

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26



2001/09-2005/06 山东大学环境工程学士
2007/12-2009/08 北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校联合培养博士Richard M. Kamens 教授
2012/10-2015/08 香港科技大学环境学部博士后
2015/09-2015/12香港科技大学环境学部Project Consultant
[1] 2020/01-2021/12,国家环境保护城市大气复合污染成因与防治重点实验室开放基金,应用高分辨率质谱对三个沿海城市冬夏两季气溶胶中类腐殖质(HULIS)形成机理的研究,主持,在研
[2] 2019/11-2024/10,国家重点研发计划“北极快速变化的机理、影响及其气候效应研究”(课题四)2019YFA**,影响北极未来变化趋势的关键过程、情景与效应研究,骨干,在研。
[3] 2019/01-2022/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,绿潮多发期黄海沿岸大气细粒子中有机胺的形成机制研究(**),主持,在研
[4] 2017/01-2019/12,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,我国近海大气气溶胶老化过程对人为源排放细粒子中Fe溶解度的影响(**),主持,结题
[5] 2016/11-2019/02,山东省自然科学基金项目“应用单颗粒质谱仪研究认为源气溶胶老化对其中可溶性重金属Fe的影响”(ZR2016DB02),主持,结题
[6] 2016/01-2021/12,中国海洋大学英才工程第三层次人才计划,主持,在研
[7] 2017/01-2018/12,物理海洋教育部重点实验室自主科研课题,海洋-大气相互作用模拟实验箱的建立,主持,结题


2005 年以来一直从事气溶胶理化特征及形成机制研究,尤其在探明华北地区气溶胶污染成因,及二次气溶胶生成的烟雾箱模拟等方面进行了深入的研究,近五年主要围绕香港及青岛沿海地区的气溶胶进行在线研究,包括对海洋气溶胶进行单颗粒质谱分析、在线离子色谱及OCEC分析等,通过相关分析对各种污染过程中无机、有机污染气溶胶的形成机制、来源解析进行研究,着重对海洋气溶胶和城市气溶胶的相互作用、气溶胶的单颗粒性质及其气候效应等方向的研究,目前发表SCI论文30余篇,i10-index16。
[1] YangZhou*, Yanjing Zhang, Stephen M. Griffith, Guanru Wu, Lei Li, Yunhui Zhao, Mei Li, Zhen Zhou and Jian Zhen Yu*, Field Evidence of Fe-Mediated Photochemical Degradation of Oxalate and Subsequent Sulfate Formation Observed by Single Particle Mass Spectrometry, Environment Science & Technology, 2020, doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c00443 (通讯作者)
[2] Wenshuai Li, Wencai Wang, Yang Zhou*, Yuanyuan Ma, Daizhou Zhang and Lifang Sheng*, Occurrence and Reverse Transport of Severe Dust Storms Associated with Synoptic Weather in East Asia, Atmosphere 2019, 10(1), 4; doi:10.3390/atmos** (通讯作者)
[3] Yang Zhou, X. H. Hilda Huang, Stephen M. Griffith, Mei Li, Lei Li, Zhen Zhou, Junwang Meng, Chak K. Chan, Peter K. K. Louie, Jian Zhen Yu, A field measurement based scaling approach for quantification of major ions, organic carbon, and elemental carbon using a single particle aerosol mass spectrometer, Atmospheric Environment, 2016. 143, 300-312
[4] Yang Zhou, Xiaohui Hilda Huang, Qijing Bian, Stephen M. Griffith, Peter K. K. Louie, Jian Zhen Yu, Sources and atmospheric processes impacting oxalate at a suburban coastal site in Hong Kong: Insights inferred from 1 year hourly measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2015, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JD023531.
[5] Yang Zhou, Elias P Rosen, Haofei Zhang, Weruka Rattanavaraha, Wenxing Wang, Richard M Kamens, SO2 oxidation and nucleation studies at near-atmospheric conditions in outdoor smog chamber, Environmental Chemistry, 2013, 10, 210-220.
