

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26



2009/09-2013/08 香港中文大学地球信息科学博士
2002/09-2006/06 中国海洋大学 海洋科学 学士
2020/01-至今 中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院 副教授
2017/01-2019/12 中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院讲师
2013/09-2017/01 中国海洋大学信息科学与工程学院讲师

[1]Fangguo Zhai, Wenfan Wu, Yanzhen Gu*, Peiliang Li, Zizhou Liu, Dynamics of the seasonal wave height variability in the South China Sea, International Journal of Climatology, 2020.(Accept)
[2]Xingchuan Liu,Yanzhen Gu*, et al.,A Tidally Dependent Plume Bulge at the Pearl River Estuary Mouth, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2020. (Accept)
[3]Zhai Fangguo, Gu Yanzhen(*), On the abyssal circulation in the Philippine Sea. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2020, 19(2):249-262.
[4]Gu Yanzhen(*), Peiliang Li, Maolin Li, Numerical modeling and theoretical analysis of the existence of the Pearl River plume bulge, Ocean Dynamics, 2019,DOI:10.1007/s10236-019-01300-3.
[5]Lin Wenqiang, Zhai Fangguo,Gu Yanzhen(*), Li Peiliang, Decadal variations of the North Pacific Tropical Water at 137°E. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2019,37(5), 1495-1509
[6]Pan, J., Y. Gu, (2016), Cruise Observation and Numerical Modeling of Turbulent Mixing in the Pearl River Estuary in Summer, Continental Shelf Research,120, 122-138, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2016.03.019.
[7]Sun Ruili, Gu Yanzhen(*), Li Peiliang, Li Lei, Zhai Fangguo, Gao Guoping (2016), Statistical characteristics and formation mechanism of the Lanyu cold eddy, Journal of Oceanography, 72 (1), 1-9.
[8]Bai Peng, Gu Yanzhen(*), Li Peiliang, Wu Kejian (2016), Modelling the upwelling off the east Hainan Island coast in summer 2010, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, doi: 10.1007/s00343-016-5147-5.
[9]Bai Peng, Gu Yanzhen(*), Li Peiliang, Wu Kejian (2016), Tidal energy budget in the Zhujiang (Pearl River) Estuary, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(5), 54-65.
[10]Gu Yanzhen(*), Pan Jiayi, Li Peiliang (2015), Remote Sensing Studies of an Upwelling Jet in Guangdong Coastal Water, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2015, 8(1): 160-170.
[11]Bai Peng, Gu, Yanzhen(*), Luo Lin, Zhang Wanlei, Fan Kaiguo (2015), Observation of the supercritical Pearl River plume front under the downwelling favorable winds, Science China: Earth Sciences, 58(11): 2059-2066.
[12]Pan, J., Y. Gu, and D. Wang (2014), Observations and numerical modeling of the Pearl River plume in summer season, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 119, 2480–2500, doi:10.1002/2013JC009042.
[13]Gu, Yanzhen, Pan, Jiayi,Lin, Hui,Remote sensing observation and numerical modeling of an upwelling jet in Guangdong coastal water,Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,2012,117.
[14]Gu, Yanzhen,Liu, Yuguang,Xu, Qing,Liu, Yahao,Liu, Xueyuan,Ma, Yujuan,A new wind retrieval algorithm for Jason-1 at high wind speeds,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2011,32(5):13.




College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Ocean University of China
238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China
Email: guyanzhen@ouc.edu.cn
09/2002-06/2006, B.S. in Marine Science, Ocean University of China
09/2006-06/2009, M.S. in Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of China
09/2009-08/2013, Ph.D. in GeoInformation Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
09/2013-12/2019, Lecture, Ocean University of China
01/2020-Present, Associate Professor, Ocean University of China

[1]01/2017-12/2019,NSFC project“Stabilization of plume bulge and its effects on the dispersal ofPearl River plume” (**),200k, PI
[2]12/2014-12/2017, Shandong Provincial NSFC project“The Simulation of surface currents observation using Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Processes in the Kuroshio Extension Region and Their Effects on Circulations in the East Asian Marginal Seas” (**), 960k, PI
[1]Fangguo Zhai, Wenfan Wu, Yanzhen Gu*, Peiliang Li, Zizhou Liu, Dynamics of the seasonal wave height variability in the South China Sea, International Journal of Climatology, 2020.(Accept)
[2]Xingchuan Liu,Yanzhen Gu*, et al.,A Tidally Dependent Plume Bulge at the Pearl River Estuary Mouth, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2020. (Accept)
[3]Zhai Fangguo, Gu Yanzhen(*), On the abyssal circulation in the Philippine Sea. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2020, 19(2):249-262.
[4]Gu Yanzhen(*), Peiliang Li, Maolin Li, Numerical modeling and theoretical analysis of the existence of the Pearl River plume bulge, Ocean Dynamics, 2019,DOI:10.1007/s10236-019-01300-3.
[5]Lin Wenqiang, Zhai Fangguo,Gu Yanzhen(*), Li Peiliang, Decadal variations of the North Pacific Tropical Water at 137°E. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2019,37(5), 1495-1509.
[6]Pan, J., Y. Gu, (2016), Cruise Observation and Numerical Modeling of Turbulent Mixing in the Pearl River Estuary in Summer, Continental Shelf Research,120, 122-138, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2016.03.019.
[7]Sun Ruili, Gu Yanzhen(*), Li Peiliang, Li Lei, Zhai Fangguo, Gao Guoping (2016), Statistical characteristics and formation mechanism of the Lanyu cold eddy, Journal of Oceanography, 72 (1), 1-9.
[8]Bai Peng, Gu Yanzhen(*), Li Peiliang, Wu Kejian (2016), Modelling the upwelling off the east Hainan Island coast in summer 2010, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, doi: 10.1007/s00343-016-5147-5.
[9]Bai Peng, Gu Yanzhen(*), Li Peiliang, Wu Kejian (2016), Tidal energy budget in the Zhujiang (Pearl River) Estuary, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(5), 54-65.
[10]Gu Yanzhen(*), Pan Jiayi, Li Peiliang (2015), Remote Sensing Studies of an Upwelling Jet in Guangdong Coastal Water, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2015, 8(1): 160-170.
[11]Bai Peng, Gu, Yanzhen(*), Luo Lin, Zhang Wanlei, Fan Kaiguo (2015), Observation of the supercritical Pearl River plume front under the downwelling favorable winds, Science China: Earth Sciences, 58(11): 2059-2066.
[12]Pan, J., Y. Gu, and D. Wang (2014), Observations and numerical modeling of the Pearl River plume in summer season, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 119, 2480–2500, doi:10.1002/2013JC009042.
[13]Gu, Yanzhen, Pan, Jiayi,Lin, Hui,Remote sensing observation and numerical modeling of an upwelling jet in Guangdong coastal water,Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,2012,117.
[14]Gu, Yanzhen,Liu, Yuguang,Xu, Qing,Liu, Yahao,Liu, Xueyuan,Ma, Yujuan,A new wind retrieval algorithm for Jason-1 at high wind speeds,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2011,32(5):13.
Undergraduate: Satellite Oceanology;Marine Science
Research Interests
Numerical and theoretical studies of the extension of river plume;

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