

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26


中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院

1984/09-1988/07,青岛海洋大学(现中国海洋大学) 物理海洋学 学士
1994/09-1997/07,青岛海洋大学(现中国海洋大学) 物理海洋学 硕士
1998/09-2001/07,青岛海洋大学(现中国海洋大学) 环境科学 博士

1988/07-1998/08,国家海洋局 北海分局 青岛海洋环境预报台 助理工程师(1988-1993), 工程师(1993-1998)
2001/09-2004/05,中国海洋大学 物理海洋学 博士后
2004/06-今,中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院 副教授(2003-2015),教授(2015-今)
2006/09-2008/01,加拿大,NSIDC人才计划Bedford海洋研究所 访问****

2013/01-2016/12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**)“北极冰面融池分布及其在冰-海洋耦合模式中的参数化研究”, 主持

HAO Guanghua and SU Jie*, 2015,A Study on the Dynamic Tie Points ASI Algorithm in the Arctic Ocean,Acta Oceanologica Sinica., 34(11), 126–135, doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0659-y
HAO Guanghua and SU Jie*, 2015, A Study of Multiyear Ice Concentration Retrieval Algorithms Using AMSR-E Data, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(9), 102-109, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0656-1
王传印,苏洁*,2015,CICE海冰模式中融池参数化方案的比较研究,海洋学报,37(11), 41-56
WANG Wei-bo, SU Jie*, 2015, Sea ice edge automatic retrieval based on morphology, Journal of Remote Sensing, 19(6): 983-997, DOI: 10.11834/jrs.**
WEI Jianfen, SU Jie*, 2014,Mechanism of an Abrupt Decrease in Sea-Ice Cover in the Pacific Sector of the Arctic during the Late 1980s.Atmosphere-Ocean52(5), 434-445.DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.970505
LI Xiang, SU Jie*, ZHAO Jinping, 2014, An evaluation of the simulations of the Arctic Intermediate Water in climate models and reanalyses,Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(12): 1-14, doi:10.1007/s13131-014-0567-6
SU Jie,Bo Yang, Ling Du, Shunying Ji, 2013, Monitoring Thin Ice Thickness by upward-looking Sonar in Bohai Sea,International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering (ISSN 1053-5381) 23(2), 96-103
SU Jie, HAO Guang-hua, YE Xin-xin, WANG Wei-bo, 2013, The Experiment and Validation of Sea Ice Concentration AMSR-E Retrieval Algorithm in Polar Region, Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(3), 495-513
张洋,苏洁*,2012,白令海峡夏季流量变化的影响因素分析,海洋学报,34(5), 1-10
苏洁、徐栋、赵进平、李翔,2010,北极加速变暖条件下西北航道的海冰分布变化特征,极地研究,22(2), 104-124
胡宪敏,苏洁*,赵进平,Genevieve Hiltebrand, 2007,白令海-楚科奇海的海冰范围变化特征,冰川冻土,29(1),53-60
SU Jie, WU Huiding, ZHANG Yunfei, BAI Shan, and LIU Qinzhen, 2005, A coupled ice-ocean model for the Bohai Sea: II. Case study, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 24(3), 54-67
SUJie, WU Huiding, ZHANG Yunfei, LIU Qinzhen and BAI Shan, 2004, A coupled ice-ocean model for the Bohai Sea: I. Study on model and parameter, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 23(4), 597-608

苏洁、郝光华,叶鑫欣等,软件著作权登记(2011SR088714):基于AMSR-E微波数据的极区海冰密集度和海冰面积/范围反演软件, 发表日期:2011年7月20日


2010-2014,担任ISOPE (International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference) 国际海洋与极地工程国际会议-北极科学与技术(Arctic Science & Technology Symposium)分会技术委员会委员



SU Jie

College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Ocean University of China
238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China
Tel: +86-
Email: sujie@ouc.edu.cn

09/1984-07/1988, B.S. in Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of China
09/1994-07/1997, M.S. in Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of China
09/1998-07/2001, Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Ocean University of China

07/1988-08/1998, Assistant Engineer (1988-1993),Engineer (1993-1998), Qingdao Regional Center of Marine Environmental Forecasting of State Oceanic Administration,China
09/2001-05/2004,Post DoctorinPhysical Oceanography, Ocean University of China
06/2004 - now,Associate Professor(2003-2015),Professor (since 2015),College of Ocean and Atmosphere,Ocean University of China
09/2006-01/2008, NSERC Talent Program, visiting fellowship, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, DFO, Canada

