

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-27




1 汝少国,张晓娜等。国家重点研发计划“水产品全链条关键危害物的迁移转化规律与安全防控技术研究”课题5 新型有机污染物迁移规律和风险评估(编号: 2017YFC**)。2018年1月-2021年12月,348万元。
2 汝少国,田华等。国家自然科学基金面上项目“新型海洋污染物氨基脲对褐牙鲆的抗雌激素效应机制”(编号:**)。2017年1月-2020年12月,71万元。
3 汝少国,王蔚等。山东省自然科学基金重点项目“一种新型海洋污染物氨基脲的抗雌激素效应机制及生态风险研究”(编号:ZR2014DZ001)。2015年1月-2017年12月,26万元。
4 汝少国,王蔚等。高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助课题(博导类)“久效磷农药扰乱马粪海胆5-羟色胺能神经系统发育的机制研究”(编号011)。2013年1月-2015年12月,12万元。
5 汝少国,田华等。海洋公益科研专项“典型海湾受损生境修复生态工程和效果评价技术集成与示范”(编号:)子课题,2013年1月-2017年12月,47万元。
6 汝少国,田华等。国家海洋公益科研项目“海洋溢油污染风险评估及应急响应关键技术集成及应用示范” (编号:),子课题,2012年1月-2015年12月。

1 Jun Wang, Mingxiao Wang, Shaoguo Ru,Xiaoshou Liu*. High levels of microplastic pollution in the sediments and benthic organisms of the South Yellow Sea, China. Science of The Total Environment. 2019, 651, 1661–1669. (SCI, IF=4.610)
2 Ming Gaoa, Jun Wang, Xiaona Zhang, Randy A. Dahlgren, Shaoguo Ru*, Xuedong Wang*. Integrated disperser freezing purification with extraction using fatty acidbasedsolidification of floating organic-droplet (IDFP-EFA-SFO) for triclosanand methyltriclosan determination in seawater, sediment and seafood. Marine Pollution Bulletin ,2018,137:677-687(SCI, IF=3.241).
3 Yuejiao Li, Jun Wang*, Zheng Mingyi, Shaoguo Ru*.Development of ELISAs for the detection of vitellogenin in three marine fish from coastal areas of China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, 133:415-422. (SCI, IF=3.241)
4 Mingyi Zheng, Jun Wang*, Zhenzhong Zhang, Shuwei Ma, Shaoguo Ru*. Development of homologous enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays to quantify two forms of vitellogenin in guppy (poecilia reticulata). Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2018, 25, 25036-25044. (SCI, IF=2.800).
5 Penghao Wei, Fei Zhao, Xiaona Zhang*, Wenmin Liu, Guobin Jiang, Hongfang Wang, Shaoguo Ru. Transgenerational Thyroid Endocrine Disruption Induced by Bisphenol S Affects the Early Development of Zebrafish Offspring. Environmental Pollution. 2018,243:800-808. (IF= 4.358)
6 Fei Zhao, Hongfang Wang, Penghao Wei, Guobin Jiang, Wei Wang, XiaonaZhang, Shaoguo Ru*. Impairment of Bisphenol F on the Glucose Metabolism of Zebrafish Larvae. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2018, 165:386-392. (IF=3.974)
7 Zonghao Yue, Miao Yu, Xiaona Zhang, Jun Wang, Shaoguo Ru*. The anti-androgenic effect of chronic exposure to semicarbazide on maleJapanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and its potential mechanisms. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C , 2018,210: 30-34(SCI,IF=2.426).
8 Zonghao Yue, Miao Yu, Haifeng Zhao, Jun Wanga, Xiaona Zhang, Hua Tian, Wei Wang,Shaoguo Ru*.The anti-estrogenicity of chronic exposure to semicarbazide in femaleJapanese flounders (Paralichthys olivaceus), and its potential mechanisms. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2018, 129:806-812(SCI, IF=3.241).
9 Ming Gao,Jun Wang,Xiukai Song, Xin He, Randy A. Dahlgren, Zhenzhong Zhang,Shaoguo Ru*, Xuedong Wang*. An effervescence-assisted switchable fatty acid-based microextractionwith solidification of floating organic droplet for determinationof fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines in seawater,sediment, and seafood. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2018,410:2671-2687 (SCI, IF=3.307).
10 Wang Weiwei, Zhang Xiaona*, Wang Zihao, Qin Jingyu, Wang Wei, Tian Hua, Ru Shaoguo*. Bisphenol S induces obesogenic effects through deregulating lipid metabolism in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae.Chemosphere, 2018, 199:286-296. (SCI, IF=4.427).
