本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26
1994/09-1998/06 东南大学环境工程学士
2001/09-2006/06 中国海洋大学环境工程博士(硕博连读)
2007/06-2010/06 中国海洋大学海洋科学博士后流动站博士后
2010/07-2016/11 中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院讲师
8. 国家海洋局课题,**,极地海洋空间规划研究,2018/12/01-2018/01/01-2018/12/31,35万元,在研,主持
1. Jia Liu, Ning Liu, Yumiao Zhang, Zheng Qu, Jing Yu. Evaluation of the non-use value of beach tourism resources: A case study of Qingdao coastal scenic area, China, Ocean & Coastal Management,2019, 168: 63~71.
2. Qi Yue, Meng Zhao, Jing Yu. Sea Use Fees in China: An Effective Economic Tool for Sea Use Management Coastal Management, Coastal Management,2018,46(5): 1~17.
4.余静; 于小芹; 周玲玲; 冯若燕, 基于系统动力学的胶州湾生态安全评价研究,海洋湖沼通报, 2018, (1): 1~7
5.刘楠楠; 朱庆林; 余静; 严淑青; 安太天, 山东半岛海洋资源环境承载能力研究,海洋开发与管理, 2018, (1): 88~94
6.于志鹏; 余静, 海洋保护区生态补偿标准的初步探讨——以厦门海洋珍稀物种国家级自然保护区为例, 海洋环境科学, 2017, 36(2): 202~208
7.于志鹏; 余静, 海洋保护区珍稀濒危物种价值评估研究——以厦门海洋珍稀物种国家级自然保护区为例, 海洋环境科学, 2017, 36(1): 81~86
8.Zafar Ullah; Wen Wu(*); Peifang Guo; Jing Yu, A study on the development of marine functional zoning in China and its guiding principles for Pakistan, Ocean & Coastal Management, 2017, (144): 40~50
9.周玲玲; 鲍献文; 余静; 张宇; 武文; 冯若燕, 中国生态用海管理发展初探, 中国海洋大学学报, 2017, (6): 24~29
10.YU Jing; BAO Xianwen; DING Yang(*); ZHANG Wei; ZHOU Lingling,The Impact of Large-Scale Reclamation on Hydro-Dynamic Environment – A Case Study of Xinghua Bay, J. Ocean Univ. China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research), 2016, 15(4): 583~592
11.Ruoyan Feng; Xiaoxuan Chen; Peng Li; Lingling Zhou; Jing Yu(*) ,Development of China's marine functional zoning: A preliminary analysis, Ocean &Coastal Management, 2016, (131): 39~44
12.冯若燕; 余静; 李鹏, 我国海滩管理问题成因分析及对策建议, 海洋开发与管理, 2016, (09): 33~36
13.YU Jing; ZHANG Xueqing(*); LIU Jinliang; LIU Rui; WANG Xing, Numerical study on the infl uences of Nanliu River runoff and tides on water age in Lianzhou Bay, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2016, 34(5): 1106~1113
Jing Yu
Associate Professor
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Ocean University of China
238 Songling Road, Qingdao,China,266100
Tel: +86-
Email: by6801@ouc.edu.cn
?09/1994-06/1998, B.S. in Environmental Engineering, Southeast University
?09/2001-06/2006, Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Ocean University of China
?06/2007-06/2010,Post-doctor in Oceanic Science, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
?07/2010-11/2016, Lecture, Ocean University of China
?12/2016-present, Associate Professor, Ocean University of China
1.07/2017-12/2020, National key research and development plan “Standard research on Marine environment and ecological protection equipment” (2017YFF**), 450k, PI
2.01/2018-12/2021, Joint fund project for National natural science foundation “The evolution trend and regulation principle of the ecological environment in Laizhou bay under multiple artificial pressure” (U**), 2820k, Participant
3.01/2018-12/2019, Open Fund for Key Laboratory of Sea-Area Management Technology, SOA “Evaluation of the Ecological Vulnerability of Bohai Bay, China, under Major Marine Functional Zoning Plan” (201705), 30k, PI
4.07/2018-12/2011, Major projects of the National social science foundation “Research on the ecological safety supervision mechanism of Marine pastures in China” (18ZDA055), 800k, Participant
5.10/2018-12/2019, Project of China Marine development research center “Evaluation of ecological value of coastal resources and environment and study of land-sea coordination mechanism” (2018AA037), 400k, PI
6. 12/2018-12/2019, National marine planning project “Evaluation of ecosystem services in coastal zones” (**), 200k, PI
7.12/2018-12/2019, National marine planning project “Measurement study on the coordinated development of Marine economy and resources and environment” (**), 150k, PI
8.01/2018-12/2018, National marine planning project “Research on polar marine space planning” (**), 350k, PI
9.Project of China ocean development research association “The impact of the development of arctic shipping routes on the ice silk road and China's response” (CAMAJJ201801), 50k, Participant
10.07/2016-12/2020, Major projects of the National social science foundation “Marine ecological damage compensation standard and system design” (16ZDA049), 800k, Participant
1. Jia Liu, Ning Liu, Yumiao Zhang, Zheng Qu, Jing Yu, 2019: Evaluation of the non-use value of beach tourism resources: A case study of Qingdao coastal scenic area, China, Ocean & Coastal Management, 168: 63~71.