[6] Yang Zhou, Likun Xue, Tao Wang, Xiaomei Gao, Zhe Wang, Xinfeng Wang, Jiamin Zhang, Qingzhu Zhang, Wenxing Wang, Characterization of aerosol acidity at a high mountain site in central eastern China, Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 51, 11-20.
[7] Yang Zhou, Tao Wang, Xiaomei Gao, Likun Xue, Xinfeng Wang, Zhe Wang, Jian Gao, Qingzhu Zhang, Wenxing Wang, Continuous observations of water-soluble ions in PM2.5 at Mount Tai (1534 m asl) in central-eastern China, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 2009, 64, 107-127.
[8] Yang Zhou, Haofei Zhang, Harshal M Parikh, Eric H Chen, Weruka Rattanavaraha, Elias P Rosen, Wenxing Wang, Richard M Kamens, Secondary organic aerosol formation from xylenes and mixtures of toluene and xylenes in an atmospheric urban hydrocarbon mixture: Water and particle seed effects (II), Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 3882-3890.
[9] Luo C, Wang W, Sheng L, Zhou Y, Hu Z, Qu W, Li X, Hai S. Influence of polluted dust on chlorophyll-a concentration and particulate organic carbon in the subarctic North Pacific Ocean based on satellite observation and the WRF-Chem simulation. Atmospheric Research, 2019, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104812.
[10] Luo, Y., Zhou, X., Zhang, J., Xiao, Y., Wang, Z., & Zhou, Y.,et al. (2018). PM 2.5, pollution in a petrochemical industry city of northern china: seasonal variation and source apportionment. Atmospheric Research.
[11]Wenjun Qu, Jun Wang, Xiaoye Zhang, Yaqiang Wang, Shanhong Gao, Chuanhu Zhao, Linyuan Sun, Yang Zhou, Wencai Wang, Xiaohuan Liu, Effect of weakened diurnal evolution of atmospheric boundary layer to air pollution over eastern China associated to aerosol, cloud – ABL feedback, Atmospheric Environment, 2018.
[12] Wu, R., Zhou, X., Wang, L., Wang, Z., Zhou, Y.,& Zhang, J., et al. (2017). Pm2.5 characteristics in qingdao and across coastal cities in china. Atmosphere, 8(4).
[13] Nie, W., Hong, J., H?me, S. A. K., Ding, A., Li, Y., & Yan, C., et al. (2017). Volatility of mixed atmospheric humic-like substances and ammonium sulfate particles. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 17(5), 3659-3672.
[14] Qian Liu,Ziqi Cao, Lifang Sheng, Yina Diao, Wencai Wang,Yang Zhou, Jingyi Qiu, Possible connection between the East Asian summer monsoon and a swing of the haze-fog-prone aera in eastern China Theor. Appl. Climatol 2017 (5): 1-11.
[15] Liu, Q., Sheng, L., Cao, Z., Diao, Y., Wang, W., & Zhou, Y.(2017). Dual effects of the winter monsoon on haze‐fog variations in eastern china. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 122(11).
[16] Harshal M Parikh, Annmarie G Carlton, Yang Zhou, Haofei Zhang, Richard M Kamens, William Vizuete, Modeling secondary organic aerosol formation from xylene and aromatic mixtures using a dynamic partitioning approach incorporating particle aqueous-phase chemistry (II), Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 56, 250-260.
[17] Haofei Zhang, Weruka Rattanavaraha, Yang Zhou, Jyoti Bapat, Elias P Rosen, Kenneth G Sexton, Richard M Kamens, A new gas-phase condensed mechanism of isoprene-NO x photooxidation, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 4507-4521.