11WangJun,ZhangZhenzhong,WeiYanyan,ZhengMingyi,RuShaoguo*.Carp(Cyprinuscarpio)lipovitellinisahighlystablephospholipoglycoproteinwiththesameimmunogenicityasvitellogenin.AquacultureResearch.2018,49,1389-1395. (SCI, IF=1.475).
12 Zhao F, Jiang G, Wei P, Wang H, Ru S*. Bisphenol S exposure impairs glucose homeostasis in male zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 147:794-802. (SCI, IF=3.974)
13 Liu W, Zhang X, Wei P, Tian H, Wang W, Ru S*. Long-term exposure to bisphenol S damages the visual system and reduces the tracking capability of male zebrafish (Danio rerio). Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2018, 38:248-258.(SCI, IF = 2.909)
14 Xiaona Zhang, Wei Liu, Jun Wang, Hua Tian, Wei Wang, Shaoguo Ru*. Quantitative analysis of in-vivo responses of reproductive and thyroidendpoints in male goldfish exposed to monocrotophos pesticide. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C.2018,211:41-47 (SCI,IF=2.426).
15 Hongshan Chen,Lianxi Sheng, Zhiyuan Gong, Shaoguo Ru, Hongfeng Bian.Investigation of the molecular mechanisms of hepatic injury uponnaphthalene exposure in zebrafish (Danio rerio).Ecotoxicology, 2018, 27:650–660. (SCI, IF=1.987)
16 Tian H, Li Y, Wang W, Zhao F, Gao S, Ru S*. Sexual characteristics of male guppies (Poecilia reticulataserve) as effect biomarkers of estrogens.Chin J Oceanol Limnol,2018, 36(4):1392-1400. (SCI, IF=0.688)
17 Miao Yu, Yongliang Feng, Xiaona Zhang, Jun Wang, Hua Tian, Wei Wang, Shaoguo Ru*. Semicarbazide disturbs the reproductive system of male zebrafish (Danio rerio) through the GABAergic system. Reproductive Toxicology, 2017, 73: 149-157. (SCI, IF=2.580)
18 Fei Zhao, Penghao Wei, Jun Wang, Miao Yu, Hua Tian, Wei Wang, Shaoguo Ru*. Estrogenic effects associated with bisphenol A exposure in male zebrafish (Danio rerio) is associated with changes of endogenous 17β-estradiol and gene specific DNA methylation levels. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2017, 252: 27-35. (SCI, IF=2.564)
19 Wang Jun,Wang Jun, Zhang Zhenzhong,Zhang Xiaona, Ru Shaoguo*, Dong Yifei*. Development of an immunosensor for quantifying zebrafish vitellogenin based on the Octet system. Analytical Biochemistry. 2017, 533, 60-65 (SCI, IF=2.275)
20 Wang Jun, Ma Shuwei, Zhang Zhenzhong, Zheng Mingyi, Dong Yifei*, Ru Shaoguo*. Vitellogenin induction in caudal fin of guppy (Poecilia reticulata) as a non-invasive and sensitive biomarker for environmental estrogens. Scientific reports, 2017,7:7647. (SCI, IF=4.122)
21 Zhang X, Xu L, Tian H, Wang C, Wang W, Ru S*.Monocrotophos, an organophosphorus insecticide, disrupts the expression of HpNetrin and its receptor neogenin during early development in the sea urchin (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus). NeuroToxicology, 2017, 62: 130-137. (SCI, IF=3.076)
22 Tian H, Sun Y, Wang H, Bing X, Wang W, Ru S*. Monocrotophos pesticide affects synthesis and conversion of sex steroids through multiple targets in male goldfish (Carassius auratus). Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 2306. (SCI, IF=4.122)
23 Zhang X, Li S, Wang C, Tian H, Li X, Wang W, Ru S*.Effects of monocrotophos pesticide on cholinergic and dopaminergic neurotransmitter systems during early development in the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2017 328: 46-53. (SCI, IF=3.616)
24 Dong Y, Zhang X*, Tian H, Li X, Wang W, Ru S*. Effects of polychlorinated biphenyls on metamorphosis of a marine fish Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) in relation to thyroid disruption. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 119: 325-331. (SCI, IF=3.241)
25 Yue Zonghao, Yu Miao, Zhang Xiaona, Dong Yifei, Tian Hua, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*. Semicarbazide-induced thyroid disruption in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and its potential mechanisms. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 140, 131-140. (SCI, IF=3.974)
26 Wang jun, Wang Wei, Tian Hua, Zhang Xiaona, Ru Shaoguo*. A novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on anti-lipovitellin monoclonal antibodies for quantification of zebrafish (Danio rerio) vitellogenin. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 137, 78–83. (SCI, IF=3.974)
27 Gong, Y., Tian, H., Dong, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, W., and Ru, S.*.An in vivo assay performed using multiple biomarkers related to testosterone synthesis and conversion for assessing the androgenic potency of refuse leachate. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 135: 82-89.(SCI, IF=3.974)
28 Gong, Y., Tian, H., Zhang, X., Dong, Y., Wang, W., and Ru, S.*.Refuse leachate exposure causes changes of thyroid hormone level and related gene expression in female goldfish (Carassius auratus). Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2016, 48: 46-52 (SCI, IF=2.313).
