医学学士 南方医科大学(前第一军医大学) 1998
临床流行病学硕士 新加坡国立大学公共卫生学院 2005
卫生经济学博士 新加坡国立大学公共卫生学院 2014
2018.09 – 2019.06 上海比利时UCB制药 卫生经济学高级经理
2014.09 – 2018.08 新加坡国家健保集团 卫生经济学专家
2011.01 – 2014.08 新加坡国立大学医学院 卫生经济学分析师
2008.08 – 2009.08 新加坡国立大学公共卫生学院 流行病学研究员
2005.09 – 2007.04 新加坡国家眼科中心 生物统计师
2002.06 – 2003.07 挪威国家石油公司 平台医生
1998.07 – 2002.05 解放军304医院 住院医生
1.WeiJ, Zhu HB, Wang F, Fan Y, Zhou HJ. Clinical utility of flexion-extension ratiomeasured by surface electromyography for patients with nonspecific chroniclow-back pain. J Chin Med Assoc. 2019 Jan;82(1):35-39. doi: 10.1097/JCMA.0004.(通讯作者)
2.PanCW, Wu Y, Zhou HJ, Xu BX, Wang P. Health-related quality of life and itsfactors of hemodialysis patients in China. Blood Purif. 2018;45(4):327-333.doi: 10.1159/
3.C-WPan, D-J Qian, H-J Zhou, S Wang, Y Xu, P Wang. Evaluating health-relatedquality of life impact of chronic conditions among older adults from a ruraltown in Suzhou. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2018 May - Jun;76:6-11. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2018.01.008.
4.TengM, Zhou HJ, Lin L, Lim PH, Yeo D, Goh S, Tjan SY, Lim BP. Cost-effectiveness ofhydrotherapy versus land-based therapy in patients with musculoskeletaldisorders in Singapore. J Public Health (Oxf). 2019 Jun 1;41(2):391-398. doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdy044
5.C-WPan, XL Cong, H-J Zhou, J Li, H-P Sun, Y Xu, P Wang. Self-reported sleepquality, duration and health-related quality of life in older Chinese: evidencefrom a rural town in Suzhou, china. J Clin Sleep Med. 2017 Jul 14. pii:jc-17-00057.
6.ChuaHW, Zhou HJ, Khoo CM, Shabbir A, Lomanto D, So JB. Attitudes and concerns ofdiabetic patients towards bariatric surgery as treatment of diabetes. Ann AcadMed Singapore. 2016 Nov;45(11):495-506.
7.ZhaoYJ, Lin L, Zhou HJ, Tan KT, Chew AP, Foo CG, Oh CT, Lim BP, Lim WS.Cost-effectiveness modelling of novel oral anticoagulants incorporatingreal-world elderly patients with atrial fibrillation. International Journal ofCardiology. 2016; 220:794-801. Oct 1;220:794-801. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.06.087.
8.WuJT, Zhou J, Naidoo N, Yang WY, Lin XC, Wang P, Ding JQ, Wu CB, Zhou HJ.Determining the cost-effectiveness of endoscopic surveillance for gastriccancer in patients with precancerous lesions. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2016 Jul25. doi: 10.1111/ajco.12569. (通讯作者)
9.PanCW, Sun HP, Zhou HJ, Ma Q, Xu Y, Luo N, Wang P. Valuing health-related qualityof life in type 2 diabetes patients in china. Med Decis Making. 2016Feb;36(2):234-41. doi: 10.1177/**X**.
10.Lin L, Lim WS, Zhou HJ, Khoo AL, Tan KT, Chew AP,Foo CG, Chin JJ, Lim BP. Clinical and safety outcomes of oral antithromboticsfor stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and networkmeta-analysis. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2015 Dec;16(12):1103.e1-19. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2015.09.008.
11.Lin L, Zhao YJ, Zhou HJ, Khoo AL, Teng M, Soh LB,Lim BP, Sim K. Comparative cost-effectiveness of 11 oral antipsychotics forrelapse prevention in schizophrenia within Singapore using effectivenessestimates from a network meta-analysis. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2015 Nov 25[epub]
12.Khoo AL, Zhou HJ, Teng M, Lin L, Zhao YJ, Soh LB,Mok YM, Lim BP, Gwee KP. Network meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness analysisof new generation antidepressants. CNS Drugs. 2015 Aug;29(8):695-712. doi:10.1007/s40263-015-0267-6.
13.YH Loo, YC Wong, E Z Cai, CH Ang, A Raju, ALakshmanan, AG Koh, HJ Zhou, TC Lim, SM Moochhala, Charlotte A.E. Hauser.Ultrashort peptide nanofibrous hydrogels for the acceleration of healing ofburn wounds. Biomaterials. 2014 Jun;35(17):4805-14. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2014.02.047.
