

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26

目前为Science Bulletin执行委员,曾任IPCC第五次报告贡献作者,为Nature Climate Change,Journal of Climate,Climate Dynamics,GRL,JGR,Scientific Reports等多个学术刊物以及NSF评审人。

  长期从事海洋大气相互作用与气候变化领域研究工作,聚焦研究热带海洋-大气耦合模态的长期变化。主要研究成果包括:建立了印度洋海气耦合模态对全球变暖响应的诊断框架和物理机制,发现偶极子模态在全球变暖下保持稳定的海洋-大气动力过程的分别贡献;阐明了厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)模态未来长期变化预估的不确定性来源和主要机理,揭示了热带太平洋海温增暖空间分布型在ENSO未来变化中的重要作用,以及气候内部变率对ENSO长期变异的影响。相关工作在Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Journal of Climate, Climate Dynamics等国际专业刊物发表SCI论文30余篇,被推荐为IPCC第五次报告贡献作者。近5年来主持国家级自然科学基金2项,国家重点研发计划项目课题1项。


1.Geng, Y.-F., S.-P. Xie, X.-T. Zheng, and C.-Y. Wang, 2020: Seasonal dependency of tropical precipitation change under global warming.J. Climate, 33, 7897-7908.
2.Wu, Y., L. Liu and X. Zheng, 2020: Influence of El Ni?o events on sea surface salinity over the central equatorial Indian Ocean. Environ. Res., 182, 109097.
3.Peng, Q., S.-P. Xie, D. Wang, Y. Kamae, H. Zhang, S. Hu, X.-T. Zheng, and W. Wang, 2020: Eastern Pacific wind effect on the evolution of El Ni?o Implications for ENSO diversity. J. Climate, 33, 3197-3212.
4.Long, S.-M., S.-P. Xie, Q. Liu, Y. Du, X.-T. Zheng, G. Huang, K. Hu and J. Ying, 2020: Effects of ocean slow response under low warming targets.J. Climate, 33, 477-496.
5. Zheng, X.-T.*, 2019: Indo-Pacific climate modes in warming climate: Consensus and uncertainty across model projections. Curr. Clim. Change Rep., 5, 308-321.
6. Zheng, X.-T.*, C. Hui, S.-P. Xie, W. Cai, and S.-M. Long, 2019: Intensification of El Ni?o rainfall variability over the tropical Pacific in the slow oceanic response to global warming. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 2253-2260.
7. Zhong, W., W. Cai, X.-T. Zheng*,and S. Yang, 2019: Unusual anomaly pattern of the 2015/16 extreme El Ni?o induced by the 2014 warm condition. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 14772-14781.
8. Huang, P., X.-T. Zheng, and J. Ying, 2019: Disentangling the changes in the Indian Ocean dipole-related SST and rainfall variability under global warming in CMIP5 models. J. Climate, 32, 3803-3818.
9. Peng, Q., S.-P. Xie, D. Wang, X.-T. Zheng, and H. Zhang, 2019: Coupled ocean-atmosphere dynamics of the 2017 extreme coastal El Ni?o. Nature Commun., 10, 298.
10. Zheng, X.-T.*, C. Hui, and S.-W. Yeh, 2018: Response of ENSO amplitude to global warming in CESM large ensemble: Uncertainty due to internal variability. Clim. Dyn., 50, 4019-4035.
11. Hui, C., and X.-T. Zheng*, 2018: Uncertainty in Indian Ocean Dipole response to global warming: the role of internal variability. Clim. Dyn., 51, 3597-3611.
12. Xie, S.-P., Q. Peng, Y. Kamae, X.-T. Zheng, H. Tokinaga, and D. Wang, 2018: Eastern Pacific ITCZ dipole and ENSO diversity. J. Climate, 31, 4449-4462.
13. Liang, Y., Y. Du, L. Zhang, X. Zheng, and S. Qiu, 2018: The 30-50-Day intraseasonal oscillation of SST and precipitation in the south tropical Indian Ocean. Atmosphere, 9, 69.
14. Zhong, W.,X.-T. Zheng*, and W. Cai, 2017: A decadal tropical Pacific condition unfavorable to central Pacific El Ni?o. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 7919-7926.
15. Wang, C.Y., S.-P. Xie, Y. Kosaka, Q. Liu, and X.-T. Zheng, 2017: Global influence of tropical Pacific variability related to global warming hiatus. J. Climate, 30, 2679-2695.
16. Zheng, X.-T.*, S.-P. Xie, L.-H. Lv, and Z.-Q. Zhou, 2016: Intermodel uncertainty in ENSO amplitude change tied to Pacific ocean warming pattern. J. Climate, 29, 7265-7279.
17. Zheng, X.-T.*, L. Gao, G. Li, and Y. Du, 2016: The southwest Indian Ocean thermocline dome in CMIP5 models: Historical simulation and future projection. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 33, 489-503.
18. Qu, X., G. Huang, K. Hu, S.-P. Xie, Y. Du, X.-T. Zheng, and L. Liu, 2015: Equatorward shift of the South Asian high in response to anthropogenic forcing. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 119, 113-122.