[18] Lingxiao Yang, Xuehua Zhou, Zhe Wang, Yang Zhou, Shuhui Cheng, Pengju Xu, Xiaomei Gao, Wei Nie, Xinfeng Wang, Wenxing Wang, Airborne fine particulate pollution in Jinan, China: concentrations, chemical compositions and influence on visibility impairment, Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 55, 506-514.
[19] Richard M Kamens, Haofei Zhang, Eric H Chen, Yang Zhou, Harshal M Parikh, Rebecca L Wilson, Katherine E Galloway, Elias P Rosen, Secondary organic aerosol formation from toluene in an atmospheric hydrocarbon mixture: water and particle seed effects, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 2324-2334.
[20] Xiaomei Gao, Lingxiao Yang, Shuhui Cheng, Rui Gao, Yang Zhou, Likun Xue, Youping Shou, Jing Wang, Xinfeng Wang, Wei Nie, Semi-continuous measurement of water-soluble ions in PM 2.5 in Jinan, China: temporal variations and source apportionments, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 6048-6056.
[21] Shuhui Cheng, Lingxiao Yang, Xuehua Zhou, Zhe Wang, Yang Zhou, Xiaomei Gao, Wei Nie, Xinfeng Wang, Pengju Xu, Wenxing Wang, Evaluating PM2. 5 ionic components and source apportionment in Jinan, China from 2004 to 2008 using trajectory statistical methods, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2011, 13, 1662-1671.
[22] ShuHui Cheng, LingXiao Yang, XueHua Zhou, LiKun Xue, XiaoMei Gao, Yang Zhou, WenXing Wang, Size-fractionated water-soluble ions, situ pH and water content in aerosol on hazy days and the influences on visibility impairment in Jinan, China, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 4631-4640.
[23] Zhe Wang, Tao Wang, Rui Gao, Likun Xue, Jia Guo, Yang Zhou, Wei Nie, Xinfeng Wang, Pengju Xu, Jian Gao, Source and variation of carbonaceous aerosols at Mount Tai, North China: Results from a semi-continuous instrument, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 1655-1667.
[24] Xinfeng Wang, Wenxing Wang, Likun Xue, Xiaomei Gao, Wei Nie, Yangchun Yu, Yang Zhou, Lingxiao Yang, Qingzhu Zhang, Tao Wang, Size-resolved aerosol ionic composition and secondary formation at Mount Heng in South Central China, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2013, 7, 815-826.
[25] Yan Wang, Jia Guo, Tao Wang, Aijun Ding, Jian Gao, Yang Zhou, Jeffrey L Collett, Wenxing Wang, Influence of regional pollution and sandstorms on the chemical composition of cloud/fog at the summit of Mt. Taishan in northern China, Atmospheric Research, 2011, 99, 434-442.
[26] Xiaomei Gao, Likun Xue, Xinfeng Wang, Tao Wang, Chao Yuan, Rui Gao, Yang Zhou, Wei Nie, Qingzhu Zhang, Wenxing Wang, Aerosol ionic components at Mt. Heng in central southern China: abundances, size distribution, and impacts of long-range transport, Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 433, 498-506.
[27] Zhe Wang, Tao Wang, Jia Guo, Rui Gao, Likun Xue, Jiamin Zhang, Yang Zhou, Xuehua Zhou, Qingzhu Zhang, Wenxing Wang, Formation of secondary organic carbon and cloud impact on carbonaceous aerosols at Mount Tai, North China, Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 46, 516-527.
[28] Xinfeng Wang, Wenxing Wang, Lingxiao Yang, Xiaomei Gao, Wei Nie, Yangchun Yu, Pengju Xu, Yang Zhou, Zhe Wang, The secondary formation of inorganic aerosols in the droplet mode through heterogeneous aqueous reactions under haze conditions, Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 63, 68-76.
[29] LingXiao Yang, DongCheng Wang, ShuHui Cheng, Zhe Wang, Yang Zhou, Xue-Hua Zhou, WenXing Wang, Influence of meteorological conditions and particulate matter on visual range impairment in Jinan, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2007, 383, 164-173.