14.CL Song, HY Tong, CH Zhao, N Naidoo, H Jia, HJ ZhouProgression of carotid atherosclerosis and associated risk factors in elderlyChinese population (摘要,通讯作者)
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol64/16/Suppl C/C230, 2014
15.Zhou HJ, Dan YY, Naidoo N, Li SC, Yeoh KG. Acost-effectiveness analysis evaluating endoscopic surveillance for gastriccancer for populations with low to intermediate risk. PLoS One. 2013 Dec27;8(12):e83959. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.**. (第一作者)
16.L Tan, Hui Jun Zhou, M Hartman, I S Ganpathi, KMadhavan, S Chang. Laparoscopic drainage of cryptogenic liver abscess. SurgEndosc. 2013 Mar 15
17.Zhou HJ, SC Li, N Naidoo, F Zhu, KG Yeoh. Empiricalevidence of the continuing improvement in cost efficiency of an endoscopicsurveillance programme for gastric cancer in Singapore from 2004 to 2010. BMCHealth Serv Res. 2013 Apr 15;13:139. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-139. (第一作者)
18.Zhou HJ, So JB, Yong WP, Luo N, Zhu F, Naidoo N, LiSC, Yeoh KG. Validation of the functional assessment of cancer therapy-gastricmodule for the Chinese population. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2012 Nov30;10:145. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-10-145. (第一作者)
19.Dirani M, Zhou B, Hornbeak D, Chang BC, Gazzard G,Chia A, Ling Y, Selvaraj P, Young TL, Varma R, Wong TY, Saw SM. Prevalence andcauses of decreased visual acuity in Singaporean Chinese preschoolers. Br JOphthalmol. 2010 Dec;94(12):1561-5
20.Dirani M, Chan YH, Gazzard G, Hornbeak DM, Leo SW,Selvaraj P, Zhou Brendon Young TL, Mitchell P, Varma R, Wong TY, Saw SM.Prevalence of refractive error in Singaporean Chinese children: the strabismus,amblyopia, and refractive error in young Singaporean Children (STARS) study.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010 Mar;51(3):1348-55.
21.Low W, Dirani M, Gazzard G, Chan YH, Zhou HJ,Selvaraj P, Au Eong KG, Young TL, Mitchell P, Wong TY, Saw SM. Family history,near work, outdoor activity, and myopia in Singapore Chinese children. BritishJournal of Ophthalmology. 2010 Aug;94(8):1012-6.
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22.Anshu A, Jun Brendon Zhou, Prathiba J, D.Tan. Irisreconstruction in penetrating keratoplasty—surgical techniques and acase-control study to evaluate effect on graft survival. Am J Ophthalmol 2008;145:203–209
23.Tan DT, Janardhanan P, Zhou HJ, Chan YH, Htoon HM,Ang LP, Lim LS. Penetrating keratoplasty in Asian eyes: the Singapore CornealTransplant Study. Ophthalmology. 2008 Jun;115(6):975-982.
24.S-E Chia, Hui Jun Zhou, MT Tham, E Yap.Possibilities of newer ALAD polymorphism influencing human susceptibility toeffects of inorganic lead on the neurobehavioral functions. NeuroToxicology 28(2007) 312–317
25.S-E Chia, H-J Zhou, E Yap, M T Tham, N-V Dong, N THong Tu, K-S Chia. Association of renal function and d-aminolevulinic aciddehydratase polymorphism among Vietnamese and Singapore workers exposed toinorganic lead. Occup Environ Med 2006;63:180–186.
26.Chia SE, Zhou HJ, Tham MT, Yap E, Dong NV, Tu NH,Chia KS. Possible influence of delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratasepolymorphism and susceptibility to renal toxicity of lead: a study of aVietnamese population. Environ Health Perspect. 2005 Oct;113(10):1313-7.
1.Possible influence of delta-aminolevulinicacid dehydratase polymorphism and susceptibility to renal toxicity of lead inSingapore and Vietnam
Zhou HJ, Chia SE,Tham MT, Yap E, Dong NV,Tu NH, Chia KS
1st Singapore PublicHealth & Occupational Medicine Conference 2017
2.Clinical Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness ofNovel Oral Anticoagulants Incorporating Real-world Elderly Patients with AtrialFibrillation.
Zhao YJ, Lin L, Zhou HJ,Khoo AL, Tan KT, Chew AP, Foo CG, Oh CT, Lim WS, Lim BP.
International Society forPharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), 7th Asia-pacific Conference,2016 Singapore
3.Differences in Cost-Effectiveness Estimatesfor Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment among cohort Markov Model, MarkovMicrosimulation and Discrete Event Simulation
Zhou HJ, Zhao YJ,Wojciech AL C, Lin L, Caro J Jaime, Jorgen Moller, Dan YY, Lim BP
International Society forPharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), 7th Asia-pacific Conference,2016 Singapore
4.Does Regression to Normal Glucose Regulationand have Normal Metabolic Control Reduce the Risks of Future DiabetesDevelopment
Wang LY, Zhou HJ, Tan S,Toh M
12th Singapore Public Health &Occupational Medicine Conference 2017
5.Incidence and Risk Factors of PeripheralVascular Disease & Neuropathy among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellituswho had Foot Screening at Primary Care Clinics in Singapore
Zhou HJ, Wang LY, Tan S,Liu D, Toh M
Singapore Health &Biomedical Congress 2017
6.Reversing metabolic syndrome: impact ofregression from pre-diabetes to normal glucose regulation and having optimalmetabolic control on future diabetes risks
Wang LY, Zhou HJ, Tan S,Toh M
Singapore Health &Biomedical Congress 2017
荣誉2019.01, 上海市****, 上海市教委
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