19. Hu, K., G. Huang, X.-T. Zheng, S.-P. Xie, X. Qu, Y. Du, and L. Liu, 2014: Interdecadal variations in ENSO influences on Northwest Pacific-East Asian summertime climate simulated in CMIP5 models. J. Climate, 27, 5982-5998.
20. Liu, L., S.-P. Xie, X.-T. Zheng, T. Li, Y. Du, G. Huang, and W.-D. Yu, 2014: Indian Ocean variability in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble: The Zonal Dipole mode. Clim. Dyn., 43, 1715-1730
21. Long, S.-M., S.-P. Xie, X.-T. Zheng, and Q. Liu, 2014: Fast and slow responses to global warming: Sea surface temperature and precipitation patterns. J. Climate, 27, 285–299.
22. Zhou, Z.-Q., S.-P. Xie, X.-T. Zheng, Q. Liu, and H. Wang, 2014: Global warming-induced changes in El Ni?o teleconnections over North Pacific and North America. J. Climate, 27, 9050-9064.
23. Zheng, X.-T.*,S.-P. Xie, Y. Du, L. Liu, G. Huang, and Q. Liu, 2013: Indian Ocean Dipole response to global warming in the CMIP5 multimodel ensemble. J. Climate, 26, 6067-6080.
24. Cai, W., X.-T. Zheng, E. Weller, M. Collins, T. Cowan, M. Lengaigne, W. Yu, and T. Yamagata, 2013: Projected response of the Indian Ocean Dipole to greenhouse warming. Nat. Geosci., 6, 999-1007.
25. Du, Y., S.-P. Xie, Y.-L. Yang,X.-T. Zheng, L. Liu and G. Huang, 2013: Indian Ocean variability in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble: The basin mode. J. Climate, 26, 7240-7266.
26. Guo, F., Q. Liu, X.-T. Zhengand S. Sun, 2013: The role of barrier layer in Southeastern Arabian Sea during the development of positive Indian Ocean Dipole events. J. Ocean University of China, 12, 245-252.
27. Liu, Q., F. Guo and X.-T. Zheng, 2013, Relationships of interannual variability between the equatorial Pacific and tropical Indian Ocean in 17 CMIP5 models. J. Ocean University of China, 12, 237-244.
28. Ogata, T., S.-P. Xie, J. Lan, and X. Zheng, 2013: Importance of ocean dynamics for the skewness of the Indian Ocean Dipole mode.J. Climate, 26, 2145-2159.
29. Zheng, J., Q. Liu, C. Wang, and X.-T. Zheng, 2013: Impact of heating anomalies associated with rainfall variations over the Indo-Western Pacific on Asian atmospheric circulation in winter. Clim. Dyn., 40, 2023-2033.
30. Zhou, Z.-Q., S.-P. Xie, X.-T. Zheng*and Q. Liu, 2013: Indian Ocean Dipole response to global warming: a multi-member study with CCSM4. J. Ocean University of China, 12, 209-215.
31. Chowdary, J. S., S.-P. Xie, H. Tokinaga, Y. M. Okumura, H. Kubota, N. C. Johnson, and X.-T. Zheng, 2012: Inter-decadal variations in ENSO teleconnection to the Indo-western Pacific for 1870-2007. J. Climate, 25, 1722-1744.
32. Liu, Q. and X.-T. Zheng, 2012: Recent progress in China in the study of ocean’s role in climate variation. Acta Oceanol. Sin., 31(2), 1-8.
33. Wu, Y.-L., Y. Du, Y.-H. Zhang, X.-T. Zheng, 2012: Interannual variability of sea surface temperature in the northern Indian Ocean associated with ENSO and IOD. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 5, 295-300.
34. Zheng, X.-T.*, S.-P. Xie, and Q. Liu, 2011: Response of the Indian Ocean basin mode and its capacitor effect to global warming. J. Climate, 24, 6146-6164.
35. Li, J., S.-P. Xie, E. R. Cook, G. Huang, R. D'Arrigo, F. Liu, J. Ma andX.-T. Zheng, 2011: Interdecadal modulation of El Ni?o amplitude during the past millennium. Nat. Clim. Change,1, 114-118.
36. Zheng, X.-T.*, S.-P. Xie, G. A. Vecchi, Q. Liu, J. Hafner, 2010: Indian Ocean dipole response to global warming: Analysis of ocean-atmospheric feedbacks in a coupled model. J. Climate, 23, 1240-1253.
37. Xie, S.-P., Y. Du, G. Huang, X.-T. Zheng, H. Tokinaga, K. Hu, and Q. Liu, 2010: Decadal shift in El Ni?o influences on Indo-western Pacific and East Asian climate in the 1970s. J. Climate, 23, 3352-3368.

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Tel: Email: zhengxt@ouc.edu.cn

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