[30]高健, 周杨, 王进, 王韬, 王文兴, WPS^ TM-TEOM^ TM-MOUDI^ TM 的对比及大气气溶胶密度研究, 环境科学, 2007, 28, 1929-1934.
[31]高晓梅, 王韬, 周杨, 薛丽坤, 张庆竹, 王新锋, 聂玮, 王文兴, 王德众, 泰山春, 夏两季大气颗粒物及其水溶性无机离子的粒径分布特征, 环境化学, 2011, 30, 686-692.


Associate Professor
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Ocean University of China
238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China
Tel: +86-**
Email: yangzhou@ouc.edu.cn
2001/09-2005/06 B.S. in Environmental Engineering, Shandong University
2005/09-2012/06 Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Shandong University
2007/12-2009/08 Joint Ph.D. candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2012/10-2015/08 Postdoc, HKUST, Division of Environment
2015/09-2016/12Project Consultant,HKUST, Division of Environment
2016/01-presentAssociate Professor, Ocean University of China
[1]2019/01-2022/12,NSFC project,“Amine formation in fine particles along the coast of Yellow Sea during the bloom of Green Tides”(**),620K,PI
[2]2017/01-2020/12,NSFC project“Impact of aerosol aging on the solubility of anthropogenic iron in the fine particles over China coast seas” (**),220k, PI
[3]2016/11-2019/02,Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province“Aerosol aging on the solubility of anthropogenic iron in the fine particles by using single particle mass spectrometer”(ZR2016DB02),80K,PI
[4]2016/01-2021/12,“Youth Talent” program of Ocean University of China,100k,PI
[5]2017/01-2018/12,Seed Research Foundationby the KEY LABORATORY OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPYH·MOE·OUC,An Atmosphere-Sea interaction simulation Chamber system(ASC),80K,PI
[1] YangZhou*, Yanjing Zhang, Stephen M. Griffith, Guanru Wu, Lei Li, Yunhui Zhao, Mei Li, Zhen Zhou and Jian Zhen Yu*, Field Evidence of Fe-Mediated Photochemical Degradation of Oxalate and Subsequent Sulfate Formation Observed by Single Particle Mass Spectrometry, Environment Science & Technology, 2020, doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c00443 (通讯作者)
[2] Wenshuai Li, Wencai Wang, Yang Zhou*, Yuanyuan Ma, Daizhou Zhang and Lifang Sheng*, Occurrence and Reverse Transport of Severe Dust Storms Associated with Synoptic Weather in East Asia, Atmosphere 2019, 10(1), 4; doi:10.3390/atmos** (通讯作者)
[3] Yang Zhou, X. H. Hilda Huang, Stephen M. Griffith, Mei Li, Lei Li, Zhen Zhou, Junwang Meng, Chak K. Chan, Peter K. K. Louie, Jian Zhen Yu, A field measurement based scaling approach for quantification of major ions, organic carbon, and elemental carbon using a single particle aerosol mass spectrometer, Atmospheric Environment, 2016. 143, 300-312
[4] Yang Zhou, Xiaohui Hilda Huang, Qijing Bian, Stephen M. Griffith, Peter K. K. Louie, Jian Zhen Yu, Sources and atmospheric processes impacting oxalate at a suburban coastal site in Hong Kong: Insights inferred from 1 year hourly measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2015, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JD023531.
[5] Yang Zhou, Elias P Rosen, Haofei Zhang, Weruka Rattanavaraha, Wenxing Wang, Richard M Kamens, SO2 oxidation and nucleation studies at near-atmospheric conditions in outdoor smog chamber, Environmental Chemistry, 2013, 10, 210-220.
[6] Yang Zhou, Likun Xue, Tao Wang, Xiaomei Gao, Zhe Wang, Xinfeng Wang, Jiamin Zhang, Qingzhu Zhang, Wenxing Wang, Characterization of aerosol acidity at a high mountain site in central eastern China, Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 51, 11-20.