2. Qi Yue, Meng Zhao, Jing Yu, 2018: Sea Use Fees in China: An Effective Economic Tool for Sea Use Management Coastal Management, Coastal Management, 46(5): 1~17.
3. Honghao Tang, Jing Yu, Qi Yue, 2018: Arctic marine space planning: current situation and development trend, Journal of ocean university of China(social science edition):96-100
4. YU Jing, YU Xiaoqin, ZHOU Lingling, FENG Ruoyan, 2018: An Analysis of Ecological Security in JIaozhou Bay Based on SD Model, Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology,(1):1-7
5. LIU Nannan, ZHU Qinglin, YU Jing, YAN Shuqing, AN Taitian, 2018: Marine Resources and Environment Carrying Capacity in Shandong Peninsula, Ocean Development and Management, (1): 88-94
6. YU Zhipeng, YU Jing, 2017: Preliminary study on ecological compensation standard of marine reserve: a case of Xiamen Rare Marine Species National Nature Reserve, Marine Environmental Science, 36(2): 202-208
7. YU Zhipeng, YU Jing, 2017: Study on value assessment of rare and endangered species in marine reserve:a case of the Xiamen rare marine species national nature reserve, Marine Environmental Science, 36(1): 81-86
8. Zafar Ullah; Wen Wu(*); Peifang Guo; Jing Yu, 2017: A study on the development of marine functional zoning in China and its guiding principles for Pakistan, Ocean & Coastal Management, (144): 40~50
9.ZHOU Lingling, BAO Xianwen, YU Jing, ZHANG Yu, WU Wen, FENG Ruoyan, 2017: A Studu on the Development of Ecological Marine Utilization Management in China, Journal of Ocean University of China, (6): 24~29
10.YU Jing, BAO Xianwen, DING Yang*, ZHANG Wei, and ZHOU Lingling, 2016: The Impact of Large-Scale Reclamation on Hydro-Dynamic Environment - A Case Study of Xinghua Bay, Journal of Ocean University of China,15 (4): 583-592
11. FENG Ruoyan, Chen Xiaoxuan, Li Peng, Zhou Lingling, Yu Jing *, 2016: Development of China's marine functional zoning: A preliminary analysis. Ocean & Coastal Management, 131:39-44
12. FENG Ruoyan, Jing Yu*, Li Peng, 2016: Analysis on the Causes of Beach Management Issues of China and Countermeasures, Ocean Development and Management, 9: 33-36
13. YU Jing, ZHANG Xueqing*, LIU Jinliang, LIU Rui, WANG Xing, 2016: Numerical study on the influences of Nanliu River runoff and tides on water age in Lianzhou Bay, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 34(5):1106-1113
1.Yu Jing, 2015: Investigation on the Effects of Economic Development in the Bohai Region on the Ecological Environment around the Coastal Zone and the Tackling Scheme, the Third Award for Outstanding Youth Project, China Marine Development Research Center
?Undergraduate: Introduction to Marine Resources; Introduction to Marine Management
?Graduate: Marine Resources; Integrated Marine Management
Research Interests
?Marine space planning;
?Marine and coastal zone management;
?Marine environmental impact assessment, sea use demonstration.
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