01/2013-12/2016/, NSFC Project“Study on the distribution of the Arctic ice melt pond and its parameterization in the ice-ocean coupled model”(**),Project director
01/2009-12/2011,NSFC Project“Sea ice distribution and its inter-decadal variation in the Pacific sector of Arctic”(**),Project director
01/2009-12/2011,KeyProjectof National High Technology 863 Plan(2008AA121701), Polar Sea ice and ocean process remote sensing technique,Project director
07/2009-07/2011, the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministryunder the No.[2009]1001, “The effect of Arctic sea ice rapidly decreasing to water transport in main strait of Arctic”, Project director
10/2002-10/2004:Youth Fund of National High Technology 863 Project(2002AA639340), “Dynamic Interpolation Technique of Satellite Remote Sensing Dataon Sea-Ice Process in the Bohai Sea”, Project director, Project director
01/2015-08/2019, National Basic Research Program of China (973) project“The structure change of the arctic sea ice after it thinned and the mechanism of the rapid melt of sea ice” (2015CB953901), PI
01/2013-12/2017, National Basic Research Program of China (973) project“Assembling coupling and climate change simulation experiments on cryosphere components in the climate system model” (2013CBA01805), PI

HAO Guanghua and SU Jie*, 2015,A Study on the Dynamic Tie Points ASI Algorithm in the Arctic Ocean,Acta Oceanologica Sinica., 34(11), 126–135, doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0659-y
HAO Guanghua and SU Jie*, 2015, A Study of Multiyear Ice Concentration Retrieval Algorithms Using AMSR-E Data, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(9), 102-109, doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0656-1
WANG Chunyin and SU Jie*, 2015,Comparison of melt pond parameterization schemes in CICE model [J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica., 37(11), 41-56 (in Chinese with English abstract)
WANG Wei-bo and SU Jie*, 2015, Sea ice edge automatic retrieval based on morphology, Journal of Remote Sensing, 19(6), 983-997, DOI: 10.11834/jrs.**
WEI Jianfen and SU Jie*, 2014,Mechanism of an Abrupt Decrease in Sea-Ice Cover in the Pacific Sector of the Arctic during the Late 1980s,Atmosphere-Ocean52(5), 434-445.DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.970505
LI Xiang, SU Jie*, ZHAO Jinping, 2014, An evaluation of the simulations of the Arctic Intermediate Water in climate models and reanalyses,Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(12), 1-14, doi:10.1007/s13131-014-0567-6
SU Jie,Bo Yang, Ling Du, Shunying Ji, 2013, Monitoring Thin Ice Thickness by upward-looking Sonar in Bohai Sea,International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering (ISSN 1053-5381) 23(2), 96-103
SU Jie, HAO Guang-hua, YE Xin-xin, WANG Wei-bo, 2013, The Experiment and Validation of Sea Ice Concentration AMSR-E Retrieval Algorithm in Polar Region, Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(3), 495-513
ZHANG Yang and SU Jie*,2012,The inter-annual variability in the volume transport through Bering Strait and its related factors, Acta Oceanologica Sinica., 34(5), 1-10 (in Chinese with English abstract)
SU Jie, XU Dong, ZHAO Jinping, LI Xiang, Features of Northwest Passage sea ice’s distribution and variation under Arctic rapidly warming condition, Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 22(2), 104-124 (in Chinese with English abstract)
HU Xianmin, SU Jie*, ZHAO Jinping, Genevieve Hiltebrand, 2007, Variation Characteristics of the seaice extent in Bering-Chukchi Seas, Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 29(1), 53-60 (in Chinese with English abstract)
SU Jie, WU Huiding, ZHANG Yunfei, BAI Shan, and LIU Qinzhen, 2005, A coupled ice-ocean model for the Bohai Sea: II. Case study, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 24(3), 54-67
SUJie, WU Huiding, ZHANG Yunfei, LIU Qinzhen and BAI Shan, 2004, A coupled ice-ocean model for the Bohai Sea: I. Study on model and parameter, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 23(4), 597-608

SU Jie, WANG Weibo, YU Fei and FU Hongli, Patent of Invention (CN2.4): Automatic method for precise identification of sea ice edge line. Accredit Date: Jun 12, 2013
JIAO Yutian, SU Jie, MA Xiaobing, ZHAO Jinping, CAO Yong, LI Tao, WANG Jingchuan, Patent of Utility Model (CN7.X.): Under-ice mill for ice. Accredit Date: Nov 9, 2011
SU Jie, HAO Guanghua, YE Xinxin, et al., Software Copyright (2011SR088714): Retrieval of polar sea ice concentration and area (extent) based on AMSR-E microwave data
WANG Weibo, SU Jie, et al., Software Copyright (2012SR003190): Retrieval of sea ice concentration based on MODIS data
ZHANG Shugang, ZHAO Jinping and SU Jie, Software Copyright (2012SR006248): Retrieval and validation of sea ice concentration based on microwave polarized brightness temperature ratio

2013,Excellent Guide Teacher of the 13th Challenge Cup Undergraduate Extracurricular Science and Technology Achievement of Shandong Provence

Academic part-time
2010-2014,ISOPE (International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference),Arctic Science & Technology Symposium,TPC member

Undergraduate: Physical Oceanography/Ocean Dynamics

Research Interests
Mechanism of sea ice variability
Sea ice remote sensing
Numerical simulation of ice-ocean coupling

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