[7] Yang Zhou, Tao Wang, Xiaomei Gao, Likun Xue, Xinfeng Wang, Zhe Wang, Jian Gao, Qingzhu Zhang, Wenxing Wang, Continuous observations of water-soluble ions in PM2.5 at Mount Tai (1534 m asl) in central-eastern China, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 2009, 64, 107-127.
[8] Yang Zhou, Haofei Zhang, Harshal M Parikh, Eric H Chen, Weruka Rattanavaraha, Elias P Rosen, Wenxing Wang, Richard M Kamens, Secondary organic aerosol formation from xylenes and mixtures of toluene and xylenes in an atmospheric urban hydrocarbon mixture: Water and particle seed effects (II), Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 3882-3890.
[9] Luo C, Wang W, Sheng L, Zhou Y, Hu Z, Qu W, Li X, Hai S. Influence of polluted dust on chlorophyll-a concentration and particulate organic carbon in the subarctic North Pacific Ocean based on satellite observation and the WRF-Chem simulation. Atmospheric Research, 2019, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104812.
[10] Luo, Y., Zhou, X., Zhang, J., Xiao, Y., Wang, Z., & Zhou, Y.,et al. (2018). PM 2.5, pollution in a petrochemical industry city of northern china: seasonal variation and source apportionment. Atmospheric Research.
[11]Wenjun Qu, Jun Wang, Xiaoye Zhang, Yaqiang Wang, Shanhong Gao, Chuanhu Zhao, Linyuan Sun, Yang Zhou, Wencai Wang, Xiaohuan Liu, Effect of weakened diurnal evolution of atmospheric boundary layer to air pollution over eastern China associated to aerosol, cloud – ABL feedback, Atmospheric Environment, 2018.
[12] Wu, R., Zhou, X., Wang, L., Wang, Z., Zhou, Y.,& Zhang, J., et al. (2017). Pm2.5 characteristics in qingdao and across coastal cities in china. Atmosphere, 8(4).
[13] Nie, W., Hong, J., H?me, S. A. K., Ding, A., Li, Y., & Yan, C., et al. (2017). Volatility of mixed atmospheric humic-like substances and ammonium sulfate particles. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 17(5), 3659-3672.
[14] Qian Liu,Ziqi Cao, Lifang Sheng, Yina Diao, Wencai Wang,Yang Zhou, Jingyi Qiu, Possible connection between the East Asian summer monsoon and a swing of the haze-fog-prone aera in eastern China Theor. Appl. Climatol 2017 (5): 1-11.
[15] Liu, Q., Sheng, L., Cao, Z., Diao, Y., Wang, W., & Zhou, Y.(2017). Dual effects of the winter monsoon on haze‐fog variations in eastern china. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 122(11).
[16] Harshal M Parikh, Annmarie G Carlton, Yang Zhou, Haofei Zhang, Richard M Kamens, William Vizuete, Modeling secondary organic aerosol formation from xylene and aromatic mixtures using a dynamic partitioning approach incorporating particle aqueous-phase chemistry (II), Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 56, 250-260.
[17] Haofei Zhang, Weruka Rattanavaraha, Yang Zhou, Jyoti Bapat, Elias P Rosen, Kenneth G Sexton, Richard M Kamens, A new gas-phase condensed mechanism of isoprene-NO x photooxidation, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 4507-4521.
[18] Lingxiao Yang, Xuehua Zhou, Zhe Wang, Yang Zhou, Shuhui Cheng, Pengju Xu, Xiaomei Gao, Wei Nie, Xinfeng Wang, Wenxing Wang, Airborne fine particulate pollution in Jinan, China: concentrations, chemical compositions and influence on visibility impairment, Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 55, 506-514.