29 Wang Jun, Zhao Fei, Shan Ruihou, Tian Hua, Wang Wei*, Ru Shaoguo*. Juvenile zebrafish in the vitellogenin blank period as an alternative test organism for evaluation of estrogenic activity of chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2016, 35, 1783-1787. (SCI, IF=2.951)
30 Wang Jun, Zhang Xiaona, Shan Ruihou, Ma Shuwei, Tian Hua, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*. Lipovitellin as an antigen to improve the precision of sandwich ELISA for quantifying zebrafish (Danio rerio) vitellogenin. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C, 2016, 185-186:87-93. (SCI,IF=2.416)
31 Yufeng Gong, Hua Tian, Yifei Dong, Xiaona Zhang, JunWang, Wei Wang*, Shaoguo Ru*. Thyroid disruption in male goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed toleachate fromamunicipal waste treatment plant: Assessment combiningchemical analysis and in vivo bioassay. Science of the Total Environment, 2016,554-555: 64-72.(SCI, IF=4.9).
32 Miao Yu, Xiaona Zhang, Linlin Guo, Hua Tian, Wei Wang, Shaoguo Ru*. Anti-estrogenic effect of semicarbazide in female zebrafish (Daniorerio) and its potential mechanisms. Aquatic Toxicology, 2016, 170:262-270.(SCI, IF=4.129).
33 Chen D, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo. Effects of dietary genistein on GH/IGF-I axis of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2016, 34: 1004-1012. (SCI-E, IF=0.688)
34 Xiaona Zhang, Yan Zhong, Hua Tian, Wei Wang, ShaoguoRu*. Impairment of the cortisol stress response mediated by thehypothalamus-pituitary-interrenal(HPI) axis in zebrafish(Danio rerio) exposed to monocrotophos pesticide. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: 2015, 176-177: 10-16. (SCI, IF=2.546).
35 Jun Wang, Ruihou Shan, Xiaona Zhang, Hua Tian, Wei Wang*, ShaoguoRu*.Development of a lipovitellin-based sandwich ELISA for quantification of vitellogenin in surface mucus and plasma of goldfish (Carassius auratus).Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2015, 120:80-87(SCI, IF=3.13) .
36 Hua Tian,Peng Wu, Wei Wang, Shaoguo Ru*. Disruptions in aromatase expression in the brain, reproductive behavior, and secondary sexual characteristics in male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) induced by tributyltin. Aquatic Toxicology, 2015, 162:117-125.(SCI, IF=3.557).
37 Jun Wang, Wei Wang, Xiaona Zhang, Hua Tian, Shaoguo Ru*. Development of a lipovitellin-based goldfish(Carassius auratus) vitellogenin ELISA for detection of environmental estrogens. Chemosphere, 2015, 132:166-171.(SCI, IF=3.698).
