shandong coastal waters, Western Yellow Sea”
9. 2010.1, International Symposium of “Climate Change, Seaweed and CO2Sequestration”. Busan, Korea.
10. 2009.10, PICES18thJeju, Korea. “Estimating areal production of intertidal microphytobenthos based on spatio-temporal community dynamics and laboratory measurements”
11. 2009.8, 9thInternational Phycological Congress (IPC 9th), Tokyo, Japan. “Vertical migratory photoresponse and photosynthetic activity of benthic diatoms determined by chlorophyll fluorescence”
12. 2008.11, Vth Asian Pacific Phycological Forum, Willington, New Zealand. “Temporal variation in the vertical distribution of microphytobenthos in the intertidal flats of the Nakdong River estuary, South Korea”
13. 2007.11, North Pacific Marine Science Annual Meeting (PICES16th). Victoria, Canada. “Spatio-temporal variation of intertidal microphytobenthos in Nakdong Estuary, Korea”
14. 2007.10, International Symposium of River and Lake Environment. Jeju, Korea “Intertidal microphytobenthic community dynamics in the Nakdong Estuary”
15. 2007.5, International Symposium of Korea Society of Phycology. Seoul, Korea. “Variation in vertical distribution of intertidal microphytobenthos in Nakdong Estuary”
四、 联系方式:
Personal Information:
Guo-ying Du, born in Sep. 1971,PhD, Associate Professor,Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Marine Genetics and Breedings,Ocean University of China.
Research direction: Algae diversity, ecophysiology and phenotyping of algae
Sep.2005-Feb.2010, Ph.D of Oceanography, Pusan National University, Korea
Sep.2000-July2003,M.A. of Phytopathology, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences
Sep.1989-July1993, B.A. of Agriculture, ShanDong Agriculture University
Professional history:
July.2003-Present, Associate Professor, College of Marine Life Science, Ocean University of China
July.1993-Sep.2000, Agronomist, ShengLi Plant Protection Station of Sinopec
Research Projects:
1. 2018/08-2022/12.National Key R&D Project, Polar organisms resources, characteristics, and their enviromental ecological effects and implications, attended.
2. 2017/01-2022/12 MOA, China Modern Agriculture Research system (CARS-50), attended.
3. Jan.2013-Dec.2016National Natural Science Foundation of China “Effects of microphytobenthos vertical migration on community-levelphotosynthetic efficiency”
4. Jan.2013-Dec.2016 Commonweal Project of SOA, China “Marine biological monitoring and assessment based on the main economic species”.
5. Jul. 2011- Dec.2013 Shandong NSFC, China “Selection of active compounds of marine microalgae resisting tobacco pathogen”
6. Aus.2011-Dec.2013 SRF for ROCS, Education Ministry of China “Primary Production of microphytobenthos and its mitigation of greenhouse gas- CO2”
7. Oct.2011-Oct.2012 Fundamental Research Funds , Education Ministry of China “Physio-ecological response of intertidal microphytobenthos to main environmental factors”
8. Jan.2011- Dec.2014 Commonweal Project of SOA,China “Assessment and application of carbon fixation of coastal and cultured macroalgae”
9. Apr. 2010-Nov.2010 Chinese State Oceanic Administration 908 project “Marine ecological capital assessment of coastal area in Shandong”
10. Aug. -Sep. 2007 Korea-France Joint Project “The role of microphytobenthos in the benthic cycling of nutrients in coastal ecosystems”
11. May 2006-Feb. 2010 Korean Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs “ Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction using Seaweeds”
12. Jan. 2006-Dec.2008 China NSFC “Bacteria community structure and succession in relationship with abalone disease on seeding plate”
13. Sep. 2005-Aug. 2007 Korean Ministry of Enviroment “Restoration and management for degraded wetland ecosystem in Nakdong estuary”
Selected Published Papers:
1. Du GY,Zhao EZ, Liu CR, Tang XH. Estimating areal carbon fixation of intertidal macroalgal community based on composition dynamics and laboratory measurements.Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. (Online)(SCI)
2. Du GY, Yan H.M., Dupuy C. Indication of microphytobenthos to environmental quality status in intertidal flats: case study of coastal ecosystem in Pertuis Charentais, France. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science2017(196):217-226(SCI)
3. Du GY, Yan HM, Liu CR, Mao YX. Behavioral and physiological photoresponses to light intensity by intertidal microphytobenthos. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2018. 36: 293-304.(SCI)
4. Du GY, Chung IK, Xu HL Insights into community-based bioassessment of environmental quality status using microphytobenthos in estuarine intertidal ecosystems.Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2016 35(6),112-120(SCI)
5. Du Guoying, Wu FF, Guo H,Xue HF, Mao YX.DNA barcode assessment of Ceramiales (Rhodophyta) in intertidal zoneof the northwestern Yellow Sea. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2015, 33 (3), 685-695.(SCI)
6. DU Guo-ying, MAO Yun-xiang*, GUO Sheng-hua, WU Fei-fei, XUE Hong-fan. DNA barcoding assessment of green macroalgae in coastal zone around Qingdao, China. Journal of Ocean University of China. 201413(1), 97-103.(SCI)
7. Guoying Du, Wentao li, HongBo Li, Ik Kyo Chung, 2012. Migratory response of estuarine benthic diatoms to light and temperature monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence. Journal of Plant Biology 55, 159–164. (SCI)
8. DU Guoying, Chen Shang etc., 2011. Ecological Capital Valuation in Shandong Coastal Waters: Standing Stock Value of Biological Resources. Acta Ecologica Sinica31(19): 5553-5560.