[19] Richard M Kamens, Haofei Zhang, Eric H Chen, Yang Zhou, Harshal M Parikh, Rebecca L Wilson, Katherine E Galloway, Elias P Rosen, Secondary organic aerosol formation from toluene in an atmospheric hydrocarbon mixture: water and particle seed effects, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 2324-2334.
[20] Xiaomei Gao, Lingxiao Yang, Shuhui Cheng, Rui Gao, Yang Zhou, Likun Xue, Youping Shou, Jing Wang, Xinfeng Wang, Wei Nie, Semi-continuous measurement of water-soluble ions in PM 2.5 in Jinan, China: temporal variations and source apportionments, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 6048-6056.
[21] Shuhui Cheng, Lingxiao Yang, Xuehua Zhou, Zhe Wang, Yang Zhou, Xiaomei Gao, Wei Nie, Xinfeng Wang, Pengju Xu, Wenxing Wang, Evaluating PM2. 5 ionic components and source apportionment in Jinan, China from 2004 to 2008 using trajectory statistical methods, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2011, 13, 1662-1671.
[22] ShuHui Cheng, LingXiao Yang, XueHua Zhou, LiKun Xue, XiaoMei Gao, Yang Zhou, WenXing Wang, Size-fractionated water-soluble ions, situ pH and water content in aerosol on hazy days and the influences on visibility impairment in Jinan, China, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 4631-4640.
[23] Zhe Wang, Tao Wang, Rui Gao, Likun Xue, Jia Guo, Yang Zhou, Wei Nie, Xinfeng Wang, Pengju Xu, Jian Gao, Source and variation of carbonaceous aerosols at Mount Tai, North China: Results from a semi-continuous instrument, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 1655-1667.
[24] Xinfeng Wang, Wenxing Wang, Likun Xue, Xiaomei Gao, Wei Nie, Yangchun Yu, Yang Zhou, Lingxiao Yang, Qingzhu Zhang, Tao Wang, Size-resolved aerosol ionic composition and secondary formation at Mount Heng in South Central China, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2013, 7, 815-826.
[25] Yan Wang, Jia Guo, Tao Wang, Aijun Ding, Jian Gao, Yang Zhou, Jeffrey L Collett, Wenxing Wang, Influence of regional pollution and sandstorms on the chemical composition of cloud/fog at the summit of Mt. Taishan in northern China, Atmospheric Research, 2011, 99, 434-442.
[26] Xiaomei Gao, Likun Xue, Xinfeng Wang, Tao Wang, Chao Yuan, Rui Gao, Yang Zhou, Wei Nie, Qingzhu Zhang, Wenxing Wang, Aerosol ionic components at Mt. Heng in central southern China: abundances, size distribution, and impacts of long-range transport, Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 433, 498-506.
[27] Zhe Wang, Tao Wang, Jia Guo, Rui Gao, Likun Xue, Jiamin Zhang, Yang Zhou, Xuehua Zhou, Qingzhu Zhang, Wenxing Wang, Formation of secondary organic carbon and cloud impact on carbonaceous aerosols at Mount Tai, North China, Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 46, 516-527.
[28] Xinfeng Wang, Wenxing Wang, Lingxiao Yang, Xiaomei Gao, Wei Nie, Yangchun Yu, Pengju Xu, Yang Zhou, Zhe Wang, The secondary formation of inorganic aerosols in the droplet mode through heterogeneous aqueous reactions under haze conditions, Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 63, 68-76.
[29] LingXiao Yang, DongCheng Wang, ShuHui Cheng, Zhe Wang, Yang Zhou, Xue-Hua Zhou, WenXing Wang, Influence of meteorological conditions and particulate matter on visual range impairment in Jinan, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2007, 383, 164-173.
Undergraduate: Air pollution meteorology; PM2.5 and Haze;ChemicalOceanography (Assistant teacher)
Graduate: Atmospheric Chemistry
Research Interests
1. Ageing Process of Aerosolsand its Long Range Transport
2. Single Particle Analysis of aerosols
3. Aerosol and its Climate Effects

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