38 Fei Zhao, Bai Wang, Xiaona Zhang, Hua Tian, Wei Wang,Shaoguo Ru*. Induction of DNA base damage and strand breaksin peripheral erythrocytes and the underlying mechanismin goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed to monocrotophos. Fish Physiologyand Biochemistry, 2015, 41:613-624. (SCI, IF=1.442)
39 Wang zhenyu, Zhang Xiaona, Tian Hua, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*. Effects of monocrotophos pesticide on steroidogenesis and transcription of steroidogenic enzymes in rainbow trout RTG-2 cells involving the protein kinase A signal pathway. Toxicology in vitro, 2015, 29(1): 155-161.(SCI, IF=3.338)
40 Wang Jun, Bing Xin, Yu Kun, Tian Hua, Wang Wei*, Ru Shaoguo*. Preparation of a polyclonal antibody against goldfish (Carassius auratus) vitellogenin and its application to detect the estrogenic effects of monocrotophos pesticide. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2015, 111, 109-116. (SCI, IF=3.13)
41 Hu Yanbing, Sun Shan, Song Xiukai, Ma Jianxin, Ru Shaoguo*. Distributions and ecological risk assessment of HCHs and DDTs in the surface seawater and sediment ofthe mariculture area of the Jincheng Bay, Bohai Sea, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015 14 (2): 301-308. (SCI-E, IF=0.509)
42 Chen D, Wang W, Ru S. Effect of dietary genistein on growth performance, digestive enzyme activity, and body composition of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus[J]. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2015, 33(1): 77–83.(SCI-E, IF=0.547)
43 Zhang Xiaona, Tian Hua, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*. Monocrotophos pesticide decreases the plasma levels of total 3,3′,5-triiodo-L-thyronine and alters the expression of genes associated with the thyroidal axis in female goldfish (Carassius auratus).Plos one, 2014, 9(9): e108972.(SCI, IF = 3.234)
44 Dong Yifei, Tian Hua, Wang Wei, Zhang Xiaona, Liu Jinxiang, Ru Shaoguo*. Disruption of the thyroid system by the thyroid-disrupting compound Aroclor 1254 in juvenile Japanese flounder (Paralichthysolivaceus). Plos one, 2014, 9(8): e104196.(SCI, IF=3.234)
45 Gong Yufeng, Tian Hua, Wang Lijia, Yu Suping, Ru Shaoguo*. An Integrated Approach Combining Chemical Analysisand an In Vivo Bioassay to Assess the Estrogenic Potencyof a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Leachate in Qingdao. Plos one, 2014, 9(4):e95597.(SCI, IF=3.234)
46 Wang Zhenyu, Sun Meng, Tian Hua, Gao Su, Wang Wei, Ru Shaoguo*. Estrogenic effects of monocrotophos standard on male goldfish, Carassius auratus: Induction of vitellogenin synthesis and alternation of testicular ultrastructure and function. Animal biology, 2014, 64: 311-331.(SCI, IF=0.597)
47 Hu Yanbing, Gong Xianghong, Xu Yingjiang, Song Xiukai, Liu Huihui, Deng Xuxiu, Ru Shaoguo*. Risk assessment of butyltins based on a fugacity-based food web bioaccumulation model in the Jincheng Bay mariculture area: I. model development. Environ Sci Process Impacts. 2014, 16, 1994-2001 (SCI,IF=2.171)
48 Hu Yanbing, Gong Xianghong, Xu Yingjiang, Song Xiukai, Liu Huihui, Deng Xuxiu,Ru Shaoguo*. Risk assessment of butyltins based on a fugacity-based food web bioaccumulation model in the Jincheng Bay mariculture area: II. Risk assessment. Environ Sci Process Impacts, 2014, 16, 2002-2006 (SCI,IF=2.171)
49 Gao Su, Wang Wei, Tian Hua, Zhang Xiaona, Guo Linlin, Ru Shaoguo. An Emerging Water Contaminant, Semicarbazide, Exerts an Anti-estrogenic Effect in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2014, 93: 280-288. (SCI, IF=1.255)

1汝少国,王军,王蔚,田华. 斑马鱼卵黄原蛋白间接竞争ELISA试剂盒及其检测方法与应用,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,专利号:ZL2014 1 **.0,批准日期:2016年6月8日。
2 汝少国,王军,王蔚,田华. 斑马鱼卵黄原蛋白免疫印迹试剂盒及其检测方法与应用,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,专利号:ZL2014 1 **.0,批准日期:2016年4月13日。
3 汝少国,王军,王蔚,田华. 斑马鱼卵黄原蛋白夹心ELISA试剂盒及其检测方法与应用,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,专利号:ZL2014 1 **.7,批准日期:2016年4月13日。
4 汝少国, 王军, 王蔚, 田华. 利用卵黄脂磷蛋白抗体定性检测鱼类卵黄原蛋白的试剂盒. 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,专利号:ZL 2012 1 **.1,批准日期:2014年10月22日。
5 汝少国, 王军, 王蔚, 田华. 定性检测鲤科鱼类卵黄脂磷蛋白的试剂盒及其应用.中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,专利号:ZL 2012 1 **.1,批准日期:2014年10月22日。
1 汝少国编著,第5章 海洋生态系统。赵进平等编著,《海洋科学概论》,中国海洋大学出版社,2016:132-156.
2 李永祺,周秋麟,汝少国,王蔚,吴桑云,郭院。2013年10月,中国海洋可持续发展的生态环境问题与政策研究,第七章,围、填海对海岸带生态环境的影响。中国环境出版社:145-189。
3 王蔚,汝少国。2014年6月,中国海洋与海岸工程生态安全中若干科学问题及对策建议,第七章,海岛开发工程的生态安全问题。科学出版社:178-209。


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