9. GuoYing Du, Moonho Son, Soonmo An, Ik Kyo Chung,2010. Temporal variation in vertical distribution of microphytobenthos in intertidal sand flats on Nakdong River estuary, Korea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science86, 62-70.(SCI)
10. GuoYing Du, Jung Hyun Oak, Ik Kyo Chung, 2010. Effect of light and sediment grain size on vertical migration of benthic diatoms. Algae25 (3) 133-140.
11. GuoYing Du, Moonho Son, Misun Yun, Soonmo An, Ik Kyo Chung, 2009. Microphytobenthic biomass and species composition in intertidal flats of the Nakdong River estuary, Korea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science82, 663-672. (SCI)
12. GuoYing Du, Ik Kyo Chung,2009.Estimation of areal production of intertidal microphytobenthos based on spatio-temporal community dynamics and laboratory measurements. Ocean Science Journal44,189-197.
13. Guoying Du,Ik kyo Chung, 2007. Spatio-temporal Variation of Intertidal Microphytobenthos in the Nakdong Estuary. Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography12- 3, 186-190.
14. Du Guoying, Wang Xifeng, Zhou Guanghe, 2004. Digoxigenin-labelled cDNA probes for the detection of Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Potato Virus Y. ACTA Phytopathologica Sinica (Chinese)34 (1),75-79.
International conferences & presentations
1. Aug.2013, 10th Annual Phycological Congress,Orlando, USA, “Species diversity of intertidal macroalgae in northwest coast of Yellow Sea: By Morphology combining DNAbarcoding”.
2. Apr.2013, 21st International Seaweeds Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, “Survey of intertidal macroalgae in northwest coast of Yellow Sea: Primary exploring assisted by DNAbarcoding”.
3. 2012.05, the Second International Symposium: Effect ofClimate Change on the World’s Oceans and its associated workshops, Yeosu, Korea.“Responses of intertidal microphytobenthos community to environmental factors
4. 2011.09, LOICZ-OSC Yantai, China,”Migratory response of estuarine benthic diatoms to light and temperature”.
5. 2010.10,PICEs 19thPortland, USA “Valuation of ecological capital in Shandong coastal waters, Western Yellow Sea”
6. 2010.1, International Symposium of “Climate Change, Seaweed and CO2Sequestration”. Busan, Korea.
7. 2009.10, PICES18thJeju, Korea. “Estimating areal production of intertidal microphytobenthos based on spatio-temporal community dynamics and laboratory measurements”
8. 2009.8, 9thInternational Phycological Congress (IPC 9th), Tokyo, Japan. “Vertical migratory photoresponse and photosynthetic activity of benthic diatoms determined by chlorophyll fluorescence”
9. 2008.11, Vth Asian Pacific Phycological Forum, Willington, New Zealand. “Temporal variation in the vertical distribution of microphytobenthos in the intertidal flats of the Nakdong River estuary, South Korea”
10. 2007.11, North Pacific Marine Science Annual Meeting (PICES16th). Victoria, Canada. “Spatio-temporal variation of intertidal microphytobenthos in Nakdong Estuary, Korea”
11. 2007.10, International Symposium of River and Lake Environment. Jeju, Korea “Intertidal microphytobenthic community dynamics in the Nakdong Estuary”
12. 2007.5, International Symposium of Korea Society of Phycology. Seoul, Korea. “Variation in vertical distribution of intertidal microphytobenthos in Nakdong Estuary”
Contact information:
Email: duguo923@ouc.edu.cn

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