

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26


1985.9-1989.7 青岛海洋大学海洋化学系,本科
1989.9-1992.7 青岛海洋大学海洋化学系,硕士
1996.9-2001.7 青岛海洋大学化学化工学院,博士

1998.11-1999.4 德国汉堡大学,访问****
1999.12-2002.11 青岛海洋大学化学化工学院,副教授
2005.1-2 德国不莱梅大学热带海洋生态研究中心,访问****
2005.11-12 德国不莱梅大学热带海洋生态研究中心,访问****
2006.9-12 法国布雷斯特不列塔尼大学,法国(CNRS)访问****
2007.1-4 德国马普海洋微生物研究所,中德DFG项目访问****
2011.2–2011.8 美国马萨诸塞州大学达特默斯分校,高级访问****



1.Jin, J., S.M. Liu*, J.L. Ren, C.Liu, J. Zhang, G. Zhang, D. Huang, 2013. Nutrient dynamics and coupling withphytoplankton species composition during the spring blooms in the Yellow Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 97, 16–32
2.Song, G.D. S. M. Liu*,H. Marchant, M. M. Kuypers, G, Lavik, 2013. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation,denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in the EastChina Sea sediment. Biogeosciences, 10, 6851–6864
3.Li, Rui Huan, Su Mei Liu*, GuiLing Zhang, Jing Ling Ren, Jing Zhang, 2013. Biogeochemistry of nutrients in anestuary affected by human activities: the WanquanRiver estuary, eastern Hainan Island, China. Continental Shelf Research, 57, 18–31
4.Liu, Su Mei, Ling Wei Li, Gui Ling Zhang, Zhe Liu,Zhigang Yu, Jing Ling Ren, 2012. Impacts of human activities on nutrienttransports in the Huanghe (Yellow River) Estuary. Journal of Hydrology, 430-431, 103-110
5.Liu, Su Mei, Ling Wei Li, Zhinan Zhang, 2011. Inventoryof nutrients in the Bohai. ContinentalShelf Research31, 1790–1797
6.Liu, Su Mei, Rui Huan Li, Gui Ling Zhang, Dao RuWang, Jin Zhou Du, Lucia S. Herbeck, Jing Zhang, Jing Ling Ren, 2011. Theimpact of anthropogenic activities on nutrient dynamics in the tropicalWenchanghe and Wenjiaohe Estuary and Lagoon system in East Hainan, China. Marine Chemistry125, 49–68
7.Zhang, J., G. S. Zhang, Y. F. Bi and S. M. Liu, 2011. Nitrogen species inrainwater and aerosols of the Yellow and East Chinaseas: Effects of the East Asian monsoon and anthropogenic emissions andrelevance for the NW Pacific Ocean. GlobalBiogeochemical Cycles, 25, GB3020, doi:10.1029/2010GB003896
8.Herbeck,Lucia S., Unger, Daniela, Krumme, Uwe, Liu,Su Mei,Jennerjahn, Tim C., 2011. Typhoon-induced precipitation impact on nutrientand suspended matter dynamics of a tropical estuary affected by humanactivities in Hainan, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science93, 375-388
9.Zhu, Zhuo-Yi, Jing Zhang, Ying Wu,Ying-Ying Zhang, Jing Lin, Su-Mei Liu, 2011. Hypoxia off the Changjiang(Yangtze River) Estuary: Oxygen depletion and organic matter decomposition. Marine Chemistry 125, 108–116
10.Liu S.M., X.Guo, Q. Chen, J. Zhang, Y.F. Bi, X. Luo, J.B. Li, 2010.Nutrient dynamics in the winter thermohalinefrontal zone of the northern shelf regionof the South China Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 115, C11020, doi:10.1029/2009JC005951
11.Liu S.M., B.D. Zhu, J. Zhang, Y. Wu, G.S. Liu, B. Deng, M.-X. Zhao, G.Q.Liu, J.Z. Du, J.L. Ren, G.L. Zhang, 2010. Environmental change in JiaozhouBay recorded by nutrient components insediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin,60, 1591-1599
12.Liu, S.M., G.-H. Hong, J. Zhang, X.W. Ye and X.L.Jiang, 2009. Nutrient budgets for large Chinese estuaries. Biogeosciences, 6, 2245–2263.
13.Liu, S.M., X.W. Ye, J. Zhang, G.S. Zhang, Y. Wu,2008. The silicon balance in JiaozhouBay, North China. Journal of Marine Systems, 74, 639-648.
14.Duce,R. A., J. LaRoche, K. Altieri, K. R. Arrigo, A. R. Baker, D. G. Capone, S.Cornell, F. Dentener, J. Galloway, R. S. Ganeshram, R. J. Geider, T. Jickells,M. M. Kuypers, R. Langlois, P. S. Liss, S. M. Liu, J.J. Middelburg, C. M. Moore, S. Nickovic, A. Oschlies, T. Pedersen, J. Prospero,R. Schlitzer, S. Seitzinger, L. L. Sorensen, M. Uematsu, O. Ulloa, M. Voss, B.Ward, L. Zamora, 2008. Impacts of Atmospheric Anthropogenic Nitrogen on the OpenOcean.Science, 320, 893-897. DOI:10.1126/science.**.
15.Zhang J., S.M. Liu, J.L. Ren, Y. Wu, G.L. Zhang, 2007. Nutrientgradients from the eutrophic Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary to theoligotrophic Kuroshio waters and re-evaluation of budgets for the East ChinaSea Shelf. Progress in Oceanography74: 449–478.
16.Liu S.M., J.Zhang, H.T. Chen and G.S. Zhang, 2005. Factors influencing nutrient dynamics inthe eutrophic JiaozhouBay, North China. Progressin Oceanography, 66: 66–85.
17.Liu S.M., J. Zhang and R.X. Li, 2005. Ecological significance of biogenicsilica in theEast China Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 290: 15-26.
18.Liu S.M., J.Zhang, H.T. Chen, H. Xiong, Y. Wu and Z.F. Zhang, 2003. Nutrients in theChangjiang and its tributaries. Biogeochemistry, 62 (1): 1-18.
19.Liu S.M., J.Zhang and W.S. Jiang, 2003. Pore water nutrient regeneration in shallow coastalBohai Sea, China. Journal of Oceanography59, 377-385.
20.Liu S.M., J.Zhang, S.Z. Chen, H.T. Chen, G.H. Hong, H. Wei and Q.M. Wu, 2003. Inventory ofnutrient compounds in the Yellow Sea. ContinentalShelf Research23, 1161-1174.

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