

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12


《设计,经济与创新学报》 主编
Inderscience 主编
Intellect 编委
Design Research Society 委员
1965-1969 美国 旧金山州立大学 教育、心理学、社会科学 学士
1969-1971 美国 旧金山州立大学 教育、心理学、社会科学 硕士
1971-1976 美国 阿兰特国际大学 领导力和人类行为 博士
2008-2012 澳大利亚 斯威本科技大学 设计学院院长、教授
2004-2009 挪威 挪威管理学院 领导力与战略设计教授
2003-2009 丹麦 丹麦设计学院 丹麦设计研究中心主任
2000-2004 英国 斯塔福德郡大学 访问教授
1998-2000瑞典 隆德大学建筑学院 访问副教授
1994-2004 挪威 挪威管理学院 领导力与战略设计副教授

[1] Friedman, Ken (2013). Aesthetic Capital: Hermeneutic Speculation, Economic Themes, and the Dismal Science. In Eduardo de la Fuente and Peter Murphy (eds.), Aesthetic Capital. Leiden: Brill.
[2] Friedman, Ken (2013). A Cooler Planet by Design. The Conversation.
[3] Friedman, Ken (2013). Does Science Literacy Matter? Yes, and Here’s Why. The Conversation.
[4] Friedman, Ken (2012). Events, Scores, Nations. Word Events: Perspectives on Verbal Notation
[5] Friedman, Ken (2012). Practice, Mastery and The Deciplines.RMIT University Press.
[6] Friedman, Ken (2012). Fluxus and the Laboratory of Ideas: Fifty Years After. Theory, Culture, and Society.
[7] Friedman, Ken (2012). The Shed: Accomodating Deep Practice. RMIT University Press.
[8] Friedman, Ken (2012). Quality Perceptions of Design Journals:The Design Scholars' Perspective. Design Studies.
[9] Friedman, Ken (2012). Models of Design: Envisioning Future for Design Education. Visible Language.
[10] Friedman, Ken (2012). What Would Leonardo Study After Year 12? Career Education Association of Victoria Journal.
[11] Friedman, Ken (2011). Freedom? Nothingness? Time? Fluxus and the Laboratory of Ideas. Theory, Culture, and Society.
[12] Friedman, Ken (2011). A Doll's House from Ibsen to Heske. Skira and The Stenersen.
[13] Friedman, Ken (2011). Post-conference Statement. Design for Social Business: Setting the Stage.
[14] Friedman, Ken (2011). Third Provocation. Design for Social Business: Setting the Stage.
[15] Friedman, Ken (2011). Fluxus: A Laboratory of Ideas. University of Chicago Press.
[16] Friedman, Ken (2010). Fluxus:the Collective that Might Have Been. RMIT University Press.
[17] Friedman, Ken (2010). Twelve Fluxus Ideas. The Triumph of Design.
[18] Friedman, Ken (2009). Introduction: 38 Degrees South. Cumulus Working Papers.
[1] Seventy-Three Events. Art Gallery, Indiana University at Kokomo, 2009.
[2] 99 Events. Stendhal Gallery, New York, 2009.
[3] Do It Yourself. Maya Stendhal Gallery, New York, 2009.
2010 大学杰出教授(University Distinguished Professor) 斯威本科技大学(Swinburne University of Technology)
2012 设计学杰出教授(Distinguished Professor of Design) 斯威本科技大学( Swinburne University of Technology)
2007 荣誉理学博士(DSc, honoris causa) 拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)
2006 Fellow of the Design Research Society

