[1] Chairman board Design Initiatief
[2] Chairman of D-Incert
[3] Chairman of evaluation committee of HAN automotive research
[4] Chairman MOA for selection best market research agency in the Netherlands
[5] Chairman of Education Advisory Committee for Marketing department at VU
[6] Member of PhD defence committees at universities in Delft, Eindhoven and Amsterdam
[7] Member of the advisory board of IOP-IPCR
[8] Member of full professor appointment committee TUe
[9] Masterclass Electric Mobility at Den Haag Campus (Ministry of Transport)
[10] Chairman of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the Creative Industries Scientific Program (CRISP) in the Netherlands
[11] Member of evaluation committee of Premsela (Design) and NAI (Architecture)
[12] Member of NQA evaluation committee of masterprogram Industrial Innovation
[13] Member of the jury of HBO MKB and International (RAAK) research projects
[14] Member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch Design Awards
[15] Member of the editorial board of Management Executive
[1] 香港设计中心主任(Director of Hong Kong Design Centre)
[2] PMQ管理有限公司主任(Director of PMQ Management Company Limited)
[3] 香港设计师协会有限公司顾问(Advisor of Hong Kong Designers Association Limited)
[4] 香港建筑师学院2012年年度奖项评委会成员(Member of jury panel for the 2012 Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) Annual Awards)
[5] 香港室内设计协会(HKIDA)“香港室内设计行业指导原则——教育与实践”指导委员会成员(Steering Committee Member of “Hong Kong Interior Design Industry Guideline – Education & Practice” of Hong Kong Interior Design Association )
[6] 2014年香港智能礼品设计颁奖大会评委会成员(Member of the jury of HK Smart Gifts Design Awards 2014)
[7] 第57届国际数学奥林匹克大赛评审会成员(Member of the jury of the 57th International Mathematical Olympiad )
[8] L'ecole香港荣誉理事会成员(Honorary Committee Members of L’ECOLE Hong Kong)
1987-1992 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology) 工业设计工程博士
1985-1987荷兰蒂尔堡大学(Tilburg University) 经济心理学(Economic Psychology)专业方向心理学硕士
1982-1985荷兰蒂尔堡大学(Tilburg University) 心理学学士
2012- 至今 香港理工大学 设计学院院长
2005-2012 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 工业设计工程系主任
2002-2005 阿姆斯特丹自由大学(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) 教授(Professor of Marketing)
1997-2005 飞利浦家电及个人护理(荷兰格罗宁根和阿姆斯特丹分部) 市场营销研究及战略主任
1995-1997 飞利浦设计中心(荷兰埃因霍温)人类行为研究中心 主管
1993-1994 荷兰蒂尔堡大学 经济心理学助理教授
1991-1992 布雷达皇家军事学院 学术助理(兼服兵役)
[1] Bont, C. de (2014), “Design Education and Strategy in China”. Mechanical Engineering Trends, Volume 2, No. 171, pp. 32-36.
[2] Van Wee, B., Maat, K. and Bont, C. de (2012), Improving Sustainability in Urban Areas: Discussing the Potential for Transforming Conventional Car-based Travel into Electric Mobility. European Planning Studies 20 (1): 95–110.
[3] Gemser, Gerda, Cees de Bont, Paul Hekkert and Ken Friedman (2012). Quality Perceptions of Design Journals: The Design scholars’ Perspective. Design Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2012, pp. 4–23.
[4] Parmar, V.S., Keyson, D.V. & Bont, C.J.P.M. de (2009). Persuasive technology to shape social beliefs: a case of persuasive health information systems for rural women in India. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 24, pp. 427-454.
[5] Vanhamme, J., and C.J.P.M. de Bont (2008). “Surprise gift”, purchases of small electrical appliances: implications for retailers and manufacturers. Journal of Retailing 84 (3): 354-369.
[6] J.P.L. Schoormans, R.J. Ortt and C.J.P.M. de Bont (1995). Enhancing concept test validity by using expert consumers. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 12, pp. 153-162.
[7] Bont, C.J.P.M. de, and J.P.L. Schoormans (1995). The effects of product expertise on consumer evaluations of new product-concepts. Journal of Economic Psychology, 16, pp. 599-616.
[1] Bont, C.J.P.M. de, E. Den Ouden, et al (eds.), (2013). Advanced Design Methods for Successful Innovation. Den Haag: NL Agency, Design United, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
[2] M. van Hamersveld and C. de Bont (eds.), (2007). Market Research Handbook, fifth edition. John Wiley and sons, isbn 978-0-470-51768-0.
[3] Bont, C.J.P.M. de (2006). In de wetenschap van succesvolle producten. Oratie 7 juni 2006 Faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen. Delft: Technische Universiteit Delft.
[4] Bont, C.J.P.M. de, H. Joosten-Ma, et al (2004). Consumer Insight Generation and Concept Validation. Amersfoort, the Netherlands: Philips report.
[5] S. Vastenhout, M. Tonkens and C.J.P.M. de Bont (2000). A Roadmap for the Strategy Process of Philips DAP. Groningen, the Netherlands: Philips report.
[6] Gal, R., K. Luijten and C.J.P.M. de Bont (1996). Delight the Customer, Define Products that Meet Customer Needs. Eindhoven, the Netherlands: Philips report.
[1] Smulders F. and C.J.P.M. de Bont (2013). Design Research: Purpose, Dynamics and Progress. In: Bont, C.J.P.M. de, E. Den Ouden, et al (eds.) (2013). Advanced Design Methods for Successful Innovation. NL Agency, Design United, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
[2] Bont, C.J.P.M. de, and F. Smulders (2013). Introduction to Advanced Design Methods. In: Bont, C.J.P.M. de, E. Den Ouden, et al (eds.) (2013). Advanced Design Methods for Successful Innovation. NL Agency, Design United, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
[3] Moons I., De Pelsmacker P., Bont C.J.P.M. de (2011). The Motivational Power of Emotions and Habits for the Intention to Adopt an Electric Car, Macroeconomics and Beyond, Essays in Honnor of Wim Meeusen. Guido Erreygers and Mieke Vermeiren (eds.). Garant, Antwerp-Apeldoorn. Chapter 18.
[1] Bergema, C.P.A.M., Valkenburg, A.C., Kleinsmann, M.S. & Bont, C.J.P.M. de (2013). Elucidating Interests in Whole-System Design. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'11 (The Design Society. Under Review.)
[2] Bergema, C.P.A.M., Valkenburg, A.C., Kleinsmann, M.S. & Bont, C.J.P.M. de (2011). Exploring Collaboration in a Networked Innovation Project in Industry. In T.J. Howard, K. Mougaard, T.C. McAloone & S. Thorp Hansen (eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'11 (pp. 211-220). s.l.: The Design Society.
[3] Moons I., Pelsmacker P. de,Bont C.J.M.P. de (2011). Electrifying Car Brands. Diversity and Unity: Proceedings of the 4th IASDR Conference. Delft, 2011, CD-ROM.
[4] Moons, I., Bont, C.J.P.M. de & Pelsmacker, P. de (2010). The Motivational Power of Emotions and Habits for the Intention to Adopt an Electric Car. In s.n. (ed.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 1-10). Chicago: IIT Institute of Design.
[5] Moons, I., Pelsmacker, P. de, Bont, C.J.P.M. de & Standaert, A. (2010). The Extended Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour. A Framework for Investigating the Adoption Process of Electric Cars. In s.n. (ed.), 39th EMAC Conference, the six senses - the essentials of marketing (pp. 1-9). Copenhagen: EMAC.
[6] Bergema, C.P.A.M., Valkenburg, R., Kleinsmann, M.S., & Bont, C.J.P.M. de (2010). Exploring networked Innovation; Results of an Exploration and the Setup of an Empirical Study. In s.n. (ed.), ServDes. 2010 (pp. 1-10).
[7] Moons, I., Bont, C.J.P.M. de, Pelsmacker, P. de & Standaert, A. (2009). The Motivational Determinants in Adopting Sustainable Products. In s.n. (ed.), Proceedings of the IASDR 2009 "Design Rigor & Relevance" (pp. 1-13). Seoul: Korean Society of Design Science.
[8] Parmar, V.S., Keyson, D.V., & Bont, C.J.P.M. de (2008). Persuasive Technology for Social Beliefs of Rural Women in India: An Approach based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour. In H Oinas-Kukkonen (ed.), Third International Conference, persuasive 2008, proceedings Vol. 5033. Lecture notes in computer science. Berlin: Springer.
[9] Parmar V, Keyson, DV, C.J.P.M. de Bont (2007). Shaping Social Beliefs: A Community Sensitive Health Information System for Rural India. In IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Vol. 241, Home Informatics and Telematics: ICT for the Next Billion, Venkatesh, A., Gonsalves, T., Monk, A., & Buckner, K.. (eds.) Springer, 133-143.
[10] Bouten, L.M., Hultink, H.J., Bont, C.J.P.M. de, & Leeuwen, N.P.G. van (2007). The Impact of Fit Measures on the Evaluation of a New Product: An Application to Co-branding and Brand Extension. In P.S. Gopalakrishnan (ed.), Brand Alliances - New Models of Networking (pp. 87-100). Hyderabad: The Icfai University Press.
[11] Bont, C.J.P.M. de (2006), The Economic Potential of Industrial Design Engineering. Ljubljana, Slovenia: Proceedings of the Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering.
[1] 2014 在泰国曼谷大学“创造力之周”(Creativity Week)活动中演讲并开设工作坊
[2] 2014 杭州,“2014亚洲设计管理论坛”(ADM),主旨演讲
[3] 2014 中国无锡,2014国际设计博览会高峰论坛及“再设计设计教育”国际大会,主旨演讲
[4] 2014 泰国曼谷大学,第二届国际创新与创业大会(ICIE),主旨演讲
[5] 2013 清华大学、卡耐基梅隆大学和香港理工大学联合举办的2013国际交互设计大学(ICID),主旨演讲,并作为大会管理人之一
[6] 2013 杭州,“2014亚洲设计管理论坛”(ADM),主旨演讲
[7] 2013 中国杭州,国际体验设计协会(IxDC)“交互设计体验”活动周,主旨演讲
[8] 澳大利亚南澳大学(Adelaide校区),中澳可持续城市发展中心峰会,主旨演讲
[9] 2012 台湾云林科技大学,设计教育范式国际大会(ICPDE),主旨演讲
[10] 泰国曼谷,ASEAN“创意经济:培养明日之领袖”论坛,主旨演讲
[11] 2012 韩国首尔,设计工程研讨会(DEWS),主旨演讲
[1] 2014 中国台北,设计工程研讨会2014(DEW2014),指导委员会成员
[2] 2014 中国顺德,2014创新顺德中国高校工业设计大赛,组委会成员、评委会成员
[3] 2013 日本福冈,设计工程研讨会2014(DEW2013),指导委员会成员
[4] 2013 国际工程设计大会(ICED),亚洲联络委员会成员、亚洲分会主席
[5] 2013 中国长沙,2013中英高校低碳设计大赛,评审会成员
[6] 2012 中国广州,2012中英高校低碳设计大赛,评审会成员
[7] 澳门大学,筹建新的设计学院,顾问委员会成员
[8] 米兰理工大学设计学院,博士学位委员会(Board of PhD),参考委员会(Committee of Refeerence)成员
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12
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