中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院
2007/09-2011/06 中国海洋大学 大气科学 学士
2011/09-2017/06 中国海洋大学 气象学 博士
2014/09-2016/09 美国加州大学圣迭戈分校、Scripps海洋研究所 联合培养博士
2017/07-至今 中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院 讲师
Wang, H., Xie, S. P., and Liu, Q., 2016: Comparison of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol versus Greenhouse Gas Forcing: Distinct Patterns. Journal of Climate, 29(14), 5175-5188.
Wang, H., Xie, S. P., Tokinaga, H., Liu, Q., and Kosaka, Y., 2016: Detecting cross‐equatorial wind change as a fingerprint of climate response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(7), 3444-3450.
Wang, H., and Liu, Q., 2014: Boreal winter rainfall anomaly over the tropical indo-pacific and its effect on northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation in CMIP5 models. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 31(4), 916-925.
Wang, H., Liu, Q., and Zheng, J., 2013: Formation mechanism for the anomalous anticyclonic circulation over Northeast Asia and the Japan Sea in boreal winter 1997/98 and the spring of 1998. Journal of Ocean University of China, 12(2), 312-317.
Zhou, Z. Q., Xie, S. P., Zheng, X. T., Liu, Q., and Wang, H., 2014: Global warming–induced changes in El Ni?o teleconnections over the North Pacific and North America. Journal of Climate, 27(24), 9050-9064.
Hai Wang
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Ocean University of China
238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China
Email: wanghai@ouc.edu.cn
09/2007-06/2011, B.S. in Atmospheric Science, Ocean University of China
09/2011-06/2017, Ph.D. in Meteorology, Ocean University of China
09/2014-09/2016, Joint Ph.D. candidate, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, USA
07/2017-present, Lecturer, Ocean University of China
05/2018-05/2020,China Postdoctoral Science Foundation “Response of South Asian Summer Monsoon to anthropogenic aerosol forcing”, PI
07/2018-06/2023, The National Key Research and Development Program of China “Role of the Southern Ocean in global heat distribution and its effect on climate change”, Participant
Wang, H., Xie, S. P., and Liu, Q., 2016: Comparison of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol versus Greenhouse Gas Forcing: Distinct Patterns. Journal of Climate, 29(14), 5175-5188.
Wang, H., Xie, S. P., Tokinaga, H., Liu, Q., and Kosaka, Y., 2016: Detecting cross‐equatorial wind change as a fingerprint of climate response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(7), 3444-3450.
Wang, H., and Liu, Q., 2014: Boreal winter rainfall anomaly over the tropical indo-pacific and its effect on northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation in CMIP5 models. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 31(4), 916-925.
Wang, H., Liu, Q., and Zheng, J., 2013: Formation mechanism for the anomalous anticyclonic circulation over Northeast Asia and the Japan Sea in boreal winter 1997/98 and the spring of 1998. Journal of Ocean University of China, 12(2), 312-317.
Zhou, Z. Q., Xie, S. P., Zheng, X. T., Liu, Q., and Wang, H., 2014: Global warming–induced changes in El Ni?o teleconnections over the North Pacific and North America. Journal of Climate, 27(24), 9050-9064.
Research Interests
Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions, Climate Change
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26
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