在国际会议上做主旨演讲(Keynote Speaker):
[1] 2013. The Challenge of Interdisciplinary Research. Keynote speaker at 9th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition. Association for Computing Machinery. University of Technology, Sydney. June 17-20, 2013, Sydney, Australia.
[2] 2012. Design Education for the Global Knowledge Economy. Keynote speaker at Emerging Practices – International Design Education Forum. Radical Design Week. Tongji University College of Design and Innovation in collaboration with Helsinki World Design Capital 2012. October 31, 2012. Shanghai, China.
[3] 2011. The Shed: Accomodating Deep Practice. Provocation Speaker, Moderator, and Interlocutor. Deep Practice: Deepening Knowledge and Innovation through Design Practice. Design Research Institute, RMIT University. Melbourne, Australia.
[4] 2010. What Will We Do, How Will We Do It? Design for Social Business. Istituto Europeo di Design Milano and Grameen Creative Lab. October 19, 2010. Milan, Italy.
[5] 2010. Community, Culture, Context: The Three Cs of Fluxus. Collaborations in Modern and Postmodern Visual Art. Monash University Faculty of the Arts. Monash Conference Centre. September 30-October 1, 2010, Melbourne, Australia.
[6] 2009. Design Research and Education for the Six World Economies. ANZAAE 2009 Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators. April 21, 2009. Dunedin, New Zealand.
[7] 2008. Tomorrow’s Design Industry. Design Institute of Australia. Western Australia Forum 08: Icons of Design. October 19, 2008. Perth, Australia.
[8] 2007. Understanding Design Research. Design Educators’ Forum of South Africa – DEFSA. FLUX: Design Education in a Changing World, October 3-5, 2007, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa.
[9] 2007. Principles for Design and Design Research. International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, January 4-7, 2007, Imperial College, London University, London, UK.
[10] 2006. The Future of Design Research. Annual General Meeting. Design Research Society. 14 September 2006, Chelsea College of Art, University of the Arts, London, UK.
[11] 2005. Six Economies for Design Research. Founding Conference of the International Association of Societies for Design Research. November 1-4, 2005, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, College of Design, Yunlin, Taiwan.
[12] 2005. Building Theory. What, How, and Why? Third International Conference of Design Research, October 12-15, 2005, Rio de Janeiro Brazil.
[13] 2005. Building Research Culture in Art and Design. Pride and PreDesign. The Cultural Heritage and the Science of Design, Cumulus Spring Conference, 26-29 May, 2005, at IADE Instituto de Artes Visuais Design and Marketing through its Design School and UNIDCOM - Unidade de Investigacao em Design e Comunicacao, Lisbon, Portugal.
[14] 2005. What Wine and Oil Tell Us. Agrindustrial Design Symposium: Olive Oil, Wine, and Design, Izmir University Economics, April 27-29, 2005, Izmir, Turkey.
[15] 2004. Design Policy and Industrial Growth in the Knowledge Economy. First International Design Forum: The Furniture Industry Confronts Globalization. Organized by Exponor, ESAD – the School of Art and Design, and ACICP Commercial and Industrial Association of the Municipality of Paredes. March 4, 2004.
[16] 2003. Design Policy for Estonia in the Global Economy. Cumulus Conference, Tallinn.
[17] 2002. Design Curriculum Challenges for Today’s University. Enhancing the Curricula: Exploring Effective Curricula Practices in Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education. Center for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design. First International Conference, co-sponsored by the European League of Institutes of Arts The Art, Design and Communication - Learning and Teaching Support Network, April 10-12, 2002, Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) London, UK.
[18] 2001. A Whispered History. Symposium and Seminar on the Body, Culture, and Religion. Lund University, Lund, Sweden, October 5-6, 2001.
[19] 2000. Creating Design Knowledge: From Research into Practice. IDATER 2000: International Conference on Design and Technology Educational Research and Development, Loughborough University.
[20] 2000. Design Education in the University. Professional Studies for the Knowledge Economy. Re-inventing Design Education in the University. International Conference, Curtin University of Technology School of Design, December 1-13, 2000, Perth, Australia.
担任大会主席(Conference Chair)
[1] 2012. Convener and Chair, International Conference on Strategic Design. Creating Value for Business and Industry. Swinburne University of Technology and the Business-Higher Education Roundtable, with support from the Department of Business and Innovation, State of Victoria. Daylesford, Australia.
[2] 2011. Convener and Chair, Interdisciplines Transdisciplines: Conference on Interdisciplinary Research. Swinburne University of Technology Faculty of Design. Melbourne, Australia.
[3] 2011. Co-chair of the International Conference on Doctoral Education in Design -- Practice, Knowledge, Vision. School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Swinburne University of Technology Faculty of Design. Hong Kong.
[4] 2010. Chair of the International Conference on Design Thinking. Swinburne University of Technology, with support from the Victorian Endowment for Science, Knowledge, and Innovation and Design Victoria. Melbourne and Torquay, Australia.
[5] 2010. Co-chair of the Cumulus International Conference. Swinburne University of Technology and RMIT University. Melbourne, Australia.
[6] 2009. Convener and Chair of the Conference on Building for the Future of Design Research in Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne, Australia.
[7] 2007. Co-chair of the International Conference on Events and Event Structures, Center for Design Research at Denmark’s Design School and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture. (Co-chair with Prof. Owen Smith, University of Maine.)
[8] 2006. Co-chair of the Design Research Society International Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, at IADE Instituto de Artes Visuais Design and Marketing through its Design School and UNIDCOM - Unidade de Investigacao em Design e Comunicacao. (Co-chair with Prof. Eduardo Corte-Real, IADE, and Dr. Terry Love, Curtin University.)
[9] 2006. Co-chair of European Academy of Management Conference in Oslo at the Norwegian School of Management. (Co-chair with Prof. Johan Olaisen, Norwegian School of Management.)
[10] 2005. President of the Scientific Committee. Pride and PreDesign. The Cultural Heritage and the Science of Design, Cumulus Spring Conference, 26-29 May, 2005, at IADE Instituto de Artes Visuais Design and Marketing through its Design School and UNIDCOM - Unidade de Investigacao em Design e Comunicacao, Lisbon, Portugal.
[11] 2004. Organizer and Chair of the Bornholm Conference of the Center for European Philosophy of Art and Design.
[12] 1998-2000. Co-chair of the La Clusaz Conference on Doctoral Education in Design. (Co-chair with Prof. David Durling, Middlesex University.)

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