

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26


职称: 教授
学术兼职: 山东省化学化工学会色谱专业委员会理事,山东省化学化工学会物理化学专业委员会理事,青岛市分析测试学会理事,《Journal of Ocean University of China》编委


1994 – 1997,美国西弗吉尼亚大学(West Virginia University)化工系,博士后
1997 – 1998,青岛海洋大学化学化工学院,未定职
1998 – 现在,中国海洋大学(原青岛海洋大学)化学化工学院,教授
(其中:2006 –2007,美国佐治亚大学海洋系,高级访问****)

具体: ? 海洋有机地球化学,特别是海洋环境中陆源有机物的生物地球化学
? 现代有机污染物的生物地球化学,特别是有机污染物在海洋环境中的迁移转化过程及其命运
? 环境分析化学


1.Xiaoyong Duan, Yanxia Li, Xianguo Li*, Mengfang Li,Dahai Zhang. Distributions and sources of polychlorinated biphenylsin the coastal East China Sea sediments. Science of the Total Environment,2013, 463-464: 894-903.
2.Xiaoyong Duan, Yanxia Li, XianguoLi*, Dahai Zhang.Polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments of the Yellow Sea:Distribution, source identification and flux estimation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013, 76(1-2): 283-290.
3.Xuewei Peng, Xianguo Li*, Lijuan Feng. Behavior of stable carbon isotope ofphthalate acid esters during photolysis under ultraviolet irradiation. Chemosphere,2013, 92: 1557–1562.
4.WeiDeng, Xian Guo Li*,Sheng Yong Li, Yan Yan Ma, Da Hai Zhang. Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsin surface sediment of mud areas in the East China Seausing diagnostic ratios and factor analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013, 70: 266–273.
5.Xuewei Peng, Lijuan Feng, Xianguo Li*. Pathway of diethyl phthalate photolysis insea-water determined by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry andcompound-speci?c isotope analysis. Chemosphere,2013, 90: 220–226.
6.YanxiaLi, Xiaoyong Duan, Xianguo Li*,Dahai Zhang. Photodegradation of nonylphenol by simulated sunlight. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013,66(1-2): 47–52.
7.TingZhang,Xianguo Li*, Shuwen Sun,et al. Determination of Lignin in Marine Sediment Using Alkaline Cupric OxideOxidation-Solid Phase Extraction-on-Column Derivatization-Gas Chromatography. Journal of OceanUniversity of China, 2013,12(1): 63-69
8.XueweiPeng,XianguoLi*.Compound-specific isotopeanalysis for aerobic biodegradation of phthalate acid esters. Talanta, 2012, 97: 445–449.
9.Xiang Xu, Xian-Guo Li*, Shu-Wen Sun.A QSAR study on the biodegradationactivity of PAHs in aged contaminated sediments. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2012, 114: 50-55.
10.XU Xiang,LI Xian-Guo*,SUNShu-Wen,CHU Jia-Jie. Theoreticalstudy on thephotodegradation mechanism of pyrethroid insecticide fenvalerate in water. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry,2012, 31(4): 505-512.
11.XU Xiang,LIXian-Guo*. QSAR for predicting biodegradationrates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous system. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry,2012 , 31(8): 1212 – 1221.
12.WANGYan, LI Xianguo*,PENG Xuewei, TANG Xuli, and DENG Xiaoyan. Optimization of sample pretreatmentfor determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in estuarine sediments bygas chromatography. Journal of OceanUniversityof China,2012, 11(2): 159-164.
13.PENGXuewei, YAN Guofang, LI Xianguo*,GUO Xinyun, ZHOU Xiao, and WANG Yan.Optimization of ultrasonic extraction and clean-up protocol for thedetermination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediments byhigh-performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection. Journal of OceanUniversity of China, 2012, 11(3): 331-338.
14.LI Xianguo*,ZHANG Ting, SUN Shuwen, LAN Haiqing, and YU Tao. Lignin in marine environment and its analysis—A review. Journal of OceanUniversity of China, 2012, 11(4): 501-506.
15.李先国*,邓伟,周晓,唐旭利,虢新运,王岩. 青岛近岸表层海水中PAHs的分布特征及物源初步解析.环境科学, 2012,33(3):741-745.
16.范晓明,李先国*,唐旭利,周璇,刘宝,邹惠玲. 水体中DOM的光解影响因素研究. 海洋学报, 2012, 34(5): 191-196.
17.段晓勇,李先国*,李艳霞,唐旭利.超声辅助碱解消除沉积物样品多氯联苯检测中有机氯农药的干扰.环境化学, 2012, 31(10): 1645-1651.
18.ChuanHui Gao, Xian Guo Li*,Li Juan Feng, Shao Yan Lu, Jin Yan Liu. Surface Modification andCharacterization of Magnesium Hydroxide Sulfate Hydrate Nanowhiskers. Appl.Surf. Sci.2010, 256:3234-3239.
19.Chuanhui Gao, Xianguo Li*, Lijuan Feng, Zhanchang Xiang, Dahai Zhang.Preparation and thermal decomposition of 5Mg(OH)2·MgSO4·2H2O nanowhiskers. Chem. Eng.J.2009,150:551-554.
20.Qi,J., L. Feng, X. Li*,M. Zhang. An X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy study of elements on the surface of aerosol particles. Journal of Aerosol Science,2006, 37: 218-227.
21.Qi, J.; P. Li; X. Li; L. Feng; M. Zhang. Estimation of dry deposition fluxes ofparticulate species to the water surface in the Qingdao area, using a model and surrogatesurfaces. Atmospheric Environment,2005,39(11): 2081-2088.
22.Feng, L.; X. Li; et. al.Atemperature-programmed-reduction study on alkali-promoted, carbon-supportedmolybdenum catalysts. J. Catal., 2000, 190: 1-13.
23.Li, X.; L. Feng; et. al. HigherAlcohols from Synthesis Gas Using Carbon-Supported Doped Molybdenum-BasedCatalysts. Ind. Eng.Chem. Res., 1998,37: 3853-3863.
24.Liu, Z.; X.Li; et. al. Screening ofAlkali-Promoted Vapor-Phase Synthesized Molybdenum Sulfide Catalysts for theProduction of Alcohols from Synthesis Gas. Ind.Eng.Chem. Res., 1997, 36: 3085-3093.
25.Li, X.; B. Zhong; et.al. Fischer-TropschSynthesis on Fe-Mn Ultrafine Catalysts. Catal.Lett., 1994, 